     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MAPIO
    Title....................: System map for RTE-IVB 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'MAPIO  Submission file 
                             : 2. &MAPIO  Source file 
                             : 3. %MAPIO  Relocatable filele
                             : 4. *MAPIO
                             : 5. ^MAPIO
                             : 6. "MAPIO
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN IV 
    Keywords.................: 1. Map 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
    Many users have requested this one.  Read the documentation files 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: &ANTLB 
    Title....................: ANT Library
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'ANTLB  Submission file 
                             : 2. &ANTLB  Source file 
                             : 3. $ANTLB  Relocatable file
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, RTE-6/VM, RTE-A 
    Language(s)..............: Macro assembler
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
    This is the sources that many users requested after using the library 
    relocatables from a previous issue. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CLX
    Title....................: Extended FMGR CL command 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'CLX   Submission file 
                             : 02. &CLX   Source code 
                             : 03. %CLX   Relocatable code
                             : 04. "CLX   Sample output 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: Fortran 77 
    Keywords.................: 1. Cartridge 
                             : 2. Directory 
                             : 3. Disc
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-Submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Earl M. Yavner 
               Company.......: Northrop Corp. 
               Street........: 100 Morse St.
               City..........: Norwood
               State.........: Mass.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 02062
               Phone Number..: (617)-762-5300 
 Program Abstract............:
    CLX is an extended FMGR CL command. It reads all disc 
  directories in the session SST and prints out normal CL 
  and track usage information in ascending LU order. Works well 
  for scanning discs to see which are full rather than
  DL'ing every disc lu. 
    The only modification which might need to be done is to 
  adjust the length of the USER/GROUP arrays to reflect your
  account structure. (see program source code)
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SEDST
    Title....................: Character String Edit-Strip & Pack Left/Right
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SEDST   Submission File 
                             : 02. &SEDST   String Edit-Strip, Pack L/R 
                             : 03. %SEDST   Relocatable 
                             : 04. &SEDAL   String Edit-Strip Nonalphanumeric 
                             : 05. %SEDAL   Relocatable 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB, A, some L: see below
    Language(s)..............: ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Strings 
                             : 2. ASCII 
                             : 3. Character 
                             : 4. Justify 
                             : 5. Alphanumeric
    External Support Req'd...: Double-Integer Arithmetic Instruction Set
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Patricia DeVlieg 
               Company.......: San Francisco Municipal Railway
               Street........: Electronics Shop 
                             : 2200 San Jose Ave. 
               City..........: San Francisco
               State.........: CA 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 94112
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............: These 3 subroutines are intended as
 complementary subroutines to the SEDIT routine of the Decimal String 
 Arithmetic Routine package.
 SEDSL/SEDSR (both in &SEDST) strip a string of any unwanted character
 (except 377B), pack remaining characters left/right, and right/left fill 
 the substring with any one character specified by the calling program. 
 SEDAL strips a character string of all non-alphanumeric characters,
 upshifts characters "a-z", packs the alphanumeric characters left, 
 and right fills the substring with any one character specified by the
 calling program.  "Alphanumeric" means characters "0-9", "a-z" and "A-Z".
 Additional Documentation....: Standard FORTRAN calling sequence: 
  where JSTR  is the character string (buffer) to be stripped 
        JBEG  is an integer constant/variable defining the position of
              the first character of JSTR to be scanned 
        JEND  is an integer constant/variable defining the position of
              the last character of JSTR to be scanned
        JSTRP is an integer constant/variable containing the
              ASCII code for the character to be stripped out 
        JFILL is an integer constant/variable containing the
              ASCII code for the fill character 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CMM6 
    Title....................: System disk manipulator
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'CMM6  Submission file 
                             : 02. &CMM6  Source file 
                             : 03. %CMM6  Relocatable file
                             : 04. ^CMM6  LOADR command file
     Operating System........: RTE-6/VM 
     Language(s).............: FTN4X
     Keywords................: 1. System
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
     External Support Req'd..:
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........: Mike Manley
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FACTL
    Title....................: FACTORIAL EXPERIMENT ANALYSIS, 
                             :     UP TO 4 MAIN EFFECTS 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'FACTL      Submission file 
                             : 2. &FACTL      Source code 
                             : 3. #FACTL      loadr command file
                             : 4. %FACTL      relocatable file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM  (USES EMA) 
    Language(s)..............: FTN77     (PASCAL STRUCTURE) 
    Keywords.................: 1. Factorial 
                             : 2. Statistics
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: NONE 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Guy Reisenauer 
               Company.......: Washington State University
               Street........: P.O. Box 30
               City..........: Prosser
               State.........: Washington 
               Zip Code......: 99350
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
      For additional information see the header in the source code. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 This program has undergone considerable use and is fairly easy to modify 
 for a users particular needs. To change the sizes of the arrays is a fairly
 simple operation.  All of the arrays are fit according to the level in 
 which it belongs.  There were originally quite a few bugs in this program, 
 the biggest one was roundoff error, therefore it was necessary to use
 double precision on all of the arrays except the original data.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: C
         Title...............: HP45 Calculator Simulator Program
         File Names..........: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'C  Submission file.
                             : 2. &C  Source for the program & sbrts
         Operating System....: RTE-6/VM, possibly RTE-A 
         Language(s).........: FTN77
         Keywords............: 1. Calculator
                             : 2. Simulator 
                             : 3. Stack 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Donald A. Wright 
               Company.......: 3M Company 
               Street........: 3M Center, Bldg. 236-1B-18 
               City..........: St. Paul 
               State.........: MN 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 55144
               Phone Number..: 612/736-0248 
 Program Abstract............: June 30, 1983
 C is a modification of an HP45 calculator-simulator program named HP45 
 which was contributed to the 2001 library tape by Gary Erickson.  This 
 version has the following capabilities:
   1. 4-level stack, 9 memories, log, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, Y**X, etc. 
   2. Binary (octal) mode, including ASCII to octal.
   3. 16-digit precision (real*8).
   4. Non-format mode, works with ALL HP CRT terminals including 2621.
   5. RETURN key is used instead of ENTER key.
   6. Commands may be in upper or lower case. 
   7. RUN command allows temporary escape to other programs.
   8. Dumb-terminal mode for non-HP terminals and dialups.
 Compile &C with the FTN7X compiler, and load with link (:RU,LINK,%C).
 It is reasonably self-explanatory. 
 C enters the dumb-terminal mode if the terminal driver type is not 05. 
 It can also be toggled between modes with the undocumented DU and SM 
 C's RUN command will function properly only if the program RP6CL is
 present in the system.  RP6CL is a separate contribution on this same
 C will run on RTE-4, but must be compiled by FTN7X on a different
 system.  It may run on RTE-A.  If not, it may be necessary to change 
 the control bits in the three REIO calls.  These are the calls which 
 read input from the operator.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LATIN
    Title....................: LATIN Square 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'LATIN    Submission file 
                             : 2. &LATIN
                             : 3. %LATIN
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Latin square
                             : 2. Mathematics 
                             : 3. FTN4X 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TWON 
    Title....................: TWON 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'TWON    Submission file
                             : 2. &TWON 
                             : 3. %TWON 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. TWON
                             : 2. Mathematics 
                             : 3. FTN4X 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........:
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: IDLE6
    Title....................: RTE-6/VM Idle time routine.
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'IDLE6  Submission file.
                             : 2. &IDLE6  Source file.
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Display 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: Use's RTE-6/VM Firmware. 
    If Re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
               Telex         :
 Program Abstract............:
 This program is another idle time routine which run's at the lowest
 priority but has a different kind of display. The RTE-6/VM firmware is 
 used display a moving light in the 6 bit select register instead of the
 switch register so the 'CU' command can still be used to show Cpu
 utilization. The idle time routine can also print out the current and
 cummulative Cpu utilization through use of the 'BR' command. The time
 and the Cpu idle waste count word is used to do this. It is independent
 of 'CU' and 'SN'.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Generate program into the system as a memory resident program or load
 as a permanent program.
 Welcome file:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: Misc. Games from Art Gentry
    Title....................: GAMES
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'GAMES     Submission file 
                             : 02. "TREKP     Various Star Treks
                             : 03. "TREK
                             : 04. &TREK5 
                             : 05. &TREK
                             : 06. %TREK5 
                             : 07. %TREK
                             : 08. &TREKP 
                             : 09. &TREKU 
                             : 10. &RND 
                             : 11. %RND 
                             : 12. &GOLF      18 Hole golf
                             : 13. &GUN       I Don't remember
                             : 14. &MAZE      Maze Manufacture
                             : 15. &SLOT      Slot Machine
                             : 16. &SHIP      Ship Attack 
                             : 17. &NAVYS     Sub Search
                             : 18. &BIOX      Bio 
                             : 19. %BIOX
                             : 20. &NAVY      Another Sub Search
                             : 21. >DUNGN     Dungons & Dragons for RTE-6VM 
                             : 22. @DUNGN 
                             : 23. @DUNGT 
                             : 24. @DUNGI 
                             : 25. %DUNGA 
                             : 26. %DUNGB 
                             : 27. %DUNGC 
                             : 28. %DUNGD 
                             : 29. %DUNGE 
                             : 30. %DUNGF 
                             : 31. %DUNGL 
                             : 32. %DLINK 
                             : 33. %A2A1
                             : 34. %A1A2
                             : 35. %UMOVE 
                             : 36. %OTHEL     Othello 
                             : 37. "ADVEN     Adventure fixed for RTE-6VM 
                             : 38. &ADV01 
                             : 39. &ADV03 
                             : 40. &ADVX2 
                             : 41. &ADVY2 
                             : 42. &ADV04 
                             : 43. &ADV05 
                             : 44. LADVEN 
                             : 45. ^ADVEN 
                             : 46. *ADVEN 
                             : 47. #ADVXX 
                             : 48. #ADVYY 
                             : 49. #ADVZZ 
                             : 50. %ADV01 
                             : 51. %ADV03 
                             : 52. %ADVX2 
                             : 53. %ADVY2 
                             : 54. %ADV04 
                             : 55. %ADV05 
                             : 56. %FIGHT 
                             : 57. ACOM 
                             : 58. ALINES 
                             : 59. %ADVEN 
                             : 60. LD.ADV 
                             : 61. RP.ADV 
                             : 62. GETMM      Mystery Mansion 
                             : 63. *MMM 
                             : 64. PUMM 
                             : 65. %MMM 
                             : 66. %MMBC
                             : 67. %MMSA
                             : 68. %MMSB
                             : 69. %MMSC
                             : 70. %MMRL
                             : 71. %MMSD
                             : 72. %MMSE
                             : 73. %MMSF
                             : 74. %MMSG
                             : 75. %MMSH
                             : 76. %MMSI
                             : 77. #MMM 
                             : 78. *SPMM
                             : 79. /MMM 
                             : 80. \MMM 
                             : 81. %ASTR1     More Star Treks 
                             : 82. %ASTR2 
                             : 83. %STRS0 
                             : 84. %STRS1 
                             : 85. %STRS2 
                             : 86. %STRS3 
                             : 87. %STRS4 
                             : 88. %STRS5 
                             : 89. %STRS6 
                             : 90. LD.STR 
                             : 91. RP.STR 
                             : 92. _SPACE     Games for 264X Terminals
                             : 93. _DRIVR 
                             : 94. _PONG
                             : 95. _HACMN 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4, RTE-4B, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN2, FTN4, FTN4X, FTN7X, ASMB, MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. GAMES 
                             : 2. DEMOS 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: R. A. Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 1040
                             : 811 Main St. 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This is a collections of games I have
         aquired over the years.  Some of them (noted) have been fixed
         to run under RTE-6VM.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RNOFF
    Title....................: Text Processor 
    File Names...............: 00.  Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 01. 'RNOFF   Submission File.
                             : 02. @RNOFF   LOADR command file. 
                             : 03. &RNOFF   Source, main. 
                             : 04. %RNOFF   Reloc, main.
                             : 05. &RNCOM   Source, block data. 
                             : 06. %RNCOM   Reloc, block data.
                             : 07. /FLAGS   Include Common File.
                             : 08. /HEDSN   Include Common File.
                             : 09. /INPT    Include Common File.
                             : 10. /NBRS    Include Common File.
                             : 11. /OUTPT   Include Common File.
                             : 12. /PICKP   Include Common File.
                             : 13. /QFILS   Include Common File.
                             : 14. /QIDX    Include Common File.
                             : 15. /QTOC    Include Common File.
                             : 16. /QTOF    Include Common File.
                             : 17. /QTRC    Include Common File.
                             : 18. /SCHRS   Include Common File.
                             : 19. /SCORE   Include Common File.
                             : 20. /VARBS   Include Common File.
                             : 21. &RNSUB   Source, FTN7X subrtns.
                             : 22. %RNSUB   Reloc, FTN7X subrtns. 
                             : 23. &RNSB1   Source, MACRO subrtns.
                             : 24. %RNSB1   Reloc, MACRO subrtns. 
                             : 25. [RNOFF   RNOFF Users Manual Doc. 
                             : 26. [RNOF1   Chapter-1 Docum.
