The following examples can be entered and executed with the DCP monitor starting at address $2000.

32-bit counter

Adr    Opc        Mnemonic 
2000   2550       MOVE R5, $A0    ; clear topmost 16 bits 
2002   0654       MOVE R6, R5     ; clear bottommost 16 bits 
2004   A600       ADD R6, #1 
2006   C603       SZ R6           ; Skip on overflow 
2008   F005       BRA $2004 
200A   076C       MHL R7, R6      ; Test if R6=$0000 
200C   0766       OR R7, R6 
200E   C70B       SNZ R7 
2010   A500       ADD R5, #1      ; yes->increment R5 
2012   F00F       BRA $2004

Text output

Adr    Opc        Mnemonic 
                  ; Clear screen
2000   D501 0200  LWI R5, #$0200  ; Begin of display buffer
2004   8606       LBI R6, #$06    ; High byte of end address
2006   8740       LBI R7, #' '    ; Blank (Hex $40) 
2008   7750       MOVB (R5)+, R7 
200A   C567       SBSH R5, R6 
200C   F005       BRA $2008
                  ; Call subroutine
200E   0203       INC2 R2, R0     ; R2:=$2012 
2010   D021       MOVE R0, (R2)+  ; Jump to $2100 
2012   2100       DW $2100 
2014   0000       HALT 
                  ; Write text (End token $FF) 
2100   D501 0400  LWI R5, #$0400  ; Begin on line 9
2104   D601 3000  LWI R6, #$3000  ; Address of text 
2108   6760       MOVB R7, (R6)+ 
210A   C70C       SNS R7 
210C   0024       MOVE R0, R2     ; Return from subroutine 
210E   7750       MOVB (R5)+, R7 
2110   F009       BRA $2108
3000   E388 8540  DB "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", $FF 
       98A4 8983 
       9240 8299 
       96A6 9540 
       8696 A740 
       91A4 9497 
       A240 96A5 
       8599 40A3 
       8885 4093 
       81A9 A840 
       8496 874B 