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Some items of our collection:

(many of them are on display and are fully operational)

Mechanical Calculators

1623 Schickhardt (replika) 1878 Burkhardt Arithmometer
1935 Thales MEZ
1951 Madas Vollautomat 20A 1952 Rheinmetall Fakturiermaschine
1955 Friden Computyper B 1958 Hamann Automat 300
1958 Friden Wurzelautomat
1960 Curta I 1962 Alpina
1966 Busicom HL-21 1966 Facit CA2-16SX

Electronic Desktop Calculators

1961 Anita Mark VIII 1963 IME 84
1965 Friden 130 1965 Friden 132
1966 Anita MK 12 1966 IME 86-S
1966 Olivetti Programma 101 1967 Diehl Combitron
1968 Diehl Decitron 1968 HP 9100 (UPN)
1968 Canola 130S 1968 Friden CompuTyper 5005
1969 Wang LOCI 362SE 1969 Denon DEC 61A4
1969 Friden 1154 1969 Friden 1162
1969 Friden 1113 1970 Friden 1114
1970 Friden 1115 1970 IME 122
1970 Sharp Compet 361R
1970 Wang 700 1971 Wang 600
1971 Wang 144
1971 Casio AS-A, AS-C, AS-L 1971 Casio R1
1971 HP 9810 (UPN) 1972 HP 9820 (AOL)
1972 Olympia CD 701 1973 HP 9830 (BASIC)
1972 Olympia CP 601 1972 Busicom 120-DN
1979 Iskra 111

Electronic Pocket Calculators

1970 Canon Pocketronic 1970 Sanyo ICC-82D
1971 Compucorp 324G 1975 Compucorp 326
1971 Sharp ELSImate EL-8 / Facit 1111
1972 Monroe 20
1972 HP 35 1973 HP 65
1973 Funkschau kit calculator 1975 Texas Instruments SR 50
1975 Sharp ELSImate 120 1977 IME minIME 2
1978 Anita 811

Analog Computers

1960 Donner 3500 1961 Telefunken RAT 700
1963 Telefunken RAT 740 1963 Telefunken DEX 100
1964 Telefunken RA 741
1964 EAI Pace TR-20 1964 EAI Pace TR-48
1970 Telefunken RA 742


1967 PDP-8 classic 1968 PDP-8/S
1969 PDP-8/I 1968 PDP-8/L
1970 PDP-12
1970 PDP-8/E 1971 DEC LAB-8/E
1976 PDP-8/A 1978 DEC VT-78
2003 SBC 6120
1958 LGP-30 1963 LGP-30 (the new one)
1965 Ferranti Argus 400
1968 IBM 1130 1969 Raytheon 704
1970 Telefunken TR 86 1970 Zuse Z43 / Siemens 404-3
1970 HP 2116B
1970 DEC PDP-11/20 1971 Dietz MINCAL 523
1971 Varian 620/f 1971 MAEL 4000
1972 HP 2100 1974 CCI Key-Edit (with PDP-8/e)
1974 Digico Micro 16V
1974 Computer Automation Alpha LSI 1975 Texas Instruments 960B
1975 Intel Intellec 4/40
1975 Intel Intellec 8/80 1977 Siemens SME 800
1976 DEC PDP-11/10 1976 DEC LSI-11
1976 DEC PDP-11/34 (Unix BSD 2.9) 1977 DEC PDP-11/04
1976 HP 1000M 1977 General Automation SPC-16
1978 Data General Nova 3/12
1978 HP 1000E
1978 DEC PDP-11/03 1979 HP 1000F
1979 Texas Instruments 990/4 1979 Texas Instruments 990/10
1979 Philips P856M 1980 IBM 4331 (System/370 compatible)
1980 DEC PDP-11/24 1981 DEC PDP-11/44
1982 Mohawk Data Sciences MDS 21/40 1983 Olivetti M40 ST
1983 IBM Series/1 (4956 Model 30D) 1984 DEC VAX-11/730
1984 Convergent Miniframe 1984 Westward 2019 / 2220
1985 DEC MicroPDP-11 (11/23) 1986 Zilog System 8000 Model 32
1986 Texas Instruments 990/12 1986 PCS Cadmus
1987 Sun 4/110 1987 Sun 4/260
1987 HP 9000 Mod. 840 1987 DEC MicroVAX 3100/20
1987 MAI BasicFour Model 3000
1996 IBM PC Server 500 "P/390"