                             : 27. [RNOF2   Chapter-2 Docum.
                             : 28. [RNOF3   Chapter-3 Docum.
                             : 29. [RNOF4   Chapter-4 Docum.
                             : 30. [RNOF5   Chapter-5 Docum.
                             : 31. [RNOF6   Ciapter-6 Docum.
                             : 32. [RNOF7   Chapter-7 Docum.
                             : 33. [RNOF8   Chapter-8 Docum.
                             : 34. [RNOAA   Appendix-A Docum. 
                             : 35. [RNOAB   Appendix-B Docum. 
                             : 36. [RNOAC   Appendix-C Docum. 
                             : 37. [RNOAD   Appendix-D Docum. 
                             : 38. [RNOAE   Appendix-E Docum. 
                             : 39. [RNOAF   Appendix-F Docum. 
                             : 40. ]RNOFF 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X, MACRO 
    Keywords.................: 1. DOCUMENTATION 
                             : 2. FORMATTING
                             : 3. REPORTS 
                             : 4. TEXT
                             : 5. WORD PROCESS
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
      RNOFF is a document or text processor which is best suited for
 generating program reference manuals and user's manuals. It is 
 similar to DEC's RUNOFF utility, but the commands differ somewhat. 
     This version was adapted from a program called RUNEM which was 
 developed by Bruce Stowell and Jim Bridges of the Data Systems 
 Division of Hewlett-Packard. Several features and enhancements have
 been added to the original, but the Bruce and Jim deserve the
 credit for the major design effort.
     RNOFF is a utility designed to facilitate document preparation 
 by providing a convenient method of formatting unformatted text. 
 RNOFF performs a variety of document formatting functions. These 
     - Margin alignment 
     - Indentation
     - Pagination 
     - Chapter, section, subsection, and detail numbering 
     - Headings, subheadings, and footings
     - Table of Contents
     - Table of Illustrations (figures) 
     - Index
     These functions are performed automatically and are controlled 
 by commands included within the document input text. RNOFF accepts 
 an input file of source text and commands and produces an output 
 file of formatted text. Source text and commands may be entered
 into the input file by any convenient method, such as EDIT/1000, 
 or cartridge tape, etc. Formatted text in the output file may also 
 be edited or printed as desired. 
     The principal benefit of this program is that once a source
 text file has been prepared, it may be easily edited. Text may be
 added, deleted, or reordered without the need to retype any
 unchanged material. After making changes to the input, RNOFF can 
 be used to generate a new copy which is properly formatted,
 paginated, and with a correct Table of Contents, Table of
 Illustrations, and Index.
     Documentation for this program is a user's reference manual, 
 contained in the file ]RNOFF. This manual was generated by RNOFF 
 using the text input file [RNOFF as shown below: 
     The other documentation files, [xxxxx, are similar to FMGR 
 transfer files or Fortran INCLUDE files and are referenced by the
 main documentation file [RNOFF.
     To load RNOFF on your system, use the LOADR command file 
 @RNOFF. You will also need two other submissions, the Subroutine 
 Library (L.SB) and the Library of FMP Interface Routines (FILES).
 RNOFF uses the routine ACSSG from the Subroutine Library. This 
 routine accesses a table in SSGA to get the LU# of a global
 scratch cartridge. To avoid a system generation, you can replace 
 the call to ACSSG in RNOFF with a hard-coded crn for a scratch 
 Additional Documentation....: 40. ]RNOFF - User's Manual (dumpable). 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LPN
    Title....................: A Fortran Linked List Processor. 
    File Names...............: 00.  Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 01. 'LPN     Submission File.
                             : 02. &LPN     Source. 
                             : 03. %LPN     Relocatable.
                             : 04. (NWLST   Module Docum. 
                             : 05. (ERASE   Module Docum. 
                             : 06. (ARBOT   Module Docum. 
                             : 07. (ARINS   Module Docum. 
                             : 08. (ARTOP   Module Docum. 
                             : 09. (WDBOT   Module Docum. 
                             : 10. (WDINS   Module Docum. 
                             : 11. (WDTOP   Module Docum. 
                             : 12. (ARPOP   Module Docum. 
                             : 13. (DELET   Module Docum. 
                             : 14. (EMPTY   Module Docum. 
                             : 15. (WDPOP   Module Docum. 
                             : 16. (ARENT   Module Docum. 
                             : 17. (ARRTN   Module Docum. 
                             : 18. (WDENT   Module Docum. 
                             : 19. (WDRTN   Module Docum. 
                             : 20. (ARCPC   Module Docum. 
                             : 21. (ARCPR   Module Docum. 
                             : 22. (WDCPC   Module Docum. 
                             : 23. (WDCPR   Module Docum. 
                             : 24. (ARORD   Module Docum. 
                             : 25. (WDORD   Module Docum. 
                             : 26. (BRBOT   Module Docum. 
                             : 27. (BRTOP   Module Docum. 
                             : 28. (COPY    Module Docum. 
                             : 29. (INCPT   Module Docum. 
                             : 30. (INSLT   Module Docum. 
                             : 31. (PRINT   Module Docum. 
                             : 32. (RESET   Module Docum. 
                             : 33. (RCOVR   Module Docum. 
                             : 34. (STATS   Module Docum. 
                             : 35. (LPN     LPN Ref Manual Docum. 
                             : 36. )LPN     LPN Ref Manual Formatted
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B,RTE-6/VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. ARRAY 
                             : 2. DATA MGMT 
                             : 3. LIBRARY 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     List Processor-N (LPN) is a set of list processing routines which
 augment the capabilities of FORTRAN by providing the programmer with 
 the ability to dynamically allocate arbitrarily complicated data 
 structures. The basic structure provided is a two dimensional array. 
     LPN was designed by David W. Bray and described in the article 
 "Dynamic Storage Routines for Fortran Programs", SIGPLAN Notices,
 Vol. 9, No. 9 (September 1974).
     This version is essentially identical to the original by David 
 Bray with minor changes for compatibility with the Hewlett-Packard 
 RTE operating environment. As an enhancement, the routine NRTN was 
 modified and a new routine, NRCOVR, was designed to return storage 
 locations to the pool of free words. 
     The list structures are maintained in a named common block, but
 the user may wish to modify the package to use the available memory
 behind the program in a partition (refer to the SIGPLAN article for
     The LPN package consists of a set of user-callable routines whose
 main purpose is to allow the user to dynamically allocate data 
 storage within Fortran programs. By the use of these routines, the 
 user may define FORTRAN-like two dimensional arrays which have a 
 specified number of columns byt an unspecified number of rows. The 
 number of rows may be modified at run-time. These arrays may be
 created and destroyed at run-time and each may have a different
 number of columns if desired.
 Additional Documentation....: 36. )LPN   - LPN Ref Manual (dumpable).
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LIBRN
    Title....................: Librarian for relocatable library files. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'LIBRN  Submission file 
                             : 2. %LIBRN  Relocatable 
                             : 3. &LIBRN  Source, FTN4X 
                             : 4. &LIBCM  Source, FTN4X 
                             : 5. &CKBYT  Source, ASMB
                             : 6. &DEMOD  Source, FTN4X 
                             : 7. &DIMOD  Source, FTN4X 
                             : 8. &FLSAV  Source, FTN4X 
                             : 9. >CRN  Source, FTN4X 
                             :10. &HELP   Source, FTN4X 
                             :11. &INDX   Source, FTN4X 
                             :12. &RPMOD  Source, FTN4X 
                             :13. &SEMOD  Source, FTN4X 
                             :14. &ADMOD  Source, FTN4X 
                             :15. &OMSUB  Source, FTN4X 
                             :16. &PARSE  Source, FTN4X 
                             :17. &COSUB  Source, FTN4X 
                             :18. &RFNAM  Source, FTN4X 
                             :19. &RWLIB  Source, FTN4X 
                             :20. &WRREC  Source, FTN4X 
                             :21. &BMOVE  Source, ASMB
                             :22. &CKEND  Source, FTN4X 
                             :23. &CKNAM  Source, FTN4X 
                             :24. &FMPER  Source, ASMB
                             :25. &RDLIB  Source, ASMB
                             :26. &RDREC  Source, FTN4X 
                             :27. &WMOVE  Source, ASMB
                             :28. $LIBRN  Relocatable library 
                             :29. "L.BRN  Ascii help file 
                             :30. "LIBRN  Information 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B and RTE-6 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X and ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
                             : 2. Relocatable 
                             : 3. Librarian 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Chuck Serene 
               Company.......: Bendix Corp. 
               Street........: 11600 Sherman Way
               City..........: N. Hollywood 
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 91605
               Phone Number..: (213) 765-1010 x439
 Program Abstract............: July 29, 1983
 Program LIBRN is used to Create or Modify relocatable library files. 
 Commands may be entered from the run string, command file or inter-
 actively to Add, Replace or Delete relocatable modules. Additionally 
 it will Display the library file contents and index the library for
 LINK. The relocatable modules may be the old or new extended format. 
 Additional Documentation....:
 See "LIBRN for command details.
 The file %LIBRN is provided for immediate loading. 
     RU,LIBRN,?       Will display help file "L.BRN 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FIGHT
    Title....................: Game of OTHELLO
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'FIGHT   Submission File 
                             : 02. %FIGHT 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Games 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 OTHELLO .... or, if you don't have a game partner, you can always match
 wits with the computer in a game of OTHELLO.  Playing the game is self-
 explanatory..... winning is something else!  Needs 264Xx of 262x terminal. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: INDEX
    Title....................: Part of the TEXED word processing package
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'INDEX   Submission File 
                             : 02. %INDEX 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Word processing 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Part of the TEXED word processing package...Used to sort and print a 
 document's index.  See TEXED comments. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TEXED
    Title....................: Word processing
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'TEXED   Submission File 
                             : 02. "TEXED 
                             : 03. %TEXED 
                             : 04. ?TEXED 
                             : 05. "TEXIX 
                             : 06. 'TEXIX 
                             : 07. "TEXXX 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Word processing 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Word processing on a mini?  Here it is.  Based on the oldie but goodie 
 RUNIT, TEXED will take text and formatting commands and produce a fine 
 document complete with table of contents, page numbers, and index, etc.
 Most of DSD's manuals use a form of TEXED.  See also INDEX program.
 To get a manual, load the %TEXED relocatable (no special parameter) and
       :RU, TEXED,"TEXED,6,"TEXIX 
 The output will go to LU 6 (may also be a file namr too.  To get the 
 index to the manual, laod %INDEX and then
 The file "TEXXX contains the commands for creating the index.  You will
 nedd to edit "TEXXX for the input file and output LU.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PRIBM
    Title....................: Process IBM magtapes 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'PRIBM   Submission File 
                             : 02. %PRIBM 
                             : 03. &PRIBM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Magtapes
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Who says we're not a large mainframe?  We can read, write and print
 IBM system tapes!  (A least with these programs we can).  Standard 
 EBCDIC labeled, FB files may be read or written so you don't have
 to hook up that RJE link and bog down both systems.  Now you just
 have to buy a magtape.  Companion programs are WTIBM and RDIBM.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RDIBM
    Title....................: Read IBM mag tapes 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'RDIBM   Submission File 
                             : 02. %RDIBM 
                             : 03. &RDIBM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Magtapes
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 See PRIBM for info on this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKEL 
    Title....................: Skeleton program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'SKEL    Submission File 
                             : 02. %SKEL
                             : 03. &SKEL
                             : 04. %SKELQ 
                             : 05. &SKELQ 
                             : 06. %SKELX 
                             : 07. &SKELX 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Program development 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 &SKEL is the FTN4 source of a skeleton program that demonstrates how 
 to do file/LU (namr) parameter capture from a program scheduling run-
 string.  It is a great starting point to create a file/LU to file/LU 
 program.  It is also heavily documented.  &SKELX is the same file
 written for FTN4X.  It contains some excellant FORTRAN subroutines 
 for error reporting, packed number conversion, and namr reporting. 
 XLOWR was created with SSKELX, and PRNTR was created with SKELQ. 
 (&SKELQ is &SKELX using &QSUBS calls and is the preferred skeleton 
 If the namr parameters are missing (null), the program will prompt 
 for the required information.  This technique allows a program to
 be scheduled via a batch mode (i.e., FMGR transfer file) and allow 
 full namr parameter satisfaction in the run string.  For example:
                        VS the
     :RU,PROGA,FI,NA,ME,SC,CR limitation using RMPAR
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: WTIBM
    Title....................: Write IBM tape 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'WTIBM   Submission File 
                             : 02. %WTIBM 
                             : 03. &WTIBM 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Magtapes
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 See PRIBM for info.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: XLOWR
    Title....................: Change upper case to lower case
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'XLOWR  Submission File
                             : 02. %XLOWR 
                             : 03. &XLOWR 
                             : 04. @XLOWR 
    Operating System.........:
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: HP 
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 Did you finally break down and get rid of your old uppercase-only
 terminals?  How about all that documentation you've created over 
 the years...nothing but capital letters.  Not to worry!  XLOWR will
 rescue you and allow your boss to congratulate you on all the extra
 time you put in retyping those old manuals, to say noting of 
 retyping all the comments in those assembler and FORTRAN programs. 
