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Anita Prototyp

Ansicht schräg von vorne
Ansicht schräg von vorne

Ansicht frontal
Ansicht frontal

Im Londoner 'Museum Of Science' ist ein Prototyp der Anita ausgestellt. Das Gehäuse ist abgebaut, so daß man etwas von der Technik sehen kann.

Das Exponat ist beschriftet:

Prototype ANITA Electronic Calculator

The Anita was the first commercially available electronic calculator in the world. It was made by the British firm of Sumlock Comptometer Ltd., and was launched in 1961. This prototype (some covers are removed to show the electronic circuitry) was mainly the work of N. Kitz, who had previosly worked on the development of the Pilot ACE computer, on show nearby. Notice that the early Anita retained the full keyboard of Sumlock's electro-mechanical comptometers. Later machines of all makers were designed with a keyboard of ten number keys plus special function keys.

Inv. No. 1961 225 Presented by Control Systems Ltd.