Personal and Home Computers

1975 Wang 2200S
1977 Commodore PET 2001
1977 ICL 1501 / Cogar C4 1977 Wang PCS-II
1976 IBM 5100, IBM 5110 1978 IBM 5120
1976 Olivetti P6060 1978 Tektronix 4051
1978 Lomac Adam 1979 Tektronix 4052
1977 Apple ][ 1981 Apple ///
1984 Apple Lisa 1984 Apple Mac
1987 Apple IIgs
1979 Commodore 2001-32/Series 3001 1979 Commodore 4016, 4032
1979 Siemens 6.610 (Tandberg TDV-2114) 1980 TA/Diehl Datensysteme Bitsy dds1
1980 Tandy TRS-80 Model II 1981 CPT 8515
1980 HP 9845
1981 Sinclair ZX 80 1981 LNW Research LNW-80
1981 Commodore 8032sk 1981 IBM 5150 (der Ur-PC)
1981 Taylorix System 4/3 1981 IBM 5324 (Datamaster System/23)
1982 Sord M243 Mark V 1982 Sord M23F Mark III
1982 Altos 5-15 1982 HP 9826
1982 ITT 3030 1982 IBM 5155 (portable PC)
1982 Alphatronic P2 1983 Grundig ptc100 (Mupid II)
1983 Kaypro II 1983 TRS-80 Model 12
1983 IBM 5285
1983 IBM 5160 (XT) 1984 IBM 5170 (AT)
1984 Kaypro 4 1984 IBM 4860 (PCjr.)
1982 Findex 1982 EACA Color Genie
1983 Osborne 1 1983 Sanco/IBEX 8150
1983 Commodore 8296sk 1983 DEC Rainbow 100
1984 DEC Professional 350 1984 Fujitsu NEW FM-7
1984 NEC PC-100 1984 Robotron BC5120
1985 Nixdorf 8810/25
1984 HP 85 (Basic) 1984 HP 86 personal computer
1985 HP 150 personal computer
1983 Triumph-Adler Bitsy-10 1985 Victor VI 3010-3
1986 Robotron 1715 1986 IBM 5162 (XT/286)
1987 Victor Vicki 2022-2 1987 Zenith eazy-pc EZ-3
1988 Fujitsu FMR-60 1989 IBM 8573 (PS/2 P70)
1991 NeXTstation 1994 Atari Falcon 030

Singleboard and Educational Computers

1972 intel 4004 1973 intel 4040
1973 intel 8008 (self-built) 1977 Christiani SC/MP
1975 KIM 1 1975 Intersil Intercept Junior
1975 Motorola MEK 6800 1975 AMI S6800 Proto-Board
1976 FRAMO TV-Computersystem 6800
1977 Intersil Sampler 6960 1979 MCS Alpha-1/Beta-8
1979 Motorola M68000 (self-built) 1979 Intel SDK 86
1978 Signetics Instructor 50 1979 AIM 65
1979 TI TM 990/189 1980 Multitech Micro-Professor
1981 LC-80 1984 PIP 2650
1983 Intel PDS-100
1984 Poly-Computer 880 2003 SBC 6120

Peripheral Devices

1957 IBM 727 magnetic tape drive
1958 Friden Flexowriter 1968 IBM 029 card punch
1964 IBM 82 1969 Tennecomp TP1351
1970 Telefunken MDS 252 Bandlaufwerk 1970 Telefunken SIG 100-86 Sichtgerät
1970 Teletype ASR 33 1972 Tektronix 4010-1
1970 Calcomp Plotter 565 1971 Telefunken RKS100
1970 Wright 2600 1972 DEC RK05
1973 Juki 1300 1973 Wangco Model 10 tape drive
1973 HP 9862A Plotter 1974 IBM 545 I/O card punch
1974 IBM 3340 Winchester disk drive 1976 IBM 3344 disk drive
1974 Centronics 101AL
1975 Tektronix 4012-1 1975 Tektronix 4014
1975 Tektronix 4015-1
1975 HP 2644 terminal 1978 HP 2645 terminal
1979 HP 2648 graphics terminal
1975 DEC VT55 1975 IBM 735 Autotypist
1975 DEC TU10 tape drive 800 bpi 1976 DEC VT11/VR17
1975 HP 7900A cartridge disk drive
1976 HP 7970B tape dr. 200/556/800bpi 1976 HP 7905 cartridge disk drive
1976 Lear Siegler ADM-3A 1976 Wangco F1221/Plessey PMDD11
1977 Tektronix 4006 1977 IBM 3742 data entry station
1977 Qume Sprint Micro3 TwinTrack
1979 Teletype Teleprinter 43 1979 HP 7221A plotter
1980 IBM 8809 Bandlaufw. 1600bpi 1980 IBM 3262 line printer
1980 IBM 3287 matrix printer
1980 HP 2621P terminal 1982 HP 2621B terminal
1982 DEC VT100 1982 DEC VT102
1982 Data Systems Design DSD 880 1982 HP 7970E tape drive 1600bpi
1984 HP 2628A terminal 1985 Tektronix 4109A
1987 HP 7935 disk pack drive 1987 HP 7978 tape drive 6250 bpi
1988 HP 28645A Thin LAN Repeater

Measurement Devices and Development Systems

1944 Funke RPG-4/3 tube tester 1954 Philips PW4035 electronic counter
1957 Nagard DT103 oscilloscope
1957 Philips GM 5666/01 oscilloscope 1959 W&G Blauschreiber BLS-218
1959 HP 523CR universal counter
1960 Solartron LM 902-2 digital voltmeter 1960 Tektronix 535A oscilloscope
1960 Nordmende UO 963 oscilloscope
1962 Funke W20 tube tester
1962 Tektronix 502 dual beam osc. 1964 Tektronix 555 dual beam osc.
1964 HP 3440A digital voltmeter 1965 Tektronix 561A oscilloscope
1965 Solartron LM 1440 dig. voltmeter 1966 HP 141A storage oscilloscope
1967 Philips PM 3230/06 oscilloscope
1967 Tektronix RM 565 oscilloscope
1967 Tektronix 547 oscilloscope 1967 RIM Oszillette 3
1969 Tektronix 549 storage scope 1969 Tektronix P6042 current probe
1969 HP 3450A multi-function meter 1969 Hameg 207-2 oscilloscope
1970 Tektronix 453 oscilloscope 1971 S&H dial-pulse meter 104
1971 HP 7001AM XY plotter 1971 HP F-3B Line Follower
1972 HP 8002A pulse generator 1973 Hameg 207-3 oscilloscope
1974 Tektronix 5103N/D12 scope
1974 Philips PM 2404 multimeter 1974 Philips PM 2412 AMM
1974 Philips PM 2424 DMM 1974 Philips PM 2434 Mikrovoltmeter
1974 Philips PM 2503 AMM 1974 Philips PM 6615 universal counter
1975 HP 1703A storage scope 1975 HP 1600A logic analyzer
1975 HP 3312A functionm generator 1976 Krohn-Hite 5700 funct. gen.
1976 Keithley 160 DMM 1976 Philips PM 6302 RCL bridge
1976 Nicolet 440B spectrum analyzer 1977 Signetics TWIN
1977 Tektronix 7603 oscilloscope 1977 Stolz MPU programmer
1978 Intel µScope 820 1978 Telequipment DM63 storage scope
1979 HP 1610B logic analyzer 1979 Motorola Exorciser II
1980 Intel MDS 232 1980 Müter BMR 90 CRT tester
1980 Gould K100-D logic analyzer 1980 Pro-Log M980 Prom Programmer
1983 Dolch Atlas 9600 logic analyzer 1984 Philips PM 3551A logic analyzer
1985 Kontron EPP-80 programmer 1985 HP 4951B protocol analyzer
1988 HP 4972A network analyzer 1989 Inmos MK-II transputer system
1989 HP 54501A digital scope 1990 Philips PM 3323 digital scope
1993 Tektronix Prism 3002 logic analyzer


TV sets
Radio sets
Found pieces and curiosities
Miscellaneous pictures

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