 XLOWR will translate everything to lower case but leave the first
 character following a period and space capatilized so that sentences 
 look good.  For program comments, you may specify from 1 to 6
 characters that start in column 1 to trigger translation, and also 
 for imbedded comments (i.e., ! for FTN4X), 1 to 6 characters to
 start translation with.  Used the SKELX program as a headstart.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SNAPSHOT 
    Title....................: RTE-6/VM System snapshot dump
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'SNAPS   Submission file. 
                             : 2. &SNAPS   Snapshot dump & display
                             : 3. &SNAPP   Snapshot printout
                             : 4. &SNLIB   Snapshot library 
                             : 5. #SNAPS   Link command file
                             : 6. #SNAPP   Link command file
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM only
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X & MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Dump
                             : 3. Snapshot
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: RTE-6/VM firmware
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: John L. Anderson Jr. 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Station 
               Street........: WQEC Code 331
               City..........: Seal Beach 
               State.........: CA.
               Country.......: USA. 
               Zip Code......: 90740
               Phone Number..: (213) 594-7351 
 Program Abstract............:
 This programs allow the user to monitor the data recorded by the RTE-6/VM
 'SN,n' command. System statistics such as interrupt counts, EXEC calls,
 program swaps etc. can be displayed in real time and recorded in s disc
 file for printout or plotting later. 'SNAPS' record the data and 'SNAPP' 
 formats it for printout. The 'SNLIB' is a modified version of the library
 available through Hewlett Packard training. The source code gives the
 format of the output. 'SN,500' is recommended for Crt displays.
 Additional Documentation....:
 How to run the programs: 
     Type - 'SN' for snap or 'CU' for cummulative 
     Name - Type 1 data file for recording
     Type -   'SN' for snapshot data
              'E1' for Exec calls 1-15
              'E2' for Exec calls 16-26 & RQ's
     Input -  Type 1 data file from recording 
     Output - Type 4 data file for printout 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SPELL
    Title....................: Check spelling of a document 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'SPELL   Submission file. 
                             : 2. &SPELL  Source
                             : 3. %SPELL  Binary
                             : 4. ^SPELL  Documentation  (WOLF format)
                             : 5. /SPELL  Documentation  (formatted)
                             : 6. DICTFL  Dictionary file (3889 words)
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Paul Abell 
               Street........: 151 Walnut 
               City..........: Lexington
               State.........: Kentucky 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 40592
               Phone Number..: 606-233-3537 
 Program Abstract............:
      The program, "SPELL", will check the spelling or FOG index
      of a file. Each word in the file is checked against a 
      dictionary file, which is supplied, but can be created if 
      desired. The supplied documentation completely describes
      the operation of the program and how to set up the necessary
      The documentation is supplied in raw WOLF format and formatted. 
      The run string for WOLF should look like this:
      In my case, the TTY was a GE terminet model 200 printer, set
      up for 8 lines per inch and 10 cpi. The second documentation
      file is the product of the WOLF program in a type four file.
      You should be able to "DU"mp it to a printer without any
      problems. EX:  DU,/SPELL,6
      Dont forget the file was set up and run with 8 lines/inch.
      To set this file up for the lineprinter use EDIT-1000 to
      change all form-feed characters to a one (1). 
      "SPELL" has 3 run line options and an experimental 4th. 
      option. "SPELL,1,1,0,1" 
      This fourth option will cause the misspelled words to be
      printed in a different manner. The whole line is printed
      out with a line below it containing stars or asterisks
      positioned underneath the misspelled word. The idea 
      is to correct the word on the line or not and then hit
      carriage return. The unimplemented part is, that is where 
      I left it. The next step would be to reread the line
      and copy it to another file when all of the words on that 
      line have been checked. This was a lot of unecessary
      overhead I thought, so I didnt finish coding the rest of
      the subroutine. For those of you willing to finish it,
      happy coding! 
      A word on speed. The program will work faster if you will 
      store the dictionary file on a separate disk LU from the
      file being checked. A good average time for this program
      is about 2 min. 20 sec. for 568 words. I expect this to 
      vary greatly from machine to machine due to CPU load, 
      processor model, etc. The above time was derived from 
      a RTE-4B system, 320k of memory, 28k partitions, E-series 
      processor, one 7925 disk and two 7906 disk drives. The
      priority was set to 99. A lower priority should speed it up.
      The dictionary file was on one of the 7906s and the file being
      checked was on the 7925. The system was lightly loaded at 
      at the time.
  Loading instructions......: 
      I have had trouble, in the past, restoring binary files.
      They are usually restored as type 3 or 4s. If you 
      experience problems using the binary file, try storing
      it to another file using the namr format, specifying a type 
      5 file. EX:  ST,%SPELL,%SPEL:::5
      Also, when sorting the dictionary file, you might have to 
      use the EDIT-1000 program to remove trailing blanks from
      each line. The sort program I am using leaves trailing blanks 
      on each line in the file. These must be removed or the program
      will not work properly. You can accomplish this in one line 
      if you like. EX:  EDIT,DICTFL,BK
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MKXFR
    Title....................: Make Transfer File Utility 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 1. 'MKXFR   Submission File. 
                             : 2. @MKXFR   LOADR command file.
                             : 3. &MKXFR   Program source.
                             : 4. %MKXFR   Program relocatable. 
                             : 5. [MKXFR   Prog Docum (RNOFF input).
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. DIRECTORY 
                             : 2. DISC
                             : 3. FILES 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program will scan the directory of the specified disc 
 cartridge and create a transfer file containing the specified
 File Manager (FMGR) commands using the filenames from the
 directory which match a user-supplied "namr" filter. The FMGR
 commands presently implemented are STore, DUmp, LIst, PUrge, 
 ReName, RP and SP. 
 The program is table driven such that additional command 
 models could be added without too much difficulty. 
 Further information regarding loading and use of this utility
 can be found in the documentation file [MKXFR. To produce
 printable documentation, the program RNOFF and the Utilities 
 Reference Manual file [L.UTL are needed (both are separate 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: T!ME 
    Title....................: RTE Time Set & Monitor.
    File Names...............: 0.  Rename Transfer File.
                             : 1. 'T!ME    Submission File. 
                             : 2. @T!ME    LOADR command File.
                             : 3. &T!ME    Source, time set prog. 
                             : 4. %T!ME    Reloc, time set prog.
                             : 5. @T!MER   LOADR command File.
                             : 6. &T!MER   Source, monitor prog.
                             : 7. %T!MER   Reloc, monitor prog. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. BOOT-UP 
                             : 2. DATE
                             : 3. TIME
                             : 4. MONITOR 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 The T!ME program is only run at boot-up time from the WELCOM file. 
 It displays the most recent known system time/date in the format 
 "hhmm ddmmmyy" and then allows the user to edit the displayed
 time and date using a "/", much like EDIT line edits. The edited 
 values are converted to the proper format and stored into $TIME to 
 actually set RTE's clock. The new time and date is also stored in
 the file !TIME! in a push-down fashion. If the !TIME! file does
 not exist, T!ME creates it as !TIME!:RT:-2:4:1. An optional feature
 of the T!ME program will report the contents of the !TIME! file. 
 The T!MER program is time scheduled by T!ME and runs outside of
 session. Its frequency of execution is set by the call parameters
 of T!ME (default is every 5 minutes). Each time T!MER runs, it 
 updates the top record in the file !TIME!::-2 with the current 
 date and time from the $TIME, but the boot-up time is unchanged. 
 In this manner, the !TIME! file maintains a history of the 15 most 
 recent system boots and the amount of system up/down time. 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load both of these utilities. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MGETX
    Title....................: Multi-file MT Get Utility. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 1. 'MGETX   Submission File. 
                             : 2. @MGETX   LOADR command file.
                             : 3. &MGETX   Program Source.
                             : 4. %MGETX   Program Relocatable. 
                             : 5. [MGETX   Prog Docum (RNOFF input).
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. ARCHIVE 
                             : 2. FMP BACKUPS 
                             : 3. MAGNETIC TAPE 
                             : 4. SAVE/RESTORE
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program will restore one, several, or all disc files from a 
 "WRITX" or "WRITT" type mag tape file to the specified disc
 cartridge. Using interactive commands, the user may manipulate a 
 copy of the mag tape directory and then restore one or more files
 to the disc with a single command. 
 MGETX recognizes the following commands: 
     ?? - Help, "??,cmd" explains "cmd" syntax/usage. 
     AD - Add file(s) to disc per MT directory. 
     CL - Clear DON'T TAKE flag(s) in MT directory. 
     DL - Directory List of mag tape file.
     EX - Exit (also /E and EN).
     FC - Find Cartridge backup file on MT. 
     FI - Find file# 'n' on MT. 
     MA - Mark file(s) as DON'T TAKE in MT directory. 
     PU - Purge file(s) from MT directory.
     RE - Restore file(s) to disc per MT directory. 
     RN - Rename file(s) in the MT directory. 
     SK - Set Sector Skip value.
 Further information regarding loading and use of this utility
 can be found in the documentation file [MGETX. To produce
 printable documentation, the program RNOFF and the Utilities 
 Reference Manual file [L.UTL are needed (both are separate 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: WRITX
    Title....................: Disc Cartridge MT Backup Utility 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 1. 'WRITX   Submission File. 
                             : 2. @WRITX   LOADR command file.
                             : 3. &WRITX   Program source.
                             : 4. %WRITX   Program relocatable. 
                             : 5. [WRITX   Prog Docum (RNOFF input).
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. ARCHIVE 
                             : 2. FMP BACKUPS 
                             : 3. MAGNETIC TAPE 
                             : 4. SAVE/RESTORE
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
 This program will copy the specified disc cartridge(s) to magnetic 
 tape files. The user may specify the starting file number and one
 or more disc cartridges to be saved. Each file on the mag tape will
 contain a descriptive heading record followed by the disc image in 
 one track records. Both the disc directory and the data areas are
 copied to tape while unused disc areas are not copied. 
 WRITX was created from HP's WRITT utility, but has the following 
     - Multiple disc cartridges can be saved during a single
       execution of WRITX.
     - WRITX will operate non-interactively via a run-string
       command file.
     - If executed non-session or by a member of the SYS group, 
       WRITX will automatically mount a cartridge, copy it to 
       MT, and then dismount the disc if it was not in the
       cartridge list. The disc LU is added to the user's SST if
       required and then removed after the backup.
     - WRITX locks the cartridge during backup. If a user has 
       a file open, WRITX will wait until the user releases the 
       disc and then lock it and perform the backup. This means 
       that system backup can be performed while users are
       logged on with no destructive interference and very little 
       inconvenience to the the users.
 For restoration, WRITX is compatible with HP's READT (92084-16568, 
 Rev.2121). In addition, the utility MGETX (a separate submission)
 is available to restore multiple disc files from a WRITX mag tape
 Further information regarding loading and use of this utility
 can be found in the documentation file [WRITX. To produce
 printable documentation, the program RNOFF and the Utilities 
 Reference Manual file [L.UTL are needed (both are separate 
 The Subroutine Library, L.SB, (a separate submission) is required
 to load this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RXREF
    Title....................: Relocatable Cross Reference
    File Names...............: 0. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 1. 'RXREF   Submission File. 
                             : 2. @RXREF   LOADR command File.
                             : 3. &RXREF   Source.
                             : 4. %RXREF   Relocatable. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: MACRO
    Keywords.................: 1. CROSSREFERENCE
                             : 2. RELOCATABLE 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     This program will produce a cross reference of the modules used
 by a specific program. The cross reference output consists of 1) a 
 listing of each module, its size, entry points, externals, and nam 
 comment, 2) a listing of each module, its call depth level, and the
 modules which reference it, 3) a listing of each entry point symbol, 
 the defining module, and the modules which reference the symbol, and 
 4) a listing of the undefined external symbols and the modules which 
 reference them.
     RXREF can be run interactively or from a command file. Also, the 
 output can be directed to the user's terminal or the line printer. 
 Additional Documentation....: Refer to source listing. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: L.UTL
    Title....................: Utilities Reference Manual 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename Transfer File. 
                             : 1. 'L.UTL   Submission File. 
                             : 2. [MODEL   Model Chapter Documentation. 
                             : 3. [L.UTL   Utilities Ref Mnl (RNOFF input). 
                             : 4. ]L.UTL
    Operating System.........: n.a. 
    Language(s)..............: n.a. 
    Keywords.................: 1. DOCUMENTATION 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Donze 
               Company.......: Reliance Electric Co.
               Street........: 29325 Chagrin Blvd.
               City..........: Cleveland
               State.........: Ohio 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 44122
               Phone Number..: (216) 266-7319 
 Program Abstract............:
     This contribution is a Utilities Reference Manual which
 describes the use, operation, and installation of the following
 HP-1000 utility programs (separate submissions): 
            FL    - File List Utility.
            MGETX - Multi-File MT Get Utility.
            MKXFR - Make Transfer File Utility. 
            WHO   - Session Activity Report Utility.
            WRITX - Disc Cartridge MT Backup Utility. 
     Documentation for each of the above utilities is contained in a
 file with the name [xxxxx which is a part of the contribution for
 that utility. For example, the documentation for the MGETX program 
 is in the file [MGETX which is one of the files of the MGETX 
     The file [L.UTL is used as the input file to the RNOFF program 
 to generate the printable manual, ]L.UTL, as shown below:
     A hardcopy of the Utilities Reference Manual can be obtained by
 simply dumping the output file to the printer. 
     The documentation file for each utility, such as [WRITX, is
 similar to a FMGR transfer file or a Fortran INCLUDE file and is 
 referenced by the main documentation file [L.UTL.
     The file [MODEL is simply a model for a chapter in the Utilities 
 Reference Manual. When a new utility is to be added, [MODEL is used
 to create the [xxxxx file so that some consistencey is maintained. 
     If you wish to change the manual (such as the name on the front
 cover), use EDIT/1000 to change the appropriate documentation input
 file [xxxxx. Then, use RNOFF to generate a new output. 
     Refer to the documentation for the RNOFF utility (a separate 
 submission) for further details regarding the generation of a
 formatted manuals. 
 Additional Documentation....: 4. ]L.UTL - Utilities Ref Mnl (dumpable).
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                  PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
    TITLE....................:CLASS NUMBER CONTROL
    FILE NAMES...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'CNCTL   Submission file 
                             : 02. &CNCTL   class#control 
                             : 03. &CNERR   error reporting 
                             : 04. &CNMST   master for maintenance
                             : 05. &CNINT   initialize system 
                             : 06. &CNGET   class# get
                             : 07. &CNRLS   class# release
                             : 08. ARTCLE   article describing this system
    OPERATING SYSTEM.........: RTE-4B 
    LANGUAGE(S)..............: FORTRAN 4X 
    KEYWORDS.................: 1. SYSTEM
                             : 2. CLASS 
                             : 3. ERROR 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External support req'd...:
    If re-submission, reason.:
               COMPANY.......: BLH ELECTRONICS
               STREET........: 42 FOURTH AVE. 
               CITY..........: WALTHAM
               STATE.........: MASS 
               COUNTRY       : USA
               ZIP CODE......: 02254
               PHONE NUMBER..: (617) 890-6700 
 PROGRAM ABSTRACT............: This package is a set of programs and
 subroutines used for controlling the allocation and deallocation of
 class numbers so that numbers hung by aborted programs can be recovered. 
 The package includes a system description in article form(this may 
 appear in a future issue of TC Interface.
 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION...: I am presently working for BLH Electronics
 a consulting basis, so anyone with questions sholud contact me at: 
                  Ed Prochak
                  24 Millville Street 
                  Salem, New Hampshire  03079.
         You may also call at (603) 893-6346, but I am usually working full-
         The programs and subroutines are all well documented, so there 
         should be few problems.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: $D0057, &PICTR 
    Title....................: Graphics/1000-II DGL Raster Device Handler 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'D0057   Submission file 
                             : 02. $D0057   Graphics/1000-II DGL raster device
                             :              handler relocatable library 
                             : 03. RSTHLP   raster graphics device handler
                             :              documentation 
                             : 04. &PICTR   graphics translator program source
                             : 05. RSTNOT   raster translator program 
                             :              documentation 
                             : 06. RDYPLT   procedure file to RP program PICTR
                             :              for a session 
                             : 07. COMMNT   comments on software usage
                             : 08. &TESTG   graphics test program source
                             : 09. &DSCOT   PICTUR dump program source
                             :              (to an HP2608A printer) 
                             : 10. PICTUR   sample raster picture file
    Operating System.........: RTE-M, RTE-IVB 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics/1000-II
                             : 2. Test
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External support req'd...:
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ronald L. Ruth, Systems Engineer 
                             : ATD/RAF/DMG
               Company.......: National Center for Atmospheric Research 
               Streets.......: P.O. Box 3000
               City..........: Boulder
               State.........: Colorado 
               Country.......: U.S.A. 
               Zip Code......: 80307
               Phone Number..: (303) 497-1048 
 Program Abstract............: This device handler will work with almost
   any raster display.  At present, only two colors (black and white) are 
   supported.  Graphics commands are sent from the graphics application 
   program to the raster translator program (generic name PICTR) via CLASS
   I/O.  A picture is assembled within the translator program using a large 
   integer array.  When the picture is finished, the translator program 
   dumps the image to the raster device.
 Additional Documentation....: This software was written by Mary Griffith 
                                and Craig Walther.
  The file $D0057 is a library of DGL raster device handler subroutines 
  created with hp's Skeleton Device Handler (rev. 2126).  When loading
  a graphics applications program using this handler, first search $D0057,
  then the main hp Graphics/1000-II library $DIDD.
  The raster conversion program &PICTR gets plot instructions from the
  device handler (via CLASS I/O) and creates a picture in its large memory
  buffer.  Each CLASS buffer is an array of x and y pixel coordinates.  Each
  coordinate is decoded, and its corresponding pixel is set in the picture
  array, each word corresponding to 16 pixels.
  One thing you will have to do is SP the final version of PICTR on a 
  cartridge other than LU#'s 2 or 3, because the device handler schedules 
  the FMGR with a procedure file (RDYPLT) to: 
         RN,PICTR:sc:crn,PICxx  (where xx is the session number)
  allowing multiple users to access the graphics package.  This cannot be 
  done if PICTR is SP'ed to a system disk.  As an alternative, if PICTR is
  SP'ed on a system disk, one could change the procedure file, to store 
  the renamed copy of PICTR (PICxx) on a user's disk cartridge, RP it,
  then purge it.  The purge would not work for RTE-6VM, of course.
  The file RDYPLT needs to be modified to accept your own security code 
  and cartridge reference number.  We currently have this graphics package
  up and running.  This device handler can output to any of the following 
  devices:  hp2608A printer, hp9876A printer, 7970E mag tape file (and
  probably a hp264XA mini-cartridge) or a disk file.
  Suggestions:  Load programs with "OP,LB."  PICTR could be an EMA program. 
  The program DSCOT is used to create line printer pictures from the
  file PICTUR.  When the hp2608A line printer is put in graphics mode,
  one record of binary data is equivalent to one line of pixels.  The 
  graphics file (PICTUR:8224:G) format is one record per line of pixels,
  16 pixels per word.  Each "1" is a dot, and each "0" is a blank.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MAK33
    Title....................: Create &$TM33 for peripheral CS-80 disks 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'MAK33   Submission file 
                             : 02. &MAK33   Source
                             : 03. %MAK33   Relocatable 
                             : 04. TRKLST   Sample input file 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN 7X 
    Keywords.................: 1. CS-80 
                             : 2. Disks 
                             : 3. Track map table 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: CS-80 disk 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: F. Stephen Gauss 
               Company.......: U.S. Naval Observatory 
               Street........: 34th & Mass. Ave. NW 
               City..........: Washington 
               State.........: DC 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20390
               Phone Number..: 202-653-1510 
 Program Abstract............: MAK33 accepts a file as input containing 
   a list of LU sizes in tracks.  It builds an assembly language file 
   which is the source code for the track map table for a CS-80 disk
   (&$TM33).  Information on model number, unit address, and list device
   can be included.  TRKLST is a sample input file. 
   To get started, RUN,MAK33,??.
 Additional Documentation....: This program handles CS-80 drive models
                               7908, 7911, 7912, 7914, 7933, and 7935.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: UPDF1
    Title....................: Program to change type 1 file values 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'UPDF1   Submission file 
                             : 02. &UPDF1   Main program source 
                             : 03. %UPDF1   Relocatable 
                             : 04. &BLOCK   Block mode term. read (subr)
                             : 05. %BLOCK   Relocatable 
                             : 06. #UPDF1   Loader command file 
    Operating System.........: RTE IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. FMP 
                             : 3. Files 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Ed Crince
               Company.......: Hydrographic Dept. 
               Street........: Badhuisweg 171 
               City..........: The Hague
               State.........: Z-H
               Country.......: Netherlands
               Zip Code......: 2597 JN
               Phone Number..: (070)-814261 #2809 
 Program Abstract............:
 UPDF1 is an "easy to work with" interactive update program for 
 changing integer or real values in type 1 files. 
 It executes on any 26xx terminal with the inverse video option and 
 block-mode facillities.
 To start : RU,UPDF1 will do. 
 The operator LU is set to 1 (Change LU in source if required)
 The List LU is also set to 1 (Change LL in source if required) 
 The program asks for the type 1 file-namr and then comes in the
 command-mode where a number of possible commands are displayed 
 if a "H" is typed. 
 If a "N" is typed the next record is displayed in block-mode and 
 changes can be made with the terminal-edit keys. Then the ENTER
 key has to be pushed for reading the display. The program will 
 display the number of changes made.
 Command "W" will actually write the record to the file.
 See the "H" option for more possible commands. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: Aesop
    Title....................: Graphics Application Program 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'AESOP   Submission file 
                             : 02. *WSP 
                             : 03. *ZMN 
                             : 04. =ZMN 
                             : 05. &CRT 
                             : 06. &PLOT
                             : 07. &DIGT
                             : 08. =DIGT
                             : 09. =CRT 
                             : 10. =PLOT
                             : 11. &LINAR 
                             : 12. &PLOTT 
                             : 13. &AREA
                             : 14. &HHELP 
                             : 15. &AESOP 
                             : 16. ACOMPL 
                             : 17. FONT2
                             : 18. FONT3
                             : 19. FONT4
                             : 20. FONT5
                             : 21. FONT6
                             : 22. /AESOP 
                             : 23. #AINDX 
                             : 24. &ASPLO 
                             : 25. ^ASPLO 
                             : 26. &TEXT
                             : 27. &P2608 
                             : 28. =P2608 
                             : 29. /ASPLO 
                             : 30. =P7580 
                             : 31. &P7580 
                             : 32. &D9874 
                             : 33. =D9874 
                             : 34. &T2623 
                             : 35. =T2623 
                             : 36. FONT1
                             : 37. =T2627 
                             : 38. &T2627 
                             : 39. &SAVE
                             : 40. ^AESOP 
                             : 41. &AIDS
                             : 42. &ASUBS 
                             : 43. &FIGUR 
                             : 44. "AESOP 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Slides
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: Graphics/1000-II(AGP,DGL)
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bellevue Technical SEO 
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard Co. NSR
               Street........: 15815 S.E. 37th
               City..........: Bellevue 
               State.........: Washington 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 98006
               Phone Number..: (206) 643-4000 
 Program Abstract............:
   The primary function of the Aesop software package is a replacement
   for the BRUNO package on the HP1000 computer.  This package provides 
   a tool for the development of overhead slides.  Aesop allows for the 
   manufacture of general presentation posters and flyers.  The basic 
   printing mechanisms for the slides and posters are the HP plotters.
   The current version of Aesop can only be run on an E or F series 
   HP1000 computer.  The software package requires RTE-6/VM operating 
   system to provide large program capability.  The software utilizes the 
   Advanced Graphics package of GRAPHICS/1000-II for supportable graphics 
   and device independence.  At least on 100 page memory partition may be 
   required if more of the program is desired to be memory resident or
   EMA is to be utilized instead of VMA.
   Note: There are several known ommisions in this program.  Currently
   there is no area fill or area move, delete and clone. The HELP module
   was never finished, so selecting the HELP softkeys will give you no
   additional information.  The LINE/ARC module was originally intended 
   to utilize forms and block mode, time constraints did not allow this 
   to happen. Finally, there is no was to clear out the current slide and 
   start anew.
   Aesop is a softkey driven system with some functions incorporated into a 
   forms mode of operation.  The following run command should be used;
     RU,AESOP,crt,plotter,digitizer,term LU,plot LU,digit LU,extension
          crt = crt WSP name
          plotter = plotter WSP name
          digitizer = digitizer WSP name
          extension = file name for the SDA extension 
     Defaults are:
     The program ASPLOT does the actual plotting of the slide and can be
     run independently from AESOP.  The following run command should be 
          RU,ASPLOT,namr,flag,plotter lu
          namr = slide or batch file namr 
          flag = 1 or 2 for slide or batch file 
          plotter = plotter WSP name
          plotter lu = logical unit number of plotter 
 Additional Documentation....:
     Loading Aesop
     AGP of GRAPHICS/1000-II must be loaded as required for the supported 
     graphics devices attached to the system.  For example: module ZMNTR
     and all necessary WSP's must be loaded as shown in the AGP 
     documentation.  If a 2508 line printer is to be utilized, then RTRAN 
     program must be loaded as defined in the Device Handlers documentation.
     The program DLX(from the Software Service Kit for SE's) must be
     The program ASPLOT can be loaded using the transfer file /ASPLO
     and the LOADR command file ^ASPLO. 
     The program AESOP can be loaded using the transfer file /AESOP and 
     the MLLDR command file ^AESOP. 
     The file "AESOP contains an explanation of the softkeys. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: UTILI1 
    Title....................: Data Curve Manipulaton and Display 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'UTIL1  Submission File
                             : 02. ^UTILI  Loader command file
                             : 03. "UTILI  Manual for UTILI 
                             : 04. /UTILI  Compile Transfer File
                             : 05. &UTM00  Main 
                             : 06. &UTM01  Block Data 
                             : 07. >OKN  Subroutine GTOKEN
                             : 08. &INLIT  Subroutine INLIST
                             : 09. &JSCOM  Function JSCOM 
                             : 10. &UT000  Segment UTIL0
                             : 11. &UT001  Subroutine INITIA
                             : 12. &UT002  Subroutine COMPRS
                             : 13. &UT100  Segment UTIL1
                             : 14. &UT101  READ command processor 
                             : 15. &UT102  SAVE command processor 
                             : 16. &UT103  FREAD command processor
                             : 17. &UT104  AREAD command processor
                             : 18. &UT105  ASAVE command processor
                             : 19. &UT111  Block Data 
                             : 20. &UTU01  Function NEWNAM
                             : 21. &UTU02  Function ALLOC 
                             : 22. &IOERS  Subroutine IOERMS
                             : 23. &FILPR  Subroutine FILPAR
                             : 24. &STRRA  Subroutine STRREA
                             : 25. &XLATE  Subroutine XLATE 
                             : 26. &UT200  Segment UTIL2
                             : 27. &UT201  DELETE command processor 
                             : 28. &UT202  DIRECTORY command processor
                             : 29. &UT203  ALLOCATE command processor 
                             : 30. &STRIT  Subroutine STRINT
                             : 31. &UT300  Segment UTIL3
                             : 32. &UT301  DISPLAY command processor
                             : 33. &UT302  END command processor
                             : 34. &UT303  PRINT command processor
                             : 35. &UT304  EDIT command processor 
                             : 36. &UT311  Subroutien GETDS 
                             : 37. &UTU03  Subroutine SERPAR
                             : 38. &PLTD0  Subroutine SCALE 
                             : 39. &PLTD7  Subroutine XYPLT 
                             : 40. &GRASE  Subroutine GRASE 
                             : 41. &PLTD5  Subroutine PLAY
                             : 42. &PLTD3  Subroutine MINMX 
                             : 43. &INTSR  Subroutine INTSTR
                             : 44. &UT400  Segment UTIL4
                             : 45. &UT401  LET command processor
                             : 46. &UT402  SHIFT command processor
                             : 47. &UT403  SUM command processor
                             : 48. &UT404  DIFFERENCE command processor 
                             : 49. &UT405  PEAK command processor 
                             : 50. &UT411  Subroutine ARITH 
                             : 51. &UT412  Subroutine SUMDF 
                             : 52. &UT500  Segment UTIL5
                             : 53. &UT501  PKSF1 pre-processor
                             : 54. &UT511  INTEGER command processor
                             : 55. &UT512  DERIVATIVE command processor 
                             : 56. &UT513  SMOOTH command processor 
                             : 57. &UT600  Segment UTIL6
                             : 58. &UT601  AXIS command processor 
                             : 59. &UT611  Subroutine AXIUP 
                             : 60. &UT602  PLOT command processor 
                             : 61. &UT621  Subroutine GPLAY 
                             : 62. &UT622  Subroutine PLXY
                             : 63. &UT603  TEXT command processor 
                             : 64. %UTM00  Relocatable files
                             : 65. %UTM01 
                             : 66. %GTOKN 
                             : 67. %INLIT 
                             : 68. %JSCOM 
                             : 69. %UT000 
                             : 70. %UT001 
                             : 71. %UT002 
                             : 72. %UT100 
                             : 73. %UT101 
                             : 74. %UT102 
                             : 75. %UT103 
                             : 76. %UT104 
                             : 77. %UT105 
                             : 78. %UT111 
                             : 79. %UTU01 
                             : 80. %UTU02 
                             : 81. %IOERS 
                             : 82. %FILPR 
                             : 83. %STRRA 
                             : 84. %XLATE 
                             : 85. %UT200 
                             : 86. %UT201 
                             : 87. %UT202 
                             : 88. %UT203 
                             : 89. %STRIT 
                             : 90. %UT300 
                             : 91. %UT301 
                             : 92. %UT302 
                             : 93. %UT303 
                             : 94. %UT304 
                             : 95. %UT311 
                             : 96. %UTU03 
                             : 97. %PLTD0 
                             : 98. %PLTD7 
                             : 99. %GRASE 
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Curves
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Dana Walbridge 
               Company.......: The Johns Hopkins University 
               Street........: Charles and 34th Streets 
                             : Department of Biology
               City..........: Baltimore
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21218
               Phone Number..: (301) 338-7298 
 Program Abstract............:
   UTILI is a program which was originally written to perform simple
 arithmetic operations on or between data curves.  Although the 
 most common applications within our environment involve manipulations
 of fluorescence and absorbance spectra, UTILI is sufficiently
 general to handle almost any type of data set.  Some of the features of
 UTILI include: (1)  arithmetic operations on or between data arrays; 
 (2)  log and exponential functions on the values in an array;
 (3)  integration, differentiation, linear interpolation, smoothing,
 and shifting of elements within arrays; and (4) graphics display of
 data on HP2648A and HP2623A graphics terminals.  In addition, data 
 sets may be entered and stored several different ways.  The user has 
 the capability of reading data from or storing data to either ASCII
 or binary files. See the manual file "UTILI for a more complete
 description of the capabilities of UTILI.
   This version uses 27 pages of memory.
 Additional Documentation....: See "UTILI and individual source files 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: UTILI2 
    Title....................: Data Curve Manipulaton and Display 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename Transfer File 
                             : 01. 'UTIL2  Submission File
                             : 02. %PLTD5  Relocatable files
                             : 03. %PLTD3 
                             : 04. %INTSR 
                             : 05. %UT400 
                             : 06. %UT401 
                             : 07. %UT402 
                             : 08. %UT403 
                             : 09. %UT404 
                             : 10. %UT405 
                             : 11. %UT411 
                             : 12. %UT412 
                             : 13. %UT500 
                             : 14. %UT501 
                             : 15. %UT511 
                             : 16. %UT512 
                             : 17. %UT513 
                             : 18. %UT600 
                             : 19. %UT601 
                             : 20. %UT611 
                             : 21. %UT602 
                             : 22. %UT621 
                             : 23. %UT622 
                             : 24. %UT603 
                             : 25. FILE       Example ASCII input data
                             : 26. AFILE      Example ASCII output data 
                             : 27. NSPEC1     Example binary data file
                             : 28. NBACKG     Example binary data file
    Operating System.........: RTE-4B, RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Curves
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Dana Walbridge 
               Company.......: The Johns Hopkins University 
               Street........: Charles and 34th Streets 
                             : Department of Biology
               City..........: Baltimore
               State.........: Maryland 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 21218
               Phone Number..: (301) 338-7298 
 Program Abstract............:
   This is the second part in a two-part contribution of UTILI. 
   The last four files included with this contribution are sample 
 data files that one can use to test UTILI and familiarize oneself
 with the program operation.
 Additional Documentation....: "UTILI and source files
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: Standard Tape Label Read Program 
    Title....................: Program to read Digital Equipment Corp.
                             : Standard Label tapes generated by PIP
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'STDTL
                             : 2. "STDTL
                             : 3. &STDTL
                             : 4. /STDTL
                             : 5. *STDTL
                             : 6. >NAM
                             : 7. &SIERR
                             : 8. &MSORT
                             : 9. &XWRD 
    Operating System.........: RTE6 VM
    Language(s)..............: FORTRAN
    Keywords.................: 1. Magtapes
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Norman L. Sturdevant 
               Company.......: Hughes Aircraft Co.
               Street........: 8433 Fallbrook Ave.
               City..........: Canoga Park
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 91304
               Phone Number..: (818) 702-2930 
 Program Abstract............: This program reads a tape generated
on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP11 computer by the PIP subsystem. 
It first presents a list of files on the tape on the local list device
which is defaulted to the local CRT.  It then queries the operator
which files he wishes to restore.  The files can be referenced by 
file number or name and directed to be stored to a namr. 
 Additional Documentation....: See "STDTL and &STDTL Listing
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LDSK 
    Title....................: Load Absolute Program from RTE-6/VM or 4B. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'LDSK   Submission file.
                             : 2. &LDSK   FORTRAN program 
                             : 3. &CDISK  Assembly subroutine 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM or RTE-4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4 
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: $L5NOS (concurrently submitted library). 
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George (Jeff) Wynne
               Company.......: USN Ordnance Station 
               Street........: Code 301A, bldg 759
               City..........: Indian Head
               State.........: MD.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20640
               Phone Number..: (301) 743-4892 
 Program Abstract............:
    This is LDISK (submitted by J. Morris in PLUS/1000 rev-2140)
    modified to solicit file NAMR and S & P register setting
    from the terminal operator.  It starts the program automatically
    now.  Several other enhancements  have been added.  Both &LDSK
    and &CDISK have been changed.  The program uses the FMP routines. 
    It uses EMA and a mother  partition of about 41 pages.
             LOADR commands 
    The program will solicit the operator terminal for
    the NAMR of the type-7 FMP file containing the
    program to be loaded and for the 'start-up' P & S 
    register values.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RPT6 
    Title....................: A Program to check program transportability. 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'RPT6   Submission file.
                             : 2. *RPT6   Loads RPT6, OF and RP.
                             : 3. &RPT6   Source file.
                             : 4. %RPT6   Relocatable file. 
                             : 5. %OF     Relocatable for program OF. 
                             : 6. %RP     Relocatable for program RP. 
                             : 7. $LIBHS  Haystack composite library. 
                             : 8. $LIBHI: 8. $LIBHS indexed for LINK. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. System
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: $L5NOS (concurrently submitted library). 
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George (Jeff) Wynne
               Company.......: USN Ordnance Station 
               Street........: Code 301A, bldg 759
               City..........: Indian Head
               State.........: MD.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20640
               Phone Number..: (301) 743-4892 
 Program Abstract............:
     RU,RPT6 [,listlu]
     This program looks at all type-6 files on all mounted cartridges 
     and attempts to RP each of them.  If the RP succeeds, it then
     OFs the program, otherwise it prints or displays the file name,
     crn and the FMGR error.  FMGR 023 error (program name already
     assigned an ID segment is NOT displayed), but total of these 
     is displayed at the end. 
     RPT6 is useful for finding non-transportable type-6's (FMGR 019).
     RPT6 uses programs OF & RP from the HAYSTACK Composite Library 
     (best to include RP & OF in your sys-gen, but can just RP them 
     before running RPT6).  This program also uses modules from the 
     Haystack library $LIBHS.  All of these modules were included in
     the CSL/1000 rev 2240 contributed libray tape from the HP/1000 
     International User's Group.  Some are duplicated here to facilate
     LOADING in RTE-6/VM System.
     TR,*RPT6,lu/crn        where lu/crn is the disk lu or cart.
                            ref. # wher programs OF, RP and RPT6
                            will be SPed. 
     If LINK not in ypur RTE-6 system, list *RPT6 and run LOADR 
     using the files indicated for LINK.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FANN 
    Title....................: An Interactive Utility for File Manipulation.
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'FANN   Submission file 
                             : 2. "FANN   Documentation file
                             : 3. %FANN   Relocatable coresp. &FANN 
                             : 4. $FANLB  Relocatable library for FANN. 
                             : 5. &FANN   Source file 
                             : 6. %LIT    Relocatable for program LIT.
                             : 7. &DLZ    Source for PROGRAM DLZ. 
                             : 8. &DLX    Source for PROGRAM DLX. 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM and RTE-4B. 
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X or FTN4X 
    Keywords.................: 1. Files 
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: $L5NOS (concurrently submitted library). 
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George (Jeff) Wynne
               Company.......: USN Ordnance Station 
               Street........: Code 301A, bldg 759
               City..........: Indian Head
               State.........: MD.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20640
               Phone Number..: (301) 743-4892 
 Program Abstract............:
     For a given disk cartridge, FANN goes through the file directory 
 one file at at time.  It displays each file's NAMR along with
 (optionally) a one line file description.  After each file NAMR
 is displayed, FANN interacts with the operator to allow him to perform 
 certain operations on that file (purge, move to another lu, list, etc.). 
 After FANN displays the NAMR of each file, the operator may enter
 one of the following commands. 
      PU ............ Purge the file
      Cr-return ..... Skip (go on to next the file) 
      E ............  Terminate program(may be entered anytime) 
      W  ............ RU,WHZAT
      S  ............ Suspend this program
      L  ............ Run LIT with current file (LIT RPed ?)
      Strng .......   WRITE Strng on opt. directory file
      F  ............ Run FMDIB (RP'ed copy of FMGR)
      R,pname ....... Run program pname [with param's]
      *,cmd ......... Pass command 'cmnd' to RTE
      lu(-)crn(+) .. Move file to this lu, go to next file. 
      A negative lu -(2,3,10-63) of a mounted disk subchannel 
      will cause a copy of the file to be created on this lu. 
      If a file of the same name exists on the output disk, it
      will get zapped !!!!!!!!  Numeric crn and 2 byte alpha
      crn (which is not a command code, see above) is also
 Several other related programs are included.  See documentation file 
 "FANN for further details on FANN (including LOADR commands).  FANN
 requires $L5NOS (submitted concurrently) to LOAD.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:  SORTJ 
         Title...............:  SORTJ:  Multi-key interactive file sorter.
         File Names..........:  00. Rename transfer file
                             :  01. 'SORJX   Submission file
                             :  02. &SORTJ - Source FTN4 code.
                             :  03. %SORJ4 - FTN4 relocatable code. 
                             :  04. %SORJ6 - FTN77/RTE-6/VM relocatable.
                             :  05. #SORJ4 - Loader command file (%SORJ4).
                             :  06. #SORJ6 - Loader command file (%SORJ6).
                             :  07. %NAMJ  - Required subroutine relocatable. 
                             :  08. %RANDF - Required subroutine relocatable. 
                             :  09. %LIBER - Required subroutine relocatable. 
                             :  10. %IERX  - Required subroutine relocatable. 
                             :  11. &NAMJ  - Required subroutine source.
                             :  12. &RANDF - Required subroutine source.
                             :  13. &LIBER - Required subroutine source.
         Operating System....:  RTE-II, RTE-III, RTE-IVB, RTE-6/VM
         Language(s).........:  HP FTN4, ASMB 
         Keywords............:  1. SORTING
                             :  2. FILE SORTING 
                             :  3.
                             :  4.
                             :  5.
    External support req'd...:
    If Re-submission, Reason.:  Correct bug sorting direct access files;
                             :  also to include the source code file. 
 Contributor's Name..........:  George J (Jeff) Wynne 
               Company.......:  USN Ordnace Station 
               City..........:  Indian Head 
               State.........:  Maryland
               Country.......:  USA 
               Zip Code......:  20640 
               Phone Number..:  (301) 743-4892
 Program Abstract............:
    This program will sort a specified FMP file of any type 
    and create a sorted second file which is ordered, by record,
    with resoect to a specified set of 'key' fields or strings. 
    It is fairly fast compared to some other sorts. 
    Schedule the program from the operator terminal 
    The program will request that the operator specify the input file 
    NAMR, sort keys, output file NAMR, options, etc.
    It is suggested that user of SORTJ read the notes at the start of 
    the source file listing before running it.
    This is a resubmission to correct a bug that caused a truncation
    of the option-1 output file to one block when the input file
    was a direct access file.  Also, this time the source code is 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: L5NOS
    Title....................: Relocatable library for FANN, SORTJ and RPT6.
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'L5NOS  Submission file.
                             : 2. $L5NOS  Relocatable library.
                             : 3. &L5NOS  Sources for modules in $L5NOS.
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM or RTE-4B 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4, ASSEMBLY 
    Keywords.................: 1. Library 
                             : 2. 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External support req'd...:
    If re-submission, reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: George (Jeff) Wynne
               Company.......: USN Ordnance Station 
               Street........: Code 301A, bldg 759
               City..........: Indian Head
               State.........: MD.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 20640
               Phone Number..: (301) 743-4892 
 Program Abstract............:
    $L5NOS is a library containing relocatabled subroutines needed
    with submissions FANN, SORTJ and RPT6.  I think all are in the
    old relocatable format used by RTE-4B (and previous RTE's). 
    Just in case, the sources for the routines are included in the
    merged file &L5NOS.  You will have to break these out one at
    a time to assemble or compile them. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: FLECS
    Title....................: FORTRAN Language with Extended Control 
                             : Structures [Fortran pre-processor] 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'FLECS   Submission File 
                             : 02. $FLECS   FLECS source of FLECS 
                             : 03. &FLECS   FTN4  source of FLECS 
                             : 04. %FLECS   Relocatable for FLECS 
                             : 05. ^FLECS   LOADR command file for FLECS
                             : 06. $ZOPT    FLECS source of ZOPT
                             : 07. &ZOPT    FTN4  source of ZOPT
                             : 08. %ZOPT    Relocatable for ZOPT
                             : 09. ^ZOPT    LOADR command file for ZOPT 
                             : 10. &CATNM   Subroutines for FLECS 
                             : 11. %CATNM     and ZOPT:-
                             : 12. &CATSB 
                             : 13. %CATSB 
                             : 14. &CATSR 
                             : 15. %CATSR 
                             : 16. &CHTYP 
                             : 17. %CHTYP 
                             : 18. &CLOSX 
                             : 19. %CLOSX 
                             : 20. &CPYSB 
                             : 21. %CPYSB 
                             : 22. &CPYSR 
                             : 23. %CPYSR 
                             : 24. &FLTXT 
                             : 25. %FLTXT 
                             : 26. &GET 
                             : 27. %GET 
                             : 28. &GETCH 
                             : 29. %GETCH 
                             : 30. &HASH
                             : 31. %HASH
                             : 32. &NEWNO 
                             : 33. %NEWNO 
                             : 34. $OPENX 
                             : 35. &OPENX 
                             : 36. %OPENX 
                             : 37. &PUT 
                             : 38. %PUT 
                             : 39. &PUTNM 
                             : 40. %PUTNM 
                             : 41. &STREQ 
                             : 42. %STREQ 
                             : 43. &STRLT 
                             : 44. %STRLT 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB/6VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN4/ASMB
    Keywords.................: 1. Languages 
                             : 2. Pre-processors
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Graham K. Lang 
               Company.......: Laboratories RCA Ltd.
               Street........: Badenerstrasse 569 
               City..........: CH-8048 Zurich 
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Phone Number..: (41)-1-526350
 Program Abstract............:
   FLECS may be regarded as a super-set of the Fortran Language. It was 
   developed, in its original form, by Terry Beyer at the University of 
   Oregon. A translator pre-processes programs written in FLECS to
    a. an intermediate Fortran source file, in which FLECS statements 
       have been interpreted in terms of conventional Fortran statements
    b. an indented listing file, in which the structure of the program
       is immediately visible.
   The Fortran file is subsequently passed to a compiler (FTN4,4X or 7X,
   as appropriate) in the normal manner.
   1. Conventions:- 
      $ = FLECS source   files
      " = FLECS listing  files
      & = FTN4  source   files
      . = Optimized FTN4 files
      % = Relocatable    files
      ^ = LOADR command  files
   2. To get started:-
      Once loaded, simply :RU,FLECS with no arguments, in order to
      get details of command syntax printed on the screen.
      Note that FLECS returns Rev.# and error information in Globals
      in an analagous fashion to FTN4, so that it is easy to
      incorporate in a general purpose transfer file. 
   3. ZOPT
      This is an optional extra !! It takes the "&" file produced 
      by FLECS and eliminates redundant ASSIGN & GOTO statements. 
      For large files it can save a certain ammount of code but,
      far more important, it can do wonders for Base Page Link
 Additional Documentation....: Proceedings of the HP1000 IUG Conference,
                               London, April 1983, Pages 75-78. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: CARUP
    Title....................: Cartridge update and review utility
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'CARUP    Submission File
                             : 02. &CARUP    Source code
                             : 03. %CARUP    Relocatable for CARUP
                             : 04. #CARUP    LINK command file for CARUP
                             : 05. &OVRID    FTN interface to OVRD. 
                             : 06. %OVRID    Relocatable for OVRD 
                             : 07. &ANSWR    Single keystroke answer
                             : 08. %ANSWR    Relocatable for ANSWR
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB/6VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Disk
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. Directory 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Graham K. Lang 
               Company.......: Laboratories RCA Ltd.
               Street........: Badenerstrasse 569 
               City..........: CH-8048 Zurich 
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Phone Number..: (41)-1-526350
 Program Abstract............:
   CARUP plows it's way through one or more file directories, moving
 either up or down the directory, looking for user specified files. 
 Having found a given file the user may:- 
      a. List a given number of lines of the file 
      b. Purge the file 
      c. Re-name the file 
      d. Back-up the file to mag.tape or cassette 
      e. Move up or down directory to next Namr "match" 
         [ wild-card `-' characters are allowed in the file name ]
 Wherever possible, commands are issued by single key-stroke
[i.e. no cr] for speed. 
 Additional Documentation....: See documentation at head of source
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: KL 
    Title....................: Cartridge list, sorted on lu, cr or id 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'KL      Submission File 
                             : 02. &KL      Source code 
                             : 03. %KL      Relocatable for KL
                             : 04. #KL      LINK command file for KL
                             : 05. %KLSBS   KL subroutines
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB/6VM
    Language(s)..............: ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Disk
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. List
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: Graham K. Lang 
               Company.......: Laboratories RCA Ltd.
               Street........: Badenerstrasse 569 
               City..........: CH-8048 Zurich 
               Country.......: Switzerland
               Phone Number..: (41)-1-526350
 Program Abstract............:
   KL displays a list of user accessible cartridges [c.f. :CL] but, 
 additionally, allows the list to be sorted by lu, cr or id.
 Additional Documentation....: See documentation at head of source
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TK82 
    Title....................: 1982 Software Toolkit of the United
                             : Kingdom HP1000 Users Group 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'TK82    Submission File 
                             : 02. %CLX     Relocatable for CLX 
                             : 03. *CLX     LOADR command file for CLX
                             : 04. "CLX     Documentation for CLX 
                             : 05. %DLX     Relocatable for DLX 
                             : 06. *DLX     LOADR command file for DLX
                             : 07. "DLX     Documentation for DLX 
                             : 08. %LEDIT   Relocatable for LEDIT 
                             : 09. *LEDIT   LOADR command file for LEDIT
                             : 10. "LEDIT   Documentation for LEDIT 
                             : 11. %MAPIO   Relocatable for MAPIO 
                             : 12. *MAPIO   LOADR command file for MAPIO
                             : 13. "MAPIO   Documentation for MAPIO 
                             : 14. %SETIM   Relocatable for SETIM 
                             : 15. *SETIM   LOADR command file for SETIM
                             : 16. %DATES   Relocatable for DATES 
                             : 17. *DATES   LOADR command file for DATES
                             : 18. %TKLIB   Relocatable library module
                             : 19. %EXBFR   Relocatable library module
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB/6VM
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: N/A
    If Re-submission, Reason.: N/A
 Contributor's Name..........: United Kingdom HP1000 Users Group
                               c/o Mike Bennett 
               Company.......: Riva Turnkey Computers 
               Street........: 66 Chorley Street
               City..........: Bolton, Lancs. 
               Country.......: United Kingdom 
               Phone Number..: (44)-204-391423
 Program Abstract............:
   This is the Software Toolkit, supplied to members of the UK HP1000 
 Users Group in 1982. Highlights include:-
      a. A novel cartridge listing program [CLX]
      b. A powerful directory listing program, which emulates the FMGR
         DL command but does much more, besides [DLX] 
      c. A relocatable module editor, which can concatenate and/or
         extract modules from 'type 5' disc files [LEDIT] 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: TTIME
    Title....................: Display date/time on logged off terminals
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'TTIME   Submission file 
                             : 02. &TTIME   Source
    Operating System.........: RTE-6VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN77
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. TERMINAL
                             : 3. DATE
                             : 4. DISPLAY 
                             : 5. TIME
    External Support Req'd...: SESSION Subsystem
    If Re-submission, Reason.: no 
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 840 
                             : 811 Main St. 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This program will take a provided list 
   of LU No.s and scan them to see if they are logged on or off.  On
   those terminals that are logged off, it will display the current 
   date/time at the top of the screen.
 Additional Documentation....: The LU No. file is called 'LUS' and must 
   reside on a system disc.  The format is: column 1 & 2 - LU No. 
                                                   5 & up- Freehand 
   The LU No.s must be between 1 & 99 (as is the requirement for session
   terminals).  TTIME should be permenatly loaded or 'RP'ed at boot-up
   and then run from the 'WELCOM' file. 
   The program issues a 'HOME(esc H)' & 'CLEAR SCREEN(esc J)' prior to
   writing the date/time message. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: PSWD 
    Title....................: Generate and store passwords for SESSION 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'PSWD
                             : 02. &PSWD    Source
                             : 03. >SID   Support routine 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN77 & ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. SECURITY
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: SESSION Subsystem
    If Re-submission, Reason.: no 
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: Rm 840 
                             : 811 Main St. 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This program will generate a list of 
   ramdom passwords, currently 6 characters long, made up of random 
   letters between A-Z.  These passwords are then used to  replace
   the current passwords stored in the +@CCT! file.  The program is 
   set up so that only the system manager is legal to run it. 
 Additional Documentation....: See source listing.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: HEADR
    Title....................: Spooling File Owner Header 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'HEADR   Submission file 
                             : 02. &HEADR   Source
    Operating System.........: RTE-6VM
    Language(s)..............: FTN7X
    Keywords.................: 1. SPOOLING
                             : 2. FILES 
                             : 3. BATCH 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: Uses Submission #-----  'GETID'
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: 811 Main St. 
                             : Rm 840 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This program is used to print a header 
    page identifying the owner of a spooled output.  The way we have
    implemented it locally is to place the following in each users
    'HELLO' file.   :SL,6,,,6 
 Additional Documentation....: See source listing.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: GETID
    Title....................: Get Callers Session USER.GROUP Name
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'GETID   Submission file 
                             : 02. &GETID   Source
    Operating System.........: RTE-6VM
    Language(s)..............: ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. SESSION 
                             : 2. SECURITY
                             : 3. SYSTEM
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: Session Monitor Libraries
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: R. Arthur Gentry 
               Company.......: AT&T Communications
               Street........: 811 Main St. 
                             : Rm 840 
               City..........: Kansas City
               State.........: Mo.
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 64141
               Phone Number..: (816) 391-2446 
 Program Abstract............: This subroutine will return the caller's 
   User and Group names in the form of USER.GROUP.
 Additional Documentation....: See source listing.
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: VORH 
    Title....................: VORH X-Y PLOT GENERATOR FOR HP2648 or HP9872 
    File Names...............:  0.  Rename transfer file
                             :  1.  'VORH   Submission file 
                             :  2.  &VORH   Source for VORH main segment
                             :  3.  &VORH1  Source for VORH seg#1 
                             :  4.  &VORH2                     #2 
                             :  5.  &VORH3                     #3 
                             :  6.  &VORH4                     #4 
                             :  7.  &EXIT   Subroutine for program branching
                             :  8.  &RERR   FMP file error reporting & recov
                             :  9.  &DLTBL  device link table for 9872 & 2648 
                             : 10.  *VORH   transfer file to load VORH
                             : 11.  *CVORH  transfer file to compile VORH 
                             : 12.  *LVORH  transfer file to spool list VORH
                             : 13.  *SVORH  SAVER commands to save VORH 
                             : 14.  ^VORH   LOADR command file to load VORH 
                             : 15.  %VORH   relocatable 
                             : 16.  %VORH1  relocatable 
                             : 17.  %VORH2  relocatable 
                             : 18.  %VORH3  relocatable 
                             : 19.  %VORH4  relocatable 
                             : 20.  %EXIT   relocatable 
                             : 21.  %RERR   relocatable 
                             : 22.  %DLTBL  relocatable 
                             : 23.  %GPS    GRAPHICS/1000 library 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Generator 
                             : 3. Plotting
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: GRAPHICS/1000 - HP92840
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Jim Cramer 
               Company.......: Institute of Hydraulic Research
               Street........: University of Iowa 
               City..........: Iowa City
               State.........: Iowa 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 52242
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
    DISPLAY DEVICE TO THE PLOTTER (without re-entering any other parameters). 
    HP-IB 2631G.
     --plots can be either Rectilinear, Semi-Log, or Log-Log
     --plots on  9872 can have paper oriented "horizontally" or "vertically"
     --user-specified x & y-axis lengths
     --user-specified origin location (allows for more than 1 plot per
         piece of paper or screen). 
     --Semi-Log plots can have either the X or the Y axis as the log axis 
     --optional grid on rectilinear or log axis 
     --user-specified #of decimal places for linear x & y-axis scales 
     --user-specified #of major & minor tics on each linear axis
     --axis labeling
     --user-specified legends 
     --Data can be input from either 2648A minicassette or HP-1000 disc file
     --ability to skip any #of lines in input file before reading in data 
     --data points connected by one of 7 possible line styles 
     --data plotted as discrete points with 15 possible symbol types and
        variable symbol size
     --user-specified pen# for each curve (on 9872) 
     --input data can be in any INTEGER or REAL format and multiple columns.
         Columns must be separated by at least one space.  Any columns can be 
         designated for X & Y coordinates.
     --addition of separate constant to x & y-coordinate of each data point 
        for axis-shifting 
     --allows operator break while plotting 
     --detection of data points which will go outside of specified axis 
         scaling limits before beginning the plotting - this warns the user 
         to try different scaling parameters before wasting time on a graph 
         which would outherwise be undesirable. 
     --optional interpolation of "out-of-bounds" curves to axis limits
         (see &VORH source for explanation of this feature).
INSTALLATION:  --put all files from this contribution on the SAME disc LU 
               --EDIT DIMENSION statement for EMA array DATA in source files
                   to size array appropriately for the max number of points 
                   that you wish to plot & the largest memory partition in
                   your system  (hint:  2000 points needs 34 pages) 
               --your MAX PROGRAM SIZE, determined  by system generation, 
                   must be at least 28 PAGES
               --EDIT &DLTBL so that device ID specifications in it match 
                   the devices in your system (see GRAPHICS/1000 manual). 
                   If you have both 2648 & 9872 devices, you do not need
                   to do this step, use supplied &DLTBL.  If you do not have
                   one of these types 
                   of devices, removing the reference to it from &DLTBL & 
                   recompiling will decrease your program/max partition size. 
               --IF you changed &DLTBL, change &VORH ID assignment constants
                   to match.
               --EDIT &VORH so that the graphics LU assignments match 
                   those in your system.
               --type  ==>  :TR,*VORH::LU   and then follow directions given
                            (:TR,*VORH::LU,LU,0,0,C,S  to compile modules,
                                                        save relocatables,
                                                        and temporary load) 
 Additional Documentation....: Source code &VORH
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKETCH 
    Title....................: Super Graphics Demonstration Program 
    File Names...............: 00.  Rename transfer file
                             : 01. 'SKTCH 
                             : 02. &LSUBS 
                             : 03. &MSUBS 
                             : 04. &NSUBS 
                             : 05. %MAIN
                             : 06. &MAIN
                             : 07. %LSUBS 
                             : 08. %MSUBS 
                             : 09. %OSUBS 
                             : 10. %NSUBS 
                             : 11. %PSUBS 
                             : 12. &SKPLO 
                             : 13. &PSEG1 
                             : 14. &SPSUB 
                             : 15. %SKPLO 
                             : 16. %PSEG1 
                             : 17. %SPSUB 
                             : 18. #SKPT6 
                             : 19. %QSUBS 
                             : 20. &TSUBS 
                             : 21. %TSUBS 
                             : 22. %JSEGF 
                             : 23. %RSUBS 
                             : 24. &OSUBS 
                             : 25. &QSUBS 
                             : 26. #SKPTA 
                             : 27. &DSUBS 
                             : 28. #SKET6 
                             : 29. %D_ATT 
                             : 30. &PSEG2 
                             : 31. %PSEG2 
                             : 32. $DSUBS 
                             : 33. %JSEG9 
                             : 34. %JSEGA 
                             : 35. %JSEGD 
                             : 36. %JSEG6 
                             : 37. %JSEGB 
                             : 38. %JSEG1 
                             : 39. &JSEG7 
                             : 40. %JSEG7 
                             : 41. &JSEG6 
                             : 42. &JSEG1 
                             : 43. %JSEG8 
                             : 44. &JSEG4 
                             : 45. &JSEG5 
                             : 46. &JSEGE 
                             : 47. &JSEGG 
                             : 48. &JSEG2 
                             : 49. &JSEG3 
                             : 50. %JSEG2 
                             : 51. %JSEG3 
                             : 52. %JSEG4 
                             : 53. %JSEG5 
                             : 54. %JSEGE 
                             : 55. %JSEGG 
                             : 56. &JSEG9 
                             : 57. &JSEGA 
                             : 58. &JSEGB 
                             : 59. &JSEGF 
                             : 60. &JSEG8 
                             : 61. &JSEGD 
                             : 62. PORTST 
                             : 63. &RSUBS 
                             : 64. %USUBS 
                             : 65. &USUBS 
                             : 66. &D_ATT 
                             : 67. &JSEGH 
                             : 68. %JSEGH 
                             : 69. &ISEG0 
                             : 70. %ISEG0 
                             : 71. &JSEGC 
                             : 72. %JSEGC 
                             : 73. %ZAPF
                             : 74. #SKETA 
                             : 75. &SSUBS 
                             : 76. $SSUBS 
                             : 77. SKWSPS 
                             : 78. SKDEVS 
                             : 79. .FIG01 
                             : 80. .TERM
                             : 81. .DISC
                             : 82. HPLOGO 
                             : 83. .HSBRD 
                             : 84. .DGTZR 
                             : 85. [DATA8 
                             : 86. ]TYPES 
                             : 87. ]FIELD 
                             : 88. ]MACRO 
                             : 89. ]LINE
                             : 90. ]ARC 
                             : 91. ]ROOT
                             : 92. ]TEXT
                             : 93. ]POLY
                             : 94. ]NODE
                             : 95. [DATAB 
                             : 96. [DTYPE 
                             : 97. [GRID
                             : 98. [SCREE 
                             : 99. [ECHO
    Operating System.........: RTE-VI 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: GRAPHICS/1000II
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden and Zenia Latoff 
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Street........: Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is an update of the SKETCH package that was distributed in the 2340 
 CSL/1000 release.  This revision contains routines that will enable the
 conversion of most BRUNO files (figures and slides) to the SKETCH format.
 Additional Documentation....:
 Read file README for details.
 NOTE:  This contribution is continued on the next contribution in this 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SKTCH1 
    Title....................: Super Graphics Demonstration Program 
    File Names...............: 00.  Rename transfer file
                             : 01. 'SKTH1 
                             : 02. ]ECHO
                             : 03. [DRWG
                             : 04. [FLAGS 
                             : 05. [DATA6 
                             : 06. [SEGMT 
                             : 07. ]DATA
                             : 08. [ATTR
                             : 09. [UNITS 
                             : 10. [BUFFR 
                             : 11. [DATA7 
                             : 12. [MENU
                             : 13. ]FUNC
                             : 14. [AGP 
                             : 15. [WSDAT 
                             : 16. 'MANUL 
                             : 17. #BFTSK 
                             : 18. %BFTSK 
                             : 19. &BFTSK 
                             : 20. #BSTSK 
                             : 21. %BSTSK 
                             : 22. &BSTSK 
                             : 23. README 
                             : 24. $LMOUS 
                             : 25. $BMOUS 
                             : 26. $PMOUS 
                             : 27. $VMOUS 
                             : 28. $DIDDM 
    Operating System.........: RTE-VI 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X
    Keywords.................: 1. Graphics
                             : 2. Utilities 
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: GRAPHICS/1000II
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Phil Walden and Zenia Latoff 
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Street........: Wolfe Road 
               City..........: Cupertino
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 This is part 2 of the SKETCH package that is described in the previous 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: SWTOOL 
    Title....................: Software Tools 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'SWTOL 
                             : 02. CD1K.F 
                             : 03. CD2K.F 
                             : 04. CD3K.F 
                             : 05. CD4K.F 
                             : 06. CD5K.F 
                             : 07. CD6K.F 
                             : 08. CD7K.F 
                             : 09. CD8K.F 
                             : 10. CD9K.F 
                             : 11. AR.F 
                             : 12. LIB.F
                             : 13. HATC.F 
                             : 14. DEVI.F 
                             : 15. RAT.F
                             : 16. SH.F 
                             : 17. LIB.R
                             : 18. INTONS 
                             : 19. PDS. 
                             : 20. PROG.
                             : 21. AR.
                             : 22. INCL.
                             : 23. SH.
                             : 24. RAT. 
                             : 25. COM. 
                             : 26. F1 
                             : 27. F2 
                             : 28. F3 
                             : 29. F4 
                             : 30. F5 
                             : 31. F6 
                             : 32. F7 
                             : 33. F8 
                             : 34. F9 
                             : 35. F10
                             : 36. F11
                             : 37. F12
                             : 38. F13
                             : 39. F14
                             : 40. F15
                             : 41. F16
                             : 42. F13A 
                             : 43. AR.L 
                             : 44. SW.CAT 
                             : 45. UTIL.
                             : 46. CRT.L
                             : 47. DATE.L 
                             : 48. DEVI.L 
                             : 49. ECHO.L 
                             : 50. FORM.L 
                             : 51. HATC.L 
                             : 52. RAT.L
                             : 53. SH.L 
                             : 54. README 
                             : 55. *START 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB, RTE-6VM 
    Language(s)..............: FTN4, RATFOR, ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. Tools 
                             : 3. System
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Larry Dwyer (HP) 
                             : Steve Bearman (Scripps)
                             : Bob Desinger (HP)
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 For documentation, read files titled README and *START 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: RATFOR 
    Title....................: Ratfor FORTRAN preprocessor
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'RATFR 
                             : 02. "RATFR 
                             : 03. *RATFR 
                             : 04. #RATFR 
                             : 05. !RATFR 
                             : 06. RAT
                             : 07. FTN
                             : 08. RATFOR 
                             : 09. LOD
                             : 10. &RATFR 
                             : 11. &INITL 
                             : 12. &COMND 
                             : 13. &T0DCB 
                             : 14. &BIT 
                             : 15. &PARSE 
                             : 16. &EXIT
                             : 17. &UTLIB 
                             : 18. "JCLIB 
                             : 19. *JCLIB 
                             : 20. #JCLIB 
                             : 21. JCDEF
                             : 22. DIGIT
                             : 23. GETCM
                             : 24. PUTCM
                             : 25. GETF 
                             : 26. LST
                             : 27. &MOVE
                             : 28. &ICONV 
                             : 29. &DATIM 
                             : 30. &PROGN 
                             : 31. #LIS 
                             : 32. !LIS 
                             : 33. *VIRGN 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4, RATFOR, ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Utilities 
                             : 2. Tools 
                             : 3. System
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
    External Support Req'd...: None 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: Unknown
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
 RATFOR preprocessor for FORTRAN that will load and work on RTE-IVB 
 and can be a part of the Software Tools that have been included in 
 this release of the CSL. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MUX
    Title....................: Various Mux Hack Drivers 
    File Names...............: 0. Rename transfer file
                             : 1. 'MUX   Submission file
                             : 2. &DDA05 Source 
                             : 3. &DVM05 Source 
                             : 4. %DDA05 DVR05 device driver emululator 
                             : 5. %DDP05 Device driver for HP 7221 plotter
                             : 6. %DDV00 Dumb teletype device driver
                             : 7. %DVM05 Two-page MUX w/CTUs kludge driver
                             : 8. ?DVM05 Genning DVM05 info 
    Operating System.........: RTE-6/VM, IVB
    Language(s)..............: Not applicable 
    Keywords.................: 1. Driver
                             : 2. Mux 
    External Support Req'd...: none 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: (See below)
               Company.......: Hewlett-Packard
                             : Roseville Networks Division
               Street........: 8000 Foothills Blvd. 
               City..........: Roseville
               State.........: California 
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 95678
               Phone Number..: (916) 786-8000 
 Program Abstract............: These are a few mux drivers that may come in 
 handy, particularly DVM05.  Greg Dolkas made the first cut on DVM05 from the 
 original DVM00 mux driver; Bill Hassel of HP Neely Santa Clara is maintaining
 the current version.  Enjoy your drivers!
 Additional Documentation....: DVM05 is a mux driver similar to DVM00 (the
 real thing) except that it supports CTUs on your 264x terminals and even fits
 in a two-page driver partition.  You may not gen in any device drivers (like 
 DDV12) if you use DVM05 as your mux driver since DVM05 won't use the device
 drivers; RTxGN will throw them into the op system area instead of the driver 
 partitions, never to be used, and your OS will grow needlessly.  You can hang
 8 EQTs off DVM05 (just like the normal mux) and you'll still need %PVM00, the
 mux predriver supplied by HP.  The help file ?DVM05 tells how to generate
 it into your system and initialize DVM05 terminals in the WELCOM file. 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:XC
    Title....................:Efficient lu/disc to lu/disc file copy
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'XC     Submission file
                             : 02. &XC     Source code
                             : 03. %XC     Relocatable for XC 
                             : 04. ^XC     LOADR command file for XC
                             : 05. $LIBHS  Support library for XC 
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Language(s).............:FTN4X & ASMB
     Keywords................: 1. Archive 
                               2. Copy
                               3. FMP backups 
                               4. Utility 
     External Support Req'd..:None
     If Re-submission, Reason:Major upgrades - optional vull verify on all
                                               mag tape transfers 
                                             - optional automatic file purge
                                               after copy 
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
 XC is a general purpose, HIGHLY EFFICIENT and FAST file copy program,
 particularly when copying disc-to-disc.  Allows extensive use of 
 selective namr's when specifying files to be copied. Large full-track
 buffers are used in all disc copying operations for high speed. When 
 copying from disc to tape, a 'labelled' tape may be written so that
 all files are self-identifying.  Details of the operations of XC are 
 given in file &XC. 
 Run string is similar to FMGR 'ST' command:
       where <sourcenamr> may be selective namr ala ':DL' in which case 
       <dest namr> may specify only dest cartref and (optionally) security
             code in format ':<seccode>:<cartref>'
       with optional parameters:
             A=<sourcenamr> is file with list of sourcenamrs
             N=no abort on errors 
             P=purge after copy(disc-to-disc,disc-to-lu)
             V=verify after copy(disc-to-lu,lu-to-lu) 
             S=sort file-copying order by file name 
 :RU,XC,&CFILE::54,:RT:59    to copy file w/o name change 
 :RU,XC,&CFILE::54,XYZ:RT:59 to copy file w/name change 
 :RU,XC,&C----::54,:RT:59    to copy files w/seccode change 
 :RU,XC:P,&C----::54,:RT:59  same except purge after copy 
 :RU,XC:V,8,9,10             to copy/verify 10 files from lu8 to lu9
 :RU,XC:V,8,9,-2             to copy/verify lu8 to lu9 until double EOF 
 :RU,XC,8,0,-2               to postion lu8 just beyond double EOF
 :RU,XC,8,0,23               to move lu8 forward 23 files 
 :RU,XC:V,8,9,-2             to copy/verify lu8 to lu9 until double EOF 
 :RU,XC:VP,&C----::54,8      to copy(to lu8),verify,purge files 
 :RU,XC:VP,&C----::54,8:L    same except tape is 'labelled' 
 :RU,XC:A,&NAMES::60,::54    file &NAMES::60 contains list of files 
 Additional Documentation....:&XC 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........:FIND
    Title....................:Find ASCII string on disc 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'FIND   Submission file
                             : 02. &FIND   Source code
                             : 03. %FIND   Relocatable for FIND 
                             : 04. ^FIND   LOADR command file for FIND
     Operating System........:RTE-IV/IVB/6VM
     Keywords................: 1. Disc
                             : 2. Utility 
     External Support Req'd..:'Haystack' library $LIBHS 
                              (see contribution XC on this tape)
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........:Alan R. Whitney 
               Company.......:MIT Haystack Observatory
               Street........:Off Rt. 40
               Zip Code......:01886 
               Phone Number..:(617) 692-4764
 Program Abstract............:
   Given a specified ASCII string and a range of tracks to be searched, 
 FIND will return the track, sector, word# of all occurrences of the
 specified string.  Case folding may be optionally specified. 
 Occurrences of the ASCII string which cross track boundaries are also
 properly identified. 
   FIND is very useful in finding 'lost' ASCII source code or data files, 
 or for tracking down, for example, all calls to a particular subroutine
 in a large set of source files.  Also useful in crises such as salvaging 
 data on a disc with a damaged FMP directory. 
 Additional Documentation....:&FIND 
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: LINK4
    Title....................: Linker for RTE-IVB 
    File Names...............: 00. Rename transfer file 
                             : 01. 'LINK4  Submission file
                             : 02. &LINK4  Source file
                             : 03. %LINK4  Relocatable file 
                             : 04. #LINK4  LOADR command file 
                             : 05. "LINK4  Documentation file 
                             : 06. &LNK4X  Source file
                             : 07. %LNK4X  Relocatable file 
                             : 08. #LNK4X  LOADR command file 
                             : 09. "LNK4X  Documentation file 
                             : 10. &LINKA  Source file
                             : 11. $LINKA  Relocatable file (library) 
     Operating System........: RTE-IVB
     Language(s).............: FTN4X
     Keywords................: 1. Loader
                             : 2. System
                             : 3. 
                             : 4. 
                             : 5. 
     External Support Req'd..:
     If Re-submission, Reason:
 Contributor's Name..........: Bill Hassell 
               Company.......: Hewlett Packard
               Zip Code......:
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:
   For the RTE-IVB users, here is the LINKer for IVB.  Read the two 
 documentation files before starting and remember, you can't link a 
 segmented program. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: BKILL
    Title....................: Kill trailing blanks, de-extend files
    File Names...............: 00. RenameFile 
                             : 01. 'BKILL Submission File 
                             : 02. &BKILL Source File 
                             : 03. %BKILL relocatable 
                             : 04. @BKILL LOADR command file
                             : 05. ?BKILL LOADR answer file 
                             : 06. %MSLIB Misc. Subr. Library 
                             : 07. "BKHLP File to merge into "HELP
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Extents 
                             : 2. Files 
    External Support Req'd...: %MSLIB - Miscellaneous subroutines library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: M. T. Slevinski
               Company.......: Western Geophysical Co.
               Street........: P. O. Box 2469 
               City..........: Houston
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77252
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:  4 June, 1984
 BKILL is a program that is intended to remove trailing remove blanks from
 source files and restore them at their smallest size on the disc.  One could 
 course do this as you are doing the final edits on the file, but most people 
 don't.  It is of course necessary to pack the disc from time to time as
 you run BKILL, especially if you are processing many files.  This pro- 
 gram was not intended to handle more than one file at a time, however
 it would not be difficult to modify it to do such.  One of the other 
 advantages of BKILL, is it will also remove extents from the file. 
 BKILL was intended only to handle source files, documentation files, 
 and etc, however it will also allow most any type of file to be
 input.  This eases handeling an entire disc directory at one time. 
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MSAVR
    Title....................: Save disc WRITT format with verify 
    File Names...............: 00. RenameFile 
                             : 01. 'MSAVR Submission File 
                             : 02. &MSAVR Source File 
                             : 03. %MSAVR relocatable 
                             : 04. @MSAVR LOADR command file
                             : 05. ?MSAVR LOADR answer file 
                             : 06. %MSLIB Misc. Subr. Library 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Archive 
                             : 2. Disc
                             : 3. FMP Backups 
                             : 4. Magnetic tape 
                             : 5. Save/Restore
    External Support Req'd...: %MSLIB - Miscellaneous subroutines library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: M. T. Slevinski
               Company.......: Western Geophysical Co.
               Street........: P. O. Box 2469 
               City..........: Houston
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77252
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:  4 June, 1984
 MSAVR is a program that is intended to save disc to tape in the same 
 format as WRITT, with the option to verify.  It runs much the same as
 WRITT, and will restore with the standard READT program.  The nice 
 things are, you have the source, it verifies, and will conserve tape, as 
 only the tracks with data on them are saved.  It would behoove the user
 to clear extents, and pack the disc to be saved, prior to running MSAVR
 to get the optimum utilitisation from this program.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: DUMP8
    Title....................: Save files same as FMGR DU (with verify) 
    File Names...............: 00. RenameFile 
                             : 01. 'DUMP8 Submission File 
                             : 02. &DUMP8 Source File 
                             : 03. %DUMP8 relocatable 
                             : 04. @DUMP8 LOADR command file
                             : 05. ?DUMP8 LOADR answer file 
                             : 06. %MSLIB Misc. Subr. Library 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Archive 
                             : 2. Files 
                             : 3. FMP Backups 
                             : 4. Magnetic tape 
                             : 5. Save/Restore
    External Support Req'd...: %MSLIB - Miscellaneous subroutines library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: M. T. Slevinski
               Company.......: Western Geophysical Co.
               Street........: P. O. Box 2469 
               City..........: Houston
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77252
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:  5 June, 1984
 DUMP8 is a program that is intended to put files on mag tape in the
 same format as a FMGR 'DU' command, except that it verifies.  The
 program is useful for moving files from one computer system type 
 to another, when no link exists between them.  At least you can
 still move ASCII files, with some assurance that at that point in
 the procedure you have a good media.  Also useful for creating a more
 or less universal archive tape.
 Additional Documentation....:
     H P 1 0 0 0   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U S E R S   G R O U P
         C O N T R I B U T E D   S O F T W A R E   L I B R A R Y
                            C S L / 1 0 0 0 
                        PROGRAM SUBMISSION FORM 
 Contribution Name...........: MEMTS
    Title....................: 2 partition memory diagnostics 
    File Names...............: 00. RenameFile 
                             : 01. 'MEMTS Submission File 
                             : 02. &MEMTS Source File 
                             : 03. %MEMTS Relocatable 
                             : 04. &ALTPA Source file 
                             : 05. %ALTPA Relocatable 
                             : 06. &ALTPT Source file 
                             : 07. %ALTPT Relocatable 
                             : 08. @MEMTS LOADR command file
                             : 09. ?MEMTS LOADR answer file 
                             : 10. %MSLIB Misc. Subr. Library 
    Operating System.........: RTE-IVB
    Language(s)..............: FTN4X,ASMB 
    Keywords.................: 1. Diagnostic
                             : 2. Memory
                             : 3. Utility 
                             : 4. Verify
    External Support Req'd...: %MSLIB - Miscellaneous subroutines library 
    If Re-submission, Reason.:
 Contributor's Name..........: M. T. Slevinski
               Company.......: Western Geophysical Co.
               Street........: P. O. Box 2469 
               City..........: Houston
               State.........: Texas
               Country.......: USA
               Zip Code......: 77252
               Phone Number..:
 Program Abstract............:  5 June, 1984
 MEMTS with ALTPA are a set of programs to test partition memory area under 
 the RTE operating system.  They are intended as a quick check to find/ver- 
 ify problems with memory.  The programs are small, but efficient and cause 
 much of the work to be done by RTE.  They will test all partitions defined 
 in the system, from 2 through 28 pages.  They will report on large (mother)
 partitions, but not test them. 
 ALTPT is another small program to test the lower area of a 28 page part- 
 ition, the area where the program normally resides.  It is not intended
 that any of these programs take the place of supported diagnostics,
 just some tests that the system manager has some control over. 
 Additional Documentation....: