Apple box

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Manufacturer: | Apple Inc. |
Type: | ][, 2c, ///, Lisa |
Year: | 1979-1985 |
Technology: | µP MOS6502, µP MC68000 |
To begin with an overview of the Apples which can be viewed in the museum at the moment.
From down left to top right:
- An Apple ][ whose screen however is unfaithful: On this screen, there is a demo program running on the FRAMO 6800-TV-Computer, which is~ standing right beside below the Apple floppies.
- Down right an Apple ///, where once the company really choked on.
- Two rows above, there is a Lisa 2, right beside a classical Mac but already with 512K memory
- And right an Apple ][c
On the upper level, there are the 10MB profiles of the Lisa and the 5MB profiles of the Apple ///. The profile disks are again typical special constructions by Apple: These are raw Seagate disks(ST402 and ST 506), where the drive electronics were replaced by a custom Apple board.