Computermuseum der Fakultät Informatik

This year the PDP-8 becomes 50 years old

It was presented on march 22th 1965 in New York.

This is a brochure about the PDP-8, dated march 1965.
Below the picture on the first side someone noticed by hand:

 'Sold over 150 to date'

Here some facts from "Computers and Automation"
   1965    installed  ordered            1966    installed  ordered
  december 64  0         16
  januar       0         21             januar      92        302
  februar      0         45             februar    130        275
  march        0         90             march      180        275
  april        0        120             april      210        280
  may                                   may        250        280
  june         9        160
  december    95        302

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