R00101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSLMAKEDIR R001 A CSL TAPE MANIPULATOR VERSION 5.21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name............: CSLMAKEDIR Title.....................: A CSL tape manipulator Version 5.21 File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.] :01. CSLMAKEDIR.SBMT - This file :02. CSLMAKEDIR.FTN - :03. CSLMAKEDIR.LOD - :04. CSLMAKEDIR.REL - :05. MAKEFILE.MAKE - MAKE command file. :06. MAKECSLMAKEDIR.CMD - Invokes MAKE. :07. LOADANDRUN.CMD - Command it and see. :08. FOCOLI.CMD - FOrtran COmpile & LInk. Operating System..........: RTE-A maybe 6. Language(s)...............: FTN7X External Support Req'd....: None If Re-submission, Reason..: Enhancements, including latest CSL practice. Keywords..................:01. CSL Contributor's Name...........: Dan Khoushy Company........: Marine Computing Ltd. Street.........: 83, Marylebone High Street City...........: London State..........: Country........: United Kingdom Zip Code.......: W1 Phone Number...: (071) 486 9590 Fax............: (071) 224 3159 Program Abstract.............: CSLMAKEDIR is a program that takes a CSL tape that has been TF/FST'ed into a global directory and creates subdirectories named Jxxx where J stands for the tape letter and xxx for the contribution number. It then renames the files in accordance with the Xxxx00 file in each subdirectory. This program was originally in CSL2625 and resubmitted with enhancements in CSL2830 and CSL2930, mainly due to operating system changes. Those versions were able to manipulate all the variations in the Xxxx00 files until the CSL committee changed the rules of the game as of CSL3030. The new command files included in that last tape, were very wasteful in disk usage and time. This version of the program does the conversion in place, plus the space required for the subdirectories. It will also deal correctly with subsets of the tape while for each such subset the *TOCI.CMD files must be modified. The algorithm was changed to operate directly on the xxxx00 files, without going via EDIT. This speeded up the whole process by a factor of 4.5. Additional Documentation....: None. R00201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMER R002 A TIMING SHELL VERSION 5.21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: TIMER Title.....................: A timing shell Version 5.21 File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.] :01. TIMER.SBMT - This file :02. TIMER.FTN - Production TIMER source. :03. TIMER.LOD - :04. TIMER.REL - :05. XIMER.FTN - Tuning version of TIMER. :06. XIMER.LOD - :07. XIMER.REL - :08. MAKEFILE.MAKE - MAKE command file. :09. MAKETIMER.CMD - Invokes MAKE. :10. LOADANDRUN.CMD - Command it and stand back. :11. FOCOLI.CMD - FOrtran COmpile and LInk. :12. TIMERTUNE.CMD - Use it for auto-tuning. :13. EDITTIMER.CMD - Auxiliary for TIMERTUNE. Operating System..........: RTE-A maybe 6. Language(s)...............: FTN7X External Support Req'd....: None If Re-submission, Reason..: Enhancements, automatic tuning option. Keywords..................:01. SYSTEM :02. TOOLS :03. PERFORMANCE :04. SHELL Contributor's Name..........: Dan Khoushy Company.......: Marine Computing Ltd. Street........: 83, Marylebone High Street City..........: London State.........: Country.......: United Kingdom Zip Code......: W1 Phone Number..: (071) 486 9590 Fax...........: (071) 224 3159 Program Abstract............: TIMER is a timing shell that can be used around any process to give running time in seconds and fractions thereof. There are several other such programs in the CSL tapes, such as CSL2830/M033 by Donald A. Wright. However, this version may be tuned to remove its own overhead, instructions being given below and in the source file. Between invocation, TIMER is terminated saving resources. The present version is tuned to my A900, but see below. Usage : TIMER [ON][IN][OFF] ON to start the timer. IN to get intermediate times. OFF to get final time. Examples : TIMER ON; RU ANYPROGRAM; TIMER OFF TIMER ON; PR1; TIMER IN; PR2; TIMER OFF Tuning check: TIMER ON; TIMER IN; TIMER OFF Tuning must be done as the sole job. TIMER should be fine-tuned to each system, since there may be some effects caused by the way the system was generated, and the CPU may have different characteristics. The source file contains the right overheads for two CPU's which are fine-tuned to my installations. Unless the tuning run produces the following display on your installation - TIMER ON ;TIMER IN;TIMER OFF Elapsed time = 0.00 last lap 0.00 seconds. Elapsed time = 0.00 last lap 0.00 seconds. the overhead value should be changed. The method is given in the source file. The transition from D5.1 to D5.2 speeded-up TIMER. For the A900, the overhead went from 92 milliseconds to 37, down by a factor of 2.49. The corresponding values for the A700 are from 268 to 107, down by about the same factor. Another enhancement in this version is the addition of the last lap time, as well as an auto-tuning command file TIMERTUNE, for those who do not want to bother for the last millisecond of accuracy. Those who like to get the last drop squeezed, may link XIMER.REL and run XIMER, then EDIT TIMER.FTN. Two minor bugs were fixed for this version. One called for an additional IN command, and the other preferred OF to OFF, now both are acceptable. List the command files to see their function. Additional Documentation....: None. R00301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVEORCOPY R003 MASKED MOVE OR COPY VERSION 5.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MOVEORCOPY Title.....................: Masked MOve or COpy Version 5.20 File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.] :01. MOVE.SBMT - This file :02. MOVE.FTN - MOve or COpy source. :03. MOVE.LOD - :04. MOVE.REL - :05. MOVE.HELP - Help file. :06. MAKEFILE.MAKE - MAKE command file. :07. MAKEMOVE.CMD - Invokes MAKE. :08. LOADANDRUN.CMD - Command it and stand back. :09. FOCOLI.CMD - FOrtran COmpile and LInk. Operating System..........: RTE-A D5.2 onwards. Language(s)...............: FTN7X External Support Req'd....: None If Re-submission, Reason..: Keywords..................:01. FILES :02. MOVE :03. COPY Contributor's Name..........: Dan Khoushy Company.......: Marine Computing Ltd. Street........: 83, Marylebone High Street City..........: London State.........: Country.......: United Kingdom Zip Code......: W1 Phone Number..: (071) 486 9590 Fax...........: (071) 224 3159 Program Abstract............: Usage: MOVE sourceMask destinationMask MOVE enhances the RTE-A MO command to emulate what move commands do on some other, not to be named, operating systems. Basically, this little program looks at the masks, checks if they make sense, performs the RTE-A MO if both masks sit on the same volume, or does a CO with the P option (purge source) if they are on different volumes. It operates wholly within D.RTR, so that even the DSO persons have no cause to complain. DSO may consider to add the functionality of MOVE to MO itself. This trivial addition will make MO much more versatile. (Do DSO persons look at the CSL tape contributions?). Incidentally, if the above comment seems facetious, let us see what they make of the next one. There is a B-U-G in the Programmers Manual for MASKDISCLU (besides the usual HP spelling of DISC). The bug is that the LU is already declared by the invocation of FMPINITMASK, and not only after FMPNEXTMASK. List the command files to see their function. Additional Documentation....: MOVE.HELP. R00401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTINGUISH R004 TERMINAL EXTINGUISHER VERSION 5.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: EXTINGUISH Title.....................: Terminal extinguisher Version 5.20 File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.] :01. EXTINGUISH.SBMT - This file :02. EXTINGUISH.FTN - :03. EXTINGUISH.LOD - :04. EXTINGUISH.REL - :05. MAKEFILE.MAKE - MAKE command file. :06. MAKEEXTINGUISH.CMD - Invokes MAKE. :07. LOADANDRUN.CMD - Command it and see. :08. FOCOLI.CMD - FOrtran COmpile & LInk. :09. LOGOFF.CMD - A sample command file. Operating System..........: RTE-A maybe 6. Language(s)...............: FTN7X External Support Req'd....: None If Re-submission, Reason..: Enhancements. Keywords..................:01. TERMINAL Contributor's Name..........: Dan Khoushy Company.......: Marine Computing Ltd. Street........: 83, Marylebone High Street City..........: London State.........: Country.......: United Kingdom Zip Code......: W1 Phone Number..: (071) 486 9590 Fax...........: (071) 224 3159 Program Abstract............: EXTINGUISH is a program that clears the screen thus extending its life. The sample LOGOFF.CMD should be entered via GRUMP to clear any terminal after logging off. Add XQ EXTINGUISH before the RETURN at the end of the WELCOMExx file to clear the system terminal. Local LOGOFF.CMDs will always take charge. Adjust the waiting time to suit your taste, inclination and installation. Usage : XQ EXTINGUISH [LU] LU defaults to your own terminal. It will not disturb programs such as EDIT, and will patiently wait for them to terminate. Additional Documentation....: None. R00501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAR R005 FAST TAR WRITER WITH DIRECTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: TAR Title....................: Fast TAR writer with directory File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. TAR.SBMT submit file :02. TAR.FTN :03. TAR.REL :04. TAR.LOD link command file :05. TAR.HLP copy to /help/tar :06. VDL.FTN required support prog :07. VDL.REL :08. VDL.LOD link command file :09. FTNSUBS.FTN support lib :10. FTNSUBS.LIB :11. MACSUBS.MAC support lib :12. MACSUBS.LIB :13. QSUBF.FTN support lib :14. QSUBF.LIB :15. QSUBM.MAC support lib :16. QSUBM.LIB Operating System.........: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: Fortran Keywords.................: 1. Archive : 2. Backup : 3. Save/Restore : 4. Unix External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Minor bug fixes, enhancements Contributor's Name..........: Alan R. Whitney Company.......: MIT Haystack Observatory City..........: Westford State.........: MA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 01886 Phone Number..: 508-692-4764 awhitney@bashful.haystack.edu Program Abstract............: TAR is a fast TAR tape writer with many features, including: 1. Extremely fast -- much faster than TF or FST in writing tar tapes. 2. Alphabetizes file order within directories. 3. Option to write an ASCII directory of saved files as the first tar file saved. 4. Option to write an ASCII log file of the tar execution as the last tar file saved. 5. Option to save ASCII files either in native HP disc-image format or converted to standard Unix file format. 6. Supports tar appends after end of current data. 7. Tested with Exabyte and DAT on A900, as well as standard mag tape. 8. Tapes written by TAR have been successfully read on both HP and Sun Unix workstations. Additional Documentation....: see TAR.HLP R00601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCCURSES R006 CURSOR/WINDOW PC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: PCCURSES Title....................: Cursor/Window PC File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. ODDS_N_ENDS.SBMT :02. ATTRIB.C :03. BEEP.C :04. BLLIBC.CMD :05. BORDER.C :06. BOXES.C :07. CHARADD.C :08. CHARDEL.C :09. CHARGET.C :10. CHARINS.C :11. CHARPICK.C :12. CLRTOBOT.C :13. CLRTOEOL.C :14. CURSES.3 :15. CURSES.CMD :16. CURSES.H :17. CURSES68.C :18. CURSES68.CMD :19. CURSESIO.ASM :20. CURSPRIV.H :21. ENDWIN.C :22. FARCALL.INC :23. HUGEDATA.INC :24. INITSCR.C :25. LINEDEL.C :26. LINEINS.C :27. LONGNAME.C :28. MAKEFILE.68 :29. MAKEFILE.MSC :30. MAKEFILE.TRC :31. MANIFEST :32. MOVE.C :33. MVCURSOR.C :34. NEARCALL.INC :35. NEWWIN.C :36. OPTIONS.C :37. OVERLAY.C :38. PRNTSCAN.C :39. README.NOW :40. REFRESH.C :41. SCRREG.C :42. SETMODE.C :43. SETTERM.C :44. SMALDATA.INC :45. STRADD.C :46. STRGET.C :47. TABSIZE.C :48. TERMMISC.C :49. UNCTRL.C :50 UPDATE.C :51. WINCLEAR.C :52. WINDEL.C :53. WINERASE.C :54. WINMOVE.C :55. WINSCROL.C :56. WINTOUCH.C Operating System(s)......: Language(s)..............: C Keywords.................: 1. TERMINAL : 2. PC : 3. C External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Anonymous Company.......: Street........: City..........: State.........: Country.......: Zip Code......: Phone Number..: Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: PCcurses v.1.4 cursor/window control package. R00701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCTS R007 DISPLAY USER.GROUP ACCOUNT INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: ACCTS Title....................: Display User.Group Account Information File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. ACCTS.SBMT :02. ACCTS.FTN :03. ACCTSCOM.FTNI :04. ACCTS.HLP :05. ACCTS.LOD :06. ACCTS.REL :07. $LIBA_STD.LIB :08. $LIBC_STD.LIB Operating System(s)......:8Rte-A ONLY. Language(s)..............: Ftn7x Keywords.................: 1. ACCOUNTS : 2. MANAGEMENT External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze Company.......: Reliance Electric Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd. City..........: Cleveland State.........: Ohio Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 44124-8020 Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This program displays the user.group account information from the user and group configuration files in the /USERS directory. It is provided as an aid to assist in the management of user accounts and does not modify any parameters of the configuration files. It is compatible with Vc+ Rev-5020. Additional Documentation....: R00801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBA R008 RTE-A SUBROUTINE LIBRARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: LIBA Title....................: Rte-A Subroutine Library File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. LIBA.SBMT :02. LIBA.DOC :03. LIBA.MRG :04. LIBA_CDS.CMD :05. LIBA_STD.CMD :06. COMPILE.CMD :07. CDS.FTNI :08. CDS_OFF.FTNI :09. CDS_ON.FTNI :10. ABORTIO.MAC :11. ABORTIO.REL :12. ACCSYSCOM.FTN :13. ACCSYSCOM.REL :14. CLOSESPOOL.FTN :15. CLOSESPOOL.REL :16. DEVICESTAT.FTN :17. DEVICESTAT.REL :18. GETCONFIG.FTN :19. GETCONFIG.REL :20. GETIDADR.MAC :21. GETIDADR.REL :22. GETIDNUM.MAC :23. GETIDNUM.REL :24. GETLOGONSTRING.FTN :25. GETLOGONSTRING.REL :26. GETMYIDNUM.MAC :27. GETMYIDNUM.REL :28. GETPROGRAMNAME.FTN :29. GETPROGRAMNAME.REL :30. OPENSPOOL.FTN :31. OPENSPOOL.REL :32. TIMEDOUT.FTN :33. TIMEDOUT.REL :34. TIMELIST.MAC :35. TIMELIST.REL :36. $LIBA_CDS.LIB - merged & lindx'd Cds Lib. :37. $LIBA_STD.LIB - merged & lindx'd Std Lib. :38. FMPCOM.FTNI Operating System(s)......: Rte-A ONLY. Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro Keywords.................: 1. Library External Support Req'd...: LibC (separate contribution) : SpolA (Csl/1000 Rev-2730 L014) If Re-submission, Reason.: see Abstract Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze Company.......: Reliance Electric Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd. City..........: Cleveland State.........: Ohio Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 44124-8020 Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This contribution is the same as the like-named contribution that appeared in the 1990 Boston Swap Tape and the Csl/1000 Rev-3126 Tape. It is being submitted here since it is used by other contributions. This package contains a number of routines used by our application programs on the Rte-A Operating System in conjunction with LIBC and SPOLA, separate contributions. Another companion library, LIB6, which supported Rte-6/Vm systems has been discontinued. The supplied command files require that this contribution be stored in a global directory called /LibA.Dir and that two sub-directories, Cds.Dir and Std.Dir, exist. Also, the command files reference the programs MERGE and LINDX located on the Fmgr Disc Lu-2 (somewhere other than /Programs/) so that the library can be generated on the current system for use on the next revision of the system. No changes have occurred since the '90 Boston Swap tape and Csl/1000 Rev-3126 tape. Additional Documentation....: R00901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBC R009 COMMON SUBROUTINE LIBRARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: LIBC Title....................: Common Subroutine Library File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. LIBC.SBMT :02. LIBC.DOC :03. LIBC.MRG :04. LIBC_CDS.CMD :05. LIBC_STD.CMD :06. COMPILE.CMD :07. CDS.FTNI :08. CDS_OFF.FTNI :09. CDS_ON.FTNI :10. ASCIITOREAL.MAC :11. ASCIITOREAL.REL :12. AUTODIAL.FTN :13. AUTODIAL.REL :14. CHECKDSERROR.FTN :15. CHECKDSERROR.REL :16. CHECKFMPERROR.FTN :17. CHECKFMPERROR.REL :18. CHECKIMAGEERROR.FTN :19. CHECKIMAGEERROR.REL :20. COMPAREBYTES.MAC :21. COMPAREBYTES.REL :22. COMPAREWORDS.MAC :23. COMPAREWORDS.REL :24. CRTCOM.FTNI :25. DSCOM.FTNI :26. DSPST.FTN :27. DSPST.REL :28. EXITTEST.FTN :29. EXITTEST.REL :30. FMPCOM.FTNI :31. FORMATTIME.FTN :32. FORMATTIME.REL :33. FORMT.MAC :34. FORMT.REL :35. FREESPACE.FTN :36. FREESPACE.REL :37. HELPTEST.FTN :38. HELPTEST.REL :39. IDOPSYSTEM.FTN :40. IDOPSYSTEM.REL :41. IDPLOTTER.FTN :42. IDPLOTTER.REL :43. IDTERMINAL.FTN :44. IDTERMINAL.REL :45. IMAGECOM.FTNI :46. INTTOASCII.MAC :47. INTTOASCII.REL :48. INTTOBINARY.MAC :49. INTTOBINARY.REL :50. LISTCOM.FTNI :51. LISTLIB.FTN :52. LISTLIB.REL :53. LOADBYTE.MAC :54. LOADBYTE.REL :55. LOGCOM.FTNI :56. MOVEBYTES.MAC :57. MOVEBYTES.REL :58. MSGCOM.FTN :59. MSGCOM.REL :60. MSGCOM.FTNI :61. REALTOASCII.MAC :62. REALTOASCII.REL :63. SETDIRPATH.FTN :64. SETDIRPATH.REL :65. SKIPLINES.FTN :66. SKIPLINES.REL :67. STOREBYTE.MAC :68. STOREBYTE.REL :69. TIMESTAMP.FTN :70. TIMESTAMP.REL :71. TIMETOEXEC11.FTN :72. TIMETOEXEC11.REL :73. WILDMATCH.FTN :74. WILDMATCH.REL :75. WRITECRT.FTN :76. WRITECRT.REL :77. WRITECRTLOG.FTN :78. WRITECRTLOG.REL :79. WRITELOG.FTN :80. WRITELOG.REL :81. $LIBC_CDS.LIB - merged & lindx'd Cds Lib. :82. $LIBC_STD.LIB - merged & lindx'd Std Lib. Operating System(s)......: Rte-A or Rte-6/Vm Language(s)..............: Ftn7x, Macro Keywords.................: 1. Library External Support Req'd...: LibA (separate contribution) : Lib6 (Csl/1000 Rev-2730 L005) If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancement Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze Company.......: Reliance Electric Street........: 6065 Parkland Blvd. City..........: Cleveland State.........: Ohio Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 44124-8020 Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This contribution replaces the like-named contribution that appeared in the 1990 Boston Swap Tape and the Csl/1000 Rev-3126 Tape. This package contains a number of routines used by our application programs on the Rte-A Operating System in conjunction with LIBC, a separate contribution. Another companion library, LIB6, which supported Rte-6/Vm systems has been discontinued. The supplied command files require that this contribution be stored in a global directory called /LibC.Dir and that two sub-directories, Cds.Dir and Std.Dir, exist. Also, the command files reference the programs MERGE and LINDX located on the Fmgr Disc Lu-2 (somewhere other than /Programs/) so that the library can be generated on the current system for use on the next revision of the system. The following changes have occurred since the '90 Boston Swap Tape and Csl/1000 Rev-3126 tape: Modified: OPENSPOOL.FTN - call argument added; Rte-6 users must update the /Lib6 routine OpenSpool. Additional Documentation....: R01001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE_SPOOL R010 GENERATE AND OPEN UNIQUE ERROR LOG FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........:CHANGE_SPOOL Title....................:Generate and Open Unique Error Log Files File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. CHANGE_SPOOL.SBMT :02. MAKEFILE :03. CHANGE_SPOOL.FTN :04. CHANGE_SPOOL.REL :05. CHANGE_SPOOL.LOD :06. LIB_JULIAN.FTN :07. LIB_JULIAN.REL :08. LIB_JULIAN.MERG :09. LIB_JULIAN.LIB :10. LIB_SU_SUB.FTN :11. LIB_SU_SUB.REL :12. LIB_SU_SUB.MERG :13. LIB_SU_SUB.LIB Operating System(s)......:RTE-A 5.0 AND LATER (EARLIER WITH MINOR CHANGES) Language(s)..............:FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. ERROR : 2. SPOOLING External Support Req'd...: NONE If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: BRIAN GRAY Company.......: AMERICAN RED CROSS - NORTHERN OHIO REGION Street........: 3747 EUCLID AVE City..........: CLEVELAND State.........: OH Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 44115 Phone Number..: 216-431-3010 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: CHANGE_SPOOL CREATES A UNIQUE FILE NAME BASED ON SYSTEM TIME, AND OPENS THE SYSTEM SPOOLING ERROR LOG WITH THAT FILE NAME. WHEN USED IN THE WELCOME FILE, SEVERAL LOG FILES CAN BE KEPT WITHOUT BEING OVERWRITTEN. CAN ALSO BE USED FROM THE COMMAND LINE. In the welcome file, use the sequence: <some command to set system time> SP IN CHANGE_SPOOL Additional Documentation....: LIB_JULIAN AND LIB_SU_SUB ARE USED BY CHANGE_SPOOL. THERE ARE SOME USEFUL (BUT UNDOCUMENTED) ROUTINES THERE. R01101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWLG R011 AUTOMATIC LOGON - REPLACES PROMT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........:NEWLG Title....................:Automatic LOGON - Replaces PROMT File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. NEWLG.SBMT :02. MAKEFILE :03. NEWLG.FTN :04. NEWLG.REL Operating System(s)......:RTE-A Language(s)..............:FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. LOGON/LOGOFF : 2. SESSION External Support Req'd...: NONE If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: BRIAN GRAY Company.......: AMERICAN RED CROSS - NORTHERN OHIO REGION Street........: 3747 EUCLID AVE City..........: CLEVELAND State.........: OH Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 44115 Phone Number..: 216-431-3010 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: NEWLG replaces PROMT as the primary program. When scheduled (due to a key pressed on the keyboard), NEWLG sends a class I/O message to LOGON (in the format that PROMT would have sent after a user name/password was entered). This allows the use of session control without requiring a user name/password to be entered. Because PROMT is not the primary program, the user will never get a CM prompt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> W A R N I N G <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NEWLG bypasses RTE security checks. It's use is not appropriate on systems which do not implement other security measures. Additional Documentation....: R01201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDB R012 LIST DEBUG RECORDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: LDB Title....................: List Debug Records File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) :01. LDB.SBMT :02. LDB.C :03. LDB.H :04. LDB.LOD :05. LDB.REL :06. LISTOUT.C :07. LISTOUT.REL Operating System.........: RTE-A Language(s)..............: C Keywords.................: 1. C : 2. DEBUG External Support Req'd...: CCSCLIB - CCS/C 1000 LIBRARIES If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: David A. Boskey Company.......: Corporate Computer Systems, Inc. Street........: 33 West Main Street City..........: Holmdel State.........: New Jersey Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 07733 Phone Number..: (908) 946-3800 Telex.........: 642672CCSHOLM Fax...........: (908) 946-7167 Contribution Abstract.......: LDB is a program that will display the contents of Symbolic Debug records that are contained in a relocatable file. These records are generated as a result of specifying the S compile time option when using FTN7X, MACRO, or PASCAL. The -S compile flag can be used with revision 3.2.00 and greater of the CCS/C 1000 compiler to generate records for Symbolic Debug. LDB can output line number records, symbol table records, or both by specifying different runtime flags. The command to run LDB is: LDB <relocfile> [-[d][l]] The -d flag will output the symbol table records for the data items while the -l flag will output line number and ad- dress information. By default, the output is sent to the terminal and waits between screens. When prompted with "More...", one of three responses is expected: A - terminate the program <RETURN> - continue without waiting between screens other - display next screenful The output can be sent to a file or another device by using the C stdout redirection syntax. For example: LDB T.REL >T.DLST will format the symbol table records and send the output to the file t.dlst. Sending the output to the printer is a bit more difficult due to the fact that C wants to open all streams in r/w mode so that it can do positioning but RTE will not allow the printer to be open for reading. In this case, the command might look like: LDB T.REL >6[\w*] which opens logical unit 6 for writing only. The backslash in front of the w prevents CI from upshifting it. Additional Documentation....: R01301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH R013 RAPID SEARCH FOR A STRING IN MULTIPLE FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SEARCH Title....................: Rapid Search for a String in Multiple Files File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (INTEREX supplied) : 01. SEARCH.SBMT This file : 02. SEARCH.FTN Main program source : 03. SEARCHLB.MAC MACRO subroutines : 04. SEARCHLB.REL : 05. SEARCHLB.MERG : 06. SEARCH.REL Merged relocatable : 07. SEARCHLB.LIB LINDEXed relocatables : 08. SEARCH.LOD Main program source Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. SEARCH : 2. STRINGS : 3. FILTER External Support Req'd...: None If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug Fix and New Features Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North City..........: Lake Elmo State.........: MN Zip Code......: 55042 Country.......: USA Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 Date..........: 92 March 31 Program Abstract............: SEARCH scans each file in a list or mask of files for a literal character string or a search mask, casefolding while making the comparison. It displays the file name, line number, and entire line whenever a line is found to contain the literal string or to match the search mask. It is similar to the UNIX GREP program in that functionality. This newest version of SEARCH provides the following minor improvements over the previous version which was on the 3030 CSL: * One bug fixed. * Default priority increased above LINK and FTN7X. * Blank lines allowed as separators in the input-list file. * Timer (performance metric) works better. * Printer locked while searching. * More complete report sent to printer. See the source document SEARCH.FTN for a more complete list of revisons. Scheduling: RU SEARCH listfile/filemask [matchstring/mask [output]] Where: Listfile/filemask is the name of a file containing a list of the names of the files to be searched. LU 1 may be specified, but there is no default. If listfile contains wildcard characters '@' or '-', or other search directives, then it is considered a mask rather than the name of an input-list file. Matchstring/mask is the string for which we are searching. It may not contain any blanks, commas, or other delimiters, but may contain '@' or '-' wildcard characters, in which case it will be treated as a mask. If not supplied, SEARCH will prompt for this matchstring/mask, and that string may contain delimiters. Wildcard characters, if supplied, behave just as they do in file masking. In all cases the search is unanchored; it behaves as if there were an '@' wildcard before and after the match- string. Searching does not wrap from one line to the next; lines to be displayed must contain the entire matchstring or mask. SEARCH is slightly faster with a literal string rather than a mask, though the difference is not great. Output is an optional LU or file (in addition to the terminal) to which the results will be sent). The displayed infor- mation is "sanitized" so that control characters will not clobber the output device. R01401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPSORT R014 FAST EMA SORT OF LARGE STRING ARRAYS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: TOPSORT Title....................: Fast EMA Sort of Large String Arrays File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (INTEREX supplied) : 01. TOPSORT.SBMT This file : 02. TOPSORT.FTN Source : 03. TOPSORT.REL Relocatable : 04. EMACOPY.MAC Source : 05. EMACOPY.REL Relocatable Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. EMA/VMA : 2. SORT : 3. STRINGS External Support Req'd...: This is a Fortran-callable subroutine If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North City..........: Lake Elmo State.........: MN Zip Code......: 55042 Country.......: USA Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 Date..........: 92 March 31 Program Abstract............: TOPSORT is an in-memory insert-sort routine which adds a new character item to an ordered list of character items each time it is called. The list of character items may be either in local space or EMA. It uses three tricks in an attempt to achieve speed: 1) Binary searches are used to find the insertion point for the incoming item; 2) The hardware MVW instruction is used to move data aside to create space for each insertion; 3) The character items themselves are not physically moved - instead, a list of integer pointers to the items are physically sorted. TOPSORT is used at ICT to sort IMAGE records according to a specified sort key. In most application programs the records are read twice: Once to build the ordered array of keys with associated record numbers, and then again to read the complete records in sorted order and perhaps produce an appropriate report or mailing. The time required to sort a list of items is proportional to N*LogN, where N is the number of items. Speed measurements were done on an A400, using up to 1 Mbyte of memory for the item array and two different sizes of item. Items were artificially generated, in a non-sequential order, and all unique with the differences in the rightmost characters. Time required to generate the items was compensated out. The following actual sort times were measured: Item |<-------TEST 1------->| |<-------TEST 2------->| Array, Item Item Kbytes Length # Items Seconds Length # Items Seconds ------ ------ ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- 128 78 1680 13 32 4096 30 256 78 3361 28 32 8192 76 512 78 6721 66 32 16384 214 1024 78 13443 179 32 32766 468 Notes: 1) The amount of time required seems closely related to the number of items and relatively independent of the item length. 2) An A900 or A990 would be 3 to 8 times faster. The author, who is not an expert on sorting methodology, does not know how this method compares with more sophisticated techniques. However, for more than a few hundred items it is MUCH faster than QUERY, which uses a crude disk sort with time proportional to N**2 (N squared) or worse. TOPSORT may be compiled with CDS off or on. It could be used in a VMA (rather than EMA) program but there is reason to believe that other sorting methods might be more appropriate if the entire item array cannot be contained within the working set. See the source itself for a description of procedures for calling TOPSORT from a Fortran program. TOPSORT calls EMACOPY, a macro routine, previously contributed in 1988 and supplied again here. Both relocatables must be available when linking an application program which uses TOPSORT. R01501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLRBB R015 CLEAR BACKUP BITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: CLRBB Title....................: Clear Backup Bits File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (INTEREX supplied) : 01. CLRBB.SBMT This file : 02. CLRBB.FTN Source : 03. CLRBB.REL Relocatable : 04. CLRBB.LOD Link command file Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. FILES : 2. BACKUP External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North City..........: Lake Elmo State.........: MN Zip Code......: 55042 Country.......: USA Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 Date..........: 92 March 31 Program Abstract............: CLRBB was originally submitted by Stig Frosig of Bang & Olufsen A/S in Denmark, and appeared on the 2830 (1988) CSL tape. It worked just fine as supplied. CLRBB is a utility which clears the backup bits on a specified mask of files. Use with care. It is particularly useful if you load files on your system (e.g. a CSL tape) or copy from one directory to another and do not want to back them up again. This resubmission provides these enhancements: 1) CLRBB now recognizes directories within the mask and clears their BB also. Othewise TF or FST will back up all files in the directory whether or not their individual bits are set. 2) CLRBB can now be stopped with a BReak command. 3) The masking DCB size has been increased for more speed. 4) The 'Q' option is provided so CLRBB will not display names of files whose backup bits it clears. This is useful when CLRBB is automatically run on files copied into RAM disk at bootup. Usage: RU, CLRBB, mask [, Q] See source for more documentation. R01601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULMON R016 UNLOCK DBMON FROM RAM (MAKE IT SWAPPABLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: ULMON Title....................: Unlock DBMON from RAM (Make it Swappable) File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File (INTEREX supplied) : 01. ULMON.SBMT This file : 02. ULMON.FTN Source : 03. ULMON.REL Relocatable : 04. ULMON.LOD Link command file Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only Uses hierarchical files?.: Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. DATA_BASE : 2. MEMORY : 3. IMAGE External Support Req'd...: IMAGE/1000-II If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North City..........: Lake Elmo State.........: MN Zip Code......: 55042 Country.......: USA Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 Date..........: 92 March 31 Program Abstract............: ULMON has a very simple task: It goes into DBMON's ID segment and memory descriptor and clears the memory-locked bit. This makes DBMON swappable like other mortals, preventing it from totally hogging a quarter megabyte or more of memory. This works great on small systems where IMAGE-II is used occasionally. On large systems or where IMAGE is used a lot, it may be best to let DBMON stay locked in, and then it is best to allocate its partition in the BOOTEX command file to avoid memory fragmentation. When DBMON is unlocked from memory there is a chance that it will occasionally thrash with an application program, though this has not yet been observed at ICT. Usage: RU, ULMON (usually in WELCOME2.CMD file just after IMAGE is started up) ULMON sits in the time list and runs once a minute for 10 minutes, to be sure that it has a chance to do its job. Then it terminates permanently. See source for more documentation. R01701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRIES R017 REPORT RTE-A OPERATING SYSTEM PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: ENTRIES Title....................: Report RTE-A Operating System Properties File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File : 01. ENTRIES.SBMT This file : 02. ENTRIES.FTN Main program source : 03. ENTRIES.REL Relocatable : 04. &*CPUID Macro source : 05. %*CPUID Macro function relocatable Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: No Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO Keywords.................: 1. System : 2. Analyzer External Support Req'd...: None If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North City..........: Lake Elmo State.........: MN Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 55042 Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 Fax Number....: 612/770-5986 Date..........: 91 Aug 1 Program Abstract............: ENTRIES is a quick and dirty program that reports back the operating system $OPSY code, the date code $DATC, firmware revision $FREV, size of blank common $BC#, and CPU type (i.e. A400, A900). It's especially handy for folks who ship software to sites where the exact CPU and operating system may be unknown, e.g. vendors and internal software support personnel. It can be shipped along with other software, and quickly linked and run if there is a need to know any of the items that it reports. We ship it now with CONNECT and SYLOG, so that if there are problems and we need to dial in we can immediately determine what we are deal- ing with. R01801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DNUMD R018 INTEGER*4 & INTEGER*2 TO ASCII ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: DNUMD Title....................: INTEGER*4 & INTEGER*2 to ASCII File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. DNUMD.SBMT :02. DNUMD.MAC :03. BINOUT.MAC :04. TEST.FTN Operating System(s)......: RTE (ANY) TESTED ON RTE-A Language(s)..............: MACRO Keywords.................: 1. FORMATTING : 2. MACRO : 3. CONVERSION External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Added CDS/NON-CDS in same source Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: Lilly Corporate Center City..........: Indianapolis State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 46285 Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: These two routines will now produce either CDS or NON-CDS rel. depending on a run string parameter. Additional Documentation....: R01901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTN R019 FORTRAN, PASCAL, AND MACRO SHELL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: FTN Title....................: Fortran, Pascal, And Macro shell File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. FTN.SBMT :02. FTN.FTN :03. FTN.REL :04. LI_FILE.FTN :05. LI_FILE.REL :06. FTN.LOD :07. FTN.HLP :08. MAC.FTN :09. MAC.REL :10. MAC.LOD :11. MAC.HLP :12. PAS.FTN :13. PAS.REL :14. PAS.LOD :15. PAS.HLP Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FORTRAN Keywords.................: 1. FORTRAN : 2. PASCAL : 3. MACRO : 4. SHELL External Support Req'd...: REV. 5.2 FORTRAN If Re-submission, Reason.: ENHANCEMENTS AND ADDITIONS Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: Lilly Corporate Center City..........: Indianapolis State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 46285 Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This contribution is an update to "FTN" and adds similar shells for MACRO and PASCAL. These shells provide a convenient method for producing both CDS and NON-CDS reloc. from the same source. The MACRO source does need to be written using the $CDSONOFF macro library. These programs are very useful in MAKE files. Additional Documentation....: See help files. R02001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKEDVT R020 MAKE DVT GENERATOR ENTRIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MAKEDVT Title....................: Make DVT generator entries File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. MAKEDVT.SBMT :02. MAKEDVT.FTN :03. MAKEDVT.REL :04. MAKEDVT.TBL :05. MAKEDVT.HELP :06. MAKEDVT.ANS (sample input file) Operating System.........: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 Keywords.................: 1. Driver : 2. System : 3. GENERATION External Support Req'd...: none If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements & more disc models Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: Lilly Corporate Center City..........: Indianapolis State.........: IN Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 46285 Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 Program Abstract............: Using the list of disk drives in MAKEDVT.TBL and an input file of the required disk configurations, this program creates a list of DVT records suitable for inclusion in the generation answer file. Disk space can be allocated in tracks, bytes or percent of the disk. To see how it works, type makedvt makedvt.ans makedvt.out and examine the makedvt.out file. Many thanks to Steve Gauss for the original program. I have added some additional error checking. Additional Documentation....: See MAKEDVT.HELP R02101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIFTANAME R021 CASE-SHIFT PROGRAM NAME IN ID SEGMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SHIFTANAME Title....................: Case-Shift Program Name in ID segment File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. SHIFTANAME.SBMT :02. SHIFTANAME.MAC :03. SHIFTANAME.REL :04. SHIFTMYNAME.MAC :05. SHIFTMYNAME.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE_A Language(s)..............: MACRO Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM_TABLES : 3. SECURITY External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: Lilly Corporate Center City..........: Indianapolis State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 46285 Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: These subroutines provide a way to protect running or rp'd programs from an unintentional or malicious OF or RU. By changing the programs name to lower case in the ID segment, it will not be visible to most utilities. Thanks to Don Wright for the original code. Additional Documentation....: SEE CODE FOR CALLING SEQUENCE R02201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW_CLASS R022 FIND AND RETURN AN EXISTING CLASS NUMBER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SHOW_CLASS Title....................: Find and Return an Existing Class Number File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. SHOW_CLASS.SBMT :02. SHOW_CLASS.FTN :03. SHOW_CLASS.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A ONLY Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. CLASS_NUMBER : 2. SYSTEM_TABLES External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: Lilly Corporate Center City..........: Indianapolis State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 46285 Phone Number..: (317) 276-1207 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This function will find and return the class number in use on the passed Lu. If class I/O is not pending on the LU then a zero is returned. The non-zero value returned is usable as is in a normal class call. Additional Documentation....: R02301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHUFFLE R023 SHUFFLE ASCII STRING FROM TAPE FILE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........:SHUFFLE Title....................:Shuffle ASCII String from Tape File File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. SHUFFLE.SBMT :02. SHUFFLE.FTN :03. SHUFFLE.REL :04. SHUFFLE.LOD :05. CRTCNTL.MAC :06. CRTCNTL.REL :07. FINDWORD.MAC :08. FINDWORD.REL :09. FORM.FTN :10. FORM.REL :11. FORM_DUMP.FTN :12. FORM_DUMP.REL :13. GET_PARM.FTN :14. GET_PARM.REL :15. SETUP.FTN :16. SETUP.REL :17. TMCON.FTN :18. TMCON.REL :19. TAPES.FTN :20. TAPES.REL :21. TSTAT.FTN :22. TSTAT.REL :23. WHERE.FTN :24. WHERE.REL :25. BUILD.CMD :26. TESTDATA :27. MAP :28. CFORM.FTN :29. BREAK.TXT :30. CSHUFFLE.FTN :31. END.TXT :32. INI.TXT Operating System.........:RTE-6,RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.:YES Language(s)..............:FTN77 Keywords.................: 01. CONVERSION : 02. FORMATTING : 03. STRINGS External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD Street........:PO BOX B City..........:WSMR State.........:NEW MEXICO Country.......:USA Zip Code......:88002 Phone Number..:505-678-9791 Contribution Abstract............: It is useful given ascii input to be able to create an output file where the data has been reordered , placed in specific columns and rescaled . In the following example the input and output records are formatted as follows : Time , X in meters , Y in meters , Z in meters , * for bad data Time , MSG1 , Z in km. , Y in km. , X in km. , * for bad data : ! for good data The map for this transform is shown below : ******** CCC-CCC *********************** Time T X Y Z TYPE FLAG ! + ******** CCC-CCC SSSSS*N* Time 2 9 TD 12 13 TYPE 2 Z .001 Y .001 X .001 FLAG Thus the data 16:20:01 1022 1205 1700 1 becomes 16:20:01 TD 1 1.7 1.205 1.022 ! The program also lets a time window be specified for filtering the input data . Additional Documentation....: See the file MAP for more detail on the transformation definition . R02401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCIO R024 BACKUP OF HERSTAL AND CS-80 DISCS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: DISCIO Title....................: Backup of Herstal and CS-80 discs File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. DISCIO.SBMT :02. DISCIO.FTN :03. GETDISCTYPE.FTN :04. GETDVP.FTN :05. SCSI_SUBS.LIB :06. DISCIO.REL :07. GETDISCTYPE.REL :08. GETDVP.REL :09. DISCIO.LOD :10. INQUIRY.INC Operating System(s)......: RTE-A REV 5.2 Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 Keywords.................: 1. BACKUP : 2. SCSI : 3. CS80 External Support Req'd...: HERSTAL Automation SCSI Optical disc & driver If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Doyle B. Stroup Company.......: US Army Chemical Research Dev.& Eng. Center Street........: Bldg E3549 Rm. B137, Office symbol: SMCCR-PPC City..........: Aberdeen Proving Ground State.........: Maryland Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 21010-5423 Phone Number..: 1-301-671-5992/5942 Fax Number....: 1-301-671-2677 Internet Addr.: dbstroup@crdec8.apgea.army.mil Contribution Abstract.......: DISCIO is a program I wrote to support some of the features included with the Herstal Auto. removeable optical disc driver. The driver has the capability to remap the optical drive to whatever specifi- cation (DVT table) you want it to. Consequently you can remap it to match the DVT of a CS-80 disc or a SCSI hard disc. I use this utility to back up my disc LU's in a COPYL format. I can then restore them if I have to. Future enhancement: I plan to have the program generate a configuration file for the backup being done. Then I don't have to write on the disc label the structure I just saved. Additional disclaimer to the one below: I or my employer are not responsible for any use of this program. It comes with a BBW (Big Boy Warranty). If any damage results from the use of this program. You break it, you fix it!!! Additional Documentation....: read the code, it is readable any easy to follow. R02501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTT R025 COPY TAPE TO TAPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: CTT Title....................: Copy Tape to Tape File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. CTT.SBMT :02. COUNT.FTN :03. CTT.FTN - main :04. CTT.REL :05. CTT.FTNI - include file :06. CTT.HELP - help file (GENIX) :07. CTT.LOD - link command file :08. CTT.TEXT - help file (ASCII) :09. CTT2.LOD - link a 2nd version :10. CTT_COMP.CMD - compile command file :11. CTT_DATA.FTN - common initialization :12. CTT_DATA.REL :13. CTT_EMA.FTNI - EMA include file :14. CTT_SEG1.FTN - segments 1 .. :15. CTT_SEG1.REL :16. CTT_SEG2.FTN :17. CTT_SEG2.REL :18. CTT_SEG3.FTN :19. CTT_SEG3.REL :20. CTT_SEG4.FTN - .. to 4 :21. CTT_SEG4.REL :22. CTT_WP51.DOC - doc in WP 5.1 format :23. DEVICETYPE.FTN :24. DEVICETYPE.REL :25. DRIVERNAME.FTN - get driver name (RTE-6) :26. DRIVERNAME.REL :27. DRIVERNAMEDUMMY.FTN :28. DRIVERNAMEDUMMY.REL :29. EMACMW.MAC - compare EMA arrays :30. FITSCHECK.FTN :31. FITSCHECK.REL :32. FIX6ID.FTN - juggling with ID- :33. FIX6ID.REL :34. FIXAID.FTN segments in RTE-6 & A :35. FIXAID.REL :36. FORMATCHECK.FTN :37. FORMATCHECK.REL :38. FST1.CTT - configuration file :39. FST2.CTT - id for 2nd version :40. GET6SHEMATABLE.FTN - get SHEMA table (RTE-6) :41. GET6SHEMATABLE.REL :42. GETASHEMATABLE.FTN - get SHEMA table (RTE-A) :43. GETASHEMATABLE.REL :44. GETNEXTFILE.FTN :45. GETNEXTFILE.REL :46. HELP.FTN - help routine :47. HELP.REL :48. INSERT.FTN :49. INSERT.REL :50. INSTALL.CMD - installation cmd file :51. LIST.FTN :52. LIST.REL :53. LOGDEVICE.FTN :54. LOGDEVICE.REL :55. POSINPUTTAPE.FTN :56. POSINPUTTAPE.REL :57. POSOUTPUTTAPE.FTN :58. POSOUTPUTTAPE.REL :59. REPORTFMPERROR.FTN :60. REPORTFMPERROR.REL :61. SENDMSG.FTN :62. SENDMSG.REL :63. SHOW.FTN - shows settings :64. SHOW.REL :65. WRITETAPE.FTN - CTTS's companion :66. WRITETAPE.REL :67. WRITETAPE.LOD - link command file :68. WRITETAPE_COMP.CMD - compile cmd file :69. COUNT.REL :70. EMACMW.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Magnetic_tape : 2. Copy : 3. Files External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Eric Allaert Company.......: European Southern Observatory Street........: Casilla 19001 City..........: Santiago 19 State.........: Country.......: Chile Zip Code......: Phone Number..: [56]-(2)-6954263 Telex.........: 240881 ESOGO CL Contribution Abstract.......: This Copy-Tape-to-Tape program has been developed in-house to cover our high demands on tape copying. CTT allows you to extract files from one tape and put them on up to 9 output tapes simultaneously. CTT can select files by their positional number on input and output tapes, append to output tapes, set the density of HP tape streamers, log its messages to any file/device, run other programs, and so on. It also does a very good job in verifying the copied files against the original tape. CTT can alternatively compare tapes without writing on them. Commands can be given interactively or taken from a command file. CTT is a direct tape-to-tape copier, i.e. there are no scratch disc files involved. It does however use a lot of RTE resources. The result is a verrrry fast tape copy program. Use INSTALL.CMD to bring CTT to life, and pay attention to any comments this command file will spit out. CTT has on-line help, and error/warning messages help cure eventual problems quickly. Try it, you'll love it. A word of warning: CTT might need some modifications when RTE-A 6.0 is released, as there will be extensions to EMA/VMA for the A990 which may affect CTT. An excellent description of EMA/VMA for RTE-A can be found in the August and November 1991 issues of "REAL-TIME INTERFACE". Additional Documentation....: See CTT_WP5P1.DOC, a 28 page document in WordPerfect 5.1 format. 1 R02601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHZUP R026 DYNAMIC SYSTEM STATE DISPLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: WHZUP Title....................: Dynamic system state display File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. WHZUP.SBMT submit file :02. WHZUP.FTN :03. WHZUP.REL :04. WHZUP.HLP copy to /help/whzup Operating System.........: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: Fortran Keywords.................: 1. monitor : 2. system_tables : 3. system : 4. status External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Various improvements by Don Clapp and S. Gauss Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW City..........: Washington State.........: DC Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 20392 Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil Program Abstract............: Program dynamically displays number of system resources in use versus available, including ID segs, resource and class numbers and memory blocks. Also shows ID segment usage and state of each active program. Can also display map registers in use. Additional Documentation....: ru,whzup,? R02701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DFIND R027 FIND CI FILE SIZES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: DFIND Title....................: Find CI file sizes File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. DFIND.SBMT submission file :02. DFIND.FTN main source :03. DFIND1.FTN library of Fortran srtns :04. DFIND2.MAC library of assembler srtns :05. DFIND.REL main relocatable :06. DFIND1.REL relocatable file :07. DFIND2.REL relocatable file :08. DFIND3.REL relocatable file :09. DFIND.LOD Link command file :10. ?DFIND help file for /HELP/ directory :11. ROOT.CMD execute dfind $1 d :12. EL.CMD execute dfind $1 e $2 Operating System.........: RTE-6 and RTE-A Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 and MACRO Keywords.................: 1. FILES : 2. DIRECTORY : 3. CI External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Rev 4.1 Better root directory display Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave. City..........: Washington State.........: DC Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 20392 Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 E-mail........: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil Program Abstract............: Move the file ?DFIND to the /HELP/ directory as DFIND and then ? DFIND This program operates on a directory or set of files as determined by the file mask. It can 1. show the total size 2. show all files greater than a given size 3. show what files are open on a directory 4. clear backup bits 5. create a file that can be used as a command file to FST 6. show just the root directories on an LU 7. display a list of files with directory names suitable for access with the command stack At 4.1 the d option can also specify the number of levels of directory to show. Additional Documentation....: The file ?DFIND. R02801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOZN R028 WHO IS LOGGED ON? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: WHOZN Title....................: Who is logged on? File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. WHOZN.SBMT :02. WHOZN.FTN Main program :03. WHOZN.REL Main relocatable :04. UIDSL.FTN Slave program :05. UIDSL.REL Slave relocatable :06. WHOZN_F_LIB.FTN Fortran library :07. WHOZN_F_LIB.REL :08. WHOZN_M_LIB.MAC Macro library :09. WHOZN_M_LIB.REL :10. UID_NODE.FTN UID node access :11. UID_NODE.REL :12. UIDGET_6.FTN UID for RTE-6 :13. UIDGET_6.REL :14. UIDGET_A.MAC UID for RTE-A :15. UIDGET_A.REL :16. WHOZN.LOD WHOZN load file :17. UIDSL.LOD UIDSL load file :18. TERMINALS Sample terminals file :19. WHOZN.DOC Documentation :20. node_dummy.ftn :21. node_dummy.rel add to .lod file if no DS :22. get_special.ftn allow special logon :23. get_special.rel :24. is_tn.ftn SEE SOURCE - Needs values :25. whozn.post poster to show output Operating System.........: RTE-6VM and RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: yes Language(s)..............: Fortran, Macro Keywords.................: 1. logon/logoff : 2. status : 3. session External Support Req'd...: see abstract If Re-submission, Reason.: updated from San Diego; Rev 2.6 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory Street........: 34th St and Massachusetts Ave. NW City..........: Washington State.........: DC Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 20392 Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 : Internet: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil Program Abstract............: Displays the log on name and LU for each person logged on. Runs on RTE-A and RTE-6. Also operates across network link using DS 1000/IV services. Additional Documentation....: see WHOZN.DOC R02901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFILE R029 MAIL/1000 MESSAGE TO FILE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MFILE Title....................: MAIL/1000 message to file File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. MFILE.SBMT :02. MFILE.FTN :03. MFILE.REL :04. MFILE.HELP copy this to /help/mfile Operating System.........: RTE-A (should also work on RTE-6) Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes Language(s)..............: FORTRAN Keywords.................: 1. Mail : 2. Network : 3. Message External Support Req'd...: Mail/1000 (>=Rev. 5.2 of RTE) If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancement Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss Company.......: U. S. Naval Observatory Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW City..........: Washington State.........: DC Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 20392 Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 Internet......: fsg@sicon.usno.navy.mil Program Abstract............: MFILE is used with the filter feature of Mail/1000 to intercept mail and divert it to a file whose name and directory can be determined from the parameter string. It can also intercept ALL mail directed to a specific address and store it in a directory. Additional Documentation....: See MAIL.HELP. R03001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE R030 UNIX-LIKE 'MAKE' UTILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MAKE Title....................: Unix-Like 'MAKE' Utility File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file :01. MAKE.SBMT :02. MAKE_CDS.PAS Source for MAKE :03. MAKE_CDS.LOD :04. MAKE_CDS.REL :05. MAKE_NONCDS.PAS Stripped-down version to run in non-CDS systems :06. MAKE_NONCDS.LOD :07. MAKE_NONCDS.REL :08. MAKE.HELP Help file for the runstring :09. MAKEFILE.HELP Help file on the makefile syntax :10. MAKETUTORIAL.HELP General tutorial on MAKE :11. MAKE_RC.HELP Help file for MAKE.rc file :12. MAKE_SUPERDEBUG.HELP Help file for super-debug options :13. VARIABLES.HELP Help file for variables :14. MAKEFILE.MAKE Sample makefile :15. EFFECTS.PAS Makefile "inverter" :16. EFFECTS.LOD :17. EFFECTS.HELP :18. EXPANDMAKEFILE.CMD Makefile expander (CI command file) :19. EXPANDMAKEFILE.HELP :20. FMP.PAS Pascal MODULE that declares all the FMP routines :21. FMP.REL :22. RC.PAS Pascal MODULE that looks in MAKE.rc :23. RC.LIB :24. RC.REL :25. RC.HELP :26. RC_CDS.LIB :27. RC_CDS.REL :28. TOUCH.PAS Auxiliary to MAKE- change update time :29. TOUCH.REL :30. TOUCH.HELP Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A Language(s)..............: Pascal Keywords.................: 1. CI : 2. Data_Mgmt : 3. UNIX External Support Req'd...: Pascal libraries, CDS for CDS version : Hierarchical file system If Re-submission, Reason.: unchanged from 2930, required by several programs on this release. Contributor's Name..........: Jack Repenning Company.......: Hewlett-Packard, Info. Networks Div. Street........: 19420 Homestead Road City..........: Cupertino State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95014 Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 Telex.........: Program Abstract............: MAKE is a program to help in managing sets of files. Its job is to transform files into other files through commands contained in a description file called the "makefile". Through the information contained in the makefile, and the file-system's time stamps, MAKE ensures that only the minimum necessary files are remade in response to changes in sources. By far the most common use of MAKE is in program development, where MAKE can manage the compilation, merging, indexing, and loading of interrelated files. Another common use is for document preparation, where MAKE can manage the "compilation" of documents through programs like RUNOF, RUNEM, and TEXED, and their printing. This version of MAKE has capabilities and syntax very similar to those of the UNIX (TM AT&T Bell Labs) program of the same name. ExpandMakeFile.Cmd is a CI command file which expands a makefile, making variable substitutions, casefolding names, and breaking apart multiple-target productions. This makes it possible to write tools that work off of a makefile, while only parseing a simplified subset of the full makefile syntax and semantics. Effects.run is a tool built on the makefile syntax (as simplified by ExpandmakeFile.Cmd). Effects, in essence, "inverts" the makefile: a makefile clearly tells what files, by changing, may affect a given file, but only implicitly what files are affected by changing a given file. Effects inverts this information, so that you can easily see which files will be directly and indirectly affected by a change to a single file. This becomes very useful when the makefile grows beyond a few files. TOUCH.run changes the update time-stamp of a file (the time-stamp used by MAKE for its decisions) to the current time. This makes the file "look changed" to MAKE, causing the same recompilations as if the file had been edited and changed. TOUCH is also used directly by MAKE, when the "-t" option ("TOUCH the files instead of executing the commands") is specified. FMP.PAS is a Pascal MODULE which declares all the FMP routines. It may be imported into any Pascal program, effectively predeclaring all FMP, and giving Pascal users access to these external routines almost as ready as in less strongly typed languages such as FORTRAN and MACRO. FMP.PAS is used by MAKE. RC.PAS is a Pascal MODULE (also useable as an external routine, for users of other languages) which implements a simple means of providing default values to programs which can be customized for individual users. The defaults are contained in a file named <program name>.rc, in the user's home directory (path 0). (If your system doesn't support UDSP's, the RC looks in your current working directory.) MAKE uses RC. Additional Documentation....: Help files are provided on all the pieces. Several help files are also provided on details of MAKE and the Makefile, and a tutorial on its use in general. R03101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T R031 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 1/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T Title....................: A package for programming across systems 1/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T.SBMT :02. READ_ME start here :03. METHODS.DOC :04. PRODUCE.CMD compile and link everything :05. SBMT.DOC (SWAP SPECIAL) Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (T) R032 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 2/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (T) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 2/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_T.SBMT :02. READ_ME :03. RUN_STRING.DOC :04. PRODUCE.CMD :05. T.LOD :06. T.FTN :07. T.REL :08. RENT_AGCY.FTN client management :09. RENT_AGCY.REL :10. SERVICES.FTN requests :11. SERVICES.REL :12. RANDOM_FILL.FTN for session :13. RANDOM_FILL.REL :14. CATEG100.FTN list :15. CATEG100.REL :16. T_SERV_CLASS.FTN method 1 :17. T_SERV_CLASS.REL :18. T_SERV_NS.FTN method 2 :19. T_SERV_NS.REL :20. T_SERV_NODE.FTN method 3 :21. T_SERV_NODE.REL :22. T_SERV_TCP.FTN method 4 :23. T_SERV_TCP.REL :24. T_SERV_HOST.FTN method 5 :25. T_SERV_HOST.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (SUB) R033 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 3/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (SUB) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 3/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_SUB.SBMT :02. T_OPEN_CLOSE.DOC :03. T_CHAT.DOC :04. T_ACTOR.DOC :05. T_IN_OUT.DOC :06. T_LIST.DOC :07. T_SUBCONTRACT.DOC :08. T_RAW.DOC :09. FORM.DOC form library :10. FOR.DOC form library :11. FKLB.DOC form library :12. STORE.DOC store library :13. PRODUCE.CMD compile,merge,lindx :14. T_SUB.FTN source :15. T_SUB.REL :16. T_SUB.MERG :17. T_SUB.LIB :18. T_PACKET.DOC Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (CLASS) R034 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 4/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (CLASS) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 4/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_CLASS.SBMT :02. SAMPLE.CLI :03. T_CLASS.FTN :04. T_CLASS.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (NS) R035 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 5/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (NS) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 5/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_NS.SBMT :02. SAMPLE.CLI :03. PRODUCE.CMD :04. T_NS.FTN :05. T_NS.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (NODE) R036 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 6/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (NODE) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 6/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_NODE.SBMT :02. READ_ME :03. SAMPLE.HST :04. PRODUCE.CMD :05. T_NODE.FTN :06. T_NODE.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (TCP) R037 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 7/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (TCP) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 7/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_TCP.SBMT :02. SAMPLE.CLI Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (HOST) R038 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 8/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (HOST) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 8/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_HOST.SBMT :02. SAMPLE.CLI Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R03901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (SUBCONTR) R039 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 9/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (SUBCONTR) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 9/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_SUBCONTR.SBMT :02. READ_ME :03. PRODUCE.CMD :04. PRNT.FTN prnt :05. PRNT.REL :06. GET_LASER_LU.INC prnt :07. LASER_LU.CNF prnt :08. PRNT.CLI prnt :09. STORE.FTN store :10. STORE.REL :11. STORE.CLI store :12. TERM.LOD term :13. TERM.FTN term :14. TERM.REL :15. FORM_SETUP.CNF term :16. TERM.CLI term Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R04001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (TEST) R040 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 10/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (TEST) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 10/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_TEST.SBMT :02. TEST.CMD :03. REMOTE.DOC :04. PRODUCE.CMD :05. W.FTN write :06. W.REL :07. W.CLI write :08. R.FTN read :09. R.REL :10. R.CLI read :11. LIX.FTN list :12. LIX.REL :13. LI.CLI list :14. T_STORE.FTN test store :15. T_STORE.REL :16. T_STORE.CLI test store :17. STORE.CLI test store :18. TFORM.FTN test term :19. TFORM.REL :20. TFORM.CLI test term :21. TERM.CLI test term :22. TFORM.FKLB test term :23. TFORM1.FOR test term :24. TFORM2.FOR test term :25. DIR.FTN tree :26. DIR.REL :27. DIR.CLI tree :28. DIR.FKLB tree :29. DIR1.FOR tree :30. DIR2.FOR tree :31. DIRLI.FTN tree & list :32. DIRLI.REL :33. DIR&LI.CLI tree & list :34. PRNT.CLI test prnt :35. LASER_LU.CNF test prnt :36. PACKET1.CLI :37. PACKET1.FTN :38. PACKET2.CLI :39. PACKET2.FTN :40. PACKET1.REL :41. PACKET2.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R04101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T (PC) R041 A PACKAGE FOR PROGRAMMING ACROSS SYSTEMS 11/11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: T (PC) Title....................: A package for programming across systems 11/11 File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. T_PC.SBMT :02. CONTRIB_LIST :03. READ_ME :04. NETDEF.H :05. NETLIB.H :06. TLIB.H :07. T_NET.C :08. NET_LIB.C :09. T_NET_S.LIB :10. T_SCHED.C :11. T_LIST.C :12. TLI.C :13. TLI.EXE :14. TPRT.C :15. TPRT.EXE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 5.2 & MS-DOS Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MICROSOFT C Keywords.................: 1. LIBRARY : 2. NETWORK : 3. UNIX : 4. PC : 5. MULTI-PROGRAM External Support Req'd...: NS-1000, DGL, PC/NetIPC If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap & J.L. Matton Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560 City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES State.........: Country.......: BELGIUM Zip Code......: Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 FAX Number....: (32.2) 764.55.69 Contribution Abstract.......: A package to build applications spanning several systems of various types. Additional Documentation....: See proceedings of San Diego 1991 conference. A matching contribution should be proposed for HP-UX R04201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRON R042 TIME-SCHEDULING OF PROGRAMS (SEE UNIX CRON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: CRON Title....................: Time-Scheduling of Programs (see Unix CRON) File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. CRON.SBMT :02. CRON.FTN :03. TIMENUMS.FTN :04. READCRONTAB.FTN :05. ECHOCRONTAB.FTN :06. CRON.REL :07. TIMENUMS.REL :08. READCRONTAB.REL :09. ECHOCRONTAB.REL :10. CRON.LOD :11. CRONTAB.DAT :12. CRON.HELP :13. MAKEFILE :14. TESTCRON1.CMD :15. TESTCRON2.CMD :16. TESTCRON3.CMD :17. TESTCRON4.CMD :18. TESTCRON5.CMD :19. TESTCRON6.CMD :20. TESTCRON7.CMD :21. EXECUTECMD.FTN :22. EXECUTECMD.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A REV. 5.1 Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. TIME : 2. SCHEDULING : 3. UNIX External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: BUG FIX Contributor's Name..........: James M. Sauer Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: P. O. Box 685 City..........: Lafayette State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 47902 Phone Number..: (317) 477-4457 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This program is a loose emulation of UNIX CRON. Like its UNIX counterpart it will schedule programs at predefined times. The times and programs are specified in a text file (the crontab file). The programs will be scheduled without wait, therefore, any number of programs can be scheduled to run at any given time. A 'ci' command can now be entered in the action field. For example, PU or CO. Additional Documentation....: CRONTAB.HELP, CRONTAB.DAT, and CRON.FTN R04301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU R043 MENU BUILDING UTILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MENU Title....................: Menu Building Utility File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. MENU.SBMT :02. menu.FTN :03. displayMessage.FTN :04. readMenu.FTN :05. displayMenu.FTN :06. subs.FTN :07. menu.REL :08. displayMessage.REL :09. readMenu.REL :10. displayMenu.REL :11. subs.REL :12. menuSize.FTNI :13. termControl.FTNI :14. start_ci.cmd :15. system_messages :16. menu.LOD :17. makefile :18. menu.HELP :19. help_exp1.MENU :20. help_exp2.MENU Operating System(s)......: RTE-A REV. 5.2 Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. MENU : 2. INTERFACE : 3. INTERACTIVE External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: James M. Sauer Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co. Street........: P. O. Box 685 City..........: Lafayette State.........: Indiana Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 47902 Phone Number..: (317) 477-4457 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This utility allows users to set up a hierarchical menu system. The menus can be configured for general system use or personalized to meet individual requirements. The menu configuration files are simple text files, thus the menu system can be changed easily. Additional Documentation....: MENU.HELP R04401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIMF R044 TRIM UNUSED SPACE FROM CI/FMGR FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: TRIMF Title....................: Trim unused space from CI/FMGR files. File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) :01. TRIMF.SBMT submission file :02. CDSMODE.CMD cds mode command file :03. CDSMODE.FH cds mode include file :04. CDSOFF :05. CDSON :06. MACROS.MLB modified macros :07. MAKEFILE the make file :08. STRNG.MAC :09. STRNG.REL :10. TRIMF.FH trimf common include file :11. TRIMF.FTN trimf source :12. TRIMF.HLP help file for /libraries/ :13. TRIMF.LIB strng and util2 :14. TRIMF.LOD :15. TRIMF.MERG :16. TRIMF.REL :17. TRIMF.WLF source for .hlp file :18. UTIL2.MAC :19. UTIL2.REL Operating System.........: RTE-6, RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. extents : 2. pack : 3. CI External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: bug fix Contributor's Name..........: Jim Lewis Company.......: Aluminum Company of America Street........: P.O. Box 9128 City..........: Alcoa State.........: Tennessee Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 37701 Phone Number..: (615)977-2800 Telex.........: Program Abstract............: Trimf was changing the record length of files that were copied to remove extents. The actual record length was not changed, just the directory entry. Trimf now preserves the record length when extents are removed. In all other respects, trimf has not changed from the prior submission. Additional Documentation....: See TRIMF.HLP and source code. R04501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE R045 PRINT FILES ON SERIAL PRINTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: Type Title....................: Print files on serial printers File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) :01. type.sbmt :02. dsrpprog.ftn :03. dsrpprog.rel :04. macros.mlb :05. makefile :06. mux.fh :07. mux_a.ftn :08. rpprg.fh :09. rpprg.ftn :10. rpprg.lod :11. rpprg.rel :12. strng.lib :13. strng.mac :14. strng.rel :15. type.ccp :16. type.doc :17. type.fh :18. type.ftn :19. type.hlp :20. type.lod :21. type.rel :22. type.wlf :23. typelod.ccp :24. typez.fh :25. typez.ftn :26. typez.lod :27. typez.rel :28. typlba.ftn :29. typlba.rel :30. MUX_A.REL Operating System.........: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN7X,MACRO Keywords.................: 1. printer : 2. list External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: bug fix and new feature Contributor's Name..........: Jim Lewis Company.......: Aluminum Company of America Street........: P. O. Box 9128 City..........: Alcoa State.........: Tennessee Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 37701 Phone Number..: (615)977-2800 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This is a resubmission. The program has been enhanced to do ansi style carriage control. Internally, things were cleaned up quite a bit. I have not seen an rte-6 system in almost 5 years. Accordingly, all rte-6 stuff has been stripped out (sorry about that). The program works with the new drivers and all standard serial cards on rte-a (12005, 12040d, and obio). Additional Documentation....: R04601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOR R046 ENHANCED POWERFAIL AUTOSTART ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: AUTOR Title....................: Enhanced Powerfail Autostart File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) :01. autor.sbmt :02. autoi.c :03. autoi.lod :04. autoi.nr :05. autoi_nr.lod :06. autor.c :07. autor.lod :08. autor.nr :09. autor_nr.lod :10. autox.c :11. autox.lod :12. autox.nr :13. autox_nr.lod :14. clib.lib :15. clib_nr.lib :16. clkcmd.c :17. clkcmd.nr :18. clkdate.c :19. clkdate.nr :20. clktime.c :21. clktime.nr :22. clock.lib :23. clock.mrg :24. clock_nr.lib :25. clock_nr.mrg :26. globals.ftn :27. globals.rel :28. initclk.c :29. initclk.nr :30. initclkp.c :31. initclkp.nr :32. install.cmd :33. makefile :34. muxup.mac :35. muxup.rel :36. rules.mk :37. startup.c :38. startup.nr :39. strings.lib :40. strings_nr.lib :41. autox.rel :42. autor.rel :43. autoi.rel :44. startup.rel :45. clkcmd.rel :46. clkdate.rel :47. clktime.rel :48. initclk.rel :49. initclkp.rel Operating System.........: rte-a Language(s)..............: c Keywords.................: 1. powerfail : 2. boot-up External Support Req'd...: $ccsc If Re-submission, Reason.: update for 5.2 Contributor's Name..........: Jim Lewis Company.......: Aluminum Company of America Street........: P. O. Box 9128 City..........: Alcoa State.........: Tennessee Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 37701 Phone Number..: (615)977-2800 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: Updated to reflect changes to &autor at 5020 release. Additional Documentation....: R04701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKSUM R047 TEST FOR MODIFIED FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: CHECKSUM Title....................: Test for Modified Files File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File : 01. CHECKSUM.SBMT : 02. CHECKSUM.FTN : 03. CHECKSUM.REL : 04. CHECKSUM.LOD Operating System.........: RTE-6, RTE-A Language(s)..............: FTN7X Keywords.................: 1. files : 2. security : 3. modify External Support Req'd...: CI file system If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: John Anderson Company.......: Naval Warfare Assessment Center Street........: Code 3242 City..........: Corona State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 91720-5000 Phone Number..: (714) 273-2719 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This program is used to determine if any files have been altered. A checksum of all files matching a file mask is made and stored in a file. The program can be run again and the checksums will be compared with the ones stored in the file. Even an edit with no changes can alter a checksum because all files are force to type 1 and the space at the end of file may be modified. File paths are limited to 50 characters. Additional Documentation....: R04801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRABBLE R048 THE GAME OF SCRABBLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SCRABBLE Title....................: The Game of Scrabble File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. SCRABBLE.SBMT :02. BOARD.C :03. BOARD.REL :04. CHARB.C :05. DATE.H :06. DICT.C :07. DICT.REL :08. DICTHASH.MAC :09. DICTHASH.REL :10. MAKEFILE :11. MOVE.C :12. MOVE.REL :13. PLAYER.C :14. PLAYER.REL :15. PLURAL.C :16. README :17. REFRESH.C :18. SAVEGAME.C :19. SAVEGAME.REL :20. SCRABBLE.C :21. SCRABBLE.H :22. SCRABBLE.LOD :23. SCRABBLE.REL :24. README.DCT :25. TTY.C :26. TTY.REL :27. USER.C :28. USER.REL :29. UTIL.C :30. UTIL.H :31. UTIL.REL :32. WORDS Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, VC+ Language(s)..............: C, Macro Keywords.................: 1. Games : 2. C : 3. WORD External Support Req'd...: Curses lib, C lib, CDS, (REV.D Mux) If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson Company.......: Hewlett-Packard Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road, MS/42UM City..........: Cupertino State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95014 Phone Number..: (408) 447-5083 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: This program plays the board game Scrabble. It was written by Wayne Christopher (faustus@yew.Berkeley.EDU) and posted to comp.sources.games, then ported to the HP-1000 by John D. Johnson. This program is written in C and uses the HP-1000 curses library, which is also included on the swap tape. A dictionary of about 40,000 words is supplied, which was also posted to Usenet some time ago. The plurals programs has not processed this dictionary. Additional Documentation....: See file README R04901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURSES_E R049 CURSOR/WINDOW CONTROL LIBRARY PACKAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: CURSES_E Title....................: Cursor/Window Control Library Package File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. CURSES_E.SBMT :02. $CCSC.LIB :03. $CCSC_E.LIB :04. ALLOCA.MAC :05. ALLOCA.REL :06. ATTRIB.C :07. BEEP.C :08. BORDER.C :09. BOXES.C :10. CHARADD.C :11. CHARDEL.C :12. CHARGET.C :13. CHARINS.C :14. CHARPICK.C :15. CLRTOBOT.C :16. CLRTOEOL.C :17. COMM.MAKE :18. CURSES.H :19. CURSES.LIB :20. CURSES.MAN :21. CURSES.MRG :22. CURSESKEY.C :23. CURSES_E.LIB :24. CURSPRIV.H :25. ENDWIN.C :26. GETOPT.C :27. HEAP_LOCATION.C :28. IDLUPDATE.C :29. INITSCR.C :30. LBPC.MAC :31. LBPC.REL :32. LINEDEL.C :33. LINEINS.C :34. LONG.MAKE :35. LONGNAME.C :36. MAKERUNSTRING.MAC :37. MAKERUNSTRING.REL (CDS version) :38. MEMCPY.MAC :39. MEMCPY.REL :40. MOVE.C :41. MVCURSOR.C :42. NEWWIN.C :43. NOIDL_UPDATE.C :44. NOIDL_UPDATE.REL :45. OPTIONS.C :46. OVERLAY.C :47. PIPES.LIB :48. PIPES_CDS.LIB :49. POPEN.C :50. PRNTSCAN.C :51. RANDOM.C :52. README.1000 :53. README.PC :54. REFRESH.C :55. RTECURSES.C :56. SCRREG.C :57. SETMODE.C :58. SETTERM.C :59. SHORT.MAKE :60. SIGNAL.C :61. SLEEP.C :62. STRADD.C :63. STRGET.C :64. STRLEN.MAC :65. STRLEN.REL :66. STUB.MAC :67. TABSIZE.C :68. TERMMISC.C :69. UNCTRL.C :70. UPDATE.C :71. WINCLEAR.C :72. WINDEL.C :73. WINERASE.C :74. WINMOVE.C :75. WINSCROL.C :76. WINTOUCH.C Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, VC+ Language(s)..............: C Keywords.................: 1. TERMINAL : 2. UNIX : 3. C External Support Req'd...: C lib, CDS, New serial drivers (REV.D Mux) If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements and bug fixes Contributor's Name..........: John D. Johnson Company.......: Hewlett-Packard Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road, MS/42UM City..........: Cupertino State.........: CA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 95014 Phone Number..: (408) 447-5083 Telex.........: Contribution Abstract.......: CURSES is a port to the HP-1000 done by John D. Johnson of the PCcurses v.1.4 cursor/window control package, along with some routines that emulate Unix routines. The Unix routine are: sleep(), random() and getopt() popen and pclose. There are faster versions of CCS'S .LBPC, memcpy() and strlen(). There are stub routines for unlink(), link(), pause(), getpid(), kill() and signal(). There is a modified set of FMP routines that support program to program pipes. This version of Curses supports only HP terminal escape sequences. The CURSES_E.LIB version is for use with long pointers, the CURSES.LIB version is for use with short pointers. Additional Documentation....: See file README.1000 first. A manual is found in CURSES.MAN. R05001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMZOOM R050 INTERACTIVE ZOOM OF -GRAFIT- CHART ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SMZOOM Title....................: Interactive Zoom of -GRAFIT- Chart File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. SMZOOM.SBMT :02. SMZOOM.LOD :03. SMZOOM.REL :04. SMZOOM.FTN Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 Keywords.................: 1. graphics : 2. ci : 2. interactive External Support Req'd...: GRAFIT - GRAPHICUS INC. If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A Contributor's Name..........: LUCIANO CALZAVARA & DANIELE TUBACHER Company.......: SECONDO MONA SPA Street........: VIA CARLO DEL PRETE 1 City..........: SOMMA LOMBARDO State.........: - Country.......: ITALY Zip Code......: 21019 Phone Number..: (0331)-256201 Telex.........: 332559 Contribution Abstract.......: The program permits to select interactively the part of the chart to display,preventing the distortion ,and optimizing the axis of the selected window. Moreover the user can use a Command Stack with the same features of the CI Command Stack. Additional Documentation....: NONE R05101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSPACE R051 FMGR & CI DISC-SPACE DISPLAY PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: DSPACE Title....................: FMGR & CI Disc-Space Display Program File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. DSPACE.SBMT :02. DSPACE.FTN :03. DSPACE.LST :04. DSPACE.REL :05. DSPACE.LOD :06. DSPACE.DOC :07. DSPACE.DISP (A sample of the CRT display) :08. ACCESSLU.FTN :09. ACCESSLU.LST :10. ACCESSLU.REL :11. OPSY.MAC :12. OPSY.LST :13. OPSY.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM and RTE-A Language(s)..............: Fortran77 and Macro assembler Keywords.................: 1. DISC : 2. CI : 3. FMGR External Support Req'd...: NONE If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Mark F. Allen Company.......: U.S. Air Force Street........: OO-ALC/TISAB City..........: Hill AFB State.........: Utah Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 84056 Phone Number..: (801)-775-2865 Fax Number....: Contribution Abstract.......: This program displays the available ,used and free disc space in blocks, Megabytes, and percent. This gives a better feeling for the amount of disc space free or used. The program has no run paramters and simply lists space for all mounted disc cartridges, both FMGR and CI. Additional Documentation....: See DSPACE.DOC and the source code. R05201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RBOOT R052 HP-1000 M/E/F SERIES RTE ONLINE REBOOT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: RBOOT Title....................: HP-1000 M/E/F series RTE online REBOOT File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. RBOOT.SBMT :02. RBOOT.FTN :03. RBOOT.LST :04. RBOOT.REL :05. RBOOT.LOD :06. RBOOT.DOC :07. RBOOT.DAT :08. RBOOT.CMD :09. RBOOT.TXT :10. RBSUB.MAC :11. RBSUB.LST :12. RBSUB.REL :13. BOOTCS80.MAC :14. BOOTCS80.LST :15. BOOTCS80.INCL :16. BOOTICD.MAC :17. BOOTICD.LST :18. BOOTICD.INCL :19. BOOTMAC.MAC :20. BOOTMAC.LST :21. BOOTMAC.INCL :22. INSTALL.DOC Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM and probably earlier 2,3,4A,4B Language(s)..............: Fortran77 and Macro assembler Keywords.................: 1. boot-up External Support Req'd...: NONE If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Mark F. Allen Company.......: U.S. Air Force Street........: OO-ALC/TISAB City..........: Hill AFB State.........: Utah Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 84056 Phone Number..: (801)-775-2865 Fax Number....: Contribution Abstract.......: This program will, ONLINE, while RTE-6/VM is running, cause the system to halt and re-boot. This is useful if you need to, or must, re-boot the system from a remote location. Numerous safeguards are incorperated but this program can cause problems if improperly used. This should work with earlier RTE systems such as 2,3,4A,4B but HAS NOT BEEN TESTED with these. This has only been tested with RTE-6/VM. Additional Documentation....: See INSTALL.DOC, RBOOT.DOC, RBOOT.TXT 1 R05301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTDP1A R053 9-TRACK MAG TAPE DUMP UTILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: MTDP1A Title....................: 9-track Mag Tape Dump Utility File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. MTDP1A.SBMT :02. MTDP1A.FTN :03. MTDP1A.LST :04. MTDP1A.REL :05. MTDP1A.DOC Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM and RTE-A Language(s)..............: Fortran77 Keywords.................: 1. MAGNETIC_TAPE : 2. DUMP : 3. ASCII : 4. EBCDIC External Support Req'd...: NONE If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Mark F. Allen Company.......: U.S. Air Force Street........: OO-ALC/TISAB City..........: Hill AFB State.........: Utah Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 84056 Phone Number..: (801)-775-2865 Fax Number....: Contribution Abstract.......: This program will dump the contents of the physical records on a 9-track magnetic tape and format them for Octal or Hex display and companion ASCII or EBCDIC display. It is useful for determining the exact nature of a tape written on some other machine. Additional Documentation....: See MTDP1A.DOC and the source code. R05401 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC R054 PERS COMMANDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: PC Title....................: Pers Commander File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex supplied) :01. pc.sbmt :02. var.inc :03. konst.inc :04. parm.inc :05. pc.ftn :06. pc.rel :07. cursor.ftn :08. cursor.rel :09. konst.ftn :10. konst.rel :11. oscreen.ftn :12. oscreen.rel :13. pclib.ftn :14. pclib.rel :15. readdir.ftn :16. readdir.rel :17. rval.ftn :18. rval.rel :19. skey.ftn :20. skey.rel :21. tagg.ftn :22. tagg.rel :23. var.ftn :24. var.rel :25. aset.mac :26. aset.rel :27. isort.mac :28. isort.rel :29. jtoa.mac :30. jtoa.rel :31. lbyte.mac :32. lbyte.rel :33. lsbit.mac :34. lsbit.rel :35. mbt.mac :36. mbt.rel :37. ncmpr.mac :38. ncmpr.rel :39. nmpar.mac :40. nmpar.rel :41. sbyte.mac :42. sbyte.rel :43. tr.cmd - used by internal ci commands :44. pc.lod - load file :45. pc.proc - processing command file :46. pc.inst - installation command file :47. pc.txt - documentation, install info. :48. pc.uhlp - helpfile :49. bolib.merg - merge bolib :50. pclib.merg - merge pc :51. ??.cmd - help utility like ci's ? :52. bolib.lib - bolib library :53. pclib.lib - pc library Operating System.........: RTE A Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Shell : 2. Interface : 3. Tools : 4. CI : 5. Files External Support Req'd...: D-mux or telnet, 2392 or 700/92 or advance link terminal If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Per Molgaard Pedersen Company.......: Bang & Olufsen ( department. 3350 ) Street........: Peter Bangsvej City..........: 7600 Struer State.........: Country.......: DK Denmark Zip Code......: 7600 Phone Number..: 97851122 - ext. 7091 Telex.........: 66519 Contribution Abstract.......: This program is a screen oriented commander a la the Norton Commander for a PC. Although it is not as fancy as the Norton Commander, it will edit, list, print, copy, move, rename, purge, unpurge, execute, transfer, link and tagg files. Tagged files can be copied, moved, printed or compiled. The cursor is moved around with the cursor control keys. The selected file is showen in the inverse video cursor. Additional Documentation....: Se pc.uhlp. R05501 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERCH R055 SCAN A LIST OF FILES FOR A STRING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........:SERCH Title....................:Scan A list of files for a string File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. SERCH.SBMT :02. SERCH.FTN Source :03. SERCH.REL Reloctable :04. SERCH.DOC Help file :05. SERCH.LOD Link Command file :06. $ANTLB.LIB Required Library :07. ANTLIB.DOC Doc's for $ANTLIB :08. $ASUB.LIB Required Library :09. $ASUB.MERG :10. $FSUB.LIB :11. $FSUB.MERG :12. Fsub.ftn Source for $FSUB :13. Fsub.rel Reloc for $FSUB :14. $QSUBS Required Lib. :15. %QCOM Common Block deff. :16. ASUB.MAC Source for ASUB.LIB :17. ASUB.REL Reloc for ASUB.LIB :18. &QSBCM FTN7x include file Operating System(s)......: RTE-6,RTE-A(FMGR Only) Language(s)..............: Ftn Keywords.................: 1. filter : 2. strings : 3. search External Support Req'd...: none If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Randy Brzoskowski Company.......: S.C. Johnson Inc. Street........: 1525 Howe St. m/s 271 City..........: Racine State.........: WI Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 53406 Phone Number..: (414) 631-3479 Fax Number....: (414) 631-4503 Contribution Abstract.......: An oldie but a goody !!! SERCH takes an input file which is a list of file manager files and scans them for a matching string of text. The name of the file scaned and all the lines in the file which contain the string are sent to the output file. See the file SERCH.DOC for additional instructions. This routine works only with FMGR files mainly because I was to lazy to update it to handle CI file access. Maybe next year. R05601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUKE R056 FREE SHEMA ENTRIES FOR DEALLOCATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: NUKE Title....................: Free SHEMA entries for deallocation File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE : 01 NUKE.SBMT SUBMIT FILE : 02 NUKE.PAS PASCAL SOURCE : 03 NUKE.REL PASCAL REL : 04 NUKESUB.MAC MACRO SOURCE : 05 NUKESUB.REL MACRO REL : 06 SNOOP2.MAC MACRO SOURCE : 07 SNOOP2.REL MACRO REL : 08 NUKE.LOD LINK COMMAND FILE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: PASCAL AND MACRO Keywords.................: 1. SHEMA : 2. SYSTEM External Support Req'd...: PASCAL LIBRARIES If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A Contributor's Name..........: Robert M. Hersh Company........: AGS Genasys Corporation Street.........: 9710 Patuxent Woods Drive City...........: Columbia State..........: Maryland Country........: US Zip Code.......: 21046 Phone Number...: (301) 596-7410 Contribution Abstract.......: NUKE allows the user to clear the Number In In System and Use Count fields, allowing the user to deallocate a SHEMA that belonged to a program that died while working in another SHEMA. R05701 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOOPER R057 LOCATE SHEMA TABLE ENTRY OFFSETS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: SNOOPER Title....................: Locate SHEMA table entry offsets File Names...............: 00 RENAME TRANSFER FILE : 01. SNOOPER.SBMT SUBMIT FILE : 02. SNOOPER.PAS PASCAL SOURCE : 03. SNOOPER.REL : 04. SNOOP2.MAC MACRO SOURCE : 05. SNOOP2.REL : 06. SNOOPER.LOD LINK COMMAND FILE Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: PASCAL & MACRO Keywords.................: 1. SHEMA : 2. SYSTEM External Support Req'd...: RTE LIBRARY FILES If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A Contributor's Name..........: Robert M. Hersh Company........: AGS Genasys Corporation Street.........: 9710 Patuxent Woods Drive City...........: Columbia State..........: Maryland Country........: US Zip Code.......: 21046 Phone Number...: (301) 596-7410 Contribution Abstract.......: SNOOPER is a utility that allows the user to locate a Shareable EMA (SHEMA) in memory and identify the entry number is the SHEMA table. SNOOP2 is a MACRO subroutine that compares the SHEMA name to each entry in the SHEMA table. If a match is found, the SHEMA table offset is returned, otherwise a 0 is returned. Additional Documentation....: SEE SOURCE CODE R05801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOCARDS R058 LIST I/O CARDS ON CPU BACKPLANE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: IOCARDS Title....................: List I/O Cards on CPU Backplane File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File (Interex-supplied) :01. IOCARDS.SBMT - Submission file :02. IOCARDS.FTN - Main program :03. IOCARDS.REL :04. IOCARDS.LOD :05. GETOPSY.FTN - Get Op Sys subroutine :06. GETOPSY.REL :07. IOID.MAC - Get I/O list function :08. IOID.REL Operating System(s)......: RTE-A Language(s)..............: FORTRAN-77, MACRO Keywords.................: 1. Analyzer : 2. I/O : 3. System : 4. Tools : 5. Interface External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Tom Burson Company.......: AMP Incorporated Street........: 3705 Paxton St. M/S 26-57 City..........: Harrisburg State.........: PA Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 17111 Phone Number..: (717) 780-7648 Contribution Abstract.......: This program displays a list of all I/O cards plugged into the backplane of the CPU. It lists them in physical sequence beginning from the CPU end, but skipping any non-I/O cards. It also displays the current CPU type, operating system, and date code. This program uses function IOID to scan the current computer's backplane for I/O cards and pick up a 16 bit word from each. Function IOID was taken from TC Interface magazine the Nov/Dec 1986 issue and the HP 1000 GURU column by Bill Hassell. Additional Documentation....: R05901 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESCHED R059 CONTROLLING AUTOMATIC PROGRAM EXECUTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contribution Name...........: TIMESCHED Title....................: Controlling Automatic Program Execution File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File :01. TIMESCHED.SBMT submit file :02. TIMLST.CMD :03. SCXXX.FTN :04. SCHED.FTN :05. RESCHED.FTN :06. OFSCHED.FTN :07. INSTALL.CMD Operating System.........: RTE-A Uses hierarchical files?.: YES Language(s)..............: FORTRAN Keywords.................: 1. SCHEDULING : 2. TIME External Support Req'd...: If Re-submission, Reason.: Contributor's Name..........: Wendy L. King Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW City..........: Washington State.........: DC Country.......: USA Zip Code......: 20392 Phone Number..: 202-653-0486 wendy@newton.usno.navy.mil Program Abstract............: These programs read the timlst.cmd file which contains a list of programs to be run at specific times and specific intervals, and either schedule them to run appropriately or remove them from the automatic time list. The programs must be customized by each user to fit system specific requirements. THESE PROGRAMS WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT MODIFICATION. They are intended to be used as a guide for users wishing to install a system which monitors and controls automatic program execution. Each file is self-documenting. Additional Documentation....: Paper 1008: San Diego Conference Proceedings August 5-8, 1991