SHOWP                                                                    M001 
                        DYNAMIC SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY 
 Contribution Name...........: SHOWP
    Title....................: Dynamic system status display
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SHOWP.SBMT       Submission file
                             :02. SHOWP.LOD        Link command file
                             :03. SHOWP.FTN        Fortran 7x source file 
                             :04. SHOWP.REL        Relocatable
                             :05. SHOWP.HLP        Help file
                             :06. STATES.INC       Common block 
                             :07. CONTROL.INC      Common block 
                             :08. UTILITIES.FTN    Screen utility routines
                             :09  UTIL_BUFFER.INC  Common block 
                             :10. UTILITIES.REL    Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-A Only
    Language(s)..............:Fortran 7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Display 
                             : 2. Monitor 
                             : 3. System
                             : 4. Diagnostic
    External Support Req'd...: HP26xx, HP23xx terminal. 
                               (In fact any HP addressable terminal)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:A.R. Gray 
               Company.......:Thurston Software Consultants 
               Street........:12 Stortford road 
               City..........:Great Dunmow
               Zip Code......:CM6 1DA 
               Phone Number..:0371-5515 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   This program displays information on all programs with an ID segment 
   table entry. The programs are listed left to right/top to bottom in the
   order they appear in the ID table. 
   DELAY is an optional parameter which when specified is the 
         delay between display updates expressed in 10's of millisecs.
         If omitted delay is taken as 100 (i.e. once a second)
         Delay can be any value between 10 - 32767, although values 
         above 100 will not yield any useful dynamic information. 
         The bottom limit of 10 millisecs was chosen so as not to 
         degrade system performance excessively 
   Six items of information are displayed using a combination of text and 
   screen highlights: 
      Program name
      Session number
      Program status
      Memory status (I.e  "In" or swapped out)
      Break flag
 Additional Documentation....:See the help file SHOWP.HLP 
DRIVERPARM                                                               M002 
                       CREATE CS-80 DVT ENTRY SEQUENCE
 Contribution Name...........: Driverparm 
    Title....................: Create CS-80 DVT entry sequence
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. DRIVERPARM.SBMT
                             : 02. DRIVERPARM.FTN 
                             : 03. DRIVERPARM_LIB.FTN 
                             : 04. CMDSTACK.MAC 
                             : 05. LEFTJUSTIFY.MAC
                             : 06. MERGE_FILES.MRG
                             : 07. DRIVERPARM.CMD 
                             : 08. DRIVERPARM.REL 
                             : 09. DRIVERPARM_LIB.REL 
                             : 10. DRIVERPARM.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MACRO FOR COMMANDSTACK UTILITIES 
                               CMDSTACK & LEFTJUSTIFY IS FROM CSL 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Configure 
                             : 3. System
                             : 4. Generation
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:  Will give you a textfile containing 
 the complete DVT entry sequence that you need in the answer file for 
 generation. For example, run DRIVERPARM to create a file ( p.e. m7933.gen ). 
 Then modify your answerfile depending to your system and merge m7933.gen 
 into your answerfile at the proper position. Take care about searchpathes
 and drivernames. DRIVERPARM also create a stackfile reusing it at restart. 
 Additional Documentation....: SEE SOURCE 
CLAL                                                                     M003 
 Contribution Name...........: CLAL 
    Title....................: Expanded disc-information utility
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. CLAL.SBMT
                             : 02. CLAL.FTN   FOR RTE-A 
                             : 03. CLAL.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:
      Gives user a listing similar to RTE-VI command CL,AL
               Listing look's as follows: 
    LU   Last Trck  CRN/CI sec/trck  locked  11:21 AM  WED., 24  FEB., 1988 
    16    00399       CI      48
    17    00942       CI      48
    22    00938       CI      48
    29    02625       CI      48
    23    00423       23      48
    30    00603       CI      48     KEYNU/73 
    49    01621       CI      48
MAKE_KEYS                                                                M004 
                         MAKE/SET TERMINAL SOFTKEYS 
 Contribution Name...........: MAKE_KEYS
    Title....................: Make/set terminal softkeys 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. MAKE_KEYS.SBMT 
                             : 02. MAKE_KEYS.FTN  FOR RTE-A 
                             : 03. MAKE_KEYS.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SOFTKEYS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............: Running MAKE_KEYS will create a PROGRAM, 
                               that's the reason you need the ftn7x compiler. 
                               This program will set the softkeys according 
                               to the values in Make_keys specified ( this
                               is not a transferfile !!!!! ). 
                               You can start those programs by fmprunprogram
                               in your software.
 Additional Documentation....:
GENRECORDS                                                               M005 
 Contribution Name...........: GENRECORDS 
    Title....................: Read GEN records from driver relocatable 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. GENRECORDS.SBMT
                             : 02. GENRECORDS.FTN   FOR RTE 
                             : 03. GENRECORDS.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  OR RTE-VI WITH CI VOLUMES 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Relocatable 
                             : 3. Generation
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH / LORENZ HIEMER 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............: Lists the GEN records from driver relocatable. 
                               'RU,GENRECORDS,<lu> will direct listing to 
                               specified lu.
ROOT                                                                     M006 
                         GIVE SUPER-USER CAPABILITY 
 Contribution Name...........: ROOT 
    Title....................: Give super-user capability 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. ROOT.SBMT
                             : 02. ROOT.FTN   FOR RTE-A 
                             : 03. ROOT.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. system
                             : 2. security
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:  Gives you super-user capability by
                                starting a 'superci'. The program asks you
                                for a password, which is linked to the
                                current system time (variable password).
                                See source code for password algorithm. 
 Note: On directory /PROGRAMS make a copy of CI.RUN called SUPERCI.RUN. 
TE                                                                       M007 
                     SEND MSGS TO USER (LIKE 3000 TELL) 
 Contribution Name...........: TE 
    Title....................: send msgs to user (like 3000 TELL) 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. TE.SBMT
                             : 02. TE.FTN   FOR RTE-A 
                             : 03. TE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Message 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............: Running the program, will show you wh,se and 
                               ask for specified lu#. @ means broadcast to
                               all active sessions ( also locked lu's ),
                               next question is for message. Take care of 
                               the length of the message. You also can
                               specify lu and text in the runstring. TE will
                               prompt you for all he's missing. 
 Additional Documentation....:
KILLEXT                                                                  M008 
                    KILLS EXTENTS (USE W/ TRANSFER FILES) 
 Contribution Name...........: KILLEXT
    Title....................: Kills extents (use w/ transfer files)
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. KILLEXT.SBMT 
                             : 02. KILLEXT.FTN
                             : 03. KILLEXT.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A / RTE-6/VM w/ CI vol.
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Extents 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:  Running the program, will kill the type ext.
                                of the filename, if given in the runstring. 
                                If there is no extension doesn't matter.
                                EX.  killext $1           ( $1 = test.pas ) 
                                     will bring in $return_s => TEST  alone.
BITMAP                                                                   M009 
                            DISC BIT MAP DISPLAY
 Contribution Name...........: BITMAP 
    Title....................: Disc bit map display 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. BITMAP.SBMT
                             : 02. BITMAP.FTN 
                             : 03. BITMAP.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:  An interactive program which shows the
                                use of the bitmap ( blocks used or free );
                                a disc dump to the terminal screen is also
MORE_A_TO                                                                M010 
                           PAGINATED LIST COMMAND 
 Contribution Name...........: MORE_A_TO
    Title....................: Paginated list command 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. MORE_A_TO.SBMT 
                             : 02. MORE_A_TO.FTN
                             : 03. MORE_A_TO.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A / RTE-VI 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Formatting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: ACHIM ULRICH 
               Company.......: HEWLETT PACKARD
               Street........: HEWLETT PACKARDSTR.
               City..........: BAD HOMBURG v.d.H
               State.........: GERMANY
               Country.......: GERMANY/EUROPE 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: 06172 400-402
 Program Abstract............:  Calling the subroutine in output loops will 
                                stop the output after 20 lines of text and ask
                                more ( a to abort ).  Similar to the fmplist
 Additional Documentation....:
PEDIT                                                                    M011 
                          PROGRAMMATIC LINE EDITOR
 Contribution Name...........: PEDIT
    Title....................: Programmatic line editor 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PEDIT.SBMT
                             :02. &PEDIT  - Source of utility 
                             :03. %PEDIT  - Relocatable 
                             :04. &PTEST  - Source of test program
                             :05. %PTEST  - Relocatable 
                             :06. #PTEST  - Link file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Interactive 
                             : 2. Editor
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Alan Puffett 
               Company.......: Royal Aircraft Establishment 
               City..........: Clapham
               State.........: Bedfordshire 
               Country.......: United Kingdom 
               Post Code.....: MK41 6AE 
               Phone Number..: 044-234-225562 
               Telex.........: 825332 MODPE G 
 Program Abstract............: This subroutine allows a text string to be 
 displayed at, or entered from a terminal and then modified an unlimited
 number of times, finally being returned to the calling program. It mimics
 the pending line edit facility used in EDIT/1000 and allows various modes
 by means of CTRL & R,C,I,S & T. When satisfied with the contents of the
 string the user returns it by keying RETURN alone. String handling is as 
 type INTEGER and DECAR is used for string manipulation. However, the buffer
 in the parameter list may be EQUIVALENCE'd to a CHARACTER variable in the
 main if this is more convenient. All I/O is through EXEC calls and the 
 formatter is not required. 
 Additional Documentation....: In source file.
FIND                                                                     M012 
                          FIND ASCII STRING ON DISC 
 Contribution Name...........:  FIND
    Title....................:  Find ASCII string on disc 
                                Verrry fast!! 
    File Names...............:  00. Rename Transfer File
                             :  01. FIND.SBMT   submit file 
                             :  02. FIND.FTN    FTN sources 
                             :  03. ASUBS.MAC   MACRO sources 
                             :  04. FIND.REL    Relocatable 
                             :  05. ASUBS.REL   Relocatable 
                             :  06. FIND.LOD    LINK command file 
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-6,A 
    Language(s)..............:  Fortran, Assembly 
    Keywords.................:  1. Disc 
                             :  2. ASCII
                             :  3. Search 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Significantly enhanced
 Contributor's Name..........:  Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:  MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:  Off Rt. 40
               City..........:  Westford
               State.........:  MA
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  01886 
               Phone Number..:  (508) 692-4764
               Telex.........:  948149
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This is an enhanced version of the program contributed in CSL/1000 Rev 2433. 
  Given a specified ASCII string and a range of tracks to be searched on a
  specified cartridge or disc-lu, FIND will return the track, sector, word# 
  of all occurrences of the specified string.  In addition, if the cartridge
  is a FMGR cartridge, the file name will be displayed if the match was 
  found within the bounds of a file.  Case folding may be optionally
  specified.  Occurrences of the ASCII string which cross track boundaries
  are also properly identified. 
     FIND is very useful in finding 'lost' ASCII source code or data files, 
  or for tracking down, for example,  all calls to a particular subroutine
  in a large set of source files.  Also useful in crises such as salvaging
  data on a disc with a damaged directory.
     FIND is extremely fast, upwards of 150,000 bytes/second on a quiet 
  A900 (without case folding).  Since files are never opened by FIND, 
  there are never any delays due to D.RTR.  Thousands of files spanning 
  several thousand tracks can be completely searched in a few minutes.
MANUAL                                                                   M013 
                     CSL/1000 UTILITIES REFERENCE MANUAL
 Contribution Name...........: MANUAL 
    Title....................: CSL/1000 Utilities Reference Manual
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File. 
                             :01. MANUAL.SBMT  Submission File. 
                             :02. [MODEL       Model Chapter Documentation. 
                             :03. [UTIL        Utilities Ref Mnl (RNOFF input)
                             :04. [ADL         ADL Documentation
                             :05. [CALCU       Calculator Documentation 
                             :06. [CALLS       Calls Documentation
                             :07. [CHECK       Check_Priority Documentation 
                             :08. [CLASS       Class Documentation
                             :09. [CLRRN       Clrrn Documentation
                             :10. [CMM6        Cmm6 Documentation 
                             :11. [CMPAR       Cmpar Documentation
                             :12. [COMPI       Compile Documentation
                             :13. [CPUSE       Cpuse Documentation
                             :14. [CRTID       Crtid Documentation
                             :15. [DBCPD       Dbcpd Documentation
                             :16. [DBCPM       Dbcpm Documentation
                             :17. [DBEXP       DbExplain Documentation
                             :18. [DBMOD       Dbmod Documentation
                             :19. [DBMOV       Dbmov Documentation
                             :20. [DBSEC       Dbsec Documentation
                             :21. [DBSPB       Dbspb Documentation
                             :22. [DBSPC       Dbspc Documentation
                             :23. [DCODE       Dcode Documentation
                             :24. [DFIND       Dfind Documentation
                             :25. [DI          Di Documentation 
                             :26. [DLX         Dlx Documentation
                             :27. [FL          Fl Documentation 
                             :28. [GETEM       Getem Documentation
                             :29. [GETRS       Getrs Documentation
                             :30. [IDENT       Ident Documentation
                             :31. [KEDIT       Kedit Documentation
                             :32. [LIBLS       Libls Documentation
                             :33. [LIBRN       Librn Documentation
                             :34. [LINKS       Links Documentation
                             :35. [LOGOU       Logout Documentation 
                             :36. [LOOK        Look Documentation 
                             :37. [LUSTAT      Lu_Status Documentation
                             :38. [M2240       M2240 Documentation
                             :39. [MEDIT
                             :40. [METER       etc....
                             :41. [ORCAM
                             :42. [PAGID
                             :43. [PARTI
                             :44. [PFILE
                             :45. [POSNT
                             :46. [PRIME
                             :47. [PSCRN
                             :48. [QXREF
                             :49. [RATFR
                             :50. [ROM
                             :51. [RXREF
                             :52. [SAM
                             :53. [SAMSZ
                             :54. [SEEKR
                             :55. [SHOWM
                             :56. [SHOWT
                             :57. [SNAPS
                             :58. [SORT 
                             :59. [SPECT
                             :60. [SPOOL
                             :61. [T2608
                             :62. [TASC 
                             :63. [THINK
                             :64. [TIME 
                             :65. [TRIMF
                             :66. [TRKCK
                             :67. [TSTGR
                             :68. [TYPE6
                             :69. [UNPUR
                             :70. [UPDF1
                             :71. [URESN
                             :72. [USAGE
                             :73. [VERIF
                             :74. [WHO
                             :75. [XRSYS
                             :76. [ZOT
                             :77. MANUAL.TXT
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added 70 programs to the original
 Contributor's Name..........: Antero Airola
               Company.......: Kemira OY
               Street........: PL 36
               City..........: Pori 
               Country.......: Finland
               Zip Code......: 28101
               Phone Number..: 939-443555 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This contribution is a Utilities Reference Manual which describes the 
 use, operation, and installation of several HP-1000 utility programs from
 various CSL Tapes. 
    Documantation for each of the above utilities is contained in a file
 with the name [xxxxx. For example, the documentation for the MGETX program 
 is in the file [MGETX. 
    The file [UTIL is used as the input file to the RNOFF program 
 (submission I012 in CSL Rev. 2433) to generate the printable manual, 
 MANUAL as shown below: 
    A hardcopy of the Utilities Reference Manual can be obtained by simply
 dumping the output file (Manual.txt) to the printer. 
               Print Manual.txt 
   The documentation file for each utility, such as [WRITX, is similar
 to a FMGR transfer file or a Fortran INCLUDE file and is referenced by 
 the main documentation file [UTIL. 
   The file [MODEL is simply a model for a chapter in the Utilities 
 Reference Manual. When a new utility is to be added, [MODEL is used to 
 create the [xxxxx file so that some consistancy is maintained. 
    If you wish to change the manual (such as the name of the front cover)
 use EDIT/1000 to change the appropriate documentation input file [xxxxx. 
 Then, use RNOFF to generate a new output.
    Refer to the documantation for the RNOFF utility (a seperate submission)
 for further details regarding the generation of formatted manuals. 
    This is a re-submission of I030 in CSL/1000 Rev. 2433. I have added 
 documentation for 70 more CSL programs, which we have found useful at our
MSGCOM                                                                   M014 
 Contribution Name...........: MSGCOM 
    Title....................: MSGCOM (missing files from LIBC from CSL/1000 Rev 2730)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MSGCOM.SBMT 
                             :02. MSGCOM.FTN     (fortran source) 
                             :03. MSGCOM.FTNI    (include file) 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A or RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x
    Keywords.................: 1. library 
    External Support Req'd...: LIBC 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: left off of LIBC contribution
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7619 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  These files were inadvertantently omitted from the LIBC contribution
  of CSL/1000 Rev 2730, and are submitted here for completeness.
 Additional Documentation....: See source code
FFP24                                                                    M015 
 Contribution Name...........: FFP24
    Title....................: E-series double-integer and double-precision microcode 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FFP24.SBMT
                             :02. "FFP24   documentation
                             :03. "FFP     Install instr. (FEM / FAB) 
                             :04. &FFP24   Microcode source 
                             :05. %FEMUC   Microcode object, FEM
                             :06. %FABUC   Microcode object, FAB
                             :07. !FEMHX   Hex PROM burn file, FEM
                             :08. !FABHX   Hex PROM burn file, FAB
                             :09. &FEMRP   RPL file, FEM board
                             :10. &FABRP   RPL file, FAB board
                             :11. %FEMRP   Relocatable
                             :12. %FABRP   Relocatable
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: Assembly 
    Keywords.................: 1. Microcode 
                             : 2. Entry_points
    External Support Req'd...: FEM / FAB boards 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Gibbons 
               Company.......: Mirkheim Systems 
               Street........: PO Box 203 
               City..........: Los Altos
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94023
               Phone Number..: (415) 949-5021 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      Twenty-seven instructions are provided: 
          Double Integer:     .DAD    .DNG    .DIN    .DMOD 
                              .DSB    .DCO    .DDE
                              .DMP    .DSBR   .DIS
                              .DDI    .DDIR   .DDS
          Floating-point:     .TADD   .TFXS   .FIXD   .NGL
                              .TSUB   .TFXD   .FLTD   .BLE
                              .TMPY   .TFTS   ..FCM 
                              .TDIV   .TFTD   ..TCM 
      These instructions perform the same operations as the F-series
      instructions with the same names, but operate on an E-series computer.
      They provide all of the arithmetic operations on double integer 
      (INTEGER*4) and double precision (REAL*8) numbers.  The ".DMOD" 
      instruction is not found on the F-series; it computes a double
      integer remainder.
 Additional Documentation....: See "FFP24 
GREP/1000                                                                M016 
                         UNIX/EGREP FOR THE HP-1000 
 Contribution Name...........: GREP/1000
    Title....................: UNIX/EGREP FOR THE HP-1000 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. GREP.SBMT 
                             :02. LOAD.CMD
                             :03. GREP.LOD
                             :04. GREP.FTN
                             :05. LIB_BUILD_PAT.FTN 
                             :06. LIB_FILES.FTN 
                             :07. LIB_GET_RUN_STRI.FTN
                             :08. LIB_GREP.FTN
                             :09. LIB_SEARCH_PAT.FTN
                             :10. GREP.COM
                             :11. USER.DOC
                             :12. GREP.HELP 
                             :13. PROGRAMMERS.DOC 
                             :14. COMPARISON
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A 4.1, 5.0 (Others with modifications) 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. UNIX
                             : 2. SEARCH
                             : 3. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...: CDS, HPCRT.LIB 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Brian Gray 
               Company.......: General Tire & Rubber
               Street........: 1 General St 
               City..........: Akron
               State.........: Ohio 
               Zip Code......: 44329
               Phone Number..: 216-798-2026 
 Contribution Abstract.......: GREP IS AN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNIX
KALAHA                                                                   M017 
                             AN OLD AFRICAN GAME
 Contribution Name...........: KALAHA 
    Title....................: An old African game
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Kalaha.sbmt      - submission file
                             :02. Kalaha.hlp       - help/doc file
                             :03. Kalaha.pas       - source file
                             :04. Kalaha.rel       - reloc  file
                             :05. Kalaha.lod       - load   file
    Operating System(s)......: None 
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 1000
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Claude Schmit
               Company.......: General Motors 
               Street........: route de Luxembourg
               City..........: Bascharage 
               Country.......: Grand-Duche de Luxembourg
               Zip Code......: 4940 
               Phone Number..: (352) 5018-356 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program plays an old African game called
    Kalaha. The program uses the powerful recursion algorithm with alpha-beta 
    pruning. The source is short, the rules of the game are simple, but you 
    will have a hard time beating the computer with a difficulty level
    greater than 3. The source is in fully-portable Pascal, so you can port 
    it to an IBM/PC (or compatible) or any other computer with a Pascal 
    compiler. The program needs display enhancement; I left it like that
    for portability reasons.
 Additional Documentation....: See Kalaha.hlp for the rules explanations. 
TIME                                                                     M018 
                     TIME UTILITY AS IN (HOPEFULLY) UNIX
 Contribution Name...........:    Time
    Title....................:    Time utility as in (hopefully) UNIX 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Time.sbmt 
                             :02. Time.ftn
                             :03. Time.rel
                             :04. Time.lod
                             :05. Time.make 
                             :06. Time.help 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. TIME
                             : 2. DATE
                             : 3. UNIX
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:   Dan Felman 
               Company.......:   HP 
               City..........:   Rockville
               State.........:   MD 
               Country.......:   USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....:
 The time program is modeled after UNIX's version and follows the same
 convention for reporting. TIME will report wall clock time as well as
 cpu usage. What is not reported is rte usage by the program being timed, 
 since it is impossible to determine from the system. 
 Usage: [ru,] time, prog [,arguments] 
CUT                                                                      M019 
                         LINE-RANGE CUT-FILE UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........:  Cut 
    Title....................:  Line-range cut-file utility 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Cut.sbmt
                             :02. Cut.ftn 
                             :03. Cut.rel 
                             :04. Cut.lod 
                             :05. Cut.make
                             :06. Cut.help
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Unix
                             : 2. Editor
                             : 3. Text
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    Dan Felman
               Company.......:    HP
               City..........:    Rockville 
               State.........:    MD
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....:
CUT is a utility modeled after the similarly named program available
under UNIX. 
CUT allows you to cut out certain columns out of lines of a file[s]. Ranges 
may be given in various formats and must follow the '-c' option without 
spaces. Commas must separate each additional range given, and must come 
before the file name is given.
Output redirection is supported. As in Unix, use the '>' character preceding
a file name or a device lu. The default is to output to lu 1. 
usage:   cut -c[list] fileMask [> file/lu]
ADISCU                                                                   M020 
Contribution Name............:  ADISCU
   Title.....................:  Disc utilities for RTE-A, version 5.0. Non CDS
   File Names................:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. ADISCU.SBMT       - This file 
                             :02. MAP.FTN           - Bitmap display
                             :03. MAP.REL 
                             :04. MAP.LOD 
                             :05. MAP.MAKE
                             :06. DIDI.FTN          - Single DIrectory DIsplay
                             :07. DIDI.REL
                             :08. DIDI.LOD
                             :09. DIDI.MAKE 
                             :10. UNPUNLEVELDIR.FTN - Unpurge an N-level subdi
                             :11. UNPUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :12. UNPUSUBDIR.FTN
                             :13. UNPUSUBDIR.REL
                             :14. UNPUSUBDIR.LOD
                             :15. UNPUSUBDIR.MAKE 
                             :16. UNPU2LEVELDIR.FTN 
                             :17. UNPU2LEVELDIR.REL 
                             :18. UNPU2LEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :19. UNPU2LEVELDIR.MAKE
                             :20. PUNLEVELDIR.FTN   - Purge   an N-level subdi
                             :21. PUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :22. PU2LEVELDIR.FTN 
                             :23. PU2LEVELDIR.REL 
                             :24. PU2LEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :25. PU2LEVELDIR.MAKE
                             :26. CSLMAKEDIR.FTN    - Converts CSL tape 
                             :27. CSLMAKEDIR.REL
                             :28. CSLMAKEDIR.LOD
                             :29. CSLMAKEDIR.MAKE 
                             :30. DISCMAPS.FTN      - Interprets disc DVT's 
                             :31. DISCMAPS.REL
                             :32. DISCMAPS.LOD
                             :33. DISCMAPS.MAKE 
                             :34. X.CMD             - An N-level test subdir
                             :35. ALL.MAKE
                             :36. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO 
                             :37. LOADRUNALL.CMD    - Command it & stand back 
                             :38. ADISCU.LOD        - Link command file.
                             :39. ADISCU.DOC        - Documentation ASCII file
   Operating System..........:  RTE-A A.85 and up including 5.0. Perhaps -6 
   Language(s)...............:  FTN7X 
   External Support Req'd....:  None
   If Re-submission, Reason..:  Tested to 430k blocks. Operating system change
                                forced algorithm changes. Cosmetic changes. 
   Keywords..................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. SYSTEM_TABLES 
                             :03. DISC
Contributor's Name...........:  Dan Khoushy 
              Company........:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
              Street.........:  83, Marylebone High Street
              City...........:  London
              Country........:  United Kingdom
              Zip Code.......:  W1
              Phone Number...:  (01) 486 9590 
Program Abstract.............:
 This  contribution consists of various disc utilities hitherto unsupported by
 HP. The fact that various RTE commands traverse  the  directory-tree  in  the
 wrong  direction  or not at all hinders some fast and furious disc management
 actions. Basically the purging program uses only FMP routines. The  unpurging
 program  uses  absolute disc read/write orders to unpurge subdirectories, and
 FMPUNPURGE to unpurge files. Unpurging subdirectories is not supported by  HP
 and  in any case it is a very drastic operation. The purging/unpurging should
 only be undertaken by people who know what they are doing. MAP and  DIDI  are
 support  programs  to  display  the results of purging and unpurging, but are
 also very useful on their own. CSLMAKEDIR is a program that takes a CSL  tape
 TF/FST'ed into a global directory and creates subdirectories named Jxxx where
 J stands for the tape letter and xxx for the contribution number. It then re-
 names  all  the file in accordance with the Xxxx00 file in each subdirectory.
 See the writeup for DISCMAPS in the Jan/Feb 1986 issue of TC INTERFACE.
 X.CMD creates a global directory  /X  and fills it  with  various  files  and
 10 levels of subdirectories.   This /X directory then provides exercising and
 demonstrating opportunities. 
 FOLOGO.CMD  compiles,  loads and runs a program and LOADRUNALL.CMD will do it
 for all the programs and X.CMD as well.
 A word of apology: The somewhat verbose names were  chosen  to  eliminate  an
 inadvertent  initiation  of drastic actions. You can always rename the files.
 Also, in order to make all units stand  alone,  each  contains  all  required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back side of the title page to all their manuals. As all  these  programs  go
 beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using them. I assume
 no  responsibility  whatsoever  for  any  damage  that  may  ensue-   direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After  having  thus  frightened  the  potential user, I hasten to add that no
 damage was ever done by these programs in my  installation.  Read  ADISCU.DOC
 documentation, and follow the instructions given there.
 This  is  a  re-submission  of  the CSL2625 contribution which was limited by
 testing to a disc size of 128k with an allocation  unit  of  1.  The  current
 contribution  was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.
 Modified CSLMAKEDIR xxx00 filenames to xxxx00.CMD to conform to any PATH's.
 D5.0 forced some changes, mainly caused by undocumented features of D.RTR. 
 PUNLEVELDIR is a new program, removed from VDISCU, and not requiring VC+.
 UNPUNLEVELDIR is a new program, as above. Both algorithms are new. 
 For D5.0 your D.RTR should have an EMA size of less than 41 pages. 
 Additional Documentation....:  ADISCU.DOC. 
FINDPAT                                                                  M021 
                       FAST PATTERN FINDER VERSION 5.1
 Contribution Name...........:  FINDPAT 
    Title....................:  Fast pattern finder version 5.1.
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FINDPAT.SBMT
                             :02. FINDPAT.FTN   Source file 
                             :03. FINDPAT.REL 
                             :04. FINDPAT.HELP  Help file 
                             :05. FINDPAT.MAKE
                             :06. FINDPAT.DOC   Documentation 
                             :07. IGETC.MAC     From HSLIB.LIB
                             :08. IGETC.REL 
                             :09. FINDPAT.CMD   Compile and link
                             :10. FINDPAT.LOD   Link file 
                             :11. F20.DAT       Output (sample speed file)
                             :12. R20.DAT       Raw file reading speed file 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A (including 5.0) and perhaps 6.
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X and MACRO.
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. TOOLS 
                             :02. SEARCH
                             :03. FILTER
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 FINDPAT  is  a very fast pattern finder.  It usually runs at about 80% of the
 file raw reading speed. It easily achieves speeds of more then 125,000  bytes
 per  second on the A900 when running as the sole job. This makes it very much
 faster then previous pattern finders contributed to CSL. 
 The  algorithm  used is the Boyer-Moore one, to be found in subroutine BOYER.
 This algorithm is one of those pearls that give great pleasure to programmers
 accustomed, at  best, to  NlogN  speeds. It actually performs at close to M/N
 speeds, where M is the record size and N is the pattern size.
                   A:  List matching lines and count
                   C:  List count of matching lines only
                   F:  List filenames only (count=1)
                   I:  Casefold lower case letters - implies A
                   M:  Count multimatches on same line - implies A
                   Q:  Quiet - no listing to terminal - implies A 
                   T:  List lines matched in total only - implies A 
                   Y:  Directory files allowed with text files - implies A
                   Z:  Non-text files allowed - implies Y 
                   OPTIONS  :  F - Filename  only 
                   MASK     :  @
                   LIST     :  Terminal only
                   LIST FILE:  FINDPAT.DAT if Q option
 The output includes the number of files matching the  mask,  as well as the
 number of records and bytes read.  So by specifying a non-existent  pattern
 one gets just these statistics.
 Additional Documentation....:  DOC and HELP files. 
PATCHBITMAP                                                              M022 
 Contribution Name...........:  PATCHBITMAP 
    Title....................:  Change sense of bits in disc LU bitmaps 
                                sector-allocation, version 5.1
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. PATCHBITMAP.SBMT    - This file 
                             :02. PATCHBITMAP.FTN     - Source file 
                             :03. PATCHBITMAP.REL 
                             :04. PATCHBITMAP.CMD     - Compile and link
                             :05. PATCHBITMAP.LOD     - Link command file 
                             :06. PATCHBITMAP.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-A D4.0 and up (including 5.0). Perhaps -6 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Tested to 430k blocks. Cosmetic changes.
                                Tested on discs with various sectors/track. 
    Keywords.................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. SYSTEM_TABLES 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This  contribution  consists  of a utility hitherto unsupported by HP. It may
 happen that a bitmap is corrupted to show free area as occupied  or  occupied
 area  as  free.   Such a corruption will normally be discovered by FVERI. The
 usual method of recovery is to TF off the disc LU, reinitialize and TF  back,
 tedious at best. 
 This  program  will  change  the  sense of a contiguous set of bits on DISCLU
 starting at LOCATION for SIZE bits. On sets, (and the whole set has to be on)
 will be turned off and vice-versa. 
 Recover  from  wrongly specified parameters by running the program again with
 the same wrong parameters. 
 This program may be a very destructive time bomb type weapon in the hands  of
 a careless user, therefore 
              * Do not keep it on disc !   Keep it off-line ! * 
 But when you FST this program back on, do not use the damaged LU since if the
 damage is showing occupied space as free, you may write over useful data.
 A word of apology:  The somewhat verbose name  was  chosen  to  eliminate  an
 inadvertent initiation of a drastic action. You can always rename the file.
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back side of the title page to all their manuals. As this program goes beyond
 the  designs  of  HP  you  are  really on your own when using it. I assume no
 responsibility  whatsoever  for  any   damage   that   may   ensue-   direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After  having  thus  frightened  the  potential user, I hasten to add that no
 damage was ever done by this program in my installations.
 For example, the command   PATCHBITMAP,17,25000,10  results in the following:
  Total number of tracks     : 932
  Total number of blocks     : 44736
  Blocks per allocation unit : 1
  Volume Header address at   : 44688
  Bitmap        address at   : 0
  Global Dirs.  address at   : 22 
 Block# +0        10        20        30        40        50        60
 _______ |         |_________|         |_________|         |_________|
   24960 ****************************************          ************** 
                    BITMAP AFTER MODIFICATION 
 Block# +0        10        20        30        40        50        60
 _______ |         |_________|         |_________|         |_________|
   24960 **************************************************************** 
  NOTE: * equals the allocation unit. | is the end of the LU
 This  is  a  re-submission  of  the CSL2730 contribution which was limited by
 testing to a disc size of 128k with an allocation  unit  of  1.  The  current
 contribution  was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.  Also
 testing was carried out on various sectors/track configurations. 
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
VDISCU                                                                   M023 
                  DISC UTILITIES FOR RTE-A VC+ VERSION 5.0
 Contribution Name...........:  VDISCU
    Title....................:  Disc utilities for RTE-A VC+ version 5.0. 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [See Note 1.]
                             :01. VDISCU.SBMT       - This file 
                             :02. DIAL.FTN          - N-level DIrectory 
                             :03. DIAL.REL
                             :04. DIAL.LOD            display (ALl) 
                             :05. UNPUNLEVELDIR.FTN - Unpurge N-level subdir
                             :06. UNPUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :07. UNPUNLEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :08. PUNLEVELDIR.FTN   - Purge N-level subdir
                             :09. PUNLEVELDIR.REL 
                             :10. PUNLEVELDIR.LOD 
                             :11. Y.CMD             - A 10-level test subdir
                             :12. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO 
                             :13. LOADRUNALL.CMD    - Command it & stand back 
                             :14. VDISCU.DOC
                             :15. VDISCU.MAKE 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A A.85 and up including 5.0. VC+ only
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Tested to 430k blocks. Operating system changes
                               forced algorithm changes. Cosmetic changes.
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    Keywords.................:01. SYSTEM
                             :02. SYSTEM_TABLES 
                             :03. DISC
                             :04. MAP 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 This  contribution consists of various disc utilities hitherto unsupported by
 HP. The fact that various RTE commands traverse  the  directory-tree  in  the
 wrong  direction  or not at all hinders some fast and furious disc management
 actions. Basically the purging program uses only FMP routines. The  unpurging
 program  uses  absolute disc read/write orders to unpurge subdirectories, and
 FMPUNPURGE to unpurge files. Unpurging subdirectories is not supported by  HP
 and  in any case it is a very drastic operation. The purging/unpurging should
 only be undertaken by people who know what they are doing. MAP and  DIAL  are
 support  programs  to  display  the results of purging and unpurging, but are
 also very useful on their own. MAP is to be found in contribution ADISCU.
 VC+  is  required  since  DIAL  is  recursive.  The  power and the economy of
 programming effort afforded by recursion as available with CDS is well  worth
 the  ownership of VC+. The recursion was removed from the other programs, and
 they are copies of those in ADISCU, repeated here for historical reasons.
 Y.CMD creates a global directory /Y and fills it with various files  and  ten
 levels  of  subdirectories.  This  /Y  directory then provides exercising and
 demonstrating opportunities. 
 FOLOGO.CMD compiles, loads and runs a program and LOADRUNALL.CMD will  do  it
 for all the programs and Y.CMD as well.
 A  word  of  apology:  The somewhat verbose names were chosen to eliminate an
 inadvertent initiation of drastic actions. You can always rename  the  files.
 Also,  in  order  to  make  all units stand alone, each contains all required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back  side  of  the title page to all their manuals. As all these programs go
 beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using them. I assume
 no   responsibility  whatsoever  for  any  damage  that  may  ensue-  direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 After having thus frightened the potential user, I  hasten  to  add  that  no
 damage  was  ever  done by these programs in my installation. Read VDISCU.DOC
 documentation, and follow the instructions given there.
 This is a re-submission of the CSL2625  contribution  which  was  limited  by
 testing  to  a  disc  size  of 128k with an allocation unit of 1. The current
 contribution was tested with an allocation unit of 4,  and hence is suitable 
 for all sizes. There are also several cosmetic changes of the displays.
 D5.0 forced some changes, mainly caused by undocumented features of D.RTR. 
 PUNLEVELDIR is a new program, not requiring VC+. 
 UNPUNLEVELDIR is a new program, as above. Both algorithms are new. 
 For D5.0 your D.RTR should have an EMA size of less than 41 pages. 
 Additional Documentation....:  VDISCU.DOC. 
CHANGEPAT                                                                M024 
                     FAST PATTERN EXCHANGER VERSION 5.0 
 Contribution Name...........:  CHANGEPAT 
    Title....................:  Fast pattern exchanger version 5.0. 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. CHANGEPAT.SBMT  - This file.
                             :02. CHANGEPAT.FTN   - The source. 
                             :03. CHANGEPAT.HELP  - Help file.
                             :04. CHANGEPAT.DOC   - Write-up file.
                             :05. IGETC.MAC       - From HAYSTACK.LIB.
                             :06. CHANGEPAT.CMD   - Compile and link. 
                             :07. CHANGEPAT.LOD   - Link command file.
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A (including 5.0) and perhaps 6.
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X and MACRO.
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. TOOLS 
                             :02. FILTER
                             :03. SEARCH
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 CHANGEPAT  is a fast text pattern exchanger built along the same lines as the
 companion pattern finder - FINDPAT.  It first uses a fast searching algorithm
 to  find the files containing the pattern, and then backtracks to perform the
 exchanges, with the option to omit the first searching step. 
 The  search  algorithm used is the Boyer-Moore one, to be found in subroutine
 BOYER. It is used both in the first step to locate  the  file,  and  then  to
 locate  the  pattern  within the file.  This algorithm is one of those pearls
 that give great pleasure to programmers accustomed, at best, to NlogN speeds.
 It actually performs at close to M/N speeds, where M is the record size and N
 is the pattern size. (See FINDPAT.DOC) 
          Note optional `s and required = > for patterns. 
          Use ~ for commas within patterns. 
                  A:  List exchanges and count
                  C:  List count of exchanges only
                  D:  Directly start exchange operation - implies A 
                  I:  Casefold lower case letters - implies A 
                  Q:  Quiet - no listing to terminal - implies A
                      OPTIONS  :  List exchanges, no Direct.
                                  Usually faster since the
                                  write operation will only 
                                  proceed for files with at 
                                  least one match at the
                                  expense of backtracking.
                      LIST     :  Terminal only 
                      LIST FILE:  CHANGEPAT.DAT IF Q option 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be found on the
 back side of the title page to all their manuals. As this program goes beyond
 the  designs  of  HP  you  are  really on your own when using it. I assume no
 responsibility  whatsoever  for  any   damage   that   may   ensue -  direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 Additional Documentation....:  DOC and HELP files. 
CHANGERPL                                                                M025 
 Contribution Name...........:CHANGERPL 
    Title....................:CHANGING RPL's for PROGRAM TRANSFERS version 5.1
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. CHANGERPL.SBMT    - This file 
                             :02. CHANGERPL.FTN     - Source file 
                             :03. CHANGERPL.LOD     - Link command file 
                             :04. Y.CMD             - A 10-level test dir.
                             :05. FOLOGO.CMD        - FOrtran LOad and GO 
                             :06. LOADRUN.CMD       - Command it & stand back 
                             :07. TEST.REL          - A .REL file for testing 
                             :08. TEST.LOD          - A Link file for above 
                             :09. FUNNY.SNP         - A Snap file for above 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A A.85 and up (including 5.0). Perhaps -6 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:Operating system update. Improved selectivity.
                              Removed recursion.
    Keywords.................:01. SYSTEM
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 This  contribution  consists  of  a   utility   hitherto unsupported by HP.
 The fact that various RTE commands traverse the directory-tree in the wrong
 direction  or  not  at  all  hinders  some fast and furious disc management
 actions.  I develop programs on any A-series machines for running on any of
 the others.  RTE-A has the feature of sometimes refusing to run programs on
 a machine having a different SNAP file.  After  a  first  try  the  machine
 reports  "changed  RPL  checksum"  and  quits.  The second try will usually
 succeed.  Sometimes you have to relink the program on a target machine, but
 this  is  heralded by a message "illegal program file".  Any way, the first
 type of refusal is bad enough, and seems unnecessary, especially  when  you
 have a long chain of fathers running children and grandchildren. The method
 used by me is to have  all  the  new  programs  and  sources  in  a  global
 directory  called /UPDATE which contains a command file whose first command
 is CHANGERPL and the rest distribute the programs and the sources  etc.  to
 their  respective directories.  Thus CHANGERPL defaults to trying the @.RUN
 files in /UPDATE but will go to a directory supplied in the runstring,  and
 all the subdirectories as well.  RPL  will be changed on all type 6  files,
 even if they do not have the .RUN extension. 
 Y.CMD  creates  a  global  directory /Y and fills it with various files and
 various  levels  of  subdirectories.  This  /Y  directory   then   provides
 exercising and demonstrating opportunities.
 FOLOGO.CMD compiles, loads and runs a program and LOADRUN.CMD  will invoke 
 it and exercise the program as well by invoking also the Y.CMD.
 TEST.RUN  is a program linked with a funny SNAP file on an A600+, thus will
 force an RPL change. This is done automatically by the Y.CMD.
 It may be that FUNNY.SNP will like your system.   Then you must use one not
 appropriate  to  your machine to get the full demonstration. Otherwise, and
 in case you loaded TEST.RUN inadvertently, CHANGERPL will still go  through
 the motions, but without issuing the "changing RPL" message. 
 A  word of apology:  The somewhat verbose names were chosen to eliminate an
 inadvertent initiation of drastic actions. You can always rename the files.
 Also,  in  order  to make all units stand alone, each contains all required
 subroutines, at the expense of some duplication. 
 A word of warning: Read the usual HP notices of disclaimer to be  found  on
 the back side of the title page to all their manuals. As all these programs
 go beyond the designs of HP you are really on your own when using  them.  I
 assume  no responsibility whatsoever for any damage that may ensue- direct,
 consequential or of any other kind.  You are entirely responsible! 
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
DIRTREE                                                                  M026 
 Contribution Name...........:  DIRTREE 
    Title....................:  Fast Directory Tree Lister version 5.0. 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. DIRTREE.SBMT  - This file.
                             :02. DIRTREE.FTN   - The source. 
                             :03. DIRTREE.CMD   - Compile and link. 
                             :04. DIRTREE.LOD   - Link command file.
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A (including 5.0) and perhaps 6.
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X.
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
    Keywords.................:01. DIRECTORY 
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
  Invoke DIRTREE.CMD to compile and link DIRTREE.FTN. 
         Use the F option to invoke FREES at the end of DIRTREE for DISCLU`s
  Example: DIRTREE 16,,F gives: 
  LU             Directory or Subdirectory               Files Blocks Cumltiv 
 --- --------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------- 
  16 /SYSTEM                                                58   3158    3158 
  16 /CATALOGS                                               6    386    3544 
  16 /EMERPROG                                              48   8436   11980 
  16 /USERS/HELP                                            19    240   12220 
  16 /USERS                                                 50    542   12762 
  16 /HELP/ERROR                                             1    566   13328 
  16 /HELP                                                 150   1426   14754 
  16 VOLUME DIRECTORY                                        5     16   14770 
  16                                 TOTAL in Data Space                14770 
  16  RESERVED + HEADER                                          1537   16307 
  16  BITMAP                                                       10   16317 
 Volume size   19200. Free blocks    2883. % Free 15.02    Allocation units 1 
 NOTE: Blocks report occupied space. Thus a file of size 1 where
 the allocation unit is 4 will occupy 4 blocks. 
 End Directory Tree Listing - Sat Apr 16, 1988 11:55:12 am
 LU |  Total   |  Resvd.  |   Free   |%free| Max Free |%max * 
  16|     19200|      1536|      2883|   15|      2836|   98
  (* largest free space as % of total free space) 
 Additional Documentation....:  None. 
HEAPSORT                                                                 M027 
 Contribution Name...........:  HEAPSORT
    Title....................:  Heapsort and Insertionsort version 5.2. 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File [by CSL] 
                             :01. HEAPSORT.SBMT     - This file 
                             :02. LONGHEAPSORT.FTN  - Including heap routines 
                             :03. HEAPSORT.FTN      - A combined fast version 
                             :04. HEAPSORT.DOC      - Some theory and timing. 
    Operating system(s)......:  All 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Corrected a bug in calling Insertion Sort. 
    Keywords.................:01. SORT
 Contributor's Name..........:  Dan Khoushy 
               Company.......:  Marine Computing Ltd. 
               Street........:  83, Marylebone High Street
               City..........:  London
               Country.......:  United Kingdom
               Zip Code......:  W1
               Phone Number..:  (01) 486 9590 
 Program Abstract............:
 Workhorse   sorting   subroutines  are  very  often  required  in  real-life 
 programming situations. There is usually a Hobson's choice between a  larger 
 sorting  package  or  writing  an  ad-hoc subroutine which gets the job done 
 albeit inefficiently.  The larger sorting  package  may  be  extravagant  in 
 their memory requirement or not particularly suitable for the job at hand. 
 The  LONGHEAPSORT  set  of three subroutines are good candidates to join the 
 library in the workhorse role. The familiar Insertion sort routine  is  fast 
 for  small  vectors and very fast for almost-sorted vectors of any size. The 
 Heap sort routine is of time complexity N*LOG(N) and  hence  very  fast  for 
 large  vectors.   Quicksort  may  be  faster  by  a  factor  of 2 under some 
 situations but may have a pathological behavior which will make it extremely 
 slow under some other situations.
 About 10% time may be gained by combining the heap subroutines thus avoiding 
 the CALL overheads. Omitting CDS will speed matters up by a further 20%. 
 The faster combined version of the subroutine appears as HEAPSORT.FTN. 
 This is a re-submission of the CSL2730 contribution, to correct a bug in the 
 call to Insertionsort. 
 Additional Documentation....:  See HEAPSORT.DOC
ECALC                                                                    M028 
                            EXPRESSION CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........: Ecalc
    Title....................: Expression Calculator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. Ecalc.sbmt  - Submission file
                             : 02. Ecalc.ftn   - Source file
                             : 03. Ecalc.rel   - Relocatable file 
                             : 04. Ecalc.help  - Help file
                             : 05. Ecalc.lod
                             : 06. Ecalc.make 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Darryl C. Bryk 
               Company.......: U.S. Army TACOM
               Street........: AMSTA-RSA
               City..........: Warren 
               State.........: MI 
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 48090
               Phone Number..: (313) 574-7752 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program calculates the result of
               an interactively entered arithmetic expression.  The 
               operands and operators are stored in separate stacks and 
               popped off as needed to evaluate the expression according
               to the usual operator precedence rules.  Parentheses may 
               be used to alter the precedence rules.  For example, an
               expression such as:
               2 * (sin(rad(90.0/2.)) - 3.2**3.5) + 1,000.0 
               may be entered as shown and the result is calculated.
               The number of decimal places that are shown in the result
               is the same as the greatest that is given in the expression
               or to at least one decimal place, whichever is greater.
               This program may easily be ported to other machines with 
               Fortran by changing the calls to FTN7X library subroutines 
               to their equivalents on that machine.  Also, additional
               user defined functions may easily be added.  This edition
               of Ecalc enables access to most of the functions in the
               FTN7X library. 
 Additional Documentation....: Ecalc.help is a text file that contains
               all of Ecalc's function names and their usage and is listed
               from Ecalc by typing a '?' (question mark).  Copy
               Ecalc.help to the global directory /Help/ with the new 
               name Ecalc (i.e. do: co ecalc.help /help/ecalc) in CI. 
               (FMGR users will have to modify the help filename in the 
               program in order for it to be listed when one types '?'
               in Ecalc.) 
DATEX                                                                    M029 
                          UNIVERSAL DATE FORMATTER
 Contribution Name...........:DATEX 
    Title....................:Universal Date Formatter
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DATEX.SBMT
                             :02. DATEX.FTN 
                             :03. USRDX.FTN 
    Operating system(s)......:RTE-A 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:no
    Language(s)..............:Fortran 77
    Keywords.................: 1. time
                             : 2. date
                             : 3. strings 
    External Support Req'd...:No
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:David Kaplan
               Company.......:C&L Systems 
               Street........:Surrey House, 
                             :Surrey Street 
               Zip Code......:CR9 1HX 
               Phone Number..:(44)-1-760-0770 
 Program Abstract............:DATEX allows a date or time string to be
generated in any user specified format. Not only will it produce the
current date/time, but any date/time offset from the present into either
the future or past. 
 Additional Documentation....: When scheduled DATEX is passed a date
format string and an offset from the present. It returns in a return string 
($RETURN_S) the specified date/time in the required format. 
RPOK                                                                     M030 
                     RPOK ROUTINE FOR CONTRIBUTION H022 
 Contribution Name...........: RPOK 
    Title....................: RPOK routine for contribution H022 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. rpok.sbmt 
                             :02. rpok.mac
                             :03. rpok.rel
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. Assembler 
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Sort
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: missing from original contribution 
 Contributor's Name..........: Don Pottinger
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Rd.
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   Required for DLX (CSL/1000 release 2340 contribution #H022) and missing
from the original contribution. See additional documentation for DLX. 
EMACOPY                                                                  M031 
 Contribution Name...........: EMACOPY
    Title....................: Copy Integer*2 Data In/Out/Within EMA Fast 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. EMACOPY.SBMT 
                             : 02. EMACOPY_CDS.MAC
                             : 03. EMACOPY_CDS.LIB
                             : 04. EMACOPY.MAC
                             : 05. EMACOPY.LIB
                             : 06. EMACOPY.OV      (Slides for talk)
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: EMA/VMA
                             : Copy 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added non-CDS version
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex Number..: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The EMACOPY subroutine can move data into, out of, and within EMA at 
 speeds up to 50 times faster than normal Fortran Do-Loops. 
 It is called as follows: 
 $ALIAS EMACOPY, EMA       (EMACOPY expects 32-bit parameter addresses) 
 DIMENSION FROM(), TO()    (May be INT*2 or any other type except CHAR) 
 FROM and TO may be in EMA, local memory, or COMMON.   EMACOPY automat- 
    ically figures out where they are.
 WORDS is the number of words to be copied from FROM to TO.  It must not
    be in EMA.
 EMACOPY maps FROM and TO into the VSEG (if in EMA) and then uses the 
 hardware/firmware MVW instruction to perform the copy.  This instruct- 
 ion exists in all HP1000 systems, and is at least as fast as the 
 Vector Instruction Set instructions for this copy function.  Thus an 
 A400 CPU performs as if it has VIS, at least for copying data. 
 On an A400 the CDS version beats Fortran Do-Loops at any number of 
 WORDS over 5.  The non-CDS version should be a bit better than that. 
 Both CDS and non-CDS versions are supplied.  The non-CDS version might 
 even run on RTE-6/VM.
MAKETAPES                                                                M032 
 Contribution Name......(16).: MAKETAPES
    Title...............(64).: Manufacture Reel-to-Reel Tapes in Volume 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. MAKETAPES.SBMT 
                             : 02. MAKETAPES.FTN
                             : 03. MAKETAPES.REL
                             : 04. MAKETAPES.LOD
                             : 05. TAPETODISK.FTN 
                             : 06. TAPETODISK.REL 
                             : 07. TAPETODISK.LOD 
                             : 08. MAKETAPES.MAKE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: Yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: Copy 
                             : Magnetic_tape
    External Support Req'd...: Mag Tape Drive 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Country.......: USA
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex.........: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
 Program Abstract............:
 MAKETAPES was developed for INTEREX to assist in producing 1600-BPI and
 800-BPI Best-Of tapes.  The TF format was chosen for that CSL release, 
 resulting in very slow tape production.  FST could not be used because 
 not all CSL members have FST.  MAKETAPES writes TF-format tapes at the 
 full speed of the tape drive, whatever that is.  In fact, it should be 
 able to write any format (TAR, LIF, whatever) at the same speed.  It is
 actually being used to make HP3000 Best-Of tapes on the HP1000!
 It works as follows: 
 1. An original tape is written in TF (or whatever) format, and verified. 
 2. The TAPETODISK program is used to read that tape to disk as a single
    file as large as the data on the tape.  Each tape record is copied
    to an identical disk record (up to 16k characters in length), and an
    EOF on tape is written as a zero-length disk record.
 3. One or more copies of MAKETAPES are scheduled to write the tapes from 
    the disk file at high speed.  Several copies can go at full speed at
    once.  When a tape is finished, MAKETAPES announces that fact, waits
    for the drive to be unloaded and reloaded, then restarts automatic- 
    ally.  One operator can be hard put to keep up with two or three tape 
    drives, depending on the amount of data on the tape.
 MAKETAPES does keep track of all errors, and aborts a write if any error 
 is discovered.  All errors are reported. 
 MAKETAPES can also be scheduled in a write-once (or write-counted) mode
 to make one or a few tapes at high speed as needs require.  Perfect for
 a software supplier. 
 What remains to be done?  It doesn't work on CS/80 tapes yet.  I may get 
 around to that some day, but please let me know if YOU do, because then
 I won't have to.  Can it be done as transparently for CS/80 as it is for 
 reel-to-reel?  Only the shadow knows . . . . 
TIMER                                                                    M033 
                               TIME PROCESSES 
 Contribution Name......(16).: TIMER
    Title...............(64).: Time Processes 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. TIMER.SBMT 
                             : 02. TIMER.FTN
                             : 03. TIMER.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: Time 
                             : Reports
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Country.......: USA
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex.........: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
 Program Abstract............:
 TIMER can be used to display the time required for any process capable 
 of invoking TIMER at the beginning and the end.  These include CI transfer 
 files and QUERY XEQ files, for example.  It is invoked in three ways:
   TIMER ON starts TIMER running and displays time values of 0. 
   TIMER (no parameter) displays the current elapsed time since TIMER ON. 
   TIMER OF generates a final display and deletes TIMER's ID segment. 
 Between runs, TIMER is terminated saving resources.
 The source document contains additional detail about its use.
NULLJOB                                                                  M034 
 Contribution Name...........: NULLJOB
    Title....................: Display Total Percentage of CPU Utilization
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. NULLJOB.SBMT 
                             : 02. NULLJOB.FTN
                             : 03. NULLJOB.REL
                             : 04. NULLJOB.CAL
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6, New File System
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: Reports
                             : Performance
                             : System 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Want it in both CSL and SWAP 
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: Interactive Computer Technology
               Street........: 2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North
               City..........: Lake Elmo
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55042
               Phone Number..: 612/770-3728 
               Telex Number..: 650 211 1023 (WUI) 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 NULLJOB runs at priority 32767 (lowest possible) and executes a task 
 previously calibrated to take 1.00 seconds.  When the task completes,
 NULLJOB determines how long it really took, and uses that information
 to calculate the percentage of CPU time used by OTHER tasks during 
 the run period.
 NULLJOB arguably displays very useful and accurate information, because
 it takes into account operating-system and driver activity as well as
 all other running processes.  It often gives substantially different 
 results than METER does. 
 The file NULLJOB.CAL must be put on the /SYSTEM directory.  NULLJOB.FTN
 describes some typical calibration values for several different CPU's. 
 The calibration value for one CPU may be different than that for 
 another of the same type.  Adjust the value in NULLJOB.CAL::SYSTEM 
 until NULLJOB displays every 1.00 seconds on an otherwise idle system. 
PAUSE                                                                    M035 
                              INTERACTIVE PAUSE 
 Contribution Name...........:PAUSE 
    Title....................:Interactive PAUSE 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PAUSE.SBMT
                             :02. PAUSE.FTN 
                             :03. PAUSE.REL 
    Operating system(s)......:RTE-A, RTE-6
    Uses hierarchical files?.:No
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:Donald A. Wright
               Company.......:Interactive Computer Technology 
               Street........:2069 Lake Elmo Avenue 
               City..........:Lake Elmo 
               Zip Code......:55042 
               Phone Number..:612/770-3728
 Program Abstract............:
 PAUSE is a very short program which provides a calibrated pause.  It 
 is particularly intended for use in CI command files, where a pause
 might be needed while a tape drive loads or some other related 
 process takes place.  It is basically an EXEC 12 self-suspend, except
 that it actually does 1-second suspends and checks for the break flag
 each second, terminating if the flag is detected.
ERROR                                                                    M036 
                              EXPLAIN FMP ERROR 
 Contribution Name...........:ERROR 
    Title....................:Explain FMP error 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ERROR.SBMT
                             :02. ERROR.FTN 
                             :03. ERROR.REL 
    Operating system(s)......:RTE-A, RTE-6
    Uses hierarchical files?.:Yes 
    Keywords.................: 1. ERROR 
                             : 2. FILES 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:Donald A. Wright
               Company.......:Interactive Computer Technology 
               Street........:2069 Lake Elmo Avenue North 
               City..........:Lake Elmo 
               Zip Code......:55042 
               Phone Number..:612/770-3728
 Program Abstract............:
 How many times have you picked up the Programmers Guide simply to look 
 up a FMP error code?  ERROR is an exceedingly short (and small) program
 which provides the short explanation for any FMP error code.  Simply 
 enter ERROR <code>, where <code> is the code needing the explanation.
 ERROR calls FMPREPORTERROR to display the explanation on the screen. 
CNVRT                                                                    M037 
 Contribution Name...........: CNVRT
    Title....................: SMALL INTERNAL CONVERSION FORMATTER
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. CNVRT.SBMT
                             :02. CNVRT.MAC 
                             :03. CNVRT.REL 
                             :04. IDRCT.MAC 
                             :05. IDRCT.REL 
                             :06. CNVRT.LOD 
                             :07. CNVRT.MAKE        make file 
    Operating System(s)......: ALL
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. FORMATTING
                             : 2. CONVERSION
                             : 3. LIBRARY 
    External Support Req'd...:  CALLABLE BY MACRO ONLY
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: 307 E. McCarty St. 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   This set of routines provide 
 most of the formatting functions that are commonly used but in 
 much less space that FORTRAN would.   It is callable only in MACRO 
 because of the way some parameters are passed.   It was derived
 from the FORTRAN II formatter of about 1974.   It does do conversions
 both directions in Integer,Real, and Octal.   The code is in place 
 to do Integer*4 output and Exponential output but has been 
 commented out for 11 years.   It will do Integer output with leading 
 zeros.    As it stands now all of the features occupy only 656(10) 
 Additional Documentation....:  SEE SOURCE CODE FOR CALLING SEQUENCE. 
DVERI                                                                    M038 
                          DISC VERIFICATION ON-LINE 
 Contribution Name...........: DVERI
    Title....................: DISC VERIFICATION ON-LINE
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DVERI.SBMT
                             :02. DVERI.FTN 
                             :03. DVERI.REL 
                             :04. DVERI.LOD 
                             :05. DVERI.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  (SHOULD WORK ON ALL)
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. DIAGNOSTIC
                             : 3. DISC
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: 307 E. McCarty St. 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This contribution works its way 
  through all mounted discs reading all blocks on all tracks. 
  The program has a low priority and suspends between each read.
  It should not affect system performance very much.   If your
  disc does have a problem this program may help isolate it.
 Additional Documentation....:   See source 
FS                                                                       M039 
                            DISC BIT MAP DISPLAY
 Contribution Name...........: FS 
    Title....................: DISC BIT MAP DISPLAY 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FS.SBMT 
                             :02. FS.FTN
                             :03. FS.REL
                             :04. FS.LOD
                             :05. FS.ORIG      ORIGINAL 
                             :06. FS.MAKE 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  (SHOULD WORK ON ALL)
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. MAP 
                             : 2. STORAGE 
                             : 3. DISC
                             : 4. CI
    External Support Req'd...: CI FILE SYSTEM 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: 307 E. McCarty St. 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:   If you have a graphics terminal, 
  this program will display the bit map for a CI volume.  On a
  non graphic terminal it gives you the same information that 
  FREES does.   I don't know where this came from, and I have 
  only made very small changes.    My thanks to the original
 Additional Documentation....:   See source 
PASS_CHECK6                                                              M040 
                            RTE-6 PASSWORD AGING
 Contribution Name...........: PASS_CHECK6
    Title....................: RTE-6 PASSWORD AGING 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PASS_CHECK6.SBMT
                             :02. PASS_CHECK6.FTN 
                             :03. PASS_CHECK6.REL 
                             :04. PASS_CHECK6.LOD 
                             :05. LJSTF.MAC        LEFT JUSTIFY 
                             :06. LJSTF.REL 
                             :07. COMPW.MAC       COMPARE WORDS 
                             :08. COMPW.REL 
                             :09. PASS_CHECK6.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 ONLY (RTE-4B ?)
    Language(s)..............:  FORTRAN 77 & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. SECURITY
                             : 3. SESSION 
    External Support Req'd...:  SESSION AND CI FILES
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: 307 E. McCarty St. 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:    This program allows a user to 
 change their password.  If this program is run in the 'HI' file
 it will REQUIRE the user to change their password at some interval.
 The interval is now set to 90 days.  To cause the password age 
 to be checked,  put this statement in the 'HI' file: 
     RU,PASS_CHECK,1,99    .
 To change your password at any time, type  RU,PASSWORD   . 
 Passwords must always be changed by this program in order for
 the date of the change to be updated.
 Additional Documentation....:
SMPLY                                                                    M041 
                       ENHANCEMENTS TO RTE-6 SPOOLING 
 Contribution Name...........: SMPLY
    Title....................: ENHANCEMENTS TO RTE-6 SPOOLING 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SMPLY.SBMT
                             :02. SMPLY.FTN      MONITOR & DOCUMENTATION
                             :03. SMPLY.REL 
                             :04. SMPLY.LOD 
                             :05. SPOOL.FTN     SETUP SUBROUTINES 
                             :06. SPOOL.REL 
                             :07. NSCOM.MAC 
                             :08. NSCOM.REL 
                             :09. NSCOM.HELP
                             :10. IDRCT.MAC 
                             :11. IDRCT.REL 
                             :12. MSORT.MAC 
                             :13. MSORT.REL 
                             :14. XWRD.MAC
                             :15. XWRD.REL
                             :16. OUTSPLR.FTN   OUTSPOOLER
                             :17. OUTSPLR.REL 
                             :18. SMPLY.MAKE    make file 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6  ONLY
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
    External Support Req'd...: USES STANDARD SPOOLING (GASP & SMP)
                             : Needs Msort (LyLIB ?)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald L. Clapp
               Company.......: Eli Lilly & Co.
               Street........: 307 E. McCarty St. 
               City..........: Indianapolis 
               State.........: Indiana
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 46285
               Phone Number..: (317) 276-4458 
 Contribution Abstract.......:  This contribution implements some 
 enhancements to RTE-6 spooling.  The major limitation that we addressed
 is the limit of 10(ten) outspool devices.   This package does not care 
 how many you use.   As supplied it is configured for 20 but this 
 is easily changed.  The Lu's that this package handles are in
 addition to what RTE(GASP) knows about.  You can in fact use this
 for all of the outspooling.
   Some other features are: 
 forms type control; multiple copies; holds by file, Lu, or system. 
 The setup and close subroutines will need to be adjusted for your
 Additional Documentation....:   See source (SMPLY & SPOOL).
PLOT                                                                     M042 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 1 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:PLOT
    Title....................:GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 1 OF 3)
    File Names...............: 00  Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01 PLOT1.SBMT
                             : 02 #NAMES_PLOTLIB
                             : 03 A0801 
                             : 04 ADD_FN.FTN
                             : 05 ADD_FN.REL
                             : 06 ADD_PRM.FTN 
                             : 07 ADD_PRM.REL 
                             : 08 ANG_ADJUST.FTN
                             : 09 ANG_ADJUST.REL
                             : 10 AZ_ADJUST.REL 
                             : 11 BIGLB.LIB 
                             : 12 BLOCK2_DATA.FTN 
                             : 13 BLOCK2_DATA.REL 
                             : 14 BLOCK_DATA.FTN
                             : 15 BLOCK_DATA.REL
                             : 16 C0101 
                             : 17 C0103 
                             : 18 C0104 
                             : 19 C0108 
                             : 20 C010B 
                             : 21 CAGP
                             : 22 CFORM 
                             : 23 CGET_VALUE
                             : 24 CHK_VALUE.FTN 
                             : 25 CHK_VALUE.REL 
                             : 26 CINIT 
                             : 27 CMOVE 
                             : 28 CNEXTFILE 
                             : 29 COMEMA
                             : 30 COMPUTE.FTN 
                             : 31 COMPUTE.REL 
                             : 32 CONV_SYMB.FTN 
                             : 33 CONV_SYMB.REL 
                             : 34 CPFLG 
                             : 35 CPLOT 
                             : 36 CPRM
                             : 37 CREPLT
                             : 38 CSETR 
                             : 39 CTEMP 
                             : 40 CY_AXI
                             : 41 D1
                             : 42 D2
                             : 43 DESCRIP 
                             : 44 F0013 
                             : 45 F0014 
                             : 46 TDATA 
                             : 47 FIXT.FTN
                             : 48 FIXT.REL
                             : 49 FORM.FTN
                             : 50 FORM.REL
                             : 51 FORM2.FTN 
                             : 52 FORM2.REL 
                             : 53 FORM_DUMP.FTN 
                             : 54 FORM_DUMP.REL 
                             : 55 FRAM1.FTN 
                             : 56 FRAM1.REL 
                             : 57 FRAM2.FTN 
                             : 58 FRAM2.REL 
                             : 59 FRAM3.FTN 
                             : 60 FRAM3.REL 
                             : 61 GET_DEVICE.FTN
                             : 62 GET_DEVICE.REL
                             : 63 GET_NEXT.FTN
                             : 64 GET_NEXT.REL
                             : 65 GET_NEXT_HDR.FTN
                             : 66 GET_NEXT_HDR.REL
                             : 67 GET_PTRS.FTN
                             : 68 GET_PTRS.REL
                             : 69 GET_VALUE.FTN 
                             : 70 GET_VALUE.REL 
                             : 71 GLIM.FTN
                             : 72 GLIM.REL
                             : 73 H4
                             : 74 H5
                             : 75 HANDLER.FTN 
                             : 76 HANDLER.REL 
                             : 77 INIT_PTRS.FTN 
                             : 78 INIT_PTRS.REL 
                             : 79 L1101 
                             : 80 LIM1.TXT
                             : 81 LOOP.FTN
                             : 82 LOOP.REL
                             : 83 MOREF.FTN 
                             : 84 MOREF.REL 
                             : 85 MOVE_REC.FTN
                             : 86 MOVE_REC.REL
                             : 87 MOVE_RECR.FTN 
                             : 88 MY_FLAG.REL 
                             : 89 MY_FORM.FTN 
                             : 90 MY_FORM.REL 
                             : 91 #MERGE_PLOT 
    Operating System.........:RTE/6 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:YES 
    Keywords.................: 1. Plotting
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:AGP 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE 
               Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD
               Street........:PO BOX B
               State.........:NEW MEXICO
               Zip Code......:88002 
               Phone Number..:505-678-9181
 Program Abstract............:
PLOT is a program to plot radar data . It is designed to provide flexibility
for the user with data which is relatively constant in content .
The program is table driven . All message formats are in tables external to 
the program . These tables contain the field names and associated type . User 
input is through menus . All responses are symbolic . The menus display the 
possible parameters . No knowledge is required of the physical layout of the
file once the messaage descriptions have been created . 
The program can do rectangular , polar and circular plots .The output can be
to a graphics terminal , 7550 plotter or 25xx printer ( 2608S ).
The user can specify static or dynamic for the limits for the axes to be
plotted . In addition other parameters in the message can be given to provide 
additional filtering .
The program sorts the input data into an EMA file . This data can be replotted
from memory . A replot can change the output device and format (i.e. change 
from polar to rectangular ) . In addition , the axis limits can be reduced to 
change the scaling .
 Additional Documentation....: See Interex San Jose proceedings 
                               See PLOT.DOC 
PLOT                                                                     M043 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 2 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:PLOT
    Title....................:GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 2 OF 3)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PLOT2.SBMT
                             :02. PARAMETERS
                             :03. PARSE.FTN 
                             :04. PARSE.REL 
                             :05. PFLG1.FTN 
                             :06. PFLG1.REL 
                             :07. PFLG2.FTN 
                             :08. PFLG2.REL 
                             :09. PLOT.CMD
                             :10. PLOT.FTN
                             :11. PLOT.LIB
                             :12. PLOT.LOD
                             :13. PLOT.MAP
                             :14. PLOT.REL
                             :15. PLOT1.FTN 
                             :16. PLOT1.REL 
                             :17. PLOT.DOC
    Operating System.........:RTE/6 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:YES 
    Keywords.................: 1. Plotting
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:AGP 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE 
               Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD
               Street........:PO BOX B
               State.........:NEW MEXICO
               Zip Code......:88002 
               Phone Number..:505-678-9181
 Program Abstract............:
  See description in part 1 of this contribution
PLOT                                                                     M044 
                     GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 3 OF 3) 
 Contribution Name...........:PLOT
    Title....................:GENERAL PLOT PROGRAM (PART 3 OF 3)
    File Names...............: 00 Rename Transfer File
                             : 01 PLOT3.SBMT
                             : 02 PLOT_3.REL
                             : 03 PLOT_ANG.FTN
                             : 04 PLOT_ANG.REL
                             : 05 PLOT_C.FTN
                             : 06 PLOT_C.REL
                             : 07 PLOT_DESC 
                             : 08 PLOT_LOOP.FTN 
                             : 09 PLOT_LOOP.REL 
                             : 10 PLT_FLG.FTN 
                             : 11 PLT_FLG.REL 
                             : 12 POP.FTN 
                             : 13 POP.REL 
                             : 14 PRADI.FTN 
                             : 15 PRADI.REL 
                             : 16 PREDEF
                             : 17 PREDEF2 
                             : 18 PRING.FTN 
                             : 19 PRING.REL 
                             : 20 PRM.TXT 
                             : 21 PSCAN.FTN 
                             : 22 PSCAN.REL 
                             : 23 PTIME.FTN 
                             : 24 PTIME.REL 
                             : 25 PTITLE.FTN
                             : 26 PTITLE.REL
                             : 27 RDFIL.FTN 
                             : 28 RDFIL.REL 
                             : 29 REPLOT.TXT
                             : 30 REPLT.FTN 
                             : 31 REPLT.REL 
                             : 32 RESET.FTN 
                             : 33 RESET.REL 
                             : 34 SAVETN.FTN
                             : 35 SAVETN.REL
                             : 36 SERR.FTN
                             : 37 SERR.REL
                             : 38 SET.FTN 
                             : 39 SET.REL 
                             : 40 SET1.FTN
                             : 41 SET1.REL
                             : 42 SET1.TXT
                             : 43 SET3.FTN
                             : 44 SET3.REL
                             : 45 SETR.FTN
                             : 46 SETR.REL
                             : 47 SETSRC.FTN
                             : 48 SETSRC.REL
                             : 49 SETUP.FTN 
                             : 50 SETUP.REL 
                             : 51 SET_LIMITS.FTN
                             : 52 SET_LIMITS.REL
                             : 53 SET_PRM.FTN 
                             : 54 SET_PRM.REL 
                             : 55 SFLG.FTN
                             : 56 SFLG.REL
                             : 57 SMAX.FTN
                             : 58 SMAX.REL
                             : 59 SMIN.FTN
                             : 60 SMIN.REL
                             : 61 SORTR.FTN 
                             : 62 SORTR.REL 
                             : 63 SRC.TXT 
                             : 64 STRK.FTN
                             : 65 STRK.REL
                             : 66 SUMMARY.FTN 
                             : 67 SUMMARY.REL 
                             : 68 SUMMARY.TXT 
                             : 69 SWITCH.FTN
                             : 70 SWITCH.REL
                             : 71 S_LIM1.TXT
                             : 72 TAG.FTN 
                             : 73 TAG.REL 
                             : 74 TEST_FN.FTN 
                             : 75 TEST_FN.REL 
                             : 76 TITLE.TXT 
                             : 77 UTILITY.FTN 
                             : 78 UTILITY.REL 
                             : 79 VARIABLES 
                             : 80 V_AXI.FTN 
                             : 81 V_AXI.REL 
                             : 82 WHERE.FTN 
                             : 83 WHERE.REL 
                             : 84 XAXISR.FTN
                             : 85 XAXISR.REL
                             : 86 X_AXI.FTN 
                             : 87 X_AXI.REL 
                             : 88 Y_AXI.FTN 
                             : 89 Y_AXI.REL 
                             : 90 PLOT_3.FTN
                             : 91 D2_FILES
                             : 92 PLOT3.MAP 
                             : 93 PLOT.DBG
                             : 94 BORDER.FTN
                             : 95 BORDER.REL
                             : 96 POL2XY.FTN
                             : 97 POL2XY.REL
                             : 98 SD0 
    Operating System.........:RTE/6 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:YES 
    Keywords.................: 1. Plotting
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:AGP 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE 
               Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD
               Street........:PO BOX B
               State.........:NEW MEXICO
               Zip Code......:88002 
               Phone Number..:505-678-9181
 Program Abstract............:
  See description in part 1 of this contribution
SEARCH                                                                   M045 
 Contribution Name...........:SEARCH
    Title....................:SEARCH FOR STRING ACROSS DIRECTORY
    File Names...............: 00  Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01 SEARCH.SBMT 
                             : 02 SEARCH.REL
                             : 03 SEARCH.LOD
                             : 04 SEARCH.HLP
                             : 05 SEARCH.FTN
    Operating System.........:RTE-6,RTE-A 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:YES 
    Keywords.................: 1. Search
                             : 2. Directory 
                             : 3. Strings 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:DONALD LESLIE 
               Company.......:RAYTHEON MSD
               Street........:PO BOX B
               State.........:NEW MEXICO
               Zip Code......:88002 
               Phone Number..:505-678-9181
 Program Abstract............:
 SEARCH allows a user to search for a string in all files in a directory
 with a mask specification .
 Usage:  SEARCH  Filemask  String1[:String2 ] [ Output ] [ Option(s) ]
         Output may be an Lu or Filename . If nothing is  specified LU 1 is 
         assumed .
         The options are :
            -D  The default is a delimited search where the delimiters
                are   , ()+-*/:'".' . -D surpresses the delimiter check . 
            -L  Display only the name of files containing a match . 
            +X  String1 is replaced by String2 ( may be combined with -D to 
                do a non delimited exchange ) . 
 The program accepts Break . Type EX to exit anything else to continue .
 Additional Documentation....:
FONTEDIT                                                                 M046 
                     LOAD AND EDIT LASERJET+ SOFT FONTS 
 Contribution Name...........: FONTEDIT 
    Title....................: Load and Edit LaserJet+ Soft Fonts 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. FONTEDIT.SBMT  submission file
                             :02. FONTEDIT.DOC  documentation file
                             :03. FONTEDIT.FTN  source file 
                             :04. FONTEDIT.REL  relocateable file 
                             :05. FONTEDIT.LOD  link file 
                             :06. FIXFONT.FTN  source file
                             :07. FIXFONT.REL  relocatable file 
                             :08. FIXFONT.LOD  link file
                             :09. SETJET.FTN  source file 
                 CAUTION- change stmnt 100 in SETJET.FTN and re-compile 
                             :10. SETJET.REL  reloacatable file 
                             :11. SETJET.LOD  link file 
                             :12. $HSLIB.LIB  Haystack library
                             :13. $CHAR.LIB  character handling library 
                             :14. CHARM.MAC macro source for $CHAR.LIB
                             :15. CHARF.FTN fortran source for $CHAR.LIB
                             :16. MATHFONT   sample soft fonts for DEMO_F 
                             :17. FONTEDIT.FONT     soft font for DEMO_F
                             :18. DEMO_F  sample Greek and math for TYPER 
                             :19. ?FONTS  help file for SETJET (copy to /HELP)
                             :20. CNVFONT.FTN source for CNVFONT
                             :21. CNVFONT.REL rel  for CNVFONT
                             :22. FT12R10.USPM block         \
                             :23. HW12R06.USPM hollow         \  fonts from 
                             :24. LR12R06.USPM large           > Interex
                             :25. OE18RPN.USPM Old English    /  BBS
                             :26. SC18RPN.USPM Script        /
                             :27. TR120RPN.USPM Times Roman\
                             :28. TR120BPN.USPM TR Bold     \  fonts from 
                             :29. TR120IPN.USPM TR italic   /  METRO Fontpac
                             :30. TR120SPN.USPM TR shadow  /
                             :31. DEMO_PROP      demo of TR fonts; uses TYPER 
                             :32. GETSAM.REL \ used with RTE-A spooling 
                             :33. LUTRU.REL  / redirection
                             :34. FONTEDIT.MSG1  help file for FONTEDIT 
                             :35. FONTEDIT.MSG3  help file for FONTEDIT 
                             :36. FONTEDIT.MSG4  help file for FONTEDIT 
                             :37. FONTEDIT.MSG5  help file for FONTEDIT 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6 and RTE-A (CI supported) 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 and MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. Word_Processing 
                             : 2. LaserJet
                             : 3. Font
    External Support Req'd...: 01. HP LaserJet Plus 
                             : 02. HP LaserJet soft fonts 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Mass. Ave.
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392 (new zip code) 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: FONTEDIT is a program to load HP's soft fonts
 for the LaserJet Plus from the HP1000 into the LaserJet.  It can delete
 existing fonts, load new fonts and edit a font file to create new
 characters.  FIXFONT is required to convert the fonts as received from HP
 to a useable format.  See the documentation in FONTEDIT.DOC.  SETJET can 
 be used to select a given font once it is loaded into the Laserjet, or 
 you can use any other program that allows font selection (such as
 TYPER).  Font selection by ID number is supported by SETJET and
 TYPER Rev. 6.33 and later.  SETJET contains the LU of your LaserJet at 
 statement 100 and should be re-compiled. 
 To demonstrate the programs, use FONTEDIT to load MATHFONT into the
 Laserjet with ID number 22 and FONTEDIT.FONT with ID 124.
 Then use TYPER to print the DEMO_F file. 
 Additional Documentation....: see FONTEDIT.DOC 
FA88,FA89                                                                M047 
                             THE FLOPPY ALMANAC 
 Contribution Name...........: FA88,FA89
    Title....................: The Floppy Almanac 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ALMANAC.SBMT
                             :02. FA88.FTN      \ 
                             :03. FA88.REL       \
                             :04. FA88_DATA.FTN   | 1988 version
                             :05. FA88_DATA.REL  /
                             :06. FA88.LOD      / 
                             :07. FA89_DATA.FTN \ 
                             :08. FA89_DATA.REL  |  1989 version
                             :09. FA89.LOD      / 
                             :10. CLRSCR.FTN    required subroutine 
                             :11. CLRSCR.REL
                             :12. ORDER.FORM  PC version order form 
                             :13. READ.ME   Info for PC version 
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A only 
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1.  date 
                             : 2.  astronomy
    External Support Req'd...: CDS is required
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: D.C. 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20392-5100 
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: The Floppy Almanac is a program for MS-DOS 
based microcomputers which reproduces the data contained in the major 
sections of the Astronomical, Air, and Nautical Almanacs to full precision, 
 This program represents the Floppy Almanac as modified to run on the A900. 
It is an interactive program reproducing to stated accuracy the data
found in The Astronomical Almanac produced by the U.S. Naval Observatory. 
It should be reasonably self explanatory, but an explanatory booklet
is supplied with the PC version. The PC version of the Floppy Almanac 
is available with the documentation from the Naval Observatory. 
The order form is included here as ORDER.FORM.
  The PC software alone is available through the INTEREX CSL/100. 
  Versions are provided here for 1988 and 1989.  Before the end of 1988 it
is expected that a more general version will be available for the years 
through 2000.0.  When it is converted to the A900, it will be provided to 
the CSL/1000. 
 Additional Documentation....:
All formulas and constants are those mandated by the International
Astronomical Union.  The ephemeris used is J2000.0. 
WHAT                                                                     M048 
 Contribution Name...........: WHAT 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. WHAT.SBMT 
                             :02. WHAT.PAS
                             :03. WHAT.REL
                             :04. STATE.PAS 
                             :05. STATE.REL 
                             :06. WHAT.LOD
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Pascal/1000
    Keywords.................: 1. SYSTEM_TABLES 
                             : 2. ID_SEGMENTS 
                             : 3. ANALYZER
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George Robinson
               Company.......: James River Corp.
               Street........: Harbison Road
               City..........: Lexington
               State.........: Ky 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40511
               Phone Number..: (606) 259-9159 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    WHAT provides information you would expect but don't get from WH, 
    such as number of ID segments, used/free ID segments, shared program
    table entries, resource number usage, and a program/session masking 
    capability similar to WHZAT,PL on RTE-6.  Other functions include 
    monitoring selected words of a program's ID segment, and monitoring 
    specific values relating to time-scheduled programs.
 Additional Documentation....:
    See source code or use on-line help via ?? option.
HOERL                                                                    M049 
                          HOERL EQUATION REGRESSION 
 Contribution Name...........: HOERL
    Title....................: Hoerl equation regression
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. HOERL.SBMT   - Submission file
                             :02. HOERL.FTN    - Source code
                             :03. HOERL.REL    - Relocatable
                             :04. HOERL.LOD    - Link loader file 
                             :05. HOERL.MAKE   - make file
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6, RTE-A, others? 
    Keywords.................: 1. REGRESSION
                             : 2. STATISTICS
    External Support Req'd...: VIS
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: IAREC
               Street........: P.O. Box 30
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..: (509) 786-2226 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program regresses the linearized form of
  Hoerl's equation.  This unique equation will fit about ten different forms
  of non-linear data. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source code for references and methods.
LINREG                                                                   M050 
                              LINEAR REGRESSION 
 Contribution Name...........: LINREG 
    Title....................: Linear Regression
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. LINREG.SBMT  - Submission file
                             :02. LINREG.FTN   - FTN7X Source 
                             :03. LINLIB.FTN   - FTN7X Source 
                             :04. LINREG.REL   - Relocatable
                             :05. LINLIB.REL   - Relocatable
                             :06. LINLIB.LIB   - Lindxed Relocatable
                             :07. LINREG.LOD   - Link loader file 
                             :08. LINREG.CMD   - Command file 
                             :09. LINREG.MAKE  - make file
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6/VM, RTE-A, others?
    Keywords.................: 1. REGRESSION
                             : 2. STATISTICS
    External Support Req'd...: VIS, PRBF.LIB & TTABLE.TAB Submitted seperately
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: IAREC
               Street........: P.O Box 30 
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..: (509) 786-2226 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Straight linear regression with some of the statistical frills.
 This is a modified routine of the RMULT submission.
 Additional Documentation....:
POLREG                                                                   M051 
                            POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION 
 Contribution Name...........: POLREG 
    Title....................: Polynomial Regression
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. POLREG.SBMT  - Submission file
                             :02. POLREG.FTN   - FTN7X Source code
                             :03. POLREG.REL   - Relocatable
                             :04. POLREG.LOD   - LINK loader file 
                             :05. POLREG.MAKE  - make file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A, others? 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. REGRESSION
                             : 2. STATISTICS
    External Support Req'd...: VIS, PRBF.LIB another submission.
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: IAREC
               Street........: P.O. Box 30
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..: (509) 786-2226 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Perform polynomial regression to fourth order. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source for method of solution. 
PRBF                                                                     M052 
 Contribution Name...........: PRBF 
    Title....................: Exact probability of F/t distribution(s).
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PRBF.SBMT  - Submission file
                             :02. PRBF.FTN   - Source code
                             :03. PRBF.REL   - Relocatable file 
                             :04. PRBF.LIB   - LINDXed relocatable
                             :05. TTABLE.TAB - Type 2 t Table file
    Operating System(s)......: Any
    Language(s)..............: FNT7X
    Keywords.................: 1. STATISTICS
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: IAREC
               Street........: P.O. Box 30
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..: (509) 786-2226 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Compute the exact probabilty of F or t 
  distributions with series analysis.  TTABLE.TAB is used by other programs 
  submitted.  There are other useful routines in this library such as a 
  gamma function. 
 Additional Documentation....:
RMULT                                                                    M053 
                             MULTIPLE REGRESSION
 Contribution Name...........: RMULT
    Title....................: MULTIPLE REGRESSION
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RMULT.SBMT    - Submission file 
                             :02. RMULT.FTN     - Main program source 
                             :03. RMULT.REL     - Relocatable file
                             :04. REGLIB.FTN    - Subroutine Library
                             :05. REGLIB.REL    - Subroutine relocatables 
                             :06. RMULT.LIB     - Merged and indexed file 
                             :07. RMULT.LOD     - MLLDR command file
                             :08. RMULT.CMD     - Compile command file
                             :09. RMULT.MRG     - INDXR command file
                             :10. RMULT.HLP     - Help file 
                             :11. RMULT.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......:RTE-6/VM, RTE-A?
    Keywords.................: 1. REGRESSION
                             : 2. STATISTICS
    External Support Req'd...: VIS, PRBF.LIB & TTABLE.TAB Submitted seperately
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: IAREC
               Street........: P.O. Box 30
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..: (509) 786-2226 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This is an interactive ten variable multiple regression program. 
 The program has been loaded with MLLDR on RTE-6 and should work with CDS 
 on RTE-A.  For the statistics buffs, REGLIB.FTN has other useful routines
 such as maximum likelihood calculation, matrix inversion, and others.
 Additional Documentation....: See RMULT.HLP
SORTR                                                                    M054 
 Contribution Name...........: SORTR
    Title....................: General purpose file sorting utility.
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SORTR.SBMT
                             :02. SORTR.FTN 
                             :03. SORTR.REL 
                             :04. SORTR.HLP 
                             :05. SORTR.DOC 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SORT
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jacques Sansdrap 
               Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain
               Street........: av. Hippocrate, 55/5560
               City..........: 1200 BRUXELLES 
               Country.......: BELGIUM
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..: (32.2) 764.55.61 
               Telex.........: UCLWOL B 23722 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Fast in-place sort of variable-length records
    in FMP files. Up to five key windows. Several modes of window content 
    evaluation. Options to delete duplicate records and to list and/or to 
    save them in a file. Increasing or decreasing sort. Fully controlled
    by the run string.
 Additional Documentation....: See SORTR.DOC
RPRINT                                                                   M055 
                        REMOTE DS/1000 PRINT PROGRAMS 
 Contribution Name...........: RPRINT 
    Title....................: Remote DS/1000 print programs
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RPRINT.SBMT   - submission file 
                             :02. RPRINT.FTN    - source
                             :03. RPRINT.REL    - relocatable 
                             :04. RPRINT.LOD    - load file 
                             :05. RPRINT.HELP   - help file 
                             :06. PRTFMREM.FTN  - source, PRinT FroM REMote 
                             :07. PRTFMREM.REL  - relocatable 
                             :08. PRTFMREM.LOD  - load file 
                             :09. PRTFMREM.HELP 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A and RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. PRINTER 
    External Support Req'd...: CI files, RTE, DS/1000, directory /PRINT on
                             : printer nodes (with write access for TRFAS)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jeff Heneks
               Company.......: Computer Sciences Corp.
               Company.......: (under contract for INTELSAT)
               Street........: 3400 International Drive, N.W. Box 31
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20008-3098 
               Phone Number..: (202) 944-7634 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This package contains two programs to facilitate printing files on
    a remote DS/1000 system.  RPRINT invokes PRINT with the overwrite 
    option using a unique name to send a file to a remote system in the 
    directory  /PRINT.  PrtFmRem then prints the files from the /PRINT
    directory.  RPRINT has options that specify the desired printer.
    The file type extension is used to select the printer.  The user
    need not know the node number or LU.  Copies of PrtFmREm are
    invoked for each printer using run time parameters to specify the 
    file type extension, how often the program looks at the print 
    directory, and the LU number.  Our version of RPRINT has options
    WID for printing on wide paper on node 10, NAR for printing on narrow 
    paper on node 10, and LAS for printing on the laser printer on node 4.
    These optins can easily be changed in RPRINT. PrtFmRem need not be
    changed, as run time options will provide enough flexibility. 
SKED                                                                     M056 
 Contribution Name...........: SKED 
    Title....................: Time-scheduled program scheduler 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. sked.sbmt 
                             :02. sked.ftn
                             :03. sked.rel
                             :04. sked.lod
                             :05. sked.dat
                             :06. skdfl.ftn    !Subroutine to read sked.dat 
                             :07. skdfl.rel 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and others? 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jim Becker 
               Company.......: ICI Americas Inc.
               Street........: 5757 Underwood Rd. 
               City..........: Pasadena 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77507
               Phone Number..: (713) 474-5151 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program is used to schedule programs that run on a time-scheduled basis.
 Programs do not need to be RP'ed.  Programs are run without wait so any
 number of programs can be run at a given time. 
 A list of programs with the start time, frequency and run string are in
 Sked.dat.  SKED is self-scheduling so keep it as the first entry in Sked.dat 
 and set the frequency at which you want it to run. 
 All you need to do to use SKED is to set up Sked.dat and copy it to the
 system directory.  Then you can run SKED from your session.  SKED detaches 
 itself from your session so it will continue after you log off.
 To change the schedule, edit Sked.dat and then set SKED's break flag.  The 
 next time SKED executes it will reread Sked.dat. This way you can change the 
 schedule and not have to go to the system console. 
 To turn SKED off, edit Sked.dat to set its frequency to 0 and then set SKED's
 break flag.  This will cause SKED to stop. 
 To run SKED from your welcom file RP it and then RUN it. 
 SKED also prints a time message on the system console each hour to make it 
 easier to tell about when a non-time stamped system error occured. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 Use Link or Loadr.  This program uses no libraries.
APPTS                                                                    M057 
 Contribution Name...........: APPTS
    Title....................: A calendar system for the modern executive 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. APPTS.SBMT
                             :02. CALANDER.DB 
                             :03. CLEAN.FTN 
                             :04. CLEAN.REL 
                             :05. CLEAN.LOD 
                             :06. CLEAN.SCN 
                             :07. DATESUB.FTN 
                             :08. DATESUB.REL 
                             :09. ENTER.FTN 
                             :10. ENTER.REL 
                             :11. ENTER.LOD 
                             :12. ENTER.SCN 
                             :13. MAINT.FTN 
                             :14. MAINT.REL 
                             :15. MAINT.LOD 
                             :16. MAINT.SCN 
                             :17. MENU.FTN
                             :18. MENU.REL
                             :19. MENU.LOD
                             :20. MENU.SCN
                             :21. REPORT.FTN
                             :22. REPORT.REL
                             :23. REPORT.LOD
                             :24. REPORT.SCN
                             :25. SCAN.FTN
                             :26. SCAN.REL
                             :27. SCAN.LOD
                             :28. SCAN.SCN
                             :29. STARTER.FTN 
                             :30. STARTER.REL 
                             :31. STARTER.LOD 
                             :32. FL.CMD
                             :33. CISCREEN.REL
                             :34. APPTS.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, etc w/ CI 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Calendar
                             : 2. Scheduling
    External Support Req'd...: IMAGE2 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:    **>> CALENDAR.DB DATA-BASE SCHEMA LEFT
                             :         OFF ORIGINAL TAPE
 Contributor's Name..........: John Domanico
               Company.......: Warner Lambert / Parke Davis Div 
               Street........: 201 Tabor Rd.
               City..........: Morris Plains
               State.........: New Jersey 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 07950
               Phone Number..: (201) 540-6112 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user friendly appointment and
 follow-up reminder program. The user choses from an option from a menu.
 Separate sub-screens guide the user through entry, reporting, scanning,
 modification, and eraseing.  Multiple users are intended so that all may 
 review calendars for meeting scheduling. 
 Additional Documentation....: Fortran code and link files will need to 
be modified to include the proper LU`s and carts for use.  Also, the data-
base will need to be created by running the proper IMAGE2 commands. 
ADVENTURE                                                                M058 
                         ADVENTURE GAME, VERSION 2.2
 Contribution Name...........: ADVENTURE
    Title....................: Adventure Game, Version 2.2
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. ADVENTURE.SBMT 
                             : 02. ADVENT.FTN 
                             : 03. ADVENT.REL 
                             : 04. AINIT.FTN
                             : 05. AINIT.REL
                             : 06. AMAIN.FTN
                             : 07. AMAIN.REL
                             : 08. ASUB.FTN 
                             : 09. ASUB.REL 
                             : 10. AIOSUB.FTN 
                             : 11. AIOSUB.REL 
                             : 12. ABUILD.FTN 
                             : 13. ABUILD.REL 
                             : 14. ALPHAS.INCL
                             : 15. ARYCOM.INCL
                             : 16. IOCCOM.INCL
                             : 17. LINCOM.INCL
                             : 18. MAGCOM.INCL
                             : 19. MISCOM.INCL
                             : 20. PLACOM.INCL
                             : 21. TRVCOM.INCL
                             : 22. TXTCOM.INCL
                             : 23. VOCCOM.INCL
                             : 24. ADVENT.LOD 
                             : 25. ABUILD.LOD 
                             : 26. ADVENTURE.TXT
                             : 27. ADVENTURE.DAT
                             : 28. ADVENTURE.DOC
                             : 29. MESSAGE.TXT
                             : 30. CHEAT.TXT
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Old games never die, they just get bigger. There have been many changes
 made to this game summarized as follows: 
   - No segmentation or LOADR 
   - No assembly language routines
   - Data base stored in EMA memory 
   - Lower case letters used everywhere 
   - Expanded cave and magic mode 
   - Optional hours cave is open
   - Save/restore game to disc file 
   - Command echo back with full spelling 
   - Every game is different using random numbers 
   - Use FORTRAN I/O for all files
   - Easily ported to HP-UX systems 
   - Messages to users
   - Fast response time 
   - Low usage of system resources
 Additional Documentation....:
 See ADVENTURE.DOC for installation. I believe all of the bugs are fixed
 but it is impossible to test every possible condition. Send me bug reports 
 if you find any. I finally went through the entire game and have tested
 just about everything. You should now be able to extra points for the
 girls garter, the ruby skull and getting to charon's landing. I have 
 gotten perfect scores but it is not easy. If you get to the final
 repository, try something that did not work earlier in the game. 
 Be kind to the beautiful girl and watch out for the statue. It is
 possible to get all of the treasures but don't waste any time. 
 The wizard mode is mainly for debugging and controlling access to
 the game. You don't need it for normal playing. Happy adventuring! 
   I have been porting this to an IBM PC and am also looking for the
 source code of the CP/M version that has the ice caves, computer room
 and other features. I think it was written in Basic. If anyone has a 
 copy, let me know. CHEAT.TXT has all the answers for playing the game. 
CHESS                                                                    M059 
                      MINI-TECH CHESS GAME, VERSION 2.3 
 Contribution Name...........: CHESS
    Title....................: Mini-Tech Chess Game, Version 2.3
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. CHESS.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. CHESS.FTN - Main program source
                             : 03. SETBOARD.FTN 
                             : 04. READ_MOVE.FTN
                             : 05. GENERAL_MOVE.FTN 
                             : 06. PUSH_MOVE.FTN
                             : 07. CONSIDER_MOVES.FTN 
                             : 08. STACK_PAWN.FTN 
                             : 09. PAWN_CAPTURE.FTN 
                             : 10. PROMOTE_PAWN.FTN 
                             : 11. STACK_KN.FTN 
                             : 12. STACK_BRQ.FTN
                             : 13. CASTLE.FTN 
                             : 14. STACK_CASTLE.FTN 
                             : 15. CASTLE_CHECK.FTN 
                             : 16. STACK_MOVE.FTN 
                             : 17. IN_CHECK_MACRO.FTN 
                             : 18. KING_IN_CHECK.MAC
                             : 19. POSITION.FTN 
                             : 20. OPENING.FTN
                             : 21. MIDGAME.FTN
                             : 22. ENDGAME.FTN
                             : 23. SORT_MOVES.FTN 
                             : 24. PRUNE_MOVES.FTN
                             : 25. SCORE.FTN
                             : 26. CENTER_CONTROL.FTN 
                             : 27. MOBILITY.FTN 
                             : 28. KING_CHECK.FTN 
                             : 29. SUM_VALUES.FTN 
                             : 30. DEFEND_KING.FTN
                             : 31. OPENING_BONUS.FTN
                             : 32. MIDGAME_BONUS.FTN
                             : 33. ENDGAME_BONUS.FTN
                             : 34. EXECUTE.MAC
                             : 35. SAVE_RESTORE.MAC 
                             : 36. BACKUP_ALPHA.FTN 
                             : 37. BACKUP_BETA.FTN
                             : 38. FULL_DUMP.FTN
                             : 39. DUMP_NODE.FTN
                             : 40. PRINT_BOARD.FTN
                             : 41. ABORT_GAME.FTN 
                             : 42. BREAK_APART.FTN
                             : 43. ISWR.FTN 
                             : 44. TIMER.FTN
                             : 45. WAIT.FTN 
                             : 46. SAVE_GAME.FTN
                             : 47. RESTORE_GAME.FTN 
                             : 48. GLOBAL_BLOCK.FTN 
                             : 49. SETUP.FTN
                             : 50. MOVE_NUMBER.FTN
                             : 51. MOVE_LIST.FTN
                             : 52. TIMES.FTN
                             : 53. BEST_MOVE.FTN
                             : 54. UPDATE_DISPLAY.FTN 
                             : 55. UPDATE_PIECE.FTN 
                             : 56. CHESS_PIECES.FTN 
                             : 57. DISPLAY.FTN
                             : 58. SQUARE.FTN 
                             : 59. IN_CHECK.FTN 
                             : 60. SEARCH_BOARD.FTN 
                             : 61. EXECUTE.FTN
                             : 62. SAVE_RESTORE.FTN 
                             : 63. ATTACK_DEFEND.FTN
                             : 64. SEARCH_FOR_PIECE.FTN 
                             : 65. CHESS.INCL 
                             : 66. GAME.REL  - Merged Relocatables
                             : 67. CHESS.LOD - LINK command file
                             : 68. CHESS.CMD - Compile file 
                             : 69. CHESS.MRG - Merge file 
                             : 70. CHESS.TXT - Documention
                             : 71. CHESS.ALG - Original ALGOL source
                             : 72. CHESS.ASM - Original Assembler source
                             : 73. TRACE.LOG - Output of sample game
                             : 74. CHESS.LINK  Alternate link file
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: Terminal Graphics library (TGL.LIB)
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Major re-write 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD, Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This chess program (Tech) will play chess by generating a 'best move' from 
 a minimax game tree. The method used is brute force. Although alpha-beta 
 pruning is utilized, no heuristics are embedded in the program. The game 
 needs improvements, but can play a fair game of chess. Most of the chess 
 games on PC's can beat Tech, but some sequences are very interesting.
 If you blunder, Tech will show you no mercy. Tech can play fast (depth of 3) 
 or slow (depth of 5). In the default mode, most moves will take less than
 30 seconds so you can complete a game on your lunch hour. Since all the
 source code is here you can experiment with the logic behind the moves.
 You need a 239x graphics terminal to play the game. The graphics takes 
 a few minutes to setup up but then things run faster. The relocatables 
 are merged together in GAMES.REL so if you want to make a change you 
 must recompile everything. 
 Additional Documentation....: See CHESS.TXT
DUNGEON                                                                  M060 
                         CDS DUNGEON & DRAGONS GAME 
 Contribution Name...........: DUNGEON
    Title....................: CDS Dungeon & Dragons Game 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. DUNGEON.SBMT 
                             : 02. DUNGA_CDS.FTN
                             : 03. DUNGA_CDS.REL
                             : 04. DUNGB_CDS.FTN
                             : 05. DUNGB_CDS.REL
                             : 06. DUNGC_CDS.FTN
                             : 07. DUNGC_CDS.REL
                             : 08. DUNGD_CDS.FTN
                             : 09. DUNGD_CDS.REL
                             : 10. DUNGE_CDS.FTN
                             : 11. DUNGE_CDS.REL
                             : 12. DUNGL_CDS.FTN
                             : 13. DUNGL_CDS.LIB
                             : 14. DUNGN_CDS.LOD
                             : 15. DUNGEON.TEXT 
                             : 16. DUNGEON.INIT 
                             : 17. DUNGEON.HINT 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A VC+
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
    External Support Req'd...: CDS & VC+
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes and security 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This game was converted to run on the A-series machines using a data base
 that is entirely memory resident. The eliminates all disc accesses durning 
 the game but uses lots of memory (which is cheap nowdays). The program is
 much to big to fit except using CDS. The game has not been tested very 
 much so let me know if you find any problems. No assembly language is
 used, so it should be a easy port to the HP 9000 Unix systems. All I/O 
 is done with FORTRAN read/write statements. The file DUNGEON.INIT must 
 be in the current working directory before running the program. Several
 bug fixes have been made and some restrictions have been made on the 
 hours the game can be played.
 For a bit of history, DUNGEON is a FORTRAN version of ZORK (they said
 it couldn't be done). The creators of ZORK started INFOCOM and came
 out with ZORK I, II and III. ZORK I is a striped down version of the 
 original ZORK. DUNGEON does not have everything that the original ZORK 
 had. Namely it is missing the full parser and the end game puzzle. If
 you have a DEC version that is complete (i.e with the end game puzzle) 
 please send it to INTEREX. The game has been floating around the ARPA net
 for years. 
 Dungeon was created at the Programming Technology Division of the MIT
 Laboratory for Computer Science by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce 
 Daniels, and Dave Lebling.  It was inspired by the Adventure game of 
 Crowther and Woods, and the Dungeons and Dragons game of Gygax 
 and Arneson.  The original version was written in MDL (alias MUDDLE).
 The current version was translated from MDL into FORTRAN by Bob Supnik 
 of DEC Disk Engineering, and modified for HP 1000 by Tom Hutchinson. 
 Perhaps I may write an end game puzzle after I can get a perfect score.
 Additional Documentation....:
 If you have not played this game before, try typing OPEN MAILBOX and 
 READ LEAFLET. Lower case letters can be used at anytime. Wizards can do
 a few of things that mortals cannot do. HELP and INFO are also useful
 commands. If you want complete help, look at DUNGEON.HINT. It will tell
 more than you want to know but maybe not as much as you would like.
HACKER                                                                   M061 
                      RTE-6 SYSTEM INFORMATION PROGRAM
 Contribution Name...........: HACKER 
    Title....................: RTE-6 System Information Program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. HACKER_6.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. HACKER_6.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. HACKER_6.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. HACKER_6.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Decode
                             : 3. Security
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program shows you all the things system managers go to so much
 trouble to keep secret. This program gives you the following:
   1. The master security code in decimal, octal and ascii. 
      (It even gives you the nonprintable control characters) 
   2. All users, groups and passwords on the system.
      (That includes MANAGER.SYS password)
   3. All FMGR files with negative security codes.
      (The security codes are given too)
 There are no comments in the listings so you will have to work a 
 little to figure these routines out. They use some undocumented
 features. This shows you how unsecure (or insecure) RTE really is. 
 This program really can be put to good use by system managers or 
 HP SE's. 
HACKER                                                                   M062 
 Contribution Name...........: HACKER 
    Title....................: RTE-A System Information Program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. HACKER_A.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. HACKER_A.FTN - FORTRAN source
                             : 03. HACKER_A.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. HACKER_A.LOD - LINK command
                             : 05. PASSWORD.DAT 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Security
                             : 3. Decode
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: Code 3441
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program tells you a few things about your RTE-A system your system
 manager doesn't want you to know. It gives the master security code for
 file manager files, all FMGR files with negative security codes and some 
 of the logon passwords. On RTE-6/VM it is easy to get all the passwords
 but on RTE-A the encryption is only one way. Passwords are not unique
 either. Passwords are from 1 to 16 characters long (but a bug limits it
 to 14 characters I think), and are folded into a 32 bit floating point 
 number. The algolrithm operates on two characters (one word) at a time.
 All 1 or 2 character passwords are unique and can be found in a matter 
 of seconds. It takes several minutes to try all 3 and 4 character
 passwords while it takes several hours to test all 5 and 6 character 
 passwords. More than that takes forever (at least days or months). 
 This program gives you all 1 and 2 character passwords (and users with 
 no password). It also trys 3 and 4 character passwords giving you the
 option of skipping control characters. Another approach is to read in
 passwords from a disc file and try them. The file PASSWORD.DAT is used 
 to do this. There are about 8000 entries in the file which takes a matter
 of seconds to try. You can add anything you can think of to this file. 
 One last approach is to try passwords randomly but it is very unlikely 
 that you'll find any so this program doesn't do that. The main point of
 this program is to show that RTE-A security is not very good but it is 
 a little better that RTE-6/VM. You can always run program SUPER (or SU)
 to become a super user and get to anything you want. Keep on hacking.
 Additional Documentation....:
 If you want passwords that cannot be easily found out, make them at least
 seven or more characters, don't use ordinary words, use lot's of control 
 characters and don't tell anyone what your password is.
INVOKE                                                                   M063 
                       INVOKE A PROGRAM WITH FILE MASK
 Contribution Name...........: INVOKE 
    Title....................: Invoke a Program with File Mask
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. INVOKE.SBMT  Submission file 
                             : 02. INVOKE.FTN - Source file 
                             : 03. INVOKE.REL - Relocatable 
                             : 04. INVOKE.LOD - LINK command
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Scheduling
                             : 2. Batch 
                             : 3. Filter
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Fixed problem with long filenames
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program will run the specified program every time a file is found 
 matching the file mask. Only the first parameter can be masked. Up to
 five parameters are allowed. Example runs: 
      CI> Invoke Ftn7x @.ftn 0 -
      CI> Invoke Link @.lod +ma +de 
      CI> Invoke Oldre @.rel
 Additional Documentation....:
TGL                                                                      M064 
                          TERMINAL GRAPHICS LIBRARY 
 Contribution Name...........: TGL
    Title....................: Terminal Graphics Library
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file.
                             : 01. TGL.SBMT  Submission file
                             : 02. TGL.FTN - Source file
                             : 03. TGL.REL - Relocatable
                             : 04. TGL.LIB - LINDX'ed library 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Terminal
                             : 2. Graphics
                             : 3. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Fixed to work 293x terminals 
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: CSAD Code 3441 
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7887 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This is an old library for drawing graphics on a terminal without the
 overhead of DGL. It has been updates slightly to work with 239x terminals
 instead of 264x terminals. It is used by the CHESS and STARTREK programs.
DLICI                                                                    M065 
 Contribution Name...........: DLICI
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. DLICI.SBMT     Program submission 
                             : 002. DLICI.FTN      Source program 
                             : 003. DLICI.HLP      User documentation 
                             : 004. MSRT.FTN       Sort program 
                             : 005. DLICI.REL 
                             : 006. MSRT.REL
                             : 007. INSTLDLICI.CMD
                             : 008  MSRT_CDS.FTN   CDS version of MSRT.FTN
                             : 009  DLICI_CDS.FTN  CDS version of DLICI.FTN 
                             : 010  MSRT_CDS.REL
                             : 011  DLICI_CDS.REL 
                             : 012  MSRT_CDS.LOD
                             : 013  DLICI_CDS.LOD 
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. DIRECTORY 
    External Support Req'd...: DL.RUN::PROGRAMS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Fixed bugs 
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Program Abstract............:
         This program allows the system manager to know which are the new 
 and the deleted files in a directory between two times.
 Additional documentation: In source file.
CHD                                                                      M066 
                              CHANGE DIRECTORY
 Contribution Name...........: CHD
    Title....................: CHANGE DIRECTORY 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. CHD.SBMT       Program submission 
                             : 002. CHD.FTN        Source program 
                             : 003. CHD.HLP        User documentation 
                             : 004. INSTLCHD.CMD
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. DIRECTORY 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Program Abstract............:
         This program displays and change of directory with always the same 
 notation in $RETURN_S. The use of .. is allowed. 
 Additional documentation: In source file.
WHR                                                                      M067 
                       SESSION ACTIVITY REPORT UTLITY 
 Contribution Name...........: WHR
    Title....................: Session Activity Report Utlity 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. WHR.SBMT     Program submission 
                             : 002. WHR.FTN      Source program for rev. < 5.0
                             : 003. WHR.HLP      User documentation 
                             : 004. INSTLWHR.CMD installation file
                             : 005. WHR.LOD      load file
                             : 006. WHR_50.FTN   Source program for 5.0 
                             : 007. WHR.INCL     Some routines for WHR(_50) 
                             : 008. WHR_50.HLP   User documentation WHR_50
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. ACCOUNTING
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne, Steve Steel 
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Program Abstract............:
         This program is a more friendly WH. Before compiling this program
 a change MUST be done in source code to alter the value of $IDA, #ID# and
 #IDZ. The good value of these are in a generation listing. 
 Additional documentation: In help and source file. 
WHATREV                                                                  M068 
 Contribution Name...........: WHATREV
    Title....................: SEARCH REVISION CODE IN A PROGRAM FILE 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. WHATREV.SBMT   Program submission 
                             : 002. WHATREV.FTN    Source program 
                             : 003. WHATREV.HELP   User documentation 
                             : 004. WHATREV.REL 
                             : 005. INSTLWHATREV.CMD
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. PROCEDURES
                             : 2. SECURITY
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Program Abstract............:
 It is some time useful (especially when working with more than one computer
 with the same program) to know which revision is running. With a simple rule 
 of programmation and this program, it is now possible. 
 Additional documentation: In help and source file. 
MUXD                                                                     M069 
 Contribution Name...........: MUXD 
    Title....................: Display/set 12040D multiplexor port status 
    File Names...............: 000. Rename Transfert File 
                             : 001. MUXD.SBMT      Program submission 
                             : 002. MUXD.FTN       Source program 
                             : 003. >MUXD          User documentation 
                             : 004. INSTLMUXD.CMD 
    Operating system(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. MULTIPLEXOR 
                             : 2. STATUS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Joseph de Jamblinne
               Company.......: Trimetal Paint Co. 
               Street........: Emmanuellaan 1 
               City..........: Machelen 
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1830 
               Phone Number..: (322) 251 29 91
               Telex.........: 23259 Trimet-B 
 Program Abstract............:
         This program allows the operator to interactively set parameter of 
 a D-mux LU such as baud rate, parity, handshake, type-ahead mode, and so 
 on.(When running modification a ? will give more explanation on the opera- 
 It also displays the current configuration of a mux LU.
 Additional documentation: In source file.
BIT_MAP_ANALYSIS                                                         M070 
                        ANALYZE BIT MAP OF CI VOLUMES 
 Contribution Name...........: BIT_MAP_ANALYSIS 
    Title....................: ANALYZE BIT MAP OF CI VOLUMES
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. BIT_MAP_ANALYSIS.SBMT 
                             :02. ?BITMP
                             :03. BIT_MAP_ANAL.FTN
                             :04. BIT_MAP_ANAL.LOD
                             :05. BIT_MAP_ANAL.CMD
    Operating System(s)......:rte-6 & rte-a 
    Language(s)..............:fortran 77
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Manfred Baer 
               Company.......: ETH Zurich 
               Street........: Honggerberg
               City..........: Zurich 
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Zip Code......: 8093 
               Phone Number..: 1-377 2627 
               Telex.........: 823480 eheb
 Contribution Abstract.......: The program searches the bit map table of
                               CI volumes and reports the number of times 
                               a given file size will fit on the volume 
                               either on the terminal or on file. 
                               Optionally the complete bit map is stored
                               on a disc file.
 Additional Documentation....:
AGING ON RTE-A                                                           M071 
 Contribution Name...........:  AGING on RTE-A
    Title....................: RTE-6/VM like partition priority aging on RTE-A
                               Also a good example in system programming in 
                               Fortran with FTN7X 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. AGING.SBMT
                             :02. AGING.FTN 
                             :03. AGING.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............:    FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. partition 
                             : 2. system
                             : 3. system_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Manfred Hoeckendorff
               Company.......:  Hewlett Packard 
               Street........:  Kapstadtring 5
               City..........:  Hamburg 
               Country.......:  Germany 
               Zip Code......:  D2000 
               Phone Number..:
  Contribution Abstract.......:  A small program showing how to do system 
                                 programming in Fortran with FTN7X and it 
                                 does partition priority aging for those
                                 programs which are not in the scheduled
                                 list and resets the partition priority 
                                 to the program priorty if in the scheduled 
                                 list.The effect is that all those programs 
                                 hanging in memory class suspended with 
                                 high priority for hours and days like
                                 DS-Monitors ... will be swaped after 
                                 some time. 
 Additional Documentation....:   Look also to the AG-Systemcomand in RTE-6
XACTNS                                                                   M072 
                          FILE COUNTER FOR QDM/1000 
 Contribution Name...........: XACTNS 
    Title....................: File counter for QDM/1000
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. XACTNS.SBMT 
                             :02. ?XACTNS  Help file
                             :03. XACTNS.FTN
                             :04. XACTNS.REL
                             :05. XACTNS.LOD
                             :06. XACTNS.CMD
    Operating system(s)......:RTEA 5.0
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Language(s)..............:FORTRAN 77
    Keywords.................: 1. QDM 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Markus Bruetsch
               Company.......: Pacesetter Siemens 
               Street........: 12740 San Fernando Rd. 
                             : F1S/582-N1 
               City..........: Sylmar 
               State.........: Calif
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 91342
               Phone Number..: (818) 362-6822 
 Program Abstract............:
This routine counts all the !Rxxxxxx and !Bxxxxxx QDM spool files in the
/QDM_XACTN_DATA directory and reports them to the operator. 
 Additional Documentation....: See the source code
MASS                                                                     M073 
                      MULTI RUN-PROGRAM WITH FILE-MASK
 Contribution Name...........: MASS 
    Title....................: Multi run-program with file-mask 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. mass.sbmt 
                             :02. mass.ftn
                             :03. mass.rel
    Operating System(s)......: RTE 6  RTE A 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7x
    Keywords.................: 1. Filter
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Matton Jean-Louis
               Company.......: Univ. Cath. Louvain
               Street........: Av. Hippocrate 55/5560 
               City..........: Bruxelles
               Country.......: Belgium
               Zip Code......: B-1200 
               Phone Number..: 32 2 7645561 
               Telex.........: UCLWOL B 23722 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Program MASS works basically just like 
        program specified in parameter 1, except you can specify a file-mask
        in the runstring instead of just one file.  The specified program 
        will be run multiple times in sequence for each file matching 
        the filemask. 
        i.e. ru MASS progname filemask [par for progname] 
 Additional Documentation....: Run MASS without parameters (ru mass)
        Note: this program is a  generalisation of
              MED (Seppo Pietikainen HP Finland)
MENU                                                                     M074 
                                MENU BUILDER
 Contribution Name...........: MENU 
    Title....................: MENU BUILDER 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. MENU.SBMT
                             : 02. MENU.FTN 
                             : 03. MENU.REL 
                             : 04. MENU.LOD 
                             : 05. MENU.DOC 
                             : 06. MENU.MAKE
                             : 07. DL.PNL 
                             : 08. SP.PNL 
                             : 09. WH.PNL 
                             : 10. SUB.PNL
                             : 11. C&L.PNL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A,RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. MENU
                             : 2. SHELL 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Michael Johnson & Tom Penninga 
               Company.......: Rochester Product Division 
               Street........: 2100 Burlingame
               City..........: Grand Rapids 
               State.........: Michigan 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 49501
               Phone Number..: (616) 247-5969 
 Program Abstract............: This utility will take a user built menu 
 and build a menu/command scheduler from it.  User defines if system
 returns to menu or to CI.  Utility allows easy operation of similar tasks
 such as spooling, dl, edit/link/compile, etc.  See Menu.Doc for several
 examples. Several sample menu panels are included.  Simply enter MENU WH 
 or MENU DL for a quick scan of how it works. Enhancements allow sub-menus, 
 CI commands from the menu, global variables to be pasted into the menu, and
 immediate return from menu.
 Additional Documentation....:
 See Menu.DOC for examples of how to use it.
DATE                                                                     M075 
                           RETURN DATE/TIME TO CI 
 Contribution Name...........: DATE 
    Title....................: Return Date/Time to CI 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DATE.SBMT 
                             :02. DATE.FTN    (source file) 
                             :03. DATE.HELP   (help file) 
                             :04. DATE.REL    (relocatable file)
                             :05. DATE.MAKE   (make file) 
                             :06. DATE.LOD    (load file) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6/vm
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. DATE
                             : 2. TIME
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug Fixes to San Jose Swap Version 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Company
               Street........: MSD, Bldg.56/3, Kodak Park 
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14650
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Program Abstract............:
   This program is a handy utility to return the Date and Time to CI. 
   We use it in standard overnight backup procedure to determine what 
   type of backup to run on a specific day. 
   Thanks to Don Clapp for Bug Report 
 Additional Documentation....: See Help file
DP                                                                       M076 
 Contribution Name...........: DP 
    Title....................: Display parameters in various formats
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DP.SBMT 
                             :02. DP.FTN    (source file) 
                             :03. DP.HELP   (help file) 
                             :04. DP.REL    (relocatable file)
                             :05. DP.MAKE   (make file) 
                             :06. DP.LOD    (load file) 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6/vm
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. TOOLS 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug Fixes, Enhancements to San Jose Swap Ver.
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul F. Gerwitz
               Company.......: Eastman Kodak Company
               Street........: MSD, Bldg.56/3, Kodak Park 
               City..........: Rochester
               State.........: New York 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 14650
               Phone Number..: 716-477-3067 
 Program Abstract............:
   This program is a handy utility to display those nasty CI globals
   that usually are displayed in unuseful formats 
 Additional Documentation....: See Help file
KERMIT                                                                   M077 
 Contribution Name...........: KERMIT 
    Title....................: KERMIT 1.99c - Machine-to-machine file transfer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. KERMIT.SBMT    Submission file
                             :02. *COPY          Copyright info about KERMIT
                             :03. *INFO          Other KERMITs available
                             :04. ADDENDUM       KERMIT-RTE user info 
                             :05. PROTO.DOC      KERMIT Protocol Manual 
                             :06. USER.DOC       KERMIT User's Manual 
                             :07. KCMNDS.ftni    Common include-file
                             :08. KCONCW.ftni    Common include-file
                             :09. KERCMD.ftni    Common include-file
                             :10. KERCNF.ftni    Common include-file
                             :11. KERCOM.ftni    Common include-file
                             :12. KERDBG.ftni    Common include-file
                             :13. KERFIL.ftni    Common include-file
                             :14. KERSTA.ftni    Common include-file
                             :15. KERMIT.ISTL    Installation instructions
                             :16. K6SUBS.FTN     RTE-6 KERMIT-library source
                             :17. KASUBS.FTN     RTE-A KERMIT-library source
                             :18. KERMIT.FTN     KERMIT source
                             :19. $K6SUBS.LIB    KERMIT library for RTE-6 
                             :20. $KASUBS.LIB    KERMIT library for RTE-A 
                             :21. KERMIT.LOD     Link command file for KERMIT 
                             :22. KERMIT.REL     KERMIT object (A or 6) 
                             :23. KERMIT.HLP     Indexed help-file
                             :24. KERMIT.TEXT    "Source" for KERMIT.HLP
    Operating System.........: RTE-6 or RTE-A, revision c.83 and later
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. File_transfer 
                             : 2. Data_comm 
                             : 3. Network 
    External Support Req'd...: 12792B/C (RTE-6) or 12040B/C/D (RTE-A) mux 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Bug fixes and enhancements 
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Schumann
               Company.......: E-Systems, Inc.
               Street........: P. O. Box 1056 CBN 101 
               City..........: Greenville 
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 75401
               Phone Number..: (214) 457-5358 
 Contribution Abstract.......: KERMIT-RTE transfers files between an HP-1000
  and any other machine equipped with a KERMIT program over RS-232 lines (on
  a 12040B/C/D or 12792B/C mux), and also provides basic terminal-emulation.
  See KERMIT.ISTL for a detailed list of features and unsolved problems in
  this version. 
 Additional Documentation....: See KERMIT.ISTL for installation instructions. 
SKETCH                                                                   M078 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 1 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 1 of 9)
    File Names...............:000. Rename Transfer File 
                             :001. SKETCH.SBMT (submission file)
                             :002. README 
                             :003. BRUNO_CONVERTERS.DOC 
                             :004. MAKEFILE 
                             :005. MANUAL.1000
                             :006. PRODUCE_TAPE.TF
                             :007. SK.2397
                             :008. SK.2623
                             :009. SK.2627
                             :010. SK.DEVS
                             :011. SK.WSPS
                             :012. SK.HELP
                             :013. SKPLOT.HELP
                             :014. SKSUBS.LIB 
                             :015. SKSUBS.MERG
                             :016. ADD_ARC_NODE.FTN 
                             :017. ADD_ARC_TO_P.FTN 
                             :018. ADD_CURVE_NO.FTN 
                             :019. ADD_CURVE_TO.FTN 
                             :020. ADD_EXTENT.FTN 
                             :021. ADD_KNOTS.FTN
                             :022. ADD_LINE_NOD.FTN 
                             :023. ADD_MACRO.FTN
                             :024. ADD_MARKER_N.FTN 
                             :025. ADD_NODE.FTN 
                             :026. ADD_POINT_TO.FTN 
                             :027. ADD_POLY_MEM.FTN 
                             :028. ADD_POLY_NOD.FTN 
                             :029. ADD_STACK.FTN
                             :030. ADD_TEXT_NOD.FTN 
                             :031. ADD_TO_POLY.FTN
                             :032. ALLOCATE_HEA.FTN 
                             :033. ALLOCATE_SPA.FTN 
                             :034. ALPHA_FIX.FTN
                             :035. ANGLE.FTN
                             :036. APICK_AFFECT.FTN 
                             :037. ARCHIVE2SK.FTN 
                             :038. ARC_ENDS.FTN 
                             :039. ARC_LIMITS.FTN 
                             :040. ARC_MODE.FTN 
                             :041. ATTACH_TO_CH.FTN 
                             :042. BASENAME.FTN 
                             :043. BFTSK.FTN
                             :044. BLOCK_READ.FTN 
                             :045. BSTSK.FTN
                             :046. CALC_ROTATE.FTN
                             :047. CALC_START.FTN 
                             :048. CALC_STRETCH.FTN 
                             :049. CALC_TEXT_EN.FTN 
                             :050. CALC_TEXT_OR.FTN 
                             :051. CHANGE_CMODE.FTN 
                             :052. CHANGE_CURVE.FTN 
                             :053. CHANGE_GEN_A.FTN 
                             :054. CHANGE_LIMIT.FTN 
                             :055. CHANGE_POLY_.FTN 
                             :056. CHANGE_TEXT_.FTN 
                             :057. CHANGE_WINDO.FTN 
                             :058. CLEAR_ALL_SE.FTN 
                             :059. CLEAR_ALPHA.FTN
                             :060. CLEAR_DATA_B.FTN 
                             :061. CLONE.FTN
                             :062. CLONE_AREA.FTN 
                             :063. CLONE_SEGMEN.FTN 
                             :064. CLOSE_CONSTR.FTN 
                             :065. CLOSE_CURVE_.FTN 
                             :066. CLOSE_PICK_A.FTN 
                             :067. CLOSE_POLY_N.FTN 
                             :068. CLOSE_TEXT_N.FTN 
                             :069. COLOR_TABLE_.FTN 
                             :070. CONSTRUCT_AR.FTN 
                             :071. CONSTRUCT_CO.FTN 
                             :072. CONSTRUCT_LI.FTN 
                             :073. CONSTRUCT_LS.FTN 
                             :074. CONSTRUCT_MA.FTN 
                             :075. CONSTRUCT_PK.FTN 
                             :076. COPY_ATTRIBU.FTN 
                             :077. COPY_NODE.FTN
                             :078. CREATE_DRWG.FTN
                             :079. CREATE_DRWG_.FTN 
                             :080. CURVE_MODE.FTN 
                             :081. DEALLOCATE_N.FTN 
                             :082. DEALLOCATE_S.FTN 
                             :083. DEFAULT.FTN
                             :084. DELETE_KNOTS.FTN 
                             :085. DELETE_NODE.FTN
                             :086. DELETE_SPACE.FTN 
                             :087. DELETE_UNCHA.FTN 
                             :088. DRAW_ALL_CON.FTN 
                             :089. DRAW_ALL_SEG.FTN 
                             :090. DRAW_ARC_SEG.FTN 
                             :091. DRAW_COLOR.FTN 
                             :092. DRAW_COLOR_T.FTN 
                             :093. DRAW_CONSTRU.FTN 
                             :094. DRAW_CURVE_S.FTN 
                             :095. DRAW_ELIPSE.FTN
                             :096. DRAW_GEN_ATT.FTN 
                             :097. DRAW_GRID.FTN
                             :098. DRAW_KNOTS.FTN 
                             :099. DRAW_LINE_SE.FTN 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Plotting
                             : 3. Figures 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............:
  This is the latest version of the popular SKETCH program. 
  SKETCH is a general  purpose  graphics  editor.   It  allows
  users  to  create  source  graphics  documents,  store them,
  retrieve them for further editing, and plot hard copy  final
  SKETCH has been found useful with several tasks:
        Transparencies for presentations
        Technical illustrations 
        Floor plan layouts
        Simple drafting 
        Schematic drawings
        Report Covers 
  Unlike many previous graphics presentation packages,  SKETCH
  is an interactive graphics application and is much easier to
  use if a pointing device such  as  a  mouse  or  a  graphics
  tablet  is  available.  However,  a  pointing  device is not
  necessary, since commands can be entered almost as fast from
  the  keyboard.   SKETCH  also  takes advantage of the device
  independent features of AGP (HP's  Advanced  Graphics  Pack-
  age),  meaning that SKETCH should work on present and future
  AGP supported work stations and hard copy devices.
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M079 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 2 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 2 of 9)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SKETCH2.SBMT
                             :02. DRAW_POLY_AT.FTN
                             :03. DRAW_SCREEN.FTN 
                             :04. DRAW_SEGMENT.FTN
                             :05. DRAW_SEGS.FTN 
                             :06. DRAW_STYLE.FTN
                             :07. DRAW_STYLE_T.FTN
                             :08. DRAW_TEXT_AT.FTN
                             :09. DRAW_TEXT_SE.FTN
                             :10. DRWG_FUNCTIO.FTN
                             :11. DRWG_TYPE.FTN 
                             :12. D_RESOLUTION.FTN
                             :13. EDIT.FTN
                             :14. EDIT_AREA.FTN 
                             :15. EDIT_BCKGRND.FTN
                             :16. EDIT_COLOR_T.FTN
                             :17. EDIT_CURVE_A.FTN
                             :18. EDIT_CURVE_E.FTN
                             :19. EDIT_GEN_ATT.FTN
                             :20. EDIT_GROUP.FTN
                             :21. EDIT_POLY_AT.FTN
                             :22. EDIT_SEGMENT.FTN
                             :23. EDIT_STYLE_T.FTN
                             :24. EDIT_TEXT_AT.FTN
                             :25. EXEC_PROG.FTN 
                             :26. EXPAND_WINDO.FTN
                             :27. FIND_GROUP.FTN
                             :28. FONT_LEN_FAC.FTN
                             :29. FPEEK.FTN 
                             :30. FRAME.FTN 
                             :31. FTNERROR.FTN
                             :32. FUNCTION_TYP.FTN
                             :33. FUNC_HILITED.FTN
                             :34. FUNC_VIS.FTN
                             :35. GET_ALPHA_DE.FTN
                             :36. GET_ARC.FTN 
                             :37. GET_ARC_DATA.FTN
                             :38. GET_BCKGRND_.FTN
                             :39. GET_BUTTON.FTN
                             :40. GET_BUTTON_D.FTN
                             :41. GET_COLOR.FTN 
                             :42. GET_COLOR_MO.FTN
                             :43. GET_CURVE_LI.FTN
                             :44. GET_CURVE_SI.FTN
                             :45. GET_DISPLAY_.FTN
                             :46. GET_DRWG_C_T.FTN
                             :47. GET_DRWG_LIM.FTN
                             :48. GET_DRWG_NAM.FTN
                             :49. GET_DRWG_S_T.FTN
                             :50. GET_ENDS.FTN
                             :51. GET_EXTENT.FTN
                             :52. GET_FLAGS.FTN 
                             :53. GET_GEN_ATTR.FTN
                             :54. GET_INS_MRG_.FTN
                             :55. GET_INT.FTN 
                             :56. GET_INT_REC.FTN 
                             :57. GET_LEN.FTN 
                             :58. GET_LINE.FTN
                             :59. GET_LINE_DAT.FTN
                             :60. GET_LOCATOR_.FTN
                             :61. GET_MACRO_LI.FTN
                             :62. GET_MARKER.FTN
                             :63. GET_MODEL_MA.FTN
                             :64. GET_MOD_COLO.FTN
                             :65. GET_NEXT.FTN
                             :66. GET_NO_COLOR.FTN
                             :67. GET_NO_POLYG.FTN
                             :68. GET_NO_STYLE.FTN
                             :69. GET_NO_TEXT_.FTN
                             :70. GET_PLACE_OP.FTN
                             :71. GET_POINT_FR.FTN
                             :72. GET_POINT_ON.FTN
                             :73. GET_POLY_ATT.FTN
                             :74. GET_POLY_LIM.FTN
                             :75. GET_POLY_SIZ.FTN
                             :76. GET_PREVIOUS.FTN
                             :77. GET_REAL.FTN
                             :78. GET_REAL_REC.FTN
                             :79. GET_REC.FTN 
                             :80. GET_SEGMENT.FTN 
                             :81. GET_STYLE.FTN 
                             :82. GET_TEXT_ATT.FTN
                             :83. GET_TEXT_BOX.FTN
                             :84. GET_TEXT_DAT.FTN
                             :85. GET_TEXT_LIM.FTN
                             :86. GET_TEXT_LIN.FTN
                             :87. GET_TRGT_TAB.FTN
                             :88. GET_TYPE.FTN
                             :89. GHOME.FTN 
                             :90. GLOB_SPACE.FTN
                             :91. GRID_CONTROL.FTN
                             :92. GRID_SPACING.FTN
                             :93. GROUP_EDIT_I.FTN
                             :94. GROUP_MODE.FTN
                             :95. HILITE.FTN
                             :96. HSL_TO_RGB.FTN
                             :97. IMODE.FTN 
                             :98. IMODE2.FTN
                             :99. DRAW_MARKER_.FTN
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M080 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 3 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 3 of 9)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SKETCH3.SBMT
                             :02. INIT_DISPLAY.FTN
                             :03. INIT_WS_DATA.FTN
                             :04. INSERT.FTN
                             :05. INSERT_DRWG.FTN 
                             :06. INSERT_SPACE.FTN
                             :07. INSIDE_WINDO.FTN
                             :08. IN_ALPHA.FTN
                             :09. IN_MENU.FTN 
                             :10. JEDIT.FTN 
                             :11. JEDOF.FTN 
                             :12. JINPUT.FTN
                             :13. JWRITL.FTN
                             :14. JWRITM.FTN
                             :15. JWRITP.FTN
                             :16. JWRITS.FTN
                             :17. K11776SDF_CDS.FTN 
                             :18. K4222NTB_CDS.FTN
                             :19. K6141PAG_CDS.FTN
                             :20. KEYBOARD_INP.FTN
                             :21. KURV1.FTN 
                             :22. KURV2.FTN 
                             :23. KURVP1.FTN
                             :24. KURVP2.FTN
                             :25. LINE_MODE.FTN 
                             :26. LOAD_COLOR_T.FTN
                             :27. LOAD_STYLE_T.FTN
                             :28. LOCATE_POINT.FTN
                             :29. MAIN.FTN
                             :30. MASH.FTN
                             :31. MASH_MACRO.FTN
                             :32. MATRIX_MULT.FTN 
                             :33. MENUFUNC.FTN
                             :34. MERGE.FTN 
                             :35. MERGE_DRWG.FTN
                             :36. METHEUS_FIX.FTN 
                             :37. MIN_MAX.FTN 
                             :38. MOVE.FTN
                             :39. MOVE_KNOTS.FTN
                             :40. MOVE_NODE.FTN 
                             :41. NEAREST_TO.FTN
                             :42. OPEN_CONSTRU.FTN
                             :43. OPEN_CURVE_N.FTN
                             :44. OPEN_CURVE_R.FTN
                             :45. OPEN_DRWG_FI.FTN
                             :46. OPEN_PICK_AR.FTN
                             :47. OPEN_POLY_NO.FTN
                             :48. OPEN_TEXT_NO.FTN
                             :49. PAN.FTN 
                             :50. PICK_SEGMENT.FTN
                             :51. POLAR_MINMAX.FTN
                             :52. POLYGON_MODE.FTN
                             :53. POLYSET_MODE.FTN
                             :54. POP_STACK.FTN 
                             :55. PSTYLE_TABLE.FTN
                             :56. PURGE.FTN 
                             :57. PURGE_ALL_SE.FTN
                             :58. PURGE_CONSTR.FTN
                             :59. PURGE_GEN_AT.FTN
                             :60. PURGE_GRID.FTN
                             :61. PURGE_NODE.FTN
                             :62. PURGE_POLY_A.FTN
                             :63. PURGE_SEG.FTN 
                             :64. PURGE_STACK.FTN 
                             :65. PURGE_TABLE.FTN 
                             :66. PURGE_TEXT_A.FTN
                             :67. PUSH_STACK.FTN
                             :68. READ_DATA.FTN 
                             :69. READ_DRWG.FTN 
                             :70. READ_DRWG_NA.FTN
                             :71. READ_GROUP.FTN
                             :72. READ_INT.FTN
                             :73. READ_INT_DAT.FTN
                             :74. READ_ITEM.FTN 
                             :75. REALTODECIMA.FTN
                             :76. RECALCULATE_.FTN
                             :77. RECALC_ALL_L.FTN
                             :78. RECALC_ATTRI.FTN
                             :79. RECALC_TEXT_.FTN
                             :80. REFRESH_ATTR.FTN
                             :81. REFRESH_COLO.FTN
                             :82. REFRESH_CURV.FTN
                             :83. REFRESH_DISP.FTN
                             :84. REFRESH_GEN_.FTN
                             :85. REFRESH_POLY.FTN
                             :86. REFRESH_STYL.FTN
                             :87. REFRESH_TEXT.FTN
                             :88. REPLACE_DRWG.FTN
                             :89. RES.FTN 
                             :90. RESET_WINDOW.FTN
                             :91. RGB_TO_HSL.FTN
                             :92. ROTATE.FTN
                             :93. ROUND.FTN 
                             :94. SAVE_ARC.FTN
                             :95. SAVE_CURVE_A.FTN
                             :96. SAVE_HILITES.FTN
                             :97. SAVE_IN_UNCH.FTN
                             :98. INITA.FTN 
                             :99. INITD.FTN 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M081 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 4 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 4 of 9)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SKETCH4.SBMT
                             :02. SAVE_TEXT_AT.FTN
                             :03. SAVE_TEXT_LI.FTN
                             :04. SCHED_PLOT.FTN
                             :05. SCREEN_READ_.FTN
                             :06. SCREEN_VIS.FTN
                             :07. SDINT.FTN 
                             :08. SEDEV.FTN 
                             :09. SEGMENT_EXIS.FTN
                             :10. SET_ALPHA_LO.FTN
                             :11. SET_DIDDF.FTN 
                             :12. SET_FONT.FTN
                             :13. SET_FST_POLY.FTN
                             :14. SET_LIMITS.FTN
                             :15. SET_POLY_POS.FTN
                             :16. SET_WINDOW.FTN
                             :17. SHOW.FTN
                             :18. SK1000.FTN
                             :19. SK2ARCHIVE.FTN
                             :20. SKIP_POLY_RE.FTN
                             :21. SKIP_READ.FTN 
                             :22. SKPLO.FTN 
                             :23. SLEN.FTN
                             :24. SMAXV.FTN 
                             :25. SNAP.FTN
                             :26. SPSUB.FTN 
                             :27. STRETCH.FTN 
                             :28. SYSTEM_MODE.FTN 
                             :29. TERMD.FTN 
                             :30. TEXT_LEN.FTN
                             :31. TEXT_MODE.FTN 
                             :32. TOGGLE_ALTER.FTN
                             :33. TOGGLE_APICK.FTN
                             :34. TOGGLE_DIGIT.FTN
                             :35. TOGGLE_FAST_.FTN
                             :36. TOGGLE_FST_P.FTN
                             :37. TOGGLE_GRID.FTN 
                             :38. TOGGLE_KEYBO.FTN
                             :39. TOGGLE_PICK_.FTN
                             :40. TOGGLE_SNAP.FTN 
                             :41. TRANSFORM_AR.FTN
                             :42. TRANSFORM_CU.FTN
                             :43. TRANSFORM_LI.FTN
                             :44. TRANSFORM_OB.FTN
                             :45. TRANSFORM_PO.FTN
                             :46. TRANSFORM_SE.FTN
                             :47. TRANSFORM_TE.FTN
                             :48. UNIQPATH.FTN
                             :49. UNPURGE.FTN 
                             :50. UPD_ARC_DATA.FTN
                             :51. UPD_COLOR.FTN 
                             :52. UPD_COLOR_MO.FTN
                             :53. UPD_DRWG_LIM.FTN
                             :54. UPD_DRWG_NAM.FTN
                             :55. UPD_EXTENT.FTN
                             :56. UPD_FLAGS.FTN 
                             :57. UPD_GEN_ATTR.FTN
                             :58. UPD_INT.FTN 
                             :59. UPD_INT_REC.FTN 
                             :60. UPD_LINE_DAT.FTN
                             :61. UPD_LOCP.FTN
                             :62. UPD_MACRO_LI.FTN
                             :63. UPD_MODEL_MA.FTN
                             :64. UPD_NEXT.FTN
                             :65. UPD_NO_POLYG.FTN
                             :66. UPD_NO_TEXT_.FTN
                             :67. UPD_POINT_TO.FTN
                             :68. UPD_POLY_ATT.FTN
                             :69. UPD_PREVIOUS.FTN
                             :70. UPD_PT_TO_CU.FTN
                             :71. UPD_REAL.FTN
                             :72. UPD_REAL_REC.FTN
                             :73. UPD_REC.FTN 
                             :74. UPD_STYLE.FTN 
                             :75. UPD_TEXT_ATT.FTN
                             :76. UPD_TEXT_DAT.FTN
                             :77. UPD_WSP_C_TB.FTN
                             :78. UPD_WSP_S_TB.FTN
                             :79. UPSHFT.FTN
                             :80. WRITE_DATA.FTN
                             :81. WRITE_DRWG.FTN
                             :82. WRITE_INT.FTN 
                             :83. WRITE_INT_DA.FTN
                             :84. XFORM.FTN 
                             :85. XFORM_CURVE_.FTN
                             :86. XFORM_POLY_L.FTN
                             :87. YES_NO.FTN
                             :88. YES_NO_QUIT.FTN 
                             :89. ADD_ARC_NODE.REL
                             :90. ADD_ARC_TO_P.REL
                             :91. ADD_CURVE_NO.REL
                             :92. ADD_CURVE_TO.REL
                             :93. ADD_EXTENT.REL
                             :94. ADD_KNOTS.REL 
                             :95. ADD_LINE_NOD.REL
                             :96. ADD_MACRO.REL 
                             :97. SAVE_LINE.FTN 
                             :98. SAVE_MARKER.FTN 
                             :99. SAVE_POLY_AT.FTN
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M082 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 5 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 5 of 9)
    File Names...............:000. Rename Transfer File 
                             :01. SKETCH5.SBMT
                             :02. ADD_STACK.REL 
                             :03. ADD_TEXT_NOD.REL
                             :04. ADD_TO_POLY.REL 
                             :05. ALLOCATE_HEA.REL
                             :06. ALLOCATE_SPA.REL
                             :07. ALPHA_FIX.REL 
                             :08. ANGLE.REL 
                             :09. APICK_AFFECT.REL
                             :10. ARCHIVE2SK.REL
                             :11. ARC_ENDS.REL
                             :12. ARC_LIMITS.REL
                             :13. ARC_MODE.REL
                             :14. ATTACH_TO_CH.REL
                             :15. BASENAME.REL
                             :16. BFTSK.REL 
                             :17. BLOCK_READ.REL
                             :18. BSTSK.REL 
                             :19. CALC_ROTATE.REL 
                             :20. CALC_START.REL
                             :21. CALC_STRETCH.REL
                             :22. CALC_TEXT_EN.REL
                             :23. CALC_TEXT_OR.REL
                             :24. CHANGE_CMODE.REL
                             :25. CHANGE_CURVE.REL
                             :26. CHANGE_GEN_A.REL
                             :27. CHANGE_LIMIT.REL
                             :28. CHANGE_POLY_.REL
                             :29. CHANGE_TEXT_.REL
                             :30. CHANGE_WINDO.REL
                             :31. CLEAR_ALL_SE.REL
                             :32. CLEAR_ALPHA.REL 
                             :33. CLEAR_DATA_B.REL
                             :34. CLONE.REL 
                             :35. CLONE_AREA.REL
                             :36. CLONE_SEGMEN.REL
                             :37. CLOSE_CONSTR.REL
                             :38. CLOSE_CURVE_.REL
                             :39. CLOSE_PICK_A.REL
                             :40. CLOSE_POLY_N.REL
                             :41. CLOSE_TEXT_N.REL
                             :42. COLOR_TABLE_.REL
                             :43. CONSTRUCT_AR.REL
                             :44. CONSTRUCT_CO.REL
                             :45. CONSTRUCT_LI.REL
                             :46. CONSTRUCT_LS.REL
                             :47. CONSTRUCT_MA.REL
                             :48. CONSTRUCT_PK.REL
                             :49. COPY_ATTRIBU.REL
                             :50. COPY_NODE.REL 
                             :51. CREATE_DRWG.REL 
                             :52. CREATE_DRWG_.REL
                             :53. CURVE_MODE.REL
                             :54. DEALLOCATE_N.REL
                             :55. DEALLOCATE_S.REL
                             :56. DEFAULT.REL 
                             :57. DELETE_KNOTS.REL
                             :58. DELETE_NODE.REL 
                             :59. DELETE_SPACE.REL
                             :60. DELETE_UNCHA.REL
                             :61. DRAW_ALL_CON.REL
                             :62. DRAW_ALL_SEG.REL
                             :63. DRAW_ARC_SEG.REL
                             :64. DRAW_COLOR.REL
                             :65. DRAW_COLOR_T.REL
                             :66. DRAW_CONSTRU.REL
                             :67. DRAW_CURVE_S.REL
                             :68. DRAW_ELIPSE.REL 
                             :69. DRAW_GEN_ATT.REL
                             :70. DRAW_GRID.REL 
                             :71. DRAW_KNOTS.REL
                             :72. DRAW_LINE_SE.REL
                             :73. DRAW_MARKER_.REL
                             :74. DRAW_POLYGON.REL
                             :75. DRAW_POLY_AT.REL
                             :76. DRAW_SCREEN.REL 
                             :77. DRAW_SEGMENT.REL
                             :78. DRAW_SEGS.REL 
                             :79. DRAW_STYLE.REL
                             :80. DRAW_STYLE_T.REL
                             :81. DRAW_TEXT_AT.REL
                             :82. DRAW_TEXT_SE.REL
                             :83. DRWG_FUNCTIO.REL
                             :84. DRWG_TYPE.REL 
                             :85. D_RESOLUTION.REL
                             :86. EDIT.REL
                             :87. EDIT_AREA.REL 
                             :88. EDIT_BCKGRND.REL
                             :89. EDIT_COLOR_T.REL
                             :90. EDIT_CURVE_A.REL
                             :91. EDIT_CURVE_E.REL
                             :92. EDIT_GEN_ATT.REL
                             :93. EDIT_GROUP.REL
                             :94. EDIT_POLY_AT.REL
                             :95. EDIT_SEGMENT.REL
                             :96. ADD_MARKER_N.REL
                             :97. ADD_NODE.REL
                             :98. ADD_POINT_TO.REL
                             :99. ADD_POLY_MEM.REL
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M083 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 6 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 6 of 9)
    File Names...............:000. Rename Transfer File 
                             :01. SKETCH6.SBMT
                             :02. FPEEK.REL 
                             :03. FRAME.REL 
                             :04. FTNERROR.REL
                             :05. FUNCTION_TYP.REL
                             :06. FUNC_HILITED.REL
                             :07. FUNC_VIS.REL
                             :08. GET_ALPHA_DE.REL
                             :09. GET_ARC.REL 
                             :10. GET_ARC_DATA.REL
                             :11. GET_BCKGRND_.REL
                             :12. GET_BUTTON.REL
                             :13. GET_BUTTON_D.REL
                             :14. GET_COLOR.REL 
                             :15. GET_COLOR_MO.REL
                             :16. GET_CURVE_LI.REL
                             :17. GET_CURVE_SI.REL
                             :18. GET_DISPLAY_.REL
                             :19. GET_DRWG_C_T.REL
                             :20. GET_DRWG_LIM.REL
                             :21. GET_DRWG_NAM.REL
                             :22. GET_DRWG_S_T.REL
                             :23. GET_ENDS.REL
                             :24. GET_EXTENT.REL
                             :25. GET_FLAGS.REL 
                             :26. GET_GEN_ATTR.REL
                             :27. GET_INS_MRG_.REL
                             :28. GET_INT.REL 
                             :29. GET_INT_REC.REL 
                             :30. GET_LEN.REL 
                             :31. GET_LINE.REL
                             :32. GET_LINE_DAT.REL
                             :33. GET_LOCATOR_.REL
                             :34. GET_MACRO_LI.REL
                             :35. GET_MARKER.REL
                             :36. GET_MODEL_MA.REL
                             :37. GET_MOD_COLO.REL
                             :38. GET_NEXT.REL
                             :39. GET_NO_COLOR.REL
                             :40. GET_NO_POLYG.REL
                             :41. GET_NO_STYLE.REL
                             :42. GET_NO_TEXT_.REL
                             :43. GET_PLACE_OP.REL
                             :44. GET_POINT_FR.REL
                             :45. GET_POINT_ON.REL
                             :46. GET_POLY_ATT.REL
                             :47. GET_POLY_LIM.REL
                             :48. GET_POLY_SIZ.REL
                             :49. GET_PREVIOUS.REL
                             :50. GET_REAL.REL
                             :51. GET_REAL_REC.REL
                             :52. GET_REC.REL 
                             :53. GET_SEGMENT.REL 
                             :54. GET_STYLE.REL 
                             :55. GET_TEXT_ATT.REL
                             :56. GET_TEXT_BOX.REL
                             :57. GET_TEXT_DAT.REL
                             :58. GET_TEXT_LIM.REL
                             :59. GET_TEXT_LIN.REL
                             :60. GET_TRGT_TAB.REL
                             :61. GET_TYPE.REL
                             :62. GHOME.REL 
                             :63. GLOB_SPACE.REL
                             :64. GRID_CONTROL.REL
                             :65. GRID_SPACING.REL
                             :66. GROUP_EDIT_I.REL
                             :67. GROUP_MODE.REL
                             :68. HILITE.REL
                             :69. HSL_TO_RGB.REL
                             :70. IMODE.REL 
                             :71. IMODE2.REL
                             :72. INITA.REL 
                             :73. INITD.REL 
                             :74. INIT_DATA.REL 
                             :75. INIT_DISPLAY.REL
                             :76. INIT_WS_DATA.REL
                             :77. INSERT.REL
                             :78. INSERT_DRWG.REL 
                             :79. INSERT_SPACE.REL
                             :80. INSIDE_WINDO.REL
                             :81. IN_ALPHA.REL
                             :82. IN_MENU.REL 
                             :83. JEDIT.REL 
                             :84. JEDOF.REL 
                             :85. JINPUT.REL
                             :86. JWRITL.REL
                             :87. JWRITM.REL
                             :88. JWRITP.REL
                             :89. JWRITS.REL
                             :90. K11776SDF_CDS.REL 
                             :91. K4222NTB_CDS.REL
                             :92. K6141PAG_CDS.REL
                             :93. KEYBOARD_INP.REL
                             :94. KURV1.REL 
                             :95. EDIT_STYLE_T.REL
                             :96. EDIT_TEXT_AT.REL
                             :97. EXEC_PROG.REL 
                             :98. EXPAND_WINDO.REL
                             :99. FIND_GROUP.REL
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M084 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 7 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 7 of 9)
    File Names...............:000. Rename Transfer File 
                             :01. SKETCH7.SBMT
                             :02. MAIN.REL
                             :03. MASH.REL
                             :04. MASH_MACRO.REL
                             :05. MATRIX_MULT.REL 
                             :06. MENUFUNC.REL
                             :07. MERGE.REL 
                             :08. MERGE_DRWG.REL
                             :09. METHEUS_FIX.REL 
                             :10. MIN_MAX.REL 
                             :11. MOVE.REL
                             :12. MOVE_KNOTS.REL
                             :13. MOVE_NODE.REL 
                             :14. NEAREST_TO.REL
                             :15. OPEN_CONSTRU.REL
                             :16. OPEN_CURVE_N.REL
                             :17. OPEN_CURVE_R.REL
                             :18. OPEN_DRWG_FI.REL
                             :19. OPEN_PICK_AR.REL
                             :20. OPEN_POLY_NO.REL
                             :21. OPEN_TEXT_NO.REL
                             :22. PAN.REL 
                             :23. PICK_SEGMENT.REL
                             :24. POLAR_MINMAX.REL
                             :25. POLYGON_MODE.REL
                             :26. POLYSET_MODE.REL
                             :27. POP_STACK.REL 
                             :28. PSTYLE_TABLE.REL
                             :29. PURGE.REL 
                             :30. PURGE_ALL_SE.REL
                             :31. PURGE_CONSTR.REL
                             :32. PURGE_GEN_AT.REL
                             :33. PURGE_GRID.REL
                             :34. PURGE_NODE.REL
                             :35. PURGE_POLY_A.REL
                             :36. PURGE_SEG.REL 
                             :37. PURGE_STACK.REL 
                             :38. PURGE_TABLE.REL 
                             :39. PURGE_TEXT_A.REL
                             :40. PUSH_STACK.REL
                             :41. READ_DATA.REL 
                             :42. READ_DRWG.REL 
                             :43. READ_DRWG_NA.REL
                             :44. READ_GROUP.REL
                             :45. READ_INT.REL
                             :46. READ_INT_DAT.REL
                             :47. READ_ITEM.REL 
                             :48. REALTODECIMA.REL
                             :49. RECALCULATE_.REL
                             :50. RECALC_ALL_L.REL
                             :51. RECALC_ATTRI.REL
                             :52. RECALC_TEXT_.REL
                             :53. REFRESH_ATTR.REL
                             :54. REFRESH_COLO.REL
                             :55. REFRESH_CURV.REL
                             :56. REFRESH_DISP.REL
                             :57. REFRESH_GEN_.REL
                             :58. REFRESH_POLY.REL
                             :59. REFRESH_STYL.REL
                             :60. REFRESH_TEXT.REL
                             :61. REPLACE_DRWG.REL
                             :62. RES.REL 
                             :63. RESET_WINDOW.REL
                             :64. RGB_TO_HSL.REL
                             :65. ROTATE.REL
                             :66. ROUND.REL 
                             :67. SAVE_ARC.REL
                             :68. SAVE_CURVE_A.REL
                             :69. SAVE_HILITES.REL
                             :70. SAVE_IN_UNCH.REL
                             :71. SAVE_LINE.REL 
                             :72. SAVE_MARKER.REL 
                             :73. SAVE_POLY_AT.REL
                             :74. SAVE_SEG.REL
                             :75. SAVE_TEXT_AT.REL
                             :76. SAVE_TEXT_LI.REL
                             :77. SCHED_PLOT.REL
                             :78. SCREEN_READ_.REL
                             :79. SCREEN_VIS.REL
                             :80. SDINT.REL 
                             :81. SEDEV.REL 
                             :82. SEGMENT_EXIS.REL
                             :83. SET_ALPHA_LO.REL
                             :84. SET_DIDDF.REL 
                             :85. SET_FONT.REL
                             :86. SET_FST_POLY.REL
                             :87. SET_LIMITS.REL
                             :88. SET_POLY_POS.REL
                             :89. SET_WINDOW.REL
                             :90. SHOW.REL
                             :91. SK1000.REL
                             :92. SK2ARCHIVE.REL
                             :93. SKIP_POLY_RE.REL
                             :94. KURV2.REL 
                             :95. KURVP1.REL
                             :96. KURVP2.REL
                             :97. LINE_MODE.REL 
                             :98. LOAD_COLOR_T.REL
                             :99. LOAD_STYLE_T.REL
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M085 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 8 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 8 of 9)
    File Names...............:000. Rename Transfer File 
                             :01. SKETCH8.SBMT
                             :02. TERMD.REL 
                             :03. TEXT_LEN.REL
                             :04. TEXT_MODE.REL 
                             :05. TOGGLE_ALTER.REL
                             :06. TOGGLE_APICK.REL
                             :07. TOGGLE_DIGIT.REL
                             :08. TOGGLE_FAST_.REL
                             :09. TOGGLE_FST_P.REL
                             :10. TOGGLE_GRID.REL 
                             :11. TOGGLE_KEYBO.REL
                             :12. TOGGLE_PICK_.REL
                             :13. TOGGLE_SNAP.REL 
                             :14. TRANSFORM_AR.REL
                             :15. TRANSFORM_CU.REL
                             :16. TRANSFORM_LI.REL
                             :17. TRANSFORM_OB.REL
                             :18. TRANSFORM_PO.REL
                             :19. TRANSFORM_SE.REL
                             :20. TRANSFORM_TE.REL
                             :21. UNIQPATH.REL
                             :22. UNPURGE.REL 
                             :23. UPD_ARC_DATA.REL
                             :24. UPD_COLOR.REL 
                             :25. UPD_COLOR_MO.REL
                             :26. UPD_DRWG_LIM.REL
                             :27. UPD_DRWG_NAM.REL
                             :28. UPD_EXTENT.REL
                             :29. UPD_FLAGS.REL 
                             :30. UPD_GEN_ATTR.REL
                             :31. UPD_INT.REL 
                             :32. UPD_INT_REC.REL 
                             :33. UPD_LINE_DAT.REL
                             :34. UPD_LOCP.REL
                             :35. UPD_MACRO_LI.REL
                             :36. UPD_MODEL_MA.REL
                             :37. UPD_NEXT.REL
                             :38. UPD_NO_POLYG.REL
                             :39. UPD_NO_TEXT_.REL
                             :40. UPD_POINT_TO.REL
                             :41. UPD_POLY_ATT.REL
                             :42. UPD_PREVIOUS.REL
                             :43. UPD_PT_TO_CU.REL
                             :44. UPD_REAL.REL
                             :45. UPD_REAL_REC.REL
                             :46. UPD_REC.REL 
                             :47. UPD_STYLE.REL 
                             :48. UPD_TEXT_ATT.REL
                             :49. UPD_TEXT_DAT.REL
                             :50. UPD_WSP_C_TB.REL
                             :51. UPD_WSP_S_TB.REL
                             :52. UPSHFT.REL
                             :53. WRITE_DATA.REL
                             :54. WRITE_DRWG.REL
                             :55. WRITE_INT.REL 
                             :56. WRITE_INT_DA.REL
                             :57. XFORM.REL 
                             :58. XFORM_CURVE_.REL
                             :59. XFORM_POLY_L.REL
                             :60. YES_NO.REL
                             :61. YES_NO_QUIT.REL 
                             :62. ARCHIVE2SK.LOD
                             :63. BFTSK.LOD 
                             :64. BSTSK.LOD 
                             :65. SK.LOD
                             :66. SK2ARCHIVE.LOD
                             :67. SKPLOT.LOD
                             :68. SKWSP12065.LOD
                             :69. SKWSP2393.LOD 
                             :70. SKWSP2397.LOD 
                             :71. SKWSP2563.LOD 
                             :72. SKWSP2623.LOD 
                             :73. SKWSP2627.LOD 
                             :74. SKWSP2628.LOD 
                             :75. SKWSP2648.LOD 
                             :76. SKWSP7470.LOD 
                             :77. SKWSP7475.LOD 
                             :78. SKWSP7550.LOD 
                             :79. SKWSP7580.LOD 
                             :80. SKWSP7585.LOD 
                             :81. [AGP
                             :82. [ARCHIVE2SK 
                             :83. [ATTR 
                             :84. [BUFFR
                             :85. [CURVE
                             :86. [DATA8
                             :87. [DATAB
                             :88. [DRWG 
                             :89. [DTYPE
                             :90. [ECHO 
                             :91. [FLAGS
                             :92. [FONTS
                             :93. SKIP_READ.REL 
                             :94. SKPLO.REL 
                             :95. SLEN.REL
                             :96. SMAXV.REL 
                             :97. SNAP.REL
                             :98. SPSUB.REL 
                             :99. STRETCH.REL 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
SKETCH                                                                   M086 
                        SKETCH REV. 5.1 (PART 9 OF 9) 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: SKETCH REV. 5.1 (part 9 of 9)
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SKETCH9.SBMT
                             :02. ]ECHO 
                             :03. ]FUNC 
                             :04. ]LINE 
                             :05. ]MACRO
                             :06. ]MARKER 
                             :07. ]NODE 
                             :08. ]POLY 
                             :09. ]ROOT 
                             :10. ]TEXT 
                             :11. ]TYPES
                             :12. ]VERSION
                             :13. [INSRT
                             :14. [MENU 
                             :15. [SCREE
                             :16. [SITE 
                             :17. [UNPRG
                             :18. [WSDAT
                             :19. ]ARC
                             :20. ]CURVE
                             :21. DRAW_POLYGON.FTN
                             :22. INIT_DATA.FTN 
                             :23. SAVE_SEG.FTN
                             :24. ADD_POLY_NOD.REL
                             :25. FONT_LEN_FAC.REL
                             :26. LOCATE_POINT.REL
                             :27. SYSTEM_MODE.REL 
    Operating System.........:  RTE-A/VC+ 
    Language(s)..............:  FTN7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Figures 
                             : 3. Plotting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: New version with additional features 
 Contributor's Name..........: Philip Walden
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
               Street........: 11000 Wolfe Road 
                             : M/S 42UM 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95014
               Phone Number..: (408) 257-7000 
 Program Abstract............: See abstract in part 1 of this contribution
 Additional Documentation....: MANUAL.1000
DIM3P                                                                    M087 
 Contribution Name...........: DIM3P
    Title....................: 3D device independent graphic program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DIM3P.SBMT  submit file 
                             :02. DIM3P.FTN   program GRAF3 reads & 
                                              transforms data, starts 
                                              DIM3P by exec-call
                             :03. GRAF3.FTN 
                             :04. GRAF3.REL 
                             :05. GRAF3.LOD 
                             :06. DESRS.FTN   plotting program
                             :07. DESRS.REL 
                             :08. DESRS.LOD 
                             :09. DIM3P.DOC 
                             :10. DIM3P.REL 
                             :11. DIM3P.JOB   job file
                             :12. DIM3P.LOD   loadr file
                             :13. DIM3P.MAKE  make file 
                             :14. DIM3P.UGLY
    Operating System.........:  RTE-IV
    Language(s)..............:  Fortran-IV
    Keywords.................:  1. Graphics 
    External Support Req'd...: A device plotter library- not supplied 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:    R.De Langhe 
               Company.......:    RUCA
               Street........:    Elisabethlaan 154 bus 4 
               City..........:    Antwerp (Berchem) 
               Country.......:    Belgium 
               Zip Code......:    2600
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
  DIM3P is a simple, strongly device independent graphic program, imaging 
3D objects defined by polygons. Hidden lines are eliminated,
perspective can be applied. DIM3P raises the common 
requirement of most 3D graphic programs for convex polygons, and thus 
allows defining bodies with holes, complex edges etc. 
 Apart from object's data,a memory space of around 15 pages is
required to run the program DIM3P, eventually using Extended
Memory Access. The transformation program requires 14 
pages, the optional plotting program 8 pages. 
 The design is done in 3 steps: first all points must be transformed
according to given eyepoint, rotations, perspective etc. This must be done
prior to hidden line elimination, to reduce processing time. The transformed
data are transmitted to the visibility-testing program DIM3P, which produces
a file with results (as small lines) to be plotted by some plotting program 
on any graphic device. This contribution includes the transforming and
visibility testing programs, which are both fully compatible, and an example
of a plotting program with a graphic library for a Calcomp plotter. 
 The form in which data must be presented to the programs, is very simple and 
permits editor-handling of the datafile(s). Its structure is described in 
detail in file &ZCH3P.
 The two programs (transformations and visibility) can be joined together 
in one single program to eliminate the data-transferring time between the 
two programs, but requires evidently more memory-space to run.
 By a written request, a Pascal version of the (joined) program can be
MLVS                                                                     M088 
                        MULTILEVEL SORT OF ASCII-FILE 
 Contribution Name...........: MLVS 
    Title....................: Multilevel Sort of ASCII-File
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MLVS.SBMT 
                             :02. MLVS.FTN
                             :03. MLVSIN.DAT
                             :04. MLVSOR.DAT
                             :05. MLVSOT.DAT
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A, (RTE-VIb, HP-UX)
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Sort
                             : 2. Shell 
    External Support Req'd...: no 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ralf Poeppel 
               Company.......: m+p Mahrenholtz + Partner
               Street........: Freundallee 17 
               City..........: Hannover 
               Country.......: Federal Republic of Germany
               Zip Code......: D 3000 
               Phone Number..: (05 11) 81 80 54 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Program for multilevel sorting of an ASCII-file with several sort items. 
 Sort items are to be declared by number of starting and ending character 
 of the item in the line. The sorting order can be choosen for every sort 
 level. The program avoids recursion, so it doesn't eat up the stack. 
 The sorting algorithm used is the Shell-sort published by Kernighan and
 Ritchie, which is nearly as fast as the Quicksort. 
 Additional Documentation....: Kernighan, Ritchie: The C Programming
 Language, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1977.
SFKEY                                                                    M089 
                             KEYSET LOAD UTILITY
 Contribution Name...........: SFKEY
    Title....................: Keyset load utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SFKEY.SBMT
                             :02. SFKEY.DOC 
                             :03. SFKEY.LOD 
                             :04. SFKEY.FTN 
                             :05. SFKEY.REL 
                             :06. SFKEY.MAKE
                             :07. SF_SUBR.FTN 
                             :08. QM_SUBR.MAC 
                             :09. SF_SUBR.REL 
                             :10. QM_SUBR.REL 
                             :11. DEFINE_CRTS.DAT 
                             :12. NORMAL_KEYS.DAT 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A VC+
    Language(s)..............: Ftn7x and Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. SOFTKEYS
                             : 2. TERMINAL
    External Support Req'd...: -- none -- 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Robert R. Miller 
               Company.......: Martin Marietta
               Street........: PO Box 29304 
               City..........: New Orleans
               State.........: LA 
               Country.......: US 
               Zip Code......: 70189
               Phone Number..: (504) 257 1129 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
   Eliminates the need for multiple, functionally identical keyset
   files by using the terminal's model number to select records to
   output from a modified keyset file.
   Creation of the keyset file made easier by predefining some of 
   the most often used escape code sequences. 
 Additional Documentation....: See file SFKEY.DOC 
HAKRI                                                                    M090 
                     HP 1000 MEF MEMORY ERASING PROGRAM 
 Contribution Name...........:    HAKRI 
    Title....................:    HP 1000 MEF MEMORY ERASING PROGRAM
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. HAKRI.SBMT
                             :02. HAKRI.MAC           Source
                             :03. HAKRI.REL 
                             :04. HAKRI.LOD 
                             :05. HAKRI_MANUAL.TXT    Full Documentation
                             :06. HAKRI.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......:    RTE-4B and RTE-6 VM 
    Language(s)..............:    Assembly
    Keywords.................: 1. MANAGEMENT
                             : 2. PURGE 
                             : 3. SCRATCH 
                             : 4. SECURITY
    External Support Req'd...:    None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:    --
 Contributor's Name..........:    Robert Reavis 
               Company.......:    Litton Applied Technology 
               Street........:    4747 Hellyer Avenue 
               Mail..........:    Post Office Box 7012
               City..........:    San Jose
               State.........:    California
               Country.......:    USA 
               Zip Code......:    95150-7012
               Phone Number..:    (408) 365-4566
               TWX...........:    910-339-9271
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A program to erase all CPU memory by overwriting with one and zero 
 pairs three times, writing a specific pattern, and verifying the 
 pattern is in memory.  Determins size of physical memory at run time.
 Documentation supplied as part of the contribution.  Public domain.
 Additional Documentation....:    Not required. 
BUGOF                                                                    M091 
                          BATCH MODE DEBUGGING AID
 Contribution Name...........:  BUGOF 
    Title....................:  Batch mode debugging aid
    File Names...............:  00. Rename Transfer File
                             :  01. BUGOF.SBMT
                             :  02. &BUGOF      Source file 
                             :  03. %BUGOF
    Operating System(s)......:  RTE-III and later 
    Language(s)..............:  Assembly
    Keywords.................:  1. DEBUG
                             :  2. BATCH
    External Support Req'd...:  None
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  --
 Contributor's Name..........:  Robert Reavis 
               Company.......:  Warm Springs Computer Works 
               Street........:  44840 Camellia Drive
               City..........:  Fremont 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94539-6525
               Phone Number..:  (415) 657-8421
               Telex.........:  --
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    On-line debugging is great when the program and environment allow 
    for it.  This contribution is useful when data must be displayed
    as the program continues to run at its normal speed and without 
    keyboard interaction.  Calls to BUGOF can be inserted virtually 
    anywhere in a program source to display location and variable 
    data in several different formats.
 Additional Documentation....:
    Detailed documentation and calling sequences are contained in 
    the source file.
MENU                                                                     M092 
 Contribution Name...........: MENU 
    Title....................: Startup program for memory based systems 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. STARTUP.SBMT
                             :02  STARTUP.FTN       Source
                             :03  STARTUP.REL       Relocatable 
                             :04. STARTUP.LOD       Linkfile
                             :05. STARTUP.CMD       Linkfile
                             :06. MEM_SYS.BULD      Example for Build 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A  Rev. 5000 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. system
                             : 2. boot-up 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: none 
 Contributor's Name..........: Roland Dietiker
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Street........: Allmend 2
               City..........: Widen
               Country.......: SWITZERLAND
               Zip Code......: 8967 
               Phone Number..: CH-057 312 111 
               Telex.........: 828 010
               Telefax.......: CH-057 312 475 
 Program Abstract............:
This program was designed as Startup program for memory based systems.
The program tries to start the program WH  and shows all of the 
installed programs. After that it starts the CI as the userinterface. 
If the user leave the CI with EX the Startup-program starts again WH and
the CI program. 
RK                                                                       M093 
 Contribution Name...........: RK 
    Title....................: RUNGE-KUTTA DIFFERENTIAL EQ'N SOLVERS
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RK.SBMT      (submission file)
                             :02. RK.FTN       (single prec. source)
                             :03. RKQ.IFTN     (include files)
                             :04. RKD.IFTN     ( "" ) 
                             :05. RKEL.IFTN    ( "" ) 
                             :06. RKE4.IFTN    ( "" ) 
                             :07. RKEH.IFTN    ( "" ) 
                             :08. RK.REL       (single prec. relocatable) 
                             :09. $RK.LIB      (single prec. library) 
                             :10. RK.THLP      (single prec. help file) 
                             :11. RK.HLP       (single prec. GENIX'ed help) 
                             :12. DRK.FTN      (double prec. source)
                             :13. DRKQ.IFTN    (include files)
                             :14. DRKD.IFTN    ( "" ) 
                             :15. DRKEL.IFTN   ( "" ) 
                             :16. DRKE4.IFTN   ( "" ) 
                             :17. DRKEH.IFTN   ( "" ) 
                             :18. DRK.REL      (double prec. relocatable) 
                             :19. $DRK.LIB     (double prec. library) 
                             :20. DRK.THLP     (double prec. help file) 
                             :21. DRK.HLP      (double prec. GENIX'ed help) 
                             :22. &CPUTS       (cpu time subr. for test prog) 
                             :23. %CPUTS       (relocatable of &CPUTS)
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM,  RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. ENGINEERING 
                             : 2. FLOATING_POINT
                             : 3. MATHEMATICS 
                             : 4. PHYSICS 
    External Support Req'd...: Vector Instruction Set, or software equiv. 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stephen S. Kerr
               Company.......: York University
               Street........: 4700 Keele Street
               City..........: Downsview
               Province......: Ontario
               Country.......: Canada 
               Postal code...: M3J 1P3
               Phone Number..: (416) 736-2100 ext 3603 or 3834
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      These Runge-Kutta differential equation solvers have been very useful 
 in our research.  They are by no means the only way to solve differential
 equations, but we have been impressed enough with their reliability and
 ease of use to employ them frequently. 
      The eighth to first order formulas coded in this package are those of 
 Fehlberg (see below). We have not made extensive use of the lower order
 routines (4th and below), but occasionally they can succeed when the higher
 orders fail.  Roundoff error detection for the lower orders is still being 
 Additional Documentation....:
      Fehlberg, Erwin, "Classical Fifth-, Sixth-, Seventh-, and Eighth- 
 order Runge-Kutta Formulas with Stepsize Control", NASA TR R-287, 1968.
      Fehlberg, Erwin, "Low-Order Classical Runge-Kutta Formulas with 
 Stepsize Control and their Application to some Heat Transfer Problems",
 NASA TR R-315, July 1969.
      Also, see help files and source listings. 
RKN                                                                      M094 
 Contribution Name...........: RKN
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RKN.SBMT    (submission file) 
                             :02. RKN.FTN     (single prec. source) 
                             :03. RKNQ.IFTN   (include file)
                             :04. RKND.IFTN   ( "" )
                             :05. RKNE.IFTN   ( "" )
                             :06. RKN.REL     (single prec. relocatable)
                             :07. $RKN.LIB    (single prec. library)
                             :08. RKN.THLP    (single prec. help text)
                             :09. RKN.HLP     (single prec. GENIX'ed help)
                             :10. DRKN.FTN    (double prec. source) 
                             :11. DRKNQ.IFTN  (include file)
                             :12. DRKND.IFTN  ( "" )
                             :13. DRKNE.IFTN  ( "" )
                             :14. DRKN.REL    (double prec. relocatable)
                             :15. $DRKN.LIB   (double prec. library)
                             :16. DRKN.THLP   (double prec. help text)
                             :17. DRKN.HLP    (double prec. GENIX'ed help)
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. ENGINEERING 
                             : 2. MATHEMATICS 
    External Support Req'd...: Vector Instruction Set 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stephen S. Kerr
               Company.......: York University
               Street........: 4700 Keele Street
               City..........: Downsview
               Province......: Ontario
               Country.......: Canada 
               Zip Code......: M3J 1P3
               Phone Number..: (416) 736-2100 ext 3603 or 3834
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      Runge-Kutta-Nystrom formulas differ from Runge-Kutta formulas in that 
 they are specially designed to solve second order systems in which the first 
 order derivative is not present.  They can solve such problems faster
 than Runge-Kutta formulas because they are smaller in size, and reduce 
 the number of equations to solve by 50%.  However, they can suffer from
 higher error because stepsize control is based on the position co-ordinates
 only, and not the velocity co-ordinates. 
      These formulas of eighth to fourth order are due to Fehlberg (see 
 below).  The features in these routines are essentially identical to those 
 found with the Runge-Kutta routines in this CSL release. 
 Additional Documentation....:
      Fehlberg, Erwin, "Classical Eighth- and Lower-Order Runge-Kutta-Nystrom 
 Formulas with Stepsize Control for Special Second-Order Differential 
 Equations", NASA TR R-381, March 1972. 
      Also, see help files and source listings. 
COMPRESS                                                                 M095 
 Contribution Name...........: COMPRESS 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. COMPRESS.SBMT     (submission file) 
                             :02. COMPRESS.FTN      (compress source) 
                             :03. UNCOMPRESS.FTN    (uncompress source) 
                             :04. COMPRESS.REL      (compress relocatable)
                             :05. UNCOMPRESS.REL    (uncompress relocatable)
                             :06. COMPRESS.HLP      (compress help file)
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6/VM, RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. ARCHIVE 
                             : 2. PACK
                             : 3. STORAGE 
                             : 4. UNIX
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Stephen S. Kerr
               Company.......: York University
               Street........: 4700 Keele Street
               City..........: Downsview
               Province......: Ontario
               Country.......: Canada 
               Postal Code...: M3J 1P3
               Phone Number..: (416) 736-2100 ext 3603 or 3834
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     This is a handy pair of programs for compressing and uncompressing 
 files containing a high degree of redundancy (i.e. repeated strings) so
 that they can remain on disc and take up less space.  They may also be 
 useful for reducing a file's size prior to transmitting it via long
 distance telephone lines, or storing it on tape.  These routines get their 
 names from the UNIX utilities that also use adaptive Ziv-Lempel coding.
 This method of coding has an excellent performance reputation, often 
 compacting source, text and relocatable files by a factor of up to 2 or
     This implementation uses 12 bit coding, as recommended by Welch
 (see paper cited below).  It has been tested on RTE file types 3, 4 and 5. 
 At present, it can not handle types 1, 2 or 6. 
     The speed and compression ratio depend on the file being compressed. 
 Since the algorithm is adaptive, it helps if the first few hundred 
 records are typical of the entire file.  On an F-series machine, the 
 COMPRESS.FTN source file was processed in about 30 seconds and was 
 compressed to 53% of its original size.  The ALIAS.FTN source file 
 (a 2729 line file, elsewhere in this CSL rev.) compressed in 3.7 minutes 
 to 61% of its original size. 
     The compression algorithm involves much table searching, and a hash
 table is used to speed it up.  This might still be refined to improve
 compression speed.  The uncompression algorithm, although more 
 complicated, involves no searching and hence is faster.
 Additional Documentation....:
     Welch, Terry A., "A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression",
 IEEE Computer, June 1984, pp 8-19. 
     Also, see source files.
SEARCH                                                                   M096 
                        SEARCH FILES FOR GIVEN STRING 
 Contribution Name...........: SEARCH 
    Title....................: Search files for given string
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SEARCH.SBMT 
                             :02. SEARCH.FTN
                             :03. SEARCH.REL
                             :04. SEARCH.HELP 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A and RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Filter
                             : 2. Search
                             : 3. Strings 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
         Search in files defined by mask for given string 
         and report the match on terminal.
 Additional Documentation....:
DF                                                                       M097 
                       DIRECTORY AND FILE INFORMATION 
 Contribution Name...........: DF 
    Title....................: Directory and File information 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. DF.SBMT 
                             :02  DF.CMD
                             :03  DF.DOC
                             :04  DF.FTN
                             :05  DF.HELP 
                             :06  DF.LOD
                             :07  DFSUB.MAC 
                             :08  DF_DIR_INFO.FTN 
                             :09  DF_END_MESG.FTN 
                             :10  DF_EXTERNAL.INC 
                             :11  DF_NEW.FTN
                             :12  DF_NEW.INC
                             :13  DF_OPTIONS.FTN
                             :14  DF_OUTPUT.FTN 
                             :15  DF_PRINT.FTN
                             :16  DF_SORT.MAC 
                             :17  RVAL.FTN
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A and RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN and MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      Utility to display file contents and many other things. 
      It can more or less replace DL. 
TREE                                                                     M098 
 Contribution Name...........: Tree 
    Title....................: Display directory tree structure 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. TREE.SBMT 
                             :02. TREE.FTN
                             :03. TREE.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A and RTE-6 with CI file system
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
      Display directory structure on CI file system. Works also 
      on a RTE-6 system. Do not use CDS.
 Additional Documentation....:
CLRBB                                                                    M099 
                              CLEAR BACKUP BIT
 Contribution Name...........: CLRBB
    Title....................: Clear Backup bit 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. CLRBB.SBMT
                             :02. CLRBB.FTN 
                             :03. CLRBB.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. FILES 
                             : 2. BACKUP
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
        CLRBB is a utility to clear back-up bits. Use with care 
        beacuse your files will no longer be backup.
        Useful if you load a copy of files on your system 
        e.g. a CSL tape, and you do not want to back it up. 
 Additional Documentation....:
        CLRBB can only be used by superuser.
        Usage :  CLRBB,mask 
PRMON                                                                    M100 
 Contribution Name...........: PRMON
    Title....................: Display status of program over some time 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. PRMON.SBMT
                             :02. PRMON.FTN 
                             :03. PRMON.REL 
                             :04. PRMON.LOD 
                             :05. FRPLS_8BIT.LIB
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Monitor 
                             : 2. Status
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
     Sample the status of a given program in some time, and 
     display the program status in that periode of time.
 Additional Documentation....:
          Pname        -->  Program-name
          Session      -->  Session number (0 = System session) 
          #run         -->  Number of cycles
          Deltatime    -->  How often shall it run
SPOOL                                                                    M101 
                        SETUP SPOOL LOG FILE ON RTE-A 
 Contribution Name...........: Spool
    Title....................: Setup spool log file on RTE-A
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. SPOOL.SBMT
                             :02. SPOOL.FTN 
                             :03. SPOOL.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A only 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Spooling
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Stig Frosig 
               Company.......:  Bang & Olufsen A/S
               Street........:  Dept. 3350
               City..........:  DK 7600 Struer
               Country.......:  Denmark 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:  (+45)-7-851122 ext 2030 
 Contribution Abstract.......:
         Setup logging on RTE-A system, with a log file on
         /SPOOL/ with name LOGyymmdd_ttmm.LOG . 
 Additional Documentation....: Se source
UPROJ                                                                    M102 
                              PROJECT REPORTER
 Contribution Name...........:     UPROJ
    Title....................:     PROJECT REPORTER 
    File Names...............:00. Rename transfer file
                             :01. UPROJ.SBMT
                             :02. UPROJ.FTN 
                             :03. UPROJ.REL 
                             :04. UPROJ.DOC 
                             :05. UPROJ.LOD 
                             :06. UPROJ.MAKE
    Operating System(s)......:     RTE4B
    Language(s)..............:     FORTRAN 4X 
    Keywords.................: 1.  REPORTS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  TERESA WYNNE
               Company.......:  TRINITY FORGE INC.
               Street........:  947 TRINITY DRIVE 
               City..........:  MANSFIELD 
               State.........:  TEXAS 
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  76063 
               Phone Number..:  (817) 473-1515
 Contribution Abstract.......:
    This program is useful when one is attempting to figure out how time
at work is spent.  It uses codes defined by the user to produce headings
and detail for each project.  It also calculates the total hours spent
on each project and the total hours worked for the defined time period. 
 Additional Documentation....:  UPROJ.DOC 
PRINTS                                                                   M103 
 Contribution Name...........: PRINTS 
    Title....................: Contents of a terminal screen to line printer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. prints.sbmt 
                             :02. prints.ftn
                             :03. prints.rel
                             :04. prints.lod
                             :05. prints.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. printer 
                             : 2. terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: added optional output LU 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This program transfers the contents of terminal
   memory to the line printer or other optional LU. Very useful when run from 
   EDIT/1000 or obtaining hard copies of system errors. 
 Additional Documentation....: Prints.help
DVT                                                                      M104 
                         GET DVT AND IFT INFORMATION
 Contribution Name...........: DVT
    Title....................: Get DVT and IFT information
    File Names...............:00. rename Transfer File
                             :01. dvt.sbmt
                             :02. dvt.ftn 
                             :03. dvt.rel 
                             :04. dvt.lod 
                             :05. get_dvt.mac 
                             :06. get_dvt.rel 
                             :07. bin.mac 
                             :08. bin.rel 
                             :09. dvt.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added information and bit organization.
                               Originally contributed by Seppo Pietikainen, 
                               HP Finland 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program will print the RTE-A DVT and IFT
  tables to the user terminal of other output device. It is very useful to
  I/O driver writers and to verify the default driver parameters from HP
  supplied drivers, especially those that are incorrect in the System 
  Generation Manual.
 Additional Documentation....: dvt.help 
MAIL                                                                     M105 
 Contribution Name...........: MAIL 
    Title....................: A mailbox - electronic mail facility 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. MAIL.SBMT 
                             :02. ACK_INCLUDE.FTN 
                             :03. BUILD_FILE.FTN
                             :04. BUILD_FILE.REL
                             :05. CAT_FILE.FTN
                             :06. CAT_FILE.REL
                             :07. CHECKFORERROR.FTN 
                             :08. CHECKFORERROR.REL 
                             :09. CLASSFILE.HELP
                             :10. COPY_FILE.FTN 
                             :11. COPY_FILE.REL 
                             :12. CRLIB_CDS.CMD 
                             :13. CRLIB_NCDS.CMD
                             :14. DELETE.FTN
                             :15. DELETE.REL
                             :16. DELETE_SHELL.FTN
                             :17. ENCRIPT.MAC 
                             :18. ENCRIPT.REL 
                             :19. FILLINOUTBOX.FTN
                             :20. FILLINOUTBOX.REL
                             :21. FIND_NUM.FTN
                             :22. FIND_NUM.REL
                             :23. GETKEY.FTN
                             :24. GETKEY.REL
                             :25. GIDTBL.MAC
                             :26. GIDTBL.REL
                             :27. HELP.FTN
                             :28. HELP.REL
                             :29. INOUT.FTN 
                             :30. INOUT.REL 
                             :31. INSTALL.CMD 
                             :32. LASER_ALL.CMD 
                             :33. LPARSE.DOC
                             :34. LPARSE.FTN
                             :35. LPARSE.HELP 
                             :36. LPARSE.REL
                             :37. MAIL.FTN
                             :38. MAIL.LOD
                             :39. MAIL.MAP
                             :40. MAIL.NODS 
                             :41. MAIL6.LOD 
                             :42. MAILA.LOD 
                             :43. MAILC1AB8C23754 
                             :44. MAILE1D0FE26D61 
                             :45. MAILGK.CMD
                             :46. MAILGK.LOD
                             :47. MAILLB_CDS.LIB
                             :48. MAILLB_CDS.MRG
                             :49. MAILLB_NCDS.LIB 
                             :50. MAILLB_NCDS.MRG 
                             :51. MAILM.MAP 
                             :52. MAILM6.LOD
                             :53. MAILMA.LOD
                             :54. MAIL_CDS.REL
                             :55. NEW.FTN 
                             :56. NEW.REL 
                             :57. PRINTARCHIVE.FTN
                             :58. READ.FTN
                             :59. READDISTFILE.FTN
                             :60. README.ONE
                             :61. RUN.FTN 
                             :62. SEND.FTN
                             :63. SUBJECT_PROMPT.FTN
                             :64. TELL_USER6.FTN
                             :65. TELL_USERA.FTN
                             :66. TO_PROMPT.FTN 
                             :67. UIDSUB.MAC
                             :68. UPDATEMAIL.CMD
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6/VM
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. mail
                             : 2. Mail
                             : 3. network 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This is the interactive mail facility that was 
written by Ricky Young and Russ Butler at the HP Rockville office and has been
disseminated in relocatable form to many users. This version has been enhanced
to work in RTE-A rev 5.0 with the new formatter and a few other minor changes 
have been incorporated. Contributed with permission of the above authors. 
 The program maintains encoded mail letters, acknowlege files, and in/out 
baskets. Letters may be sent to individuals or groups of people, they may 
be saved in addition to being mailed, they can be sent urgently, and you may
be prompted that mail is present at log-on time.
ERR                                                                      M106 
 Contribution Name...........: ERR
    Title....................: An error reporting program for most HP errors
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. err.sbmt
                             :02. err.ftn 
                             :03. err.rel 
                             :04. err.lod 
                             :05. Flist.ftn 
                             :06. Flist.rel 
                             :07. Lparse.ftn
                             :08. Lparse.rel
                             :09. Lparse.doc
                             :10. err.help
                             :11. lparse.help 
                             :12. errors.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, etc 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. error 
                             : 2. reports 
                             : 3. help
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: more error codes and more complete error 
          message searching 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is an error decoding routine which will 
 print an explanation of most HP error codes. The user enters up to four
 error key words or numbers, the program permutes these keys into 19 possible 
 key words, then searches an error file for a match with up to 8 keys for 
 each error message. This message is then displayed on the user terminal. 
 The error file is presently applicable to RTE-A and RTE-6/VM. Errors and 
 helpful hints are included for all the common HP errors and the not so 
 easily found errors such as halt codes and VCP.
 Additional Documentation....: Err.help 
M_DUPE                                                                   M107 
                          MAGNETIC TAPE DUPLICATOR
 Contribution Name...........: M_DUPE 
    Title....................: Magnetic tape duplicator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. m_dupe.sbmt 
                             :02. m_dupe.ftn
                             :03. m_dupe.rel
                             :04. m_dupe.lod
                             :05. lparse.ftn
                             :06. lparse.rel
                             :07. lparse.doc
                             :08. lparse.help 
                             :09. m_dupe.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. magnetic_tape 
                             : 2. copy
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: A new user friendly and expanded version of
  my original MDUPE.
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center 
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: Another magnetic tape duplicator. This is a
   program that we use many times daily to duplicate mag tapes with file
   limits, record limits, pre-positioning, error checking, and selective
   rewinding. An attempt to make the program user friendly is incorporated
 Additional Documentation....: M_Dupe.help
APPT                                                                     M108 
 Contribution Name...........: APPT 
    Title....................: An appointment reminder program
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. appt.sbmt 
                             :02. appt.ftn
                             :03. appt.rel
                             :04. appt.lod
                             :05. appt.bug
                             :06. btach.ftn 
                             :07. btach.rel 
                             :08. btach.lod 
                             :09. lparse.ftn
                             :10. lparse.rel
                             :11. lparse.doc
                             :12. appt.help 
                             :13. btach.help
                             :14. lparse.help 
                             :15. appt.appt 
                             :16. valentine.pic 
                             :17. Happy_New_Year.pic
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses Hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Calendar
                             : 2. Date
                             : 3. Time
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Added a time scheduling facility and allowed 
   a user image to be accessed indirectly. Added the ability to display a 
   "pretty" image if desired. 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user non-friendly (intentionally)
 appointment reminder program. The user enters a file listing appointments
 to be reminded of and this program will produce the reminder at a user 
 specified interval before the appointment. It will also continue to remind 
 the user of important appointments at a selectable interval. If you allow
 others to have accesses to your appointment file, then this program can
 be used for meeting announcements. 
 Additional Documentation....: Appt.help
CALC                                                                     M109 
                    A COMPUTERIZED CALCULATOR (REV 2815)
 Contribution Name...........: CALC 
    Title....................: A computerized calculator (rev 2815) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. calc.sbmt 
                             :02. calc.ftn      the actual calculator 
                             :03. calc.rel
                             :04. calc.lod
                             :05. stretch.ftn    expand input string
                             :06. stretch.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn    our logical parsing routine 
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. lparse.doc
                             :10. hex.mac      convert to hexidecimal format
                             :11. hex.rel 
                             :12. mint.ftn     mathematical truncation (~INT) 
                             :13. mint.rel
                             :14. calc.help     on-line help file 
                             :15. lparse.help   on-line help file 
                             :16. cns.cmd       multiple CN commands
    Operating System.........: RTE-A, etc 
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77, Macro
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. CI
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Many enhancements: file reading/writing
 capability, multiple equations, more error checking, CI command file 
 interaction, additional two function intrinsics, user selectable output
 formats. Now including larger 32 bit numbers in hex, octal, and integer. 
 Useful for CI functions (see cns.cmd). 
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Contribution Abstract.......: This is a user friendly computerized calculator
    using a normal equation format (not reverse polish). It has the ability 
    to save and use 8 user definable parameters, to utilize all Fortran 
    intrinsics, to perform number base conversion including hex and character 
    equivalents, to edit equations on the terminal screen, to read equations
    from a disc file, and to write results to a disc file. Several user 
    selectable output formats are provided. It may also be used in CI command 
    files to perform branches, in addition to running other programs. An
    extensive on-line help file is included.
 Additional Documentation....: Calc.help
F_DUMP                                                                   M110 
 Contribution Name...........: F_DUMP 
    Title....................: Multi-purpose file/tape dumping utility
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. f_dump.sbmt 
                             :02. f_dump.ftn
                             :03. f_dump.rel
                             :04. lparse.ftn
                             :05. lparse.rel
                             :06. lparse.doc
                             :07. lparse.help 
                             :08. hpint.ftn 
                             :09. hpint.rel 
                             :10. ftibm.mac 
                             :11. ftibm.rel 
                             :12. bin.mac 
                             :13. bin.rel 
                             :14. hex.mac 
                             :15. hex.rel 
                             :16. dec.mac 
                             :17. dec.rel 
                             :18. ebcdh.ftn 
                             :19. ebcdh.rel 
                             :20. ftdec.mac 
                             :21. ftdec.rel 
                             :22. hptst.mac 
                             :23. hptst.rel 
                             :24. f_dump.lod
                             :25. f_dump.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. dump
                             : 2. files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Update to BTDMP
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used to dump (in great detail) 
 the contents of either a disc file or a magnetic tape. The dump can occur at 
 a user specified file and/or record. The output form of the dump can be in 
 any combination of hex, octal, binary, integer, ASCII, EBCDIC, byte swap,
 Integer*2, Integer*4, HP real*4, HP real*8, IBM real*4, IBM real*8, DEC
 real*4, DEC real*8, etc
 Additional Documentation....: f_dump.help
TERM_INIT                                                                M111 
 Contribution Name...........: Term_init
    Title....................: A terminal soft key initialization program 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. Term_init.sbmt
                             :02. Term_init.ftn 
                             :03. Term_init.rel 
                             :04. Term_init.lod 
                             :05. Term_init.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. softkeys
                             : 2. terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used to set the soft keys
 and tabs on HP terminals to default values useful for EDIT/1000 and FORTRAN. 
 It is smart enough to program old terminals in the 264x series as well as the
 newer 262x, 239x, and 700/ series. 
 Additional Documentation....: term_init.help 
COPY                                                                     M112 
 Contribution Name...........: COPY 
    Title....................: File/tape copying with blocking & conversion 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. copy.sbmt 
                             :02. copy.ftn
                             :03. copy.rel
                             :04. copy.lod
                             :05. ebcdh.ftn 
                             :06. ebcdh.rel 
                             :07. lparse.ftn
                             :08. lparse.rel
                             :09. lparse.doc
                             :10. lparse.help 
                             :11. copy.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. copy
                             : 2. magnetic_tape 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: The intent of this program is to provide a 
 method of blocking and/or deblocking records to/from a file and/or mag tapes.
 This allows the separation and concatenation of logical records contained
 in either a disc file or on magnetic tape to be separated or combined into 
 physical records in either a disc file or magnetic tape. Versatility is
 allowed by accepting EDIT/1000 variable length record files, then fixing 
 and blocking these logical records onto mag tape records, primarily for
 other computer systems. At the same time, the input records can be changed 
 from a binary to ASCII form or visa versa. The program is currently used 
 for blocking/deblocking purposes, but additional work will be performed in 
 the future for added conversion facilities. Updates will follow! 
 Additional Documentation....: copy.help
IOP                                                                      M113 
                             FANCY CI IO COMMAND
 Contribution Name...........: IOP
    Title....................: fancy CI IO command
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. iop.sbmt
                             :02. iop.ftn 
                             :03. iop.rel 
                             :04. iop.lod 
                             :05. iop.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.:
    Keywords.................: 1. I/O 
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Updated version for D-mux and SPORT
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: Here is an alternative to the system program IO
  which gives much more information about the port that is connected to the 
  LU or LU's specifed in the run string. This is an update to Dan Feldman's 
  original contribution.
 Additional Documentation....: iop.help 
PRT                                                                      M114 
 Contribution Name...........: PRT
    Title....................: A file printing facility with escape codes 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. prt.sbmt
                             :02. $oldprint.lib 
                             :03. prt.ftn 
                             :04. prt.rel 
                             :05. prt.lod 
                             :06. ffl.ftn 
                             :07. ffl.rel 
                             :08. oldp0.ftn 
                             :09. oldp0.rel 
                             :10. oldp0.lod 
                             :11. bin.mac 
                             :12. bin.rel 
                             :13. hex.mac 
                             :14. hex.rel 
                             :15. prt.help
                             :16. oldp0.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. printer 
                             : 2. formatting
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program is a very much modified version of
  the first release of HP's PRINT program. This program gives more flexibility
  in the form of the printout by searching for escape codes in the original 
  file and turning on display functions on the output device to print all 
  characters - not just the normal ASCII ones. In addition, the output form 
  may be specified as hex, octal, etc; and may be directed to any LU with 
  several options such as on/off line numbering and on/off titles. If you 
  want file masking, use the new HP utility PRINT.
 Additional Documentation....: prt.help 
WHOLOCK                                                                  M115 
                             WHO LOCKED THE LU'S
 Contribution Name...........: WHOLOCK
    Title....................: WHo locked the LU's
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. wholock.sbmt
                             :02. wholock.ftn 
                             :03. wholock.rel 
                             :04. wholock.lod 
                             :05. lparse.ftn
                             :06. lparse.rel
                             :07. lparse.doc
                             :08. lparse.help 
                             :09. wholock.help
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Reports 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.: Updated and cleaner version of another CSL prgm
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This little program tells you who the LU 
  locker is on your computer. It is nice to have when your program won't
  run and WH says it is device suspended waiting for a LU unlock. This
  program tells you who the offender is.
 Additional Documentation....: wholock.help 
SET_TIME                                                                 M116 
 Contribution Name...........: SET_TIME 
    Title....................: Automatically set system time from Hayes clock 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. set_time.sbmt 
                             :02. set_time.ftn
                             :03. set_time.rel
                             :04. set_time.lod
                             :05. lparse.ftn
                             :06. lparse.rel
                             :07. lparse.doc
                             :08. lparse.help 
                             :09. set_time.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: yes
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. time
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...: Hayes Chronograph
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: A less expensive method for setting the RTE-A
  system clock at boot-up time by using the Hayes Chronograph instead of the
  HP external clock on HPIB. The program: Set_Time allows the user to set the 
  Hayes chronograph from a user friendly dialog.
 Additional Documentation....: /help/time and /help/set_time. Execute the 
  program Time in your welcome file. The chronograph is interfaced to the 
  computer via the 12040 mux card (including the D-mux).
CHAR                                                                     M117 
                       PRODUCE A CHARACTER SET DISPLAY
 Contribution Name...........: CHAR 
    Title....................: produce a character set display
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. char.sbmt 
                             :02. char.ftn
                             :03. char.rel
                             :04. char.lod
                             :05. char.help 
    Operating System.........: RTE-A
    Uses hierarchical files?.: n/a
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. character 
                             : 2. terminal
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Thomas E. Goff 
               Company.......: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
               Street........: Code 623 
               City..........: Greenbelt
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20771
               Phone Number..: (301) 286-7568 
 Program Abstract............: This program outputs all combinations of 
  characters to a specified output LU (default is your terminal) with 
  display functions on. It is useful for determining which characters are 
  displayable on any HP device. It is also handy for printimg the current 
  character set on the LaserJet printer. It is quite informative to run 
  this program on various terminals to see the differences in their responses 
  to the same output characters.
 Additional Documentation....: Even with display functions on, strange things 
  can happen - such as a <c/r> (carrage return) will produce a carrage return 
  but a line feed will not line feed. Several characters do nothing on a
  terminal: not even a space holder. This is normal for a null character
  but occurs for other characters depending upon the terminal type. 
             See also: char.help
GJOB                                                                     M200 
                          VARIOUS PROGRAMS FROM DSD 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOB
    Title....................: Various programs from DSD
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. GJOB.sbmt 
                             :02. GJOB.DOC
                             :03. CHECK.LST 
                             :04. #FORM 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6 and RTE-A
    Keywords.................: 1.  System 
                             : 2.  Help 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:  The GJOB programs were contributed by 
 HP's Data Systems Division to INTEREX at the 1987 San Jose conference. 
 They consist of a collection of programs, not necessarily related, 
 written and used by the systems programmers working on the HP1000. 
 The GJOB submission contains some documentation relating to the collection 
 as a whole.  Most individual submissions have their own documentation. 
 Sometimes this is a DOC file and sometimes you run the program, often
 with a ? after it. 
  Some contributions require additional libraries.  These libraries are 
 contributions following this one. The names are: 
  Some contributions work only on RTE-6 or
 RTE-A, but not both.  Where possible, this has been noted. 
 The file CHECK.LST shows what was done to the contributions in assembling
 this tape.  After the original GJOB tape was distributed it was
 discovered that some programs using masking still had the pre-rev 5.0
 DCB size (356 words) and that has been corrected at CSL release 2830.
GJOBLIB/CURSR                                                            M201 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 1 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/CURSR 
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 1 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. cursr.sbmt
                             :02. CURSR.FTN 
                             :03. CURSR.LIB 
                             :04. CURSR.MAKE
                             :05. CURSR.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/UTLB                                                             M202 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 2 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/UTLB
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 2 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. utlb1.sbmt
                             :02. $GPLBX
                             :03. %$UTLB
                             :04. %ALDSK
                             :05. %ASCII
                             :06. %BLKRD
                             :07. %CALC 
                             :08. %CAPS 
                             :09. %CHSUB
                             :10. %CLOSX
                             :11. %COMMA
                             :12. %CRNCK
                             :13. %DISP 
                             :14. %DSET 
                             :15. %DXEC 
                             :16. %ERROR
                             :17. %FG.LU
                             :18. %FMER 
                             :19. %FORCE
                             :20. %ICNVX
                             :21. %ICOMB
                             :22. %IFBRX
                             :23. %IFGLU
                             :24. %IMER 
                             :25. %IOPSY
                             :26. %IOVRD
                             :27. %IREAD
                             :28. %ISCAN
                             :29. %ISFB 
                             :30. %ISOL8
                             :31. %ISRCH
                             :32. %JULDT
                             :33. %LKWRD
                             :34. %LULOK
                             :35. %MAPUC
                             :36. %MOVBT
                             :37. %MOVW 
                             :38. %MSCX 
                             :39. %MYNAM
                             :40. %NAMCK
                             :41. %OPENX
                             :42. %OUTB 
                             :43. %PARSS
                             :44. %PNAMR
                             :45. %RESET
                             :46. %RNAMR
                             :47. %RTPAR
                             :48. %RWND 
                             :49. %SET
                             :50. %SPACE
                             :51. %SQUSH
                             :52. %SUBKY
                             :53. %XCNVI
                             :54. &$UTLB
                             :55. &ALDSK
                             :56. &ASCII
                             :57. &BLKRD
                             :58. &CALC 
                             :59. &CAPS 
                             :60. &CHSUB
                             :61. &CLOSX
                             :62. &CRNCK
                             :63. &DISP 
                             :64. &DSET 
                             :65. &DXEC 
                             :66. &ERROR
                             :67. &FMER 
                             :68. &FORCE
                             :69. &ICOMB
                             :70. &IFBRX
                             :71. &IFGLU
                             :72. &IMER 
                             :73. &IOPSY
                             :74. &IOVRD
                             :75. &IREAD
                             :76. &ISCAN
                             :77. &ISFB 
                             :78. &ISOL8
                             :79. &ISRCH
                             :80. &JULDT
                             :81. &LKWRD
                             :82. &LULOK
                             :83. &MOVBT
                             :84. &MOVW 
                             :85. &MSCX 
                             :86. &MYNAM
                             :87. &NAMCK
                             :88. &OPENX
                             :89. &OUTB 
                             :90. &PARSS
                             :91. &PNAMR
                             :92. &RESET
                             :93. &RNAMR
                             :94. &RTPAR
                             :95. &SET
                             :96. &SPACE
                             :97. &SQUSH
                             :98. ISOL8.MAC 
                             :99. ISOL8.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1.  Library
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/UTLB                                                             M203 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 3 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/UTLB
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 3 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. utlb2.sbmt
                             :02. UTLB.LIB
                             :03. UTLB.MRG
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/TMLB                                                             M204 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 4 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/TMLB
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 4 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. tmlb.sbmt 
                             :02. $TMLB 
                             :03. $TMLB6
                             :04. $TMLBA
                             :05. %$TMLB
                             :06. %ADTIM
                             :07. %APRNT
                             :08. %DATSC
                             :09. %FMER 
                             :10. %ISOL8
                             :11. %ISRCH
                             :12. %JULDT
                             :13. %JULDY
                             :14. %MOVBT
                             :15. %PARSD
                             :16. %PARSP
                             :17. %QREAD
                             :18. %SECDT
                             :19. %TERR 
                             :20. %TMLB6
                             :21. %TMLBA
                             :22. %TMLBA2 
                             :23. %TMLBX
                             :24. &$TMLB
                             :25. &ADTIM
                             :26. &APRNT
                             :27. &DATSC
                             :28. &FMER 
                             :29. &IGET1
                             :30. &ISOL8
                             :31. &ISRCH
                             :32. &JULDT
                             :33. &JULDY
                             :34. &MOVBT
                             :35. &PARSD
                             :36. &PARSP
                             :37. &QREAD
                             :38. &SECDT
                             :39. &TERR 
                             :40. &TMLB6
                             :41. &TMLBA2 
                             :42. &TMLBX
                             :43. IGET1.REL 
                             :44. T.CMD 
                             :45. TIMEDIFF.FTN
                             :46. TIMEDIFF.REL
                             :47. TIME_ROUTINES.TXT 
                             :48. TMLB.LIB
                             :49. TMLB.MAKE 
                             :50. TMLB.MRG
                             :51. TMLB6.MRG 
                             :52. TMLBA.MRG 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/SESS                                                             M205 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 5 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/SESS
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 5 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. sess.sbmt 
                             :02. MAKEFILE
                             :03. SESS.MAC
                             :04. SESS.REL
                             :05. SESS6.LIB 
                             :06. SESS6.MAC 
                             :07. SESS6.MRG 
                             :08. SESS6.REL 
                             :09. SESSA.LIB 
                             :10. SESSA.MAC 
                             :11. SESSA.MRG 
                             :12. SESSA.REL 
                             :13. SESSCALLS.LST 
                             :14. SESSCALLS.TXD 
                             :15. SESSINFO.FTN
                             :16. SESSINFO.LOD
                             :17. SESSINFO.REL
                             :18. TEST.FTN
                             :19. TEST.LOD
                             :20. TEST.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/DB                                                               M206 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 6 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/DB
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 6 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. db.sbmt 
                             :02. %DLIB2
                             :03. DBWLOCK.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/CCSC                                                             M207 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 7 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/CCSC
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 7 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ccs.sbmt
                             :02. $CCSC.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  David Boskey
               Company.......:  CCS 
               Street........:  33 W. Main Street 
               City..........:  Holmdel 
               State.........:  New Jersey
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  07733-3302
               Phone Number..:  (201) 946-3800
               Telex.........:  642672 CCSHOLM
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
GJOBLIB/ANTLB                                                            M208 
                         GJOB LIBRARY (PART 8 OF 8) 
 Contribution Name...........:  GJOBLIB/ANTLB 
    Title....................: GJOB Library (part 8 of 8) 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. antlb.sbmt
                             :02. ANTFS.FTN 
                             :03. ANTFS.REL 
                             :04. ANTLB.LIB 
                             :05. ANTLB.MAC 
                             :06. ANTLB.MAKE
                             :07. ANTLB.MRG 
                             :08. ANTLB.REL 
                             :09. COMPAREWORDS.MAC
                             :10. COMPAREWORDS.REL
                             :11. HPCRT.DOC 
                             :12. ZASCI.MAC 
                             :13. ZASCI.REL 
                             :14. ZDASC.MAC 
                             :15. ZDASC.REL 
                             :16. ZINVR.MAC 
                             :17. ZINVR.REL 
                             :18. ZUESC.MAC 
                             :19. ZUESC.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Alan Tibbetts 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Some of the GJOB contributions require the use of this, or one of the 
  other, GJOB libraries.
 Additional Documentation....:  see Gjob.doc file 
ACDA                                                                     M209 
                          RTE-A CRASH DUMP ANALYZER 
 Contribution Name...........:  ACDA
    Title....................: RTE-A Crash Dump Analyzer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. acda.sbmt 
                             :02. ACDA.DBG
                             :03. ACDA.DOC
                             :04. ACDA.LOD
                             :05. ACDA.MAP
                             :06. ACDA.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: Pascal 
    Keywords.................: 1. Analyzer
                             : 2. Dump
                             : 3. System
    External Support Req'd...: Pascal_CDS.lib 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The crash dump analyser for RTE-A.  This program, which has a CMMA style 
 user interface, does a post-mortem on the dump of a crashed system. An 
 essential tool for the system integrators toolkit. Requires Pascal_CDS.lib 
 rev. 5.0 to load properly. 
 This contribution was provided by HP with no source code.
ACODE                                                                    M210 
                                  AREA CODE 
 Contribution Name...........:  ACODE 
    Title....................: Area Code
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. acode.sbmt
                             :02. ACODE.FTN 
                             :03. ACODE.LOD 
                             :04. ACODE.MAKE
                             :05. ACODE.REL 
                             :06. PCODE.FTN 
                             :07. PCODE.REL 
                             :08. ZONE.FTN
                             :09. ZONE.REL
                             :10. ZOTBL.MAC 
                             :11. ZOTBL.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Geodesy 
                             : 2. Mail
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Given an Area Code, this program will reveal the geographic location as
 well as the time difference. Based on California (PST) as the local
 time reference. Time for local is drawn from the system. If used in other
 time zones, source will need to be modified. 
ALARM                                                                    M211 
                          COMPUTERIZED ALARM CLOCK
 Contribution Name...........:  ALARM 
    Title....................: Computerized Alarm Clock 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. alarm.sbmt
                             :02. ALARM.DBG 
                             :03. ALARM.FTN 
                             :04. ALARM.LOD 
                             :05. ALARM.MAKE
                             :06. ALARM.REL 
                             :07. ALARM_REMOTE.LOD
                             :08. BUGS
                             :09. FREELU.TXT
                             :10. STARTUP_REMOTE.CMD
                             :11. TIMER.DBG 
                             :12. TIMER.DOC 
                             :13. TIMER.FTN 
                             :14. TIMER.LOD 
                             :15. TIMER.REL 
                             :16. TIMER_CONFIG.INC
                             :17. TIMER_INSTALL 
                             :18. TIMER_REMOTE.LOD
                             :19. TPRNT.FTN 
                             :20. TPRNT.REL 
                             :21. USERS 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. Interrupt 
                             : 2. Scheduling
                             : 3. Mail
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A multiple set-point full function computerized alarm clock for RTE users. 
 This one will write the messages to your screen in a non-destructive manner, 
 even if you are in an EDIT 1000 screen. Works on local or with remote DS 
 systems. Read file timer_install for installation procedures.
 This program is for RTE-6 systems. 
ANNIV                                                                    M212 
 Contribution Name...........:  ANNIV 
    Title....................: Anniversaries
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. anniv.sbmt
                             :02. ANNIV.DAT 
                             :03. ANNIV.FTN 
                             :04. ANNIV.HLP 
                             :05. ANNIV.LOD 
                             :06. ANNIV.MAKE
                             :07. ANNIV.REL 
                             :08. ANNIVERSARY 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Date
                             : 2. Calendar
                             : 3. Time
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Anniversary reminder program.  The dates come from a file of important 
 events that you wish to be reminded (warned?) about. 
CALLS                                                                    M213 
                       HELP FILE FOR SUBROUTINE CALLS 
 Contribution Name...........:  CALLS 
    Title....................: Help file for subroutine calls 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. calls.sbmt
                             :02. BASE_RTE_CALLS.TXT
                             :03. CALLM.DBG 
                             :04. CALLM.FTN 
                             :05. CALLM.LOD 
                             :06. CALLM.REL 
                             :07. CALLS.DBG 
                             :08. CALLS.FTN 
                             :09. CALLS.LOD 
                             :10. CALLS.MAKE
                             :11. CALLS.REL 
                             :12. COMMENTLINE.MAC 
                             :13. COMMENTLINE.REL 
                             :14. FMGR_COMMANDS.TXT 
                             :15. FMP_CALLS.TXT 
                             :16. HPCRT.CALL
                             :17. INSERT.MAC
                             :18. INSERT.REL
                             :19. OTHER_RTE_CALLS.TXT 
                             :20. RTE.CMRG
                             :21. VIS_CALLS.TXT 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Help
                             : 2. Documentation 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program accesses a database that explains how to call the various HP
 subroutines.  Think of it as an on-line version of the RTE quick reference 
 guide (using the supplied data files).  Easily extended by the user to become
 an on-line help for any subject. Contains CALLM, which extracts the help 
 blocks used by CALLS from comments within source files. Allows you to
 write the documentation into the source, right where it belongs. 
 Requires HPCRT.LIB (rev. 5.0) to load properly.
CFILES                                                                   M214 
                                COMPARE FILES 
 Contribution Name...........:  CFILES
    Title....................: Compare files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. cfiles.sbmt 
                             :02. CFILES.FTN
                             :03. CFILES.LOD
                             :04. CFILES.MAKE 
                             :05. CFILES.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Compare 
                             : 2. Files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Compare files under two directory trees. RU,CFILES for help. 
CHNAM                                                                    M215 
                               FIX DEBUG FILES
 Contribution Name...........:  CHNAM 
    Title....................: Fix debug files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. chnam.sbmt
                             :02. CHNAM.FTN 
                             :03. CHNAM.HLP 
                             :04. CHNAM.LOD 
                             :05. CHNAM.MAKE
                             :06. CHNAM.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Debug 
                             : 2. Relocatable 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Changes the Debug source file descriptors in the relocatables so that when 
 files are moved it is not necessary to re-compile all the routines just for
 debugging. RU,CHNAM for help.
CMMA                                                                     M216 
                            CMMA SYSTEM ANALYZER
 Contribution Name...........:  CMMA
    Title....................: CMMA System Analyzer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. cmma.sbmt 
                             :02. CMMA.FTN
                             :03. CMMA.LOD
                             :04. CMMA.MAKE 
                             :05. CMMA.REL
                             :06. CSCUP.MAC 
                             :07. CSCUP.REL 
                             :08. GETCH.REL 
                             :09. IGETA.MAC 
                             :10. IGETA.REL 
                             :11. INVRS.REL 
                             :12. STACK.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Analyzer
                             : 3. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The traditional CMMA program, only updated so that it is transportable.
 Requires a force load if you do not have BIGDS.LIB. (missing source files
 for STACK and INVRS).
CMPND                                                                    M217 
                         COMPRESS/EXPAND ASCII FILES
 Contribution Name...........:  CMPND 
    Title....................: Compress/Expand ASCII files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. cmpnd.sbmt
                             :02. CMPND.DBG 
                             :03. CMPND.FTN 
                             :04. CMPND.LOD 
                             :05. CMPND.MAKE
                             :06. CMPND.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Pack
                             : 2. File_transfer 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Compress/Expand ascii files by the run length encoding method.  This utility 
 can compress typical source files by 30% or so.
 This program needs the 5.0 rev. of HPCRT.LIB.
DLONG                                                                    M218 
                            LIST LONG FILE NAMES
 Contribution Name...........:  DLONG 
    Title....................: List long file names 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. dlong.sbmt
                             :02. DLONG.DOC 
                             :03. DLONG.FTN 
                             :04. DLONG.LOD 
                             :05. DLONG.MAKE
                             :06. DLONG.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Filter
                             : 2. List
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program creates a list of full file names, one per line, that match 
 a file mask.  It is useful when creating command files to do things to 
 a list of files. Somewhat like the old QDL would do, including file type,
 size, etc. 
DXI                                                                      M219 
 Contribution Name...........:  DXI 
    Title....................: Debug Information Extraction Interface 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. dxi.sbmt
                             :02. BOOLEANS.FTNI 
                             :03. DXI.DOC 
                             :04. DXI.MAKE
                             :05. DXIDATA.FTN 
                             :06. DXIDATA.REL 
                             :07. DXILAND.FTN 
                             :08. DXILAND.LIB 
                             :09. DXILAND.REL 
                             :10. EE.FTN
                             :11. EE.LOD
                             :12. EE.REL
                             :13. EEMSGS.R000 
                             :14. EEMSGS.S000 
                             :15. MEM.FTNI
                             :16. SYMBOLTABLE.FTNI
                             :17. SYMBOLTABLEDEF.FTNI 
                             :18. TOKENS.FTNI 
                             :19. USEFUL_CHARS.FTNI 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Debug 
                             : 2. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Debug Information Extraction Interface.  This set of subroutines can be used 
 to access the information generated by LINK when a program is loaded with
 the DEBUG option.  Symbol tables, addresses, etc. are available. Needs 
 DEBUGA.REL from the Symbolic Debugger to load properly. Includes the 
 program EE, which makes use of the editor. 
E4                                                                       M220 
                                  E4 EDITOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  E4
    Title....................: E4 Editor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. e4.sbmt 
                             :02. $ED1K6
                             :03. $ED1KA
                             :04. %ED000
                             :05. E4.DOC
                             :06. E4.LOD
                             :07. E4.LST
                             :08. E4.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Editor
                             : 2. Graphics
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A version of EDIT/1000 that has block move capabilities along with some
 graphics capability using the line drawing character set of the HP 
 terminals. Needs $BIGLB to load. 
 This contribution was provided by HP with no source code.
EMACS                                                                    M221 
                                EMACS EDITOR
 Contribution Name...........:  EMACS 
    Title....................: EMACS editor 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. emacs.sbmt
                             :02. BASIC.C 
                             :03. BASIC.REL 
                             :04. BIND.C
                             :05. BIND.REL
                             :06. BUFFER.C
                             :07. BUFFER.REL
                             :08. CRYPT.C 
                             :09. CRYPT.REL 
                             :10. DISPLAY.C 
                             :11. DISPLAY.REL 
                             :12. EBIND.H 
                             :13. EDEF.H
                             :14. EFUNC.H 
                             :15. EMACS.HLP 
                             :16. EMACS.RC
                             :17. EMACS.TXT 
                             :18. EPATH.H 
                             :19. ESTRUCT.H 
                             :20. EVAL.C
                             :21. EVAL.REL
                             :22. EVAR.H
                             :23. EXEC.C
                             :24. EXEC.REL
                             :25. FILE.C
                             :26. FILE.REL
                             :27. FILEIO_1000.C 
                             :28. FILEIO_1000.REL 
                             :29. HEAP_LOCATION.C 
                             :30. HEAP_LOCATION.REL 
                             :31. HP1000.TXT
                             :32. HP2647.CMD
                             :33. HPTERM.C
                             :34. HPTERM.REL
                             :35. INPUT.C 
                             :36. INPUT.REL 
                             :37. ISEARCH.C 
                             :38. ISEARCH.REL 
                             :39. LINE.C
                             :40. LINE.REL
                             :41. MAIN.C
                             :42. MAIN.REL
                             :43. MEMASM.H
                             :44. MENU1 
                             :45. RANDOM.C
                             :46. RANDOM.REL
                             :47. README
                             :48. REGION.C
                             :49. REGION.REL
                             :50. SEARCH.C
                             :51. SEARCH.REL
                             :52. SPAWN.C 
                             :53. SPAWN.REL 
                             :54. TERMIO.C
                             :55. TERMIO.REL
                             :56. UEMACS.DBG
                             :57. UEMACS.LOD
                             :58. UEMACS.MAKE 
                             :59. UEMACS.MAP
                             :60. UPDUPD.C
                             :61. UPDUPD.REL
                             :62. WINDOW.C
                             :63. WINDOW.REL
                             :64. WORD.C
                             :65. WORD.REL
                             :66. _STARTUP.C
                             :67. _STARTUP.REL
                             :68. _UPARSE.C 
                             :69. _UPARSE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: C
    Keywords.................: 1. Editor
    External Support Req'd...: D-mux or OBIO mux
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 The popular public domain editor has been ported to the 1000 for those users 
 on RTE-A with D-Rev or OBIO muxes. Written in C and requires the $CCSC.LIB 
 library from CCS. CCS has contributed this library to the CSL and it is
 found in the /gjob/libs/ccs.dir directory. May require DSD rev. 5.0 to link. 
MICROEMACS                                                               M222 
                              MICROEMACS EDITOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  microEMACS
    Title....................: microEMACS editor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. microemacs.sbmt 
                             :02. ALINE.H 
                             :03. AMIGA.RC
                             :04. ANSI.C
                             :05. AZMAP.CMD 
                             :06. BASIC.C 
                             :07. BDATA.CMD 
                             :08. BIND.C
                             :09. BPAGE.CMD 
                             :10. BUFFER.C
                             :11. CRYPT.C 
                             :12. DG10.C
                             :13. DISPLAY.C 
                             :14. DOLOCK.C
                             :15. EBIND.H 
                             :16. EDEF.H
                             :17. EFUNC.H 
                             :18. EMACS.HLP 
                             :19. EMACS.MSS 
                             :20. EMACS.RC
                             :21. EMACS.TUT 
                             :22. ENV_PATCH.MAIL
                             :23. EPATH.H 
                             :24. ESTRUCT.H 
                             :25. EVAL.C
                             :26. EVAL_PATCH.MAIL 
                             :27. EVAR.H
                             :28. EXEC.C
                             :29. FILE.C
                             :30. FILEIO.C
                             :31. FINDCOM.CMD 
                             :32. FROM
                             :33. FUNC.CMD
                             :34. HP110.C 
                             :35. HP150.C 
                             :36. IBMPC.C 
                             :37. INPUT.C 
                             :38. ISEARCH.C 
                             :39. LINE.C
                             :40. LOCK.C
                             :41. MAIN.C
                             :42. MAKEFILE.MWC
                             :43. MAKEFILE.UNX
                             :44. ME110.RC
                             :45. ME150.RC
                             :46. MENU.CMD
                             :47. MENU1 
                             :48. NEWPAGE.CMD 
                             :49. PPAGE.CMD 
                             :50. RANDOM.C
                             :51. README
                             :52. REGION.C
                             :53. SEARCH.C
                             :54. SHELL.CMD 
                             :55. SPAWN.C 
                             :56. ST520.C 
                             :57. ST520.RC
                             :58. TCAP.C
                             :59. TERMIO.C
                             :60. TIPC.C
                             :61. TRAND.CMD 
                             :62. VMSVT.C 
                             :63. VT52.C
                             :64. WINDOW.C
                             :65. WORD.C
                             :66. WPAGE.CMD 
                             :67. Z309.C
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Language(s)..............: C
    Keywords.................: 1. Editor
    External Support Req'd...: D-mux or OBIO mux
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  Believed to be a version of EMACS for various micro-computers.
  It is untested and completeness is not known.  Take your chances, 
  and let us know.
FLAX                                                                     M223 
                            FLAX OF FLANL PACKAGE 
 Contribution Name...........:  FLAX
    Title....................: FLAX of FLANL package
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. flax.sbmt 
                             :02. FLACK.FTN 
                             :03. FLACK.LIB 
                             :04. FLACK.REL 
                             :05. FLANL.FTNI
                             :06. FLASH.FTN 
                             :07. FLASH.FTNI
                             :08. FLASH.LOD 
                             :09. FLASH.REL 
                             :10. FLAX.DOC
                             :11. FLAX.FTN
                             :12. FLAX.FTNI 
                             :13. FLAX.LOD
                             :14. FLAX.MAKE 
                             :15. FLAX.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1.  Files
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Additional Documentation....:  We know nothing about this GJOB contribution
 but have left it in just in case it is an undiscovered priceless gem!
 If you can figure out just what it is good for, please let us know!
FMPERROR                                                                 M224 
                            SHOW FMP ERROR CODES
 Contribution Name...........:  FMPERROR
    Title....................: Show FMP error codes 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. fmperror.sbmt 
                             :02. FMPERR.FTN
                             :03. FMPERR.HLP
                             :04. FMPERR.LOD
                             :05. FMPERR.REL
                             :06. FMPERROR.CMD
                             :07. FMPERROR.HLP
                             :08. FMPERROR.MAKE 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. FMGR
                             : 2. Error 
                             : 3. Help
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Allows user to interactively request explanation of FMP error codes. Needs 
 / uses GET.
FMPPROFILE                                                               M225 
                               D.RTR ANALYZER 
 Contribution Name...........:  FMPPROFILE
    Title....................: D.RTR analyzer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. fmpprofile.sbmt 
                             :02. FMPEVENT.FTN
                             :03. FMPEVENT.REL
                             :04. FMPPROFILE.FTN
                             :05. FMPPROFILE.LOD
                             :06. FMPPROFILE.MAKE 
                             :07. FMPPROFILE.REL
                             :08. LDCB.FTN
                             :09. LDCB.REL
                             :10. PROG.FTN
                             :11. PROG.LOD
                             :12. PROG.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Disc
                             : 2. Analyzer
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Gather time statistics on the D.RTR calls in an executing program.  This can 
 be used to make the decisions on how to optimize the use of DCB buffer space,
 whether to re-position or re-open, etc. RU,FMPPROFILE for help.
FORM                                                                     M226 
                               FORMS GENERATOR
 Contribution Name...........:  FORM
    Title....................: Forms generator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. form.sbmt 
                             :02. "TFORM
                             :03. ASMSC.FTN 
                             :04. ASMSC.REL 
                             :05. ASMTB.FTN 
                             :06. ASMTB.REL 
                             :07. FORM.FTN
                             :08. FORM.HLP
                             :09. FORM.LOD
                             :10. FORM.MAKE 
                             :11. FORM.REL
                             :12. TFOR1.MAC 
                             :13. TFOR1.REL 
                             :14. TFOR2.MAC 
                             :15. TFOR2.REL 
                             :16. [TFOR2
                             :17. [TFORM
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Forms 
                             : 2. Generation
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Screen builder for forms mode applications, somewhat similar to FORMS/1000.
 Smaller and faster but not as many bells or whistles.
FX                                                                       M227 
                               FILE FILTERING 
 Contribution Name...........:  FX
    Title....................: File filtering 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. fx.sbmt 
                             :02. FX.FTN
                             :03. FX.FTNI 
                             :04. FX.HLP
                             :05. FX.LOD
                             :06. FX.MAKE 
                             :07. FX.MAP
                             :08. FX.R000 
                             :09. FX.REL
                             :10. FX.S000 
                             :11. GREP.CMD
                             :12. REX.LIB 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Filter
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 File filtering - FX performs various file operations including:
  - concatenation of many files into one
  - text pattern searching and modification 
  - binary file dumping 
  - key encryption and decryption 
 Program needs HPCRT.LIB (rev. 5.0) to load.
GET                                                                      M228 
                            INTERACTIVE CI PROMPT 
 Contribution Name...........:  GET 
    Title....................: Interactive CI prompt
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. get.sbmt
                             :02. GET.FTN 
                             :03. GET.HLP 
                             :04. GET.LOD 
                             :05. GET.MAKE
                             :06. GET.REL 
                             :07. SHIFT.FTN 
                             :08. SHIFT.HLP 
                             :09. SHIFT.LOD 
                             :10. SHIFT.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Command_files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Allows a CI command file to interactively prompt the user. 
GLOBALSPACE                                                              M229 
                              DISC SPACE REPORT 
 Contribution Name...........:  GLOBALSPACE 
    Title....................: Disc space report
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. globalspace.sbmt
                             :02. DISCSPACE.FTN 
                             :03. DISCSPACE.REL 
                             :04. GLOBALSPACE.DBG 
                             :05. GLOBALSPACE.FTN 
                             :06. GLOBALSPACE.LOD 
                             :07. GLOBALSPACE.MAKE
                             :08. GLOBALSPACE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Disc
                             : 2. Management
                             : 3. Directory 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Reports disc space utilization under global directories on an LU by
 LU basis. Requires 5.0 rev of FMP routines. RU,GLOBALSPACE,?? shows
GSORT                                                                    M230 
                      FAST MULTIPLE KEY SORT FOR FILES
 Contribution Name...........:  GSORT 
    Title....................: Fast multiple key sort for files 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. gsort.sbmt
                             :02. GSORQ.PAS 
                             :03. GSORQ.REL 
                             :04. GSORT.FTN 
                             :05. GSORT.LOD 
                             :06. GSORT.MAKE
                             :07. GSORT.REL 
                             :08. GSUBS.MAC 
                             :09. GSUBS.REL 
                             :10. INITS.FTN 
                             :11. INITS.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Sort
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Fast multiple key sort for files.  Uses VMA.  Verrry fast. 
HPCA                                                                     M231 
                              HP RPN CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  HPCA
    Title....................: HP RPN Calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. hpca.sbmt 
                             :02. "HEADER 
                             :03. CALC.HPCA 
                             :04. CONVERT.FTN 
                             :05. CONVERT.REL 
                             :06. HPCA.ALL
                             :07. HPCA.DBG
                             :08. HPCA.DOC
                             :09. HPCA.FTN
                             :10. HPCA.HLP
                             :11. HPCA.LOD
                             :12. HPCA.MAKE 
                             :13. HPCA.MRG
                             :14. HPCA.REL
                             :15. HPCA_BNRY.SCRN
                             :16. HPCA_HMS.SCRN 
                             :17. HPCA_NORM.SCRN
                             :18. IGET1.FTN 
                             :19. IGET1.REL 
                             :20. MAKEFORMS.CMD 
                             :21. SBNRY.MAC 
                             :22. SBNRY.REL 
                             :23. SHMS.MAC
                             :24. SHMS.REL
                             :25. SNORM.MAC 
                             :26. SNORM.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Interactive simulation of an HP RPN style calculator.  Has normal decimal
 mode plus an octal mode and a very unusual time calculation mode. Enter
 an "e" to end the program. Needs FORM (another GJOB contribution). 
HPCA2                                                                    M232 
                              HP RPN CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  HPCA2 
    Title....................: HP RPN Calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. hpca2.sbmt
                             :02. CALCS.MAC 
                             :03. CALCS.REL 
                             :04. CKEYS.MAC 
                             :05. CKEYS.REL 
                             :06. CURSER.FTN
                             :07. CURSER.LIB
                             :08. CURSER.REL
                             :09. CURSR.FTN 
                             :10. HPCA2.DOC 
                             :11. HPCA2.FTN 
                             :12. HPCA2.LOD 
                             :13. HPCA2.MAKE
                             :14. HPCA2.REL 
                             :15. HPCA2.TTR 
                             :16. TOUCHINIT.FTN 
                             :17. [HPCA2
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Another simulator like HPCA with less features but it is graphical in that 
 it draws a picture of the calculator on your screen.  Keystrokes are echoed
 in the picture.  Good teaching tool for the RPN-phobic.
HPCA3                                                                    M233 
                              HP RPN CALCULATOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  HPCA3 
    Title....................: HP RPN Calculator
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. hpca3.sbmt
                             :02. CALCS3.MAC
                             :03. CALCS3.REL
                             :04. CKEYS3.MAC
                             :05. CKEYS3.REL
                             :06. CURSER.FTN
                             :07. CURSER.LIB
                             :08. CURSER.REL
                             :09. HPCA3.FTN 
                             :10. HPCA3.LOD 
                             :11. HPCA3.MAKE
                             :12. HPCA3.REL 
                             :13. TOUCHINIT.FTN 
                             :14. TOUCHINIT.REL 
                             :15. [HPCA3
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. Touch 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A touchscreen (HP150) version of HPCA2. Works the same with the touch
 feature added. 
KEEP                                                                     M234 
                        RP AND MAKE PROGRAM PERMANENT 
 Contribution Name...........:  KEEP
    Title....................: RP and make program permanent
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. keep.sbmt 
                             :02. KEEP.DOC
                             :03. KEEP.FTN
                             :04. KEEP.MAKE 
                             :05. KEEP.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. ID_segments 
                             : 3. System
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This utility is used to RP a program and clear the session number in its ID
 segment so that it will continue to execute when your session is logged off. 
 Useful in the WELCOM file to "RP" programs from CI volumes as well.
 It also has options to control other aspects of the program, such as 
 cloning, making the program look permenent, and setting the "self destruct"
 bit. This program is for RTE-6 systems. RU,KEEP for help.
KEYUP                                                                    M235 
                              UPDATE IMAGE KEYS 
 Contribution Name...........:  KEYUP 
    Title....................: Update Image keys
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. keyup.sbmt
                             :02. KEYUP.FTN 
                             :03. KEYUP.LOD 
                             :04. KEYUP.MAKE
                             :05. KEYUP.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Image 
                             : 2. Editor
    External Support Req'd...: Image or Image-II
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Lets you update key values in an IMAGE or IMAGE-II data base. Requires 
 DBMS1.LIB to load. 
LOOKY                                                                    M236 
                         SYSTEM MAINTENANCE UTILITY 
 Contribution Name...........:  LOOKY 
    Title....................: System maintenance utility 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. looky.sbmt
                             :02. HPZINVERSEASMBF.MAC 
                             :03. HPZINVERSEASMBF.REL 
                             :04. LOOKM.MAC 
                             :05. LOOKM.REL 
                             :06. LOOKY.DBG 
                             :07. LOOKY.FTN 
                             :08. LOOKY.LOD 
                             :09. LOOKY.MAKE
                             :10. LOOKY.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Keywords.................: 1. Maintenance 
                             : 2. System_tables 
                             : 3. Analyzer
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Another system maintenance utility like CMMA.  This one can't alter your 
 disc, so is slightly less dangerous. 
 This program is for RTE-A only, and requires HPCRT.LIB (rev. 5.0) to load
MPACK                                                                    M237 
                             MASTER DISC PACKER 
 Contribution Name...........:  MPACK 
    Title....................: Master Disc Packer 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. mpack.sbmt
                             :02. >MP000
                             :03. MPACK.HELP
                             :04. MPACK.LOD 
                             :05. MPACK.MAKE
                             :06. MPACK.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. Disc
                             : 3. Maintenance 
                             : 4. Pack
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Master packer for new file system.  Re-distributes the files in a CI disc
 LU to eliminate wasted space, fragmented free space, extents, etc. 
 This contribution was provided by HP with no source code. Needs $BIGLB 
 (Rev. 5.0) to load.
ND                                                                       M238 
 Contribution Name...........:  ND
    Title....................:  Command stack for directory names 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. nd.sbmt 
                             :02. LENGTH.FTN
                             :03. LENGTH.REL
                             :04. ND.FTN
                             :05. ND.REL
                             :06. ND.LOD
                             :07. DIRFIND.FTN 
                             :08. DIRFIND.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6, RTE-A 
    Keywords.................: 1. Directory 
                             : 2. Shell 
                             : 2. Interactive 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A replacement for the WD command that stacks the directory names for greater 
 agility while working within multiple directories. 
PAWS                                                                     M239 
                              CI PAUSE COMMAND
 Contribution Name...........:  PAWS
    Title....................:  CI Pause Command
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. paws.sbmt 
                             :02. PAWS.FTN
                             :03. PAWS.HLP
                             :04. PAWS.LOD
                             :05. PAWS.MAKE 
                             :06. PAWS.OLD
                             :07. PAWS.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1.  Command_files
                             : 2.  CI 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Implements a pause function for CI of a specified time duration. 
PHONE                                                                    M240 
                            LEAVE A PHONE MESSAGE 
 Contribution Name...........:  PHONE 
    Title....................: Leave a phone message
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. phone.sbmt
                             :02. ADDNAME.FTN 
                             :03. ADDNAME.REL 
                             :04. BUGS
                             :05. CHANGES 
                             :06. CHANGES.NEXT
                             :07. COMP.CMD
                             :08. COMPDS.CMD
                             :09. ENHANCEMENTS
                             :10. GETNAME.FTN 
                             :11. GETNAME.REL 
                             :12. MANAGERS.CMD
                             :13. NEWPHONE.CMD
                             :14. PHODS.LOD 
                             :15. PHODS.MAP 
                             :16. PHODS.REL 
                             :17. PHONE.FTN 
                             :18. PHONE.HLP 
                             :19. PHONE.INC 
                             :20. PHONE.LIB 
                             :21. PHONE.MAKE
                             :22. PHONELIB.MRG
                             :23. PHONE_DS.INC
                             :24. PHONE_REMOTE_6.LOD
                             :25. PHONE_REMOTE_A.LOD
                             :26. PHSG1.FTN 
                             :27. PHSG1.REL 
                             :28. PHSG2.FTN 
                             :29. PHSG2.REL 
                             :30. PHSG3.FTN 
                             :31. PHSG3.REL 
                             :32. PHSG4.FTN 
                             :33. PHSG4.REL 
                             :34. PHSG5.FTN 
                             :35. PHSG5.REL 
                             :36. SCHEMA
                             :37. SYSMESS.CMD 
                             :38. TODO
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Message 
    External Support Req'd...: DS 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 An emulation of the familiar "WHILE YOU WERE OUT" telephone message pads.
 Works across systems in a DS/1000 network.  Can be used as a mini-mail 
 system.  Users are notified of incoming messages using the ALARM program.
 Looks like it requires DS to function, and has a SCHEMA for the data base. 
PLIST                                                                    M241 
                            PHONE LIST DATA BASE
 Contribution Name...........:  PLIST 
    Title....................: Phone list data base 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. plist.sbmt
                             :02. FOOTING 
                             :03. PHONE.MAC 
                             :04. PHONE.REL 
                             :05. PHONIN
                             :06. PLIST.FTN 
                             :07. PLIST.LOD 
                             :08. PLIST.MAKE
                             :09. PLIST.REL 
                             :10. PUT.FTN 
                             :11. PUT.REL 
                             :12. REPPHL
                             :13. SCHEMA
                             :14. STSUB.LIB 
                             :15. STSUB.REL 
                             :16. [PHONE
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Mail
                             : 2. Image 
                             : 3. Data_base 
    External Support Req'd...: Image
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Maintains a phone-list data base.  Prints a directory that you can put in
 your time-manager folio. Requires IMAGE. 
PREX                                                                     M242 
                        SET EXEC CALL MESSAGE LENGTH
 Contribution Name...........:  PREX
    Title....................: Set exec call message length 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. prex.sbmt 
                             :02. PREX.FTN     Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:15 am 
                             :03. PREX.LOD     Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:14 am 
                             :04. PREX.MAKE    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:17 am 
                             :05. PREX.REL     Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:18 am 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Language(s)..............: Fortran
    Keywords.................: 1. Compiler
                             : 2. Pre-processor 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Pre-processor to fill in the message length on exec calls in fortran which 
 have the form "CALL EXEC(2,LU,  HMessage to send,   )". This will be 
 converted to "CALL EXEC(2,LU,15HMessage to send,-15)". RU,PREX gives help. 
 Not quite so useful now that HpCrt has been released.
PROBE                                                                    M243 
                            NETWORK NODE ANALYZER 
 Contribution Name...........:  PROBE 
    Title....................: Network node analyzer
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. probe.sbmt
                             :02. PROBE.HLP    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:59:05 am 
                             :03. PROBE.LOD    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:59:02 am 
                             :04. PROBE.REL    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:59:04 am 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. DS
                             : 2. Network 
                             : 3. Analyzer
    External Support Req'd...: DS/1000
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Sends a special message to a given node in a DS/1000 network.  As the
 message traverses the network, the node numbers of the intermediate nodes
 are captured and displayed upon return to the originating node.  This is 
 useful for network verification and trouble analysis. Program requires 
 DS on the system.
 This contribution was provided by HP with no source code.
PROLOG                                                                   M244 
                             PROLOG INTERPRETER 
 Contribution Name...........:  PROLOG
    Title....................: PROLOG interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. prolog.sbmt 
                             :02. *PROG.TEXT
                             :03. *PROLIB.TEXT
                             :04. PREADIN.OLD 
                             :05. PREADIN.PAS 
                             :06. PREADIN.REL 
                             :07. PROLOG.DOC
                             :08. PROLOG.GLO
                             :09. PROLOG.LOD
                             :10. PROLOG.MAKE 
                             :11. PROLOG.OLD
                             :12. PROLOG.OPT
                             :13. PROLOG.PAS
                             :14. PROLOG.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-A
    Keywords.................: 1.  Interpreter
                             : 2.  Language 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This version of a portable prolog interpreter has been modified to run on
 a HP-1000 system using CDS. The syntax is fairly 'standard Edinburgh' but
 there is a small front-end on the interpreter which puts up ?- prompts.
 This is written in the library file *PROLIB.TEXT and can be removed if 
 the user desires. There is also an inbuilt function stats which may be 
 useful during program development. 
PUDIR                                                                    M245 
                               DIRECTORY PURGE
 Contribution Name...........:  PUDIR 
    Title....................: Directory purge
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. pudir.sbmt
                             :02. PUDIR.CMD 
                             :03. PUDIR.HLP 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Purge 
                             : 2. Management
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Purge a directory and all of its subdirectries and files.  Dangerous, but
 useful command file, using GET and SHIFT from the GET contribution.
QRP                                                                      M246 
                                  QUICK RP
 Contribution Name...........:  QRP 
    Title....................: Quick RP 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. qrp.sbmt
                             :02. QRP.FTN 
                             :03. QRP.LOD 
                             :04. QRP.MAKE
                             :05. QRP.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. CI
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. Maintenance 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Quick RP program, accepts a list of programs to be RP'd in its runstring or
 from a command file.  MUCH faster than CI. RU,QRP gives help.
 This program needs the 5.0 rev. of HPCRT.LIB.
RELCHANGE                                                                M247 
                            COMPARE RELOCATABLES
 Contribution Name...........:  RELCHANGE 
    Title....................: Compare relocatables 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. relchange.sbmt
                             :02. RELCHANGE.FTN   Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:44 a 
                             :03. RELCHANGE.LOD   Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:45 am
                             :04. RELCHANGE.MAKE  Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:46 am
                             :05. RELCHANGE.REL   Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:40:48 am
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Compare 
                             : 2. Relocatable 
                             : 3. Files 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Reports differences between relocatable files on a module by module basis. 
 RU,RELCHANGE gives help. 
RPALL                                                                    M248 
                       RP, THEN OF, ALL FILES IN MASK 
 Contribution Name...........:  RPALL 
    Title....................: RP, then OF, all files in mask 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. rpall.sbmt
                             :02. RPALL.FTN    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:38:06 am 
                             :03. RPALL.LOD    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:38:08 am 
                             :04. RPALL.MAKE   Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:38:07 am 
                             :05. RPALL.REL    Thu Jun 30, 1988 10:38:04 am 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Maintenance 
                             : 3. Filter
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
  RP's all programs in a specified searchpath:
       RU RPALL <searchpatch> [-E]
           where -E suppresses echo to terminal 
RPCHK                                                                    M249 
                        CHECK FOR LEGAL PROGRAM FILES 
 Contribution Name...........:  RPCHK 
    Title....................: Check for legal program files
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. rpchk.sbmt
                             :02. RPCHK.DOC 
                             :03. RPCHK.FTN 
                             :04. RPCHK.LOD 
                             :05. RPCHK.MAKE
                             :06. RPCHK.REL 
                             :07. RPOK.MAC
                             :08. RPOK.REL
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Maintenance 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Used to see if type 6 files (programs) can be RP'd.
 It accepts a file mask to allow checking an entire directory at one pass.
 It can optionally be directed to purge those files which are not RP'able.
 It is especially useful after switching to a new system after SYSGEN.
 This program runs in RTE-6 only. 
RTEQ6                                                                    M250 
                              ID SEGMENT LISTER 
 Contribution Name...........:  RTEQ6 
    Title....................: ID segment lister
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. RTEQ6.SBMT
                             :02. MEMSZ.MAC 
                             :03. MEMSZ.REL 
                             :04. RTEQ6.DOC 
                             :05. RTEQ6.FTN 
                             :06. RTEQ6.LOD 
                             :07. RTEQ6.MAKE
                             :08. RTEQ6.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. ID_segments 
                             : 2. System_tables 
                             : 3. Maintenance 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Used to display information about the ID segment of a program. It can
 also be used to display the system communications area of the program
 as it exists when the program is running. Needs FTN4 to compile. Compiles
 with warnings with FTN7x.
 This utility runs in RTE-6 only. 
TASK                                                                     M251 
                            TIME ACCOUNTING TOOL
 Contribution Name...........:  TASK
    Title....................: Time accounting tool 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. task.sbmt 
                             :02. CATEGORIES
                             :03. DAYS.DBG
                             :04. DAYS.FTN
                             :05. DAYS.LOD
                             :06. DAYS.REL
                             :07. DELETETASK.FTN
                             :08. DELETETASK.LOD
                             :09. DELETETASK.REL
                             :10. LISTTASK.FTN
                             :11. LISTTASK.LOD
                             :12. LISTTASK.REL
                             :13. SCHEMA
                             :14. T.FTN 
                             :15. T.REL 
                             :16. TASK.COM
                             :17. TASK.DAT
                             :18. TASK.FTN
                             :19. TASK.INC
                             :20. TASK.LOD
                             :21. TASK.MAKE 
                             :22. TASK.REL
                             :23. TASK_BLOCK.FTN
                             :24. TIME_EXAMPLE.FTN
                             :25. TIME_EXAMPLE.REL
                             :26. TS.FTN
                             :27. TS.REL
                             :28. TSCRN.MAC 
                             :29. TSCRN.REL 
                             :30. TSK01.FTN 
                             :31. TSK01.REL 
                             :32. TSK02.FTN 
                             :33. TSK02.REL 
                             :34. TSK03.FTN 
                             :35. TSK03.REL 
                             :36. TSK04.FTN 
                             :37. TSK04.REL 
                             :38. TSKSUB.FTN
                             :39. TSKSUB.REL
                             :40. TSTAT.FTN 
                             :41. TSTAT.LOD 
                             :42. TSTAT.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Accounting
                             : 2. Time
                             : 3. Image 
    External Support Req'd...: Image
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Keeps track of time spent on different activities.  Time accounting tool,
 especially useful to professionals (such as consultants) who charge by the 
 hour. Requires DBMS1.lib from IMAGE. 
TERM_TYPE                                                                M252 
                            OBTAIN TERMINAL TYPE
 Contribution Name...........:  TERM_TYPE 
    Title....................: Obtain terminal type 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. term_type.sbmt
                             :02. TERM_TYPE.FTN 
                             :03. TERM_TYPE.HLP 
                             :04. TERM_TYPE.LOD 
                             :05. TERM_TYPE.MAKE
                             :06. TERM_TYPE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Terminal
                             : 2. System
    External Support Req'd...: HP terminals with ID's 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Returns the terminal type identification from the newer HP terminals in a
 CI variable so it is accessable from command files.
TN                                                                       M253 
                            REMOTE LOGON MONITOR
 Contribution Name...........:  TN
    Title....................: Remote LOGON monitor 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. tn.sbmt 
                             :02. TN.LOD
                             :03. TN.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Logon/logoff
                             : 2. Scheduling
                             : 3. DS
    External Support Req'd...: DS/1000
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Remote logon monitor program, allows you to easily start up a session on 
 another DS/1000 system via virtual terminal support. Does setup and
 cleanup as well. Program requires DS on the system.
 This contribution was provided by HP with no source code.
TRFIL                                                                    M254 
                       FMGR TRANSFER FILE INTERPRETER 
 Contribution Name...........:  TRFIL 
    Title....................: FMGR transfer file interpreter 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. trfil.sbmt
                             :02. ATOB.FTN
                             :03. ATOB.REL
                             :04. DEMO
                             :05. DEMO.OUT
                             :06. GTOP.FTN
                             :07. GTOP.REL
                             :08. TRFIL.DOC 
                             :09. TRFIL.FTN 
                             :10. TRFIL.INFO
                             :11. TRFIL.LOD 
                             :12. TRFIL.MAKE
                             :13. TRFIL.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Interpreter 
                             : 2. FMGR
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Implements high level constructs in FMGR transfiles.  Basically an 
 interpreter to convert IF.THEN.ELSE, GOTO, and ASSIGNMENT operations into
 FMGR command syntax. 
TUTOR                                                                    M255 
 Contribution Name...........:  TUTOR 
    Title....................: Interactive tutorial generator 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. tutor.sbmt
                             :02. BUILDTUTOR.DBG
                             :03. BUILDTUTOR.FTN
                             :04. BUILDTUTOR.LOD
                             :05. BUILDTUTOR.OLD
                             :06. BUILDTUTOR.REL
                             :07. INCLUDE_TEST.TTR
                             :08. INCLUDE_TEST.TTRI 
                             :09. MAKETEST.FTN
                             :10. PROMPT_TEST.TTR 
                             :11. TEST.TTR
                             :12. TUTOR.FTN 
                             :13. TUTOR.HLP 
                             :14. TUTOR.LOD 
                             :15. TUTOR.MAKE
                             :16. TUTOR.OLD 
                             :17. TUTOR.REL 
                             :18. TUTOR_REMOTE.LOD
                             :19. UPSHIFT.MAC 
                             :20. UPSHIFT.OLD 
                             :21. UPSHIFT.REL 
                             :22. VIDEO.FTN 
                             :23. VIDEO.OLD 
                             :24. VIDEO.REL 
                             :25. WINDOW2_TEST.TTR
                             :26. WINDOW_TEST.TTR 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Interactive 
                             : 2. Demo
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program interprets a command file for an interactive tutorial session.
 Think of it as an interpretive teaching language.  Includes the program
 BUILDTUTOR that formats the screens that are displayed during the session. 
 Can be used for any subject, not just computer literacy. See HPCA2 for an
 example. Needs $MACLB to load. 
UCOPY                                                                    M256 
                           COPY FILE BASED ON MASK
 Contribution Name...........:  UCOPY 
    Title....................: Copy file based on mask
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. ucopy.sbmt
                             :02. UCOPY.DBG 
                             :03. UCOPY.FTN 
                             :04. UCOPY.FTNI
                             :05. UCOPY.LOD 
                             :06. UCOPY.MAKE
                             :07. UCOPY.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Copy
                             : 2. Filter
                             : 3. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This program examines the files described by a source mask and a destination 
 mask.  If the time stamp of the source file is newer than that of the
 destination file, the copy is done.  This program is especially useful in
 a DS/1000 network. 
 Requires HPCRT.LIB (rev. 5.0) to load properly.
VCOM                                                                     M257 
                            VISUAL SOURCE COMPARE 
 Contribution Name...........:  VCOM
    Title....................: Visual source compare
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. vcom.sbmt 
                             :02. TEST1 
                             :03. TEST2 
                             :04. VCOM.DBG
                             :05. VCOM.DOC
                             :06. VCOM.FTN
                             :07. VCOM.LOD
                             :08. VCOM.MAKE 
                             :09. VCOM.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Compare 
                             : 2. Files 
                             : 3. Interactive 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Visual source compare program.  Displays two source files side by side with
 differences highlighted in inverse video. Nice for quickly comparing files 
 in context. Program contains help screens. 
WAKEUP                                                                   M258 
                          TERMINAL ACTIVITY MONITOR 
 Contribution Name...........:  WAKEUP
    Title....................: Terminal activity monitor
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. wakeup.sbmt 
                             :02. FLASH.FTN 
                             :03. FLASH.OLDF
                             :04. FLASH.REL 
                             :05. TO.MAC
                             :06. TO.REL
                             :07. WAKEUP.FTN
                             :08. WAKEUP.LOD
                             :09. WAKEUP.MAKE 
                             :10. WAKEUP.REL
                             :11. WAKEUPPROC.FTN
                             :12. WAKEUPPROC.REL
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Terminal
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. CI
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 This beeps the terminal if no activity within a certain amount of time.
 It keeps beeping at 7 second intervals until the name of one of the 50 
 states in the United States is entered. Cheaper than an overseer with
 a whip and less painful too! 
 Program is for RTE-6 only. 
WHERE                                                                    M259 
                              WHERE IS EVERYONE 
 Contribution Name...........:  WHERE 
    Title....................: Where is everyone
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. where.sbmt
                             :02. CHSUB.MAC 
                             :03. CHSUB.REL 
                             :04. CK.FTN
                             :05. CK.LOD
                             :06. CK.REL
                             :07. CLR.FTN 
                             :08. CLR.LOD 
                             :09. CLR.REL 
                             :10. LOGFIL
                             :11. SAMPLE.CMD
                             :12. WHERE.FTN 
                             :13. WHERE.LOD 
                             :14. WHERE.MAKE
                             :15. WHERE.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. Data_base 
                             : 2. Office
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 A computerized "I'll be back at 3 P.M." type of program.  Keeps track of 
 who is in the office, who is out, and where everybody is.
 Program is for RTE-6 only. 
WHOS6                                                                    M260 
                            TYPE 6 FILE OWNERSHIP 
 Contribution Name...........:  WHOS6 
    Title....................: Type 6 file ownership
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. whos6.sbmt
                             :02. RPOK.MAC
                             :03. RPOK.REL
                             :04. WHOS6.DOC 
                             :05. WHOS6.FTN 
                             :06. WHOS6.LOD 
                             :07. WHOS6.MAKE
                             :08. WHOS6.REL 
    Operating System(s)......: RTE-6
    Keywords.................: 1. Management
                             : 2. Maintenance 
                             : 3. System_tables 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Used to examine type 6 files to see who owns them.  It is especially useful
 when preparing to do a SYSGEN to contact the owners of programs, perhaps even
 more useful after the switch when some of the programs are found to be no
 longer executable! RU,WHOS6 for help.
 This program is for RTE-6 systems. 
ZAPDB                                                                    M261 
                       REMOVE DEBUG AND LINDX RECORDS 
 Contribution Name...........:  ZAPDB 
    Title....................: Remove DEBUG and LINDX records 
    File Names...............:00. Rename Transfer File
                             :01. zapdb.sbmt
                             :02. ZAPDB.FTN 
                             :03. ZAPDB.LOD 
                             :04. ZAPDB.MAKE
                             :05. ZAPDB.REL 
    Operating System(s)......:
    Keywords.................: 1. Debug 
                             : 2. Relocatable 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:  Unknown 
               Company.......:  Hewlett-Packard 
               Street........:  Data Systems Division 
               City..........:  Sunnyvale 
               State.........:  California
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  94586 
               Phone Number..:
 Contribution Abstract.......:
 Does an in-place removal of DEBUG and LINDX records from a relocatable file. 
 RU,ZAPDB gives help.