Y00101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIREX Y001 DISC DIRECTORY TRACE & REPAIR UTILITIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: DIREX Title....................: Disc Directory Trace & Repair Utilities File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. DIREX.SBMT Submit file :02. DIREX.FTN Program source :03. DIREX.FTNI FTN include file :04. DIREX.REL :05. DIREX.LOD LINK command file :06. DIREX_HPZ.FTN Support subs :07. DIREX_HPZ.REL :08. DISCR.FTN Program source :09. DISCR.REL :10. DISCR.LOD LINK command file :11. DISCT.FTN Program source :12. DISCT.FTNI FTN include file :13. DISCT.REL :14. DISCT.LOD LINK command file :15. FINDV.FTN Program source :16. FINDV.REL :17. FINDV.LOD LINK command file :18. HPZPROTBITS.MAC Support subr :19. HPZPROTBITS.REL :20. HPZ_F.FTN Support lib :21. HPZ_F.REL :22. HPZ_M.MAC Support lib :23. HPZ_M.REL :24. LIBRARY_1K.MAKE :25. MAKEFILE.MAKE :26. TIME_SUBS.FTN :27. TIME_SUBS.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/A Language(s)..............: FTN77,MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Directory : 2. Disc External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: DIREX is a suite of three programs that allows to trace and repair CI directories: DIREX - Directory Examiner Program DISCT - Finds CI volume headers and all root directory entries and checks integrity DISCR - read-test of all tracks on specified disc lu FINDV - Find volume headers Additional Documentation....: Y00201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOKY Y002 EXAMINE RTE-A SYSTEM IN DETAIL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: LOOKY Title....................: Examine RTE-A System in Detail File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. LOOKY.SBMT :02. LOOKY.FTN :03. LOOKY_DISC_SUBS.FTN :04. LOOKY.FTNI :05. LOOKM.MAC :06. HPZINVERSEASMBF.MAC :07. LOOKY.REL :08. LOOKY_DISC_SUBS.REL :09. LOOKM.REL :10. HPZINVERSEASMBF.REL :11. LOOKY.LOD :12. LOOKY.MAKE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. System_tables : 2. Entry_points : 3. Driver External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: Program to examine RTE-A system in detail. The following menu of interactive commands give some idea of the power of LOOKY: LL lu List output to given LU PL List all programs DP value Display value in octal,decimal,etc LM addr count List memory contents XL addr count List memory contents in system map LI name count List entry point LU lu# count displays DVT and IFT numbers for LU's NO lu# display node lists for a given LU TO lu# display time-out values for a given LU DV dvt# count list device driver tables IF ift# count list interface driver tables DL lu trk sctr cnt list disc contents (Cnt = Block count) BL lu block cnt list disc contents IN display interrupt table EP eject page on list device PEX or /E or /A Exit program Most commands may be modified by a pack flag and a radix. For example, DLPKHE 16 2 4 will show Track 2, Sector 4 of disc LU 16 in a hexadecimal, packed format. Additional Documentation....: Y00301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIPES Y003 BI-DIRECTIONAL PIPE DRIVER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: PIPES Title....................: Bi-Directional Pipe Driver File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. PIPES.SBMT :02. PIPES.MAC Pipe driver :03. PIPES.MACI Include file :04. PIPEM.FTN Monitor program :05. PIPEM_C1.FTNI :06. PIPEM_C2.FTNI :07. PIPEM_C3.FTNI :08. PIPES.REL :09. PIPEM.REL :10. BZAP.MAC :11. HPZPARSEAD.MAC :12. BZAP.REL :13. HPZPARSEAD.REL :14. PIPEM.LOD Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/A Language(s)..............: FTN77,MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Driver : 2. Network External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: PIPES is a bi-directional pipe driver for RTE which allow the output of one program to be directed to the input of another program, without explicit program-to-program communications or use of intermediate files, similar to the piping capability in Unix. This capability can be used to implement an extended printer spooler, or set up virtual or automated sessions. Automated sessions allows programs that are normally interactive to be managed completely automatically by taking their input from command files. This can also be used to create a file with the complete transcript of a session with everything you typed and every response from the programs that you used, which can be extremely valuable for documentation and debugging. For more information, see the paper 'A Bi-Directional Pipe Driver for RTE' in the Interworks '97 proceedings. The version of PIPES in this contribution is fully functional, but is not the latest version available from Gedanken. Additional Documentation....: Y00401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R88ENCODE Y004 REPLACEMENT FOR UUENCODE/DECODE FOR HP1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: R88ENCODE Title....................: Replacement for UUEncode/Decode for HP1000 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. R88ENCODE.SBMT :02. R88ENCODE.FTN :03. R88ENCODE.FTNI :04. R88DECODE.FTN :05. R88DECODE.FTNI :06. FMPTRUNCATECLOSE.FTN :07. HPZRADIX88.MAC :08. R88ENCODE.REL :09. R88DECODE.REL :10. FMPTRUNCATECLOSE.REL :11. HPZRADIX88.REL :12. R88ENCODE.LOD :13. R88DECODE.LOD :14. TEST88.FTN :15. TEST88.REL :16. MAKEFILE.MAKE Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. Encryption : 2. Decode External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Contribution Abstract.......: This routine is similar in action to UUENCODE in that it encodes a buffer of arbitrary byte values in such a way that no control characters are emitted. Its purpose is to transform binary files before sending them through a communications channel which is not "transparent" to all byte values, such as E-Mail. -- Radix 88 vs. UUENCODE -- UUENCODE produces 4 output bytes for every 3 input bytes (133%) Radix 88 produces 5 output bytes for every 4 input bytes (125%) UUENCODE output can contain blank and underscore characters, Radix 88 output does not. UUENCODE is a defacto standard, Radix 88 is not (yet). Perhaps you are wondering "why radix 88?" Here are my reasons. 1) To encode a 32 bit value into 5 bytes, you must use a radix whose 5th power is greater than 2**32. The 5th power of 88 is 5,277,319,168, which is larger than 4,294,967,296 (2**32), so any 32 bit number can be represented by five 'digits' base 88. 2) The whole point of encoding the buffer is to produce output which contains only nice, printable characters. There are 94 printatble characters in the ASCII set (95 if you count the blank as a printable character), so the radix must be less than 95. 88 is indeed less than 95. 3) The most subtle reason for choosing 88 is that it is divisible by 8. This allows us to pre-scale the 32 bit number by doing a right shift of 3 bits. The algorithm explanation in the program text explains why this is important. Additional Documentation....: Y00501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBOOT Y005 REBOOT A-SERIES SYSTEM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: REBOOT Title....................: Reboot A-series System File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. REBOOT.SBMT :02. REBOOT.FTN :03. BOOTL.FTN :04. DBOOT.FTN :05. DOBOOT.MAC :06. REBOOT.REL :07. DOBOOT.REL :08. REBOOT_F.REL :09. REBOOT.HLP :10. REBOOT.LOD :11. REBOOT.MAKE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. System : 2. Boot-up External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Contribution Abstract.......: Reboot will reboot an A series system. The default is to boot with '%bdc', however a different bootstring can be supplied in the runstring. For minor safety precautions the first runstring parameter has to be either 'OK' or 'DB'. Default usage: reboot ok * Reboot with %bdc Custom usage: reboot ok %Bdvffbusctext * Reboot with user's bootstring Examples: reboot ok %bdc27boot2.cmd reboot db %bdc2027boot4.cmd <--- to test your runstring You might want to wrap reboot in a script similar to: wd $HOME +s reboot $1 $2 $3 in order to save the stack before rebooting. Additional Documentation....: Y00601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RNG Y006 RENAME GLOBAL DIRECTORIES ON DISMOUNTED DISCS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: RNG Title....................: Rename Global Directories on Dismounted Discs File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. RNG.SBMT :02. RNG.FTN :03. RNG.FTNI :04. RNG_SUBS.MAC :05. RNG.HELP :06. RNG.REL :07. RNG_SUBS.REL :08. RNG.MAKE Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. Directory : 2. Generation External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: The RNG program is used to rename global directories on dismounted discs. Its primary use is to ease the task of building new operating systems on removable discs. The easiest way to explain its use is tell how it would be used to build a new system on a removable disc such as a magneto-optical or ZIP1K disc. 1) Insert the removable media in the drive. 2) If necessary, initializie it leaving reserved tracks for BOOTEX 3) Create directories /TARGET_SYS, /TARGET_PROGS, /TARGET_HELP, and so on. 4) Create the answer file for the new system 5) Run RTAGN to create the new system and snap files on the target dirs. 6) Run INSTL and FPUT to install BOOTEX in the target system 7) Run the RTE_INSTALL.CMD command file to load the HP programs on the target dirs. 8) Install any custom software in the target system. 9) Create BOOT.CMD and the WELCOMExx.CMD files on /TARGET_SYS 9) Copy any other files which will be needed in the new system 10) Dismount the disc 11) Use RNG to rename the global dirs /TARGET_SYS to /SYSTEM, /TARGET_PROGS to /PROGRAMS, etc. 13) Remove the disc an put it in the drive on the target computer 12) Boot the new system in the target computer If any errors are detected you can use RNG to rename the global directories back to the /TARGET_XXX names and mount the disc in the support system to fix them. Additional Documentation....: Y00701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETCLOCKRAM Y007 WRITE/READ RAM ON A990 REAL-TIME CLOCK CHIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SETCLOCKRAM Title....................: Write/Read RAM on A990 Real-Time Clock Chip File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. SETCLOCKRAM.SBMT Submit file :02. SETCLOCKRAM.FTN Program source :03. SETCLOCKRAM.LOD LINK command file :04. SETCLOCKRAM.REL :05. READ_NODE_CR.FTN Program source :06. READ_NODE_CR.LOD LINK command file :07. READ_NODE_CR.REL :08. USERCLOCKRAM.MAC Support library :09. USERCLOCKRAM.REL :10. HPZPARSEAD.MAC Support library :11. HPZPARSEAD.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A (A990 only) Language(s)..............: FTN77,MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Memory : 2. Time : 3. WCS External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: The A990 clock chip contains 10 words of user-reserved CMOS RAM. These words can be used, for example, to unambiguously identify a particular system or A990 cpu board. I use them to store a DS node number and ship number so that code can be invariant from system to system and still behave appropriately to a particular system. There are two programs: SETCLOCKRAM - used to set A990 clock RAM READ_NODE_CR - get node # from A990 clock RAM Additional Documentation....: Y00801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAIT4 Y008 HOLD OFF CI PROMPT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: WAIT4 Title....................: Hold Off CI Prompt File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. WAIT4.SBMT :02. WAIT4.FTN :03. WAIT4.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. CI : 2. Shell External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Fax Number....: 408-867-1025 E-mail address: ant@gedanken.com Contribution Abstract.......: For some testing that I was doing recently, I needed to schedule a program from CI that would produce some output in several seconds time, but I needed to run a second program to stimulate the first. The CI command "XQ First; RU Second; SS" accomplished the task, as the SS command held off CI so that the output from the First program could print on the screen. Then I would hit BREAK to get a CM prompt and enter GO to get my CI back. After a few dozen times of doing this, I got tired of the BREAK stuff, and I remembered the PAWS program that Johnny Klonaris donated to the CSL. I enhanced it a bit and came up with Wait4, a program to do just what it is named. Now my command is "XQ First; RU Second; Wait4 5 seconds", and I don't have to mess with CM anymore. Additional Documentation....: Y00901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVET Y009 SHOW RS-232 WAVEFORM FOR ASCII CHARACTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: WAVET Title....................: Show RS-232 waveform for ASCII character File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. WAVET.SBMT :02. WAVET.FTN :03. HPZWAVEFORM.FTN :04. WAVET.REL :05. HPZWAVEFORM.REL :06. WAVET.LOD :07. WAVET.MAKE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN77 Keywords.................: 1. Analyzer : 2. Asynchronous : 3. Display External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Alan Tibbetts Company.......: Gedanken Street........: 14500 Big Basin Way Suite E City..........: Saratoga State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95070 Phone Number..: 408-867-6040 Contribution Abstract.......: WAVET displays the RS-232 voltage waveform for a specified ASCII character. It is also an example of how to create timing diagrams on an HP26xx terminal. Additional Documentation